My Master Is a God

Chapter 1764 Suspected news about Wangzi

The fat man also kindly reminded him that after all, the talents around Yang Yiyun, Sister Mei, and Little Phoenix were all demonic. It was common for strong men to capture demonic cultivators on Sanxian Island. There were many human cultivators here.

There are also people who capture demonic beasts and use them to make elixirs, etc. It is very dangerous for those who are not masters of demon cultivators on Sanxian Island.

"Thank you~" Yang Yiyun knew that the fat man meant well and thanked him.

"It should, it should." The fat man was very humble at this moment and answered quickly with a smile.

The group of people continued to move forward...

About ten minutes later, Yang Yiyun suddenly heard a few comments at a monster shop, which attracted his attention.

I only heard someone say: "Have you heard that Master Jiu Feng caught a dog as a mount, and it turned out that the dog took advantage of Master Jiu Feng's unpreparedness and stole the elixir of Master Jiu Feng. Unexpectedly, it evolved. , grew a pair of wings and broke through the Demon Trap Locks to escape..."

Yang Yiyun is very sensitive to the word dog, because it was because he saved Wang Zai that his fate changed and he embarked on the path of cultivation.

Wangzai was the dog that Zhao Nan had raised since childhood. However, when Zhao Nan and the others came to the world of cultivation, Zhao Nan and Wangzai got separated in order to protect the owner. Yang Yiyun mobilized many people to look for him, but there was no news.

But both he and Zhao Nan believed that because Wangzai was still alive, he was somewhere in the world of cultivation. When he left, he promised Zhao Nan that he would bring Wangzai back...

That's why when he heard someone talking about dogs, he couldn't help but stop in front of a shop.

Keep your ears open and keep listening...

When he heard the name Jiufeng Zhenren, Yang Yiyun thought of a person he had killed back then. It had been so long that it was a little blurry. Anyway, he was the Holy Son of a certain holy place in the world of cultivation. When he was killed, he said that his The master is the real person of Jiufeng on Sanxian Island.

When he heard Master Jiu Feng's name and dog, he stopped involuntarily.

At this time, I heard another person say: "Speaking of which, that dog is really amazing. It's so courageous. It dared to steal the elixir of Master Jiu Feng, and it also evolved to escape from Master Jiu Feng. It's really true." sharp."

"I heard that the dog was brought from the world of cultivation to the master by his disciples. It is a very spiritual dog. Unfortunately, it is also a dog that Master Jiu Feng did not raise well. He always wants to run away..."

"I bet you don't know the inside story. I heard that Master Jiu Feng's dog has the blood of some mythical beast. Master Jiu Feng has been raising it for a long time to draw blood to make elixirs. Think about a dog whose blood has been taken to make elixirs for a long time. Can you raise me to a mature age? Can you not run away if you have the chance?"

"Shh... keep your voice down, we can't offend Master Jiu Feng..."

"I'm just talking among brothers, what are you afraid of...?"

"Stop talking about this, I just want to know if the dog was caught by Jiufeng Zhenren?"

"I heard that the dog escaped directly. Deep in the Supreme Mountain. Where is the Supreme Mountain? It is a place for strong men to practice, and it is also the dojo of Supreme Heavenly Evil. If the dog escaped deep into the Supreme Mountain, Maybe you can survive, but it depends on luck."

"How do you say this?"

"Don't forget, there are strong men from the Sanxian side deep in the Supreme Mountain. They will not allow anyone to disturb the dojo of the Supreme Heavenly Evil. The Supreme Mountain has gathered almost all the strong men from the Sanxian Island. As long as the spirit dog goes If you go to the depths of the Supreme Mountain, you may be able to escape the disaster. Master Jiu Feng does not dare to mess around in the Supreme Mountain."

"That's not certain. All the spiritual monsters on Sanxian Island are gunmen. I hope that dog can escape..."

When he heard this, Yang Yiyun's heart jumped inexplicably, and he said to the fat man leading the way: "Speed ​​up to the Supreme Mountain."

The fat man didn't know why, but he also heard the talk about this shop. He didn't ask any more questions and just led the way. Seeing Yang Yiyun's expression, the fat man was very knowledgeable.

Xiao Fenghuang, Sister Mei and others also felt Yang Yiyun's emotional changes.

Regarding Wang Zai's affairs, Diao'er was the most concerned and knew the most. She squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and squeaked. Apparently Diao'er also heard what those people were talking about.

There was some anxiety in the cry.

