My Master Is a God

Chapter 1784 External media exert magical powers

Yang Yiyun is attacking as well as defending this time.

Being surrounded and beaten by the Loose Immortals at the late stage of the Nine Great Sixth Level is not something that ordinary people can really afford.

From the beginning, he himself felt that the violent energy in the surrounding world had distorted the surrounding world.

This is a phenomenon that only occurs after the power reaches a certain level.

The loose immortals at this level are all monks who have learned the law. They have different control and research on the power of heaven and earth. If they attack one person together, the rules formed and changed are unimaginable.

Yang Yiyun is also working hard. For him, there is no need to hold back at this time. As long as one of the nine loose immortals is killed, the danger will be reduced.

He knew that with his own strength and cultivation and the blessing of the old man's soul, there was no problem at all in one-on-one, and he could even kill him.

But he couldn't control the consequences of the swarm, so he could only fight with all his strength.

He didn't believe it. Even if he risked his life, how many of them would be killed?

These people wanted to kill him.

Why doesn't he want to kill them?

A confrontation between the two sides finally broke out.

There was a deafening collision in the sky and the earth.


Yang Yiyun's three supreme magical powers collided with the attacks of the nine loose immortals.

He displayed the three supreme magical powers of King Kong, Immortality, and Dou Zhuan in one go. From a distance, his whole body was glowing with golden light. One hand was perfected, the other was a palm, and his breath was soaring to the sky, like a god of war standing tall on the sky and the earth, killing all directions.

And the nine loose immortals are not good at it. Each of them attacks, each one is extraordinary, and their killing moves are constant, but they attack Yang Yiyun with great force.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's huge body has both disadvantages and advantages.

The disadvantage is that he is huge and can be hit from anywhere.

There are natural benefits, that is, after the Dharma Body is activated, his defense power will increase exponentially, and with the existence of the Dharma Body, when he uses his magical power, it will also be powerful and blessed.

Especially when faced with a group attack at this time, he has the body of Dharma and can resist the attack.

Besides, there are now three layers of defense forces.

The first one is naturally the body of the Dharma, the second one is the Donghuang Bell, and the third one is the seven-colored treasure robe.

There are three means of defense. Yang Yiyun believes that he will not suffer any losses in a short time if he uses his magical powers to fight with these immortals.

His three supreme magical powers were sent out in three directions. It was considered as a trial attack, and the area was relatively wide. He wanted to see what the difference would be when the three supreme magical powers were used against these old immortal magical powers. , feel it out before proceeding to the next step.

Amidst the loud noise that shook the sky, the confrontation between the two sides started fiercely.

Yang Yiyun just stared at the three magical powers he sent out.

However, they discovered that this time they still seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Because he saw that for every supreme magical power, there was a tacit understanding between these old guys and a clear division of labor. They actually worked in pairs to deal with one of their supreme magical powers.

Perhaps they had seen him use his magical power to kill the big man in the Iron Tower, and were wary of his three supreme magical powers. Anyway, no one person dealt with it, but two people worked together to neutralize the magical power.

Between responses, magical power versus magical power.

Three kinds of magical powers and three directions were divided and resolved by others. Of course, although the three supreme magical powers were resolved by the other party, Yang Yiyun could also see that even if they were working together, it was not easy, and they seemed to have tried their best. He could clearly see the rise and fall of his chest and the paleness of his face.

This shows that his supreme magical power puts a lot of pressure on them.

And on the other hand, what about himself?

It's not easy either.

Because three people's attacks fell directly on his body.

Yang Yiyun felt that the attack of one of them was extremely powerful.

It was the boy who looked more than ten years old.

Yang Yiyun found that the person who attacked his physical form, and the other two attacks on his physical form, only shook violently.

But when the young man's attack hit him, his body of Dharma was instantly broken.

The next moment he returned to his normal human size.

The nine loose immortals also disappeared to the ground along with his body. Moreover, there was a tacit understanding between these old immortals. All nine of them took action at the same time, not giving him any time to breathe.

After flying down from high altitude, the second wave of attacks were launched in unison.

Being able to break his Dharma form in the first season of confrontation is indeed extraordinary.

Fortunately, Yang Yiyun still has two defenses, Donghuang Bell and Qicai Baoyi, so he won't be left without a chance to fight back soon.

Although he was instantly at a disadvantage in the first wave of attacks, it was not without gains.

