My Master Is a God

Chapter 1798 Do you want me to be disloyal?

Among the three major regional peaks on the Supreme Mountain, Yang Yiyun finally approached the top of the mountain.

Looking back from here, he saw clouds and mist lingering behind him, and he felt like he had entered the deep clouds...

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of fighting was getting closer and closer, and Yang Yiyun also quickened his pace.

It sounds very tragic. I wonder what happened to the six-eared macaque?

After running wildly for a few minutes, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt that his eyes suddenly opened up, as if he had suddenly emerged from the clouds.

In his sight, he saw a huge flat land of a football field, a white jade square.

A simple and grand mountain gate stands in this square.

Yang Yiyun thought to himself: "This should be the old man's dojo - the Supreme Palace."

But at this moment, in the huge square, the six-eared macaques were fighting with people.

There were seven people in total.

Among the seven people, except for the six-eared macaque and a white-haired old man who were fighting, three of the remaining five were the three loose immortals who had escaped before, but now they were standing respectfully behind a man and a woman.

Yang Yiyun had seen in You's memory that Liu Er and the three loose immortals who had fled here were out. The remaining three were the three ancestors of the loose immortal group of the Supreme Mountain Sect.

It is also the existence of the pinnacle of the Sixth Revolution of Great Perfection.

The key is that these three loose immortal ancestors have already suppressed their cultivation for a long time at the peak of the Sixth Revolution of Great Perfection.

In other words, the strength and cultivation of the three Sanxian Ancestors is not as simple as the peak of the Sixth Revolution of Great Perfection as it appears on the surface.

Yang Yiyun stopped after stepping onto the Supreme Palace Square. He did not dare to move forward.

Because he didn't have the slightest confidence in facing the three great Sanxian Ancestors.

The moment he appeared, he felt a sharp gaze scanning over him from a long distance away.

Looking subconsciously, it turned out to be the old man in red, one of the two ancestors of the Sanxian Immortal, standing in front of the Supreme Palace.

Being glanced at by the old man in red, Yang Yiyun's back suddenly felt cold, giving him the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake. He also seemed to have the feeling of being seen through by the other person. All the hairs on his body stood upside down at this moment.

I secretly exclaimed: "Can these old immortals be called ancestors? They are indeed not simple people."

At least in Yang Yiyun's cultivation career, this was the first time he encountered a monk who put him in extreme danger.

Then another gaze fell on him, this time it was an old woman in white next to the ancestor of the red-clothed Sanxian.

The two great Sanxian set their sights on him at the same time.

One is as sharp as a sword, and the other is as deep as the sea.

They are not ordinary people.

"The boy from the two ancestors is Yang Yiyun."

At this time, one of the three loose immortals behind the two great loose immortals bowed and