My Master Is a God

Chapter 1782 This guy is very evil

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

The big man from the Iron Tower became angry. He was not satisfied that Yang Yiyun could punch him and only broke his bones. Because the difference in strength between the two sides was too big, it made him lose face.

The comrades on the side looked at it with great shame and humiliation.

At this moment, he was ready to make Yang Yiyun a living widow.

"Suffer death, boy, the devil ape can move mountains~"

As the iron tower roared, gleaming white light appeared all over the body. The height of about two meters suddenly rose to more than three meters, and Yang Yiyun stared down at Yang Yiyun with eyes as big as copper bells.

The next moment, he raised his big palm and slapped Yang Yiyun head on.

It looked like he wanted to slap Yang Yiyun to death.

But is Mr. Yang a fuel-efficient lamp?

Of course not.

How could anyone be hit by him?

He sneered in his heart: "If there are too many people, I may not kill you, but I can still deal with you, a silly big boy."

Yang Yiyun quickly retreated to avoid the attack of the iron tower, and with a sudden movement in his heart, he transformed into a Dharma form.

Only then did he discover that he did not transform into a thousand-meter giant, but transformed into a hundred meters high. Anyway, the incarnation of the Dharma was at his will.

"Comparing your height with me? Haha."

After Yang Yiyun transformed into a hundred meters, he also looked down at the big man in the iron tower, spoke playfully to the big man in the iron tower, and then suddenly slapped him down with his palm.

The big man from the Iron Tower, who was so aggressive and ferocious just a moment ago, was a little dumbfounded now.

In the blink of an eye, he raised his head in a large circle and looked down at Yang Yiyun. Who knew that after avoiding him for hundreds of meters, he transformed into a giant of a hundred meters.

Somewhat confused.

However, after the iron tower man heard Yang Yiyun's cat-and-mouse words, he was furious. After all, he was one of the top ten loose immortal masters on the thirty-six peaks of the Supreme Mountain. He was not frightened, but was shocked in his heart.

The palm shot remained the same, the light in the palm became brighter and brighter, and he snorted coldly: "It's a small trick."

Then the big man from the Iron Tower sent out a palm, which turned into a huge palm of more than ten meters and hit him directly.

However, in front of Yang Yiyun's huge body of 100 meters, the palm of the iron tower man is just a small thing.

Yang Yiyun's palm fell, covering the sky and the sun for the big man in the iron tower.


Looking from afar, two palms, one big and one small, are fighting each other.

There was a huge roar immediately.

The palm of the iron tower man is the palm of condensed mana, and the palm of Yang Yiyun is the body of the 100-meter-high Dharma. When he raises his hand, the true essence is instilled behind his hand, and a dazzling golden light is emitted. It is the head of the Dharma. Look. It's huge up there.

In the eyes of the nine loose immortals in the distance, Yang Yiyun's 100-meter magic form instantly shocked them, but that was all. Some of them could also use the magical power of the magic form body, but they could only bluff people. That's it, it doesn't mean that the Dharma is tall and powerful.

In their perception, Yang Yiyun's aura was not as powerful as the iron tower.

However, before it was a confrontation of strength, this time it was a confrontation of magical powers. The nine of them were not sure who was stronger and who was weaker this time.

"Do you want to take action?"

One of the nine onlookers looked at Yang Yiyun and the big man from the iron tower and asked the previous Sanxian who looked about ten years old.

This young-looking Sanxian is the leader of the nine people. He is not from the Holy Land lineage, and is called "You".

He was born in an ancient sect, but the sect has long since ceased to exist. No one knows his real name. Those who know him only know him as You.

The ghostly ghost.

Indeed, that's how his one-letter name came about.

Because he kills the enemy and so on, all without making a sound. By the time the enemy discovers him, he has already killed the enemy, or the enemy is dead.

You is also the person who has been practicing for the longest time among these loose immortals. He has been practicing for nine thousand years. He is the strongest among these loose immortals in terms of strength, cultivation methods, magical powers, knowledge, etc., so among the top ten loose immortals, you don’t need to Put it forward, it is implicitly that it is mainly quiet.

Although the person who asked the question was staring at the battlefield, everyone knew that he was asking You and seeking your opinion.

"Wait and see, next is the confrontation of magical powers. Let's see how capable Yang Yiyun is. I always feel that this kid is very evil. After a while, everyone will act according to the situation. If the tower cannot hold on, or something will happen. In the event of an unexpected incident, everyone no longer had to worry about their shame, so they all took action together to kill Yang Yiyun.