He knew that if he attacked or dealt with nine people at the same time, it would be difficult to take advantage. On the contrary, he would get himself into trouble.

And now that he had the blessing of the old man's soul, he was very confident in the remaining two layers of defense.

He prepared to change his strategy for the coming battle.

I'm still going to take the path of defeating them one by one, killing every one I can.

He didn't care if he risked his life to defend himself and was attacked by others. He was prepared to choose one of the nine people, but he tried his best to do so.

The risk of doing this is actually very high, because if he targets one of them, the attacks of the other eight people will definitely fall on him. The consequence of this is that the defense of Donghuang Bell will be broken, and one layer will be missing. Defense will be more dangerous.

However, if he doesn't do this, all the defensive power on his body will be broken sooner or later if the nine Loose Immortals attack together. Instead of doing this, it is better to fight. Even if they break two layers of defense, as long as he makes a desperate move to kill one of them. , and they all make money.

Yang Yiyun has absolute confidence in his supreme supernatural power.

The attack just now was only the first stage of the twelve supreme magical powers. He has not yet used the fourth level of Burning Sky Supreme and the fifth level of Thunder Supreme. These are the two most powerful levels of magic at present.

There are twelve levels of supreme supernatural powers in total. Every three levels is considered a stage. The fourth and fifth levels have entered the second stage, and their power is naturally extraordinary.

Moreover, the supernatural powers of the fourth and fifth level supremes require a medium to display.

The fourth level is the Supreme Divine Power of Burning Heaven, and the medium required is the power of fire. For this reason, Yang Yiyun has a dragon ball in his body, which he obtained after killing the red dragon in the Ten Thousand Demon Mountains.

With the Dragon Ball in the body, the fourth level of the Burning Sky's Wrath supreme supernatural power can be used to maximize its power.

As for the fifth-level thunder supreme magical power, the ten auxiliary stars in Yang Yiyun's body were the basis of the original perfect golden elixir. Later, the dantian was upgraded and evolved into the ten auxiliary stars, among which were the heavenly thunder stars, and the ones who had originally overcome the tribulation. At that time, he had absorbed a lot of thunder power in his body, and he was also qualified to maximize the use of the fifth-level thunder supreme magical power.

But Yang Yiyun thought there was a more ruthless medium to attract Lei Ting.

That is the existence of thunder in the sky of Supreme Mountain. The fat man who led the way said this when he went up the mountain. Moreover, after going up to Supreme Mountain, he also clearly felt the existence of thunder in the sky of Supreme Mountain.

It's just that it's not the thirty meters long that the fat man said, but a higher existence, far more than that, maybe three thousand feet. Otherwise, if it were thirty feet, he would have already been there when he incarnated as a thousand-meter-long Dharma. Struck by lightning.

When Yang Yiyun thought of this, he asked the old man in his busy schedule: "How high is the thunder power of the old man's Supreme Mountain? Can I use the thunder supreme magical power to attract thunder?"

"The real core of the Supreme Thunder is in the Supreme Palace, my master's dojo. The power of the thunder there is thirty feet above my head. As for the thunder in other places, it is three thousand feet away. Using the Supreme Thunder's magical power is the Nine Heavens Thunder City. To induce, as long as your soul is strong enough.

Now, with the power of the master's soul blessing you, it is impossible to activate the thunder of the Nine Heavens, but there is no problem in inducing the thunder power of the Supreme Palace. "

Yun Tianxie said quietly.

"Okay, I got it. If I lose to the old man later, it's up to you." As Yang Yiyun spoke, he activated the power of the dragon ball in his body to activate the fire, and also gave the old man a defensive shot.

After all, he didn't have the confidence to kill all nine Loose Immortals.

"You brat, don't think about asking me to take action. You have to think of a way on your own. Master lent you all the power of the soul. At the end of the day, even if the teacher wanted to help, he couldn't help. Without the support of the power of the soul, As a teacher, I can only stare. Well, you kid, wish yourself well, their attack is here, don’t be distracted, just fight."

When Yang Yiyun listened to the old man's words, he felt like strangling him. Deep in his heart, he thought that he would still have to rely on the old man to death at the critical moment. He didn't expect him to speak like this.

He was very helpless and wanted to quarrel, but there was no time. The attacks of the nine loose immortals had already arrived. At this time, he focused on one of them and suddenly roared: "Wrath of the Burning Sky~"

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