Starting from the earth, Diao'er, Wangzai and Hou Doudou are the Iron Triangle. They spent a lot of happy time together at Cloud Gate on Earth. Now after hearing the conversation of these people, Diao'er also became anxious. , or in other words, most of them have identified that the dog raised by Master Jiufeng is Wangzai.

If it is true, then in the hearts of Yang Yiyun and Diaoer, Wangzai is so pitiful. He was kept in captivity for a long time to draw blood and make elixirs. This... makes them difficult to accept.

Both Yang Yiyun and Diao'er hoped that the spiritual dog with a tragic fate among these people was not Wangzai, because Yang Yiyun and Diao'er could imagine how miserable it was, and perhaps it would be even worse in reality.

On the other hand, Yang Yiyun hopes that the spiritual dog these people call is Wangzai. In that case, they will find their former partner.

If this is really the case, Master Jiu Feng should die.

Yang Yiyun and Diao'er became the number one blacklisted enemy after they came to Sanxian Island.

But everything is still unknown now, so I need to go to Zhizun Mountain to check. Anyway, I have to go to Zhizun Mountain, so I am on my way.

The original mood of taking a leisurely walk around Sanxian City was gone.

At this time, Yang Yiyun just wanted to go to Zhizun Mountain quickly to see if the spiritual dog was Wangzai?

However, from the mouths of these people, their descriptions are very similar to Wangzai. Wangzai has Fengyun essence and blood donated by Fengyun Divine Dog in Changbai Mountain on Earth. In addition, Yang Yiyun gave Wangzai the water of life. There are many elixirs, natural materials and treasures, Wangzi grows wings and can fly, he is full of spirituality, etc. These characteristics are consistent with the description.

So Yang Yiyun began to feel a little anxious. Listening to those people's stories, the Jiufeng real person was still chasing Wangzai, and there were many powerful people from Sanxian Island deep in the Supreme Mountain.

Although the spirit dog escaped the control of Jiufeng Zhenren, after climbing the Supreme Mountain, the situation was also unpredictable.

This is the reason why Yang Yiyun is anxious.

Hearing Diao'er's cry, Yang Yiyun was relieved that Diao'er had not forgotten Wang Zai, and just like what he thought, he quickly went to Zhizun Mountain to see if it was Wang Zai that those people were talking about.

"Don't worry, Diao'er. No matter what, let's go and have a look. If it's Wangzai, I will seek justice for Wangzai even if I am the enemy of the entire Sanxian Island."

The words he said were so murderous that the fat man who was leading the way shrank his neck.

Behind him, Tianhu, Miss Mei and Phoenix all felt the murderous aura emanating from Yang Yiyun's body.

Sister Mei couldn't help but ask: "Don't worry Yunzi, maybe it's not Wangzai... Let's go and take a look first. We have to go to the Supreme Mountain anyway."

"Well, let's speed it up."

Yang Yiyun's emotions affected everyone. Under the leadership of Fatty, they finally arrived at the foot of the Supreme Mountain twenty minutes later.

Looking up, I saw a huge mountain rising into the sky.

At this time, the fat man said: "My fellow Taoists, my mission has been completed, but before I leave, I would like to remind you that the Supreme Mountain is the holy mountain in the minds of the entire Sanxian Island. There are one hundred and eight small peaks, seventy-two medium peaks, and thirty-six large peaks. There are groups of casual cultivators on the mountain, and there are also clouds of masters.

Everyone behind the mountain must be careful not to offend the strong ones in the mountain. The Sanxian who can live in the Supreme Mountain must have at least level 4 cultivation. The sixth-level strongmen above the eighth floor of the entire Sanxian Island all cultivate in the Supreme Mountain. , in short, the loose immortals who can live in the Supreme Mountain are all kinds of strong people...

There is also the depth of the Supreme Mountain, which is the highest point. You must not go there. It is rumored to be the dojo of the Supreme Heavenly Evil. It is guarded by the ancient formation and the thunder of the nine heavens. Masters from all generations of Sanxian Island will go there. However, no one has been able to enter the Supreme Dojo so far, and instead, nine out of ten people died inside.

Don't fly in the Supreme Mountain. There are thunders ten feet above, which is very dangerous. Even the loose immortals at the sixth level will be killed by the thunder. Moreover, the loose immortals who practice in the large, medium and small peaks of the Supreme Mountain all have weird tempers and are not good. Stay tuned, be careful in everything, see you later. "

The fat man got a jar of Yang Yiyun's Monkey Wine, which was regarded as fulfilling his responsibility. His last warning was serious and not joking at all.

"That's it, thank you very much." After Yang Yiyun thanked the fat man, he said to Sister Mei and others: "Let's go mountain climbing."

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