Today, this kid started killing people in the Supreme Mountain. Of course, he had his reasons, but this is always the Supreme Mountain, the spiritual symbol of Sanxian Island, and the dojo of the Supreme Heavenly Evil.

Although we have never seen the face of the Supreme, there are legends of the Supreme in every place on the Sanxian Island. We, the Sanxian, are the people spurned by heaven. The Sanxian tribulation happens every thousand years, and each time becomes more powerful and deadly. How many people are there in time? Can you make it to the end and survive the twelve calamities?

In modern history, only the deeds of the Supreme Heavenly Evil have been spread, but not the spirit of the Supreme. Without him, how could we have persisted to the sixth level?

Yang Yiyun's killing of people at Zhizun Mountain is a blasphemy against the Supreme Heavenly Evil, and he should be killed. "After You finished speaking, his eyes flickered and he continued to pay attention to the field. No one knew what he was thinking.

On the surface, he looks like a teenager, but anyone who knows him knows that he is comparable to a ghost.

There are even rumors that You Nai is the number one person among the great Sanxian ancestors on Sanxian Island. Anyone targeted by You will never end well.

He is the ghost of the Sanxian world.

All the ancestors of Sanxian before and today have said this, or they have made similar comments about You.

Yang Yiyun was fighting at this time, but it was a pity that he didn't hear You's words, otherwise he would have been dumbfounded.

Because according to You's words, killing him means protecting the Supreme Mountain, or in other words, protecting the old man Yun Tianxie.

"It seems that Yang Yiyun's aura is weaker than the iron tower. Maybe he will be torn to pieces by the iron tower in the next second. The appearance of the law can't scare people." Another Sanxian said.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. What kind of cultivation does this kid have? He has such strength that he can confront the Iron Tower head-on. There are many geniuses in the world, but Yang Yiyun is definitely an alien among aliens."

Another person spoke slowly.

"The more this happens, the more he must be killed. Otherwise, he will be a big disaster when he grows up in the future."

"He must die today, otherwise if word spreads, our sect will be laughed to death by those casual cultivators?"

"It's strange to say that there is such a big movement in the Supreme Mountain, but those casual cultivators can't get out..."

"Haha, it's not that I didn't come out, but I came out in the dark, maybe waiting to see the joke I was waiting for..."

"Hmph, those bastards are self-healing and arrogant. They say they don't care about worldly affairs and are devoted to cultivating Taoism. But when some treasure from heaven and earth appears, they can run much faster than us..."

"Needless to say, even if they laugh at him for a few days, we will kill that kid."


Someone reminded, interrupting everyone's discussion.

The situation on the field at this moment is familiar with the ever-changing situation.

Yang Yiyun struck the giant magic palm and directly connected with the magic palm of the iron tower man.

At first, he saw clearly that the big man from the Iron Tower was full of disdain, and he seemed to have absolute confidence that he could break his appearance with one palm.

This is indeed the case on the surface.

I thought the aura he displayed was weaker than that of the big man from the Iron Tower.


When he took action, he did it on purpose.

Because this is what he wants.

To paralyze the big man in the iron tower.

At the critical moment, he must be killed with a surprise blow.

Yang's thinking was very simple. After the fight, he suddenly added the old man's soul power. He believed that with one palm, even if he couldn't kill the iron tower man, he would still be able to cripple him.

Just as his palms were about to meet, Yang said: "The Supreme Being of Immortality~"

In an instant, he activated the power of law and fused it to unleash the second move of the "Twelve Supremes" magical power, the Immortal Supreme. He had already saved up and was ready to use it, and instantly merged the three major hand seals of the Immortal Supreme into a single one.

And he activated the old man's soul power in his palm.

After a roar, Yang's palm shattered the mana of the iron tower man with a crushing palm, and he came down from high, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, and slapped the palm of his hand directly at the iron tower man at his feet.

Of course, when the supreme magical power of immortality and the power of the old man's soul were activated, the world began to exude an unparalleled powerful momentum.

The nine Sanxian who were watching the battle on the other side felt the powerful aura erupting from Yang Yiyun for the first time.

"No, something is strange. Save the tower~"

You, after exiting, nine great loose immortals flew up at the same time.

However, Yang's plan is still there, how can they be allowed to save people?

Too late~


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the whole earth was shaking. Yang Yiyun on the Supreme Mountain dropped his palm and hit the iron tower directly, creating a large pit of more than thirty meters.

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