My Master Is a God

Chapter 1777 Forty-four under two palms

Wan Taiji, who was also shocked in the field, narrowed his eyes at this time and stared at these mythical beasts with fiery eyes. In fact, in his perception, these mythical beasts were not considered adults, or it was still very early for their bloodline to completely return to their ancestors. Look. They seem to be powerful, but in fact their strength should be average.

At this time, he was ready to take action quickly, otherwise the roaring sound would have spread out, and the sixth-level old ghosts who were higher than him in the thirty-six peaks would definitely come after they found out that it was a divine beast.

Then the soup won't be there for him.

Thinking of this, Wan Taiji's whole body suddenly became full of energy, he let out a low roar, stamped his feet and shot up to the sky. At this moment, his first target was placed on the little Phoenix.

He was thinking that he must capture a divine beast first before the masters from the thirty-six peaks came, otherwise he would not be able to drink the soup. Wan Taiji knew clearly that he, a sixth-level loose immortal, was a master in the eyes of these fifth-level loose immortals. But placed among the thirty-six major peaks, it is nothing at all.

There are scattered immortals in the middle and late stages of the sixth revolution, and there are three great ancestors who are all at the peak of the sixth revolution of Dzogchen.

There is so much commotion here now, Wan Taiji believes that it will definitely alert the most senior immortals to come.

So it is absolutely right to take the lead at this time.

As for the other fifth-level Sanxian immortals who want to compete with him, they are still far away.

It would be the best if all these machine-headed beasts and birds could be subdued.

This is how greed comes to people’s minds.

Wan Taiji stared at the little Phoenix, still thinking about the golden dragon, the nine-tailed fox, and Diaoer.

Of course, he also knew that it was unrealistic to capture all these mythical beasts. Now that he had set his sights on the little phoenix, pressing down on the little phoenix was also a great opportunity.

In Wan Taiji's eyes, the best ones are the Golden Dragon and the Little Phoenix, and among the two, he thinks the Little Phoenix is ​​weaker and can be won quickly.

As for the golden dragon, it feels more difficult to deal with than the little phoenix.

In fact?

If Wan Taiji knew that Little Phoenix's purple phoenix flame could burn a sixth-level master, maybe he wouldn't have set his first target on Little Phoenix.

In an instant, Wan Taiji flew up, his hands glowing with light. His seemingly dry hands turned red at this moment, and an obscure note came out of his mouth, like some ancient curse...

A pair of old eyes also turned dark green, and in a flash, the hand that was already high in the sky, more than 20 meters away from the little Phoenix, roared and grabbed the little Phoenix with both hands.

With the combined force of the two giant hands, the sky-covering heat became a hundred meters huge, and they attacked the little Phoenix with their left and right forces, seemingly trying to catch the little Phoenix in his magically blessed hands.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun was the first to take action, surrounding him with thirty or forty loose immortals, who were still immersed in the transformations of Sister Mei, Little Phoenix and Sky Fox. At this time, Yang Yiyun was operating the Vajra Supreme, feeling the power of the law, Guide towards a pair of huge palms.

The old man said that he should let him integrate the power of law into the magical power of the Twelve Supremes to fight. Although he had never tried it before, Yang Yiyun knew that it was not difficult.

If he can integrate the power of law into Dao swordsmanship, he can integrate it into the supreme supernatural power.

Everything in the world can be summed up in one sentence: "Everything will return to its origin."

So he thinks it's not difficult.

With the old man's soul power lent to him, it wouldn't be too difficult even if he went to the scene to understand and apply it.

The power of law is a kind of force of heaven and earth, which needs to be felt and guided by the soul. The true essence and supreme magical power are ready-made.

In this case, Yang Yiyun faced more than thirty loose immortals, and after activating his soul, he immediately felt an innumerable power that was unknown, invisible and intangible, but it was real in the world around him.

At this time Yang Yiyun smiled.

The next moment he opened his mouth and said: "Vajra Supreme~"

After activating the true energy in his body, the thousand-meter-tall Dharma Appearance body stood in the middle of heaven and earth. His hands emitted bright golden light and patted down thirty or forty immortals as if they were covering the sky and the sun.

When the huge palms fell down, there were sounds of storms, strong winds, and rolling clouds and thunder.

Even at this moment, space is distorting...

When Yang's pair of huge palms flashed down, the forest below was roaring~

"Click \u0026..."

Even the towering trees hugged by the three of them made a dull sound.

Flying sand and flying rocks.

Before a pair of huge palms fell down, the ground was already covered in mess.

At this moment, the faces of the thirty or forty loose immortals all changed drastically.

They didn't pay much attention to Yang Yiyun from the beginning. Even the thousand-meter body that Yang Yiyun transformed into believed that Wan Taiji said it was a deception or an illusion.

But now they know that Yang Yiyun's thousand-meter-long body is not adulterated at all. This is the real body of the Dharma, and Qi is a Dharma that can exert huge magical powers.

At this moment, many loose immortals felt the unparalleled pressure of heaven and earth, and their intestines turned green. They would have avoided it if they had known it.

Now I can't avoid it even if I think about it, so I can only resist.

But the key point is that if you resist forcefully, can you resist under such a terrifying aura?

No one knows this.

Everyone felt this extremely powerful aura, and the aura of power seemed to be stronger than the power of these fifth-level loose immortals.

Who said Yang Yiyun was in the Ascension Realm?

What the hell, those Wan Ling Zhenren smashed it up and sent word that this kid Yang Yiyun had cultivated the Dzogchen realm of Ascension. But they believed it, and they believed it wrongly.

How could such a terrifying aura power be emitted by a monk in the Great Perfection of Ascension Realm?

All the immortals who were shrouded in the giant hands of Yang Yiyun's supreme Vajra power felt fear in their hearts.

But at the critical moment of life and death, it was useless to complain to anyone. They could only blame themselves for being greedy. When they heard that it was Yang Yiyun who was named by the ancestor of Sanxian, everyone couldn't do anything.

They all want to catch Yang Yiyun claiming credit in front of the Sanxian Patriarch. These are idiots.

There was no time to complain anymore. At this time, the thirty or forty loose immortals all erupted with powerful auras, and the lights rose in various colors. They all showed their true skills to deal with Yang Yiyun's pair of giant palms that covered the sky and the sun.

Since you can't hide, you can only try your best to carry it to death. Whoever has stronger magic power will survive.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Dozens of auras exploded, converging into a thunderous sound. ,

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's eyes were filled with indifference. He had only one thought in his mind, and that was to kill all these bastards.

Let you all go against me one by one. Do you really think that I am someone who is easy to bully?

If I can't kill you with two palms, I will kill you with twenty palms.

Finally, a pair of giant palms that covered the sky and sun fell down on the thirty or forty scattered immortals.


There is only one voice left in the world.


The moment Yang Yiyun's giant palm fell, it was like the explosion of an atomic bomb. Before it hit the ground, the ground shook. The vegetation, boulders, and trees turned into ashes under the tremendous force, turning into ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye. Ash.

When Yang Yiyun's huge palm fell, a crack opened in the ground with a click, and it became wider and longer. With a bang, the whole mountain was divided into two halves, and a crack appeared that was a hundred meters wide and extended for thousands of meters. The Great Divide…


There were screams one after another.

Huge power burst out, and thirty or forty loose immortals actually screamed almost simultaneously at this moment.

Their defenses were vulnerable to Yang Yiyun's giant palm and shattered one after another. Then, amid the screams, the bodies of the Sanxian exploded and turned into clouds of blood mist, completely disappearing into thin air.

Counting the formations, the five or six loose immortals, excluding the eight who dealt with Sister Mei, the remaining 44 loose immortals were killed under Yang Yiyun's palms.

The Dharma Body, which was able to move a thousand meters, was integrated with the power of the law, and with the help of the old man's soul power, he used the Vajra Supreme, the first of the twelve supreme powers, to kill forty-four fifth-level immortals in one fell swoop.

Such combat skills and magical power are enough to shock the entire Sanxian Island and even the entire cultivator world.

Yang Yiyun was also stunned by his attack. He did not expect that the old man's supreme magical power could exert such great power.

Or maybe this is the old man's credit, because at this moment his whole body is filled with the power of the soul transmitted by the old man, but the King Kong Supreme who integrates the laws did not expect to be able to exert such terrifying power.

But there were also side effects. Perhaps due to excessive exertion, most of the power in his body was consumed, and then the thousand-meter-long Dharma Body shrank by a circle, from one thousand meters to more than six hundred meters.

But despite this, he has now met a killing god standing between heaven and earth.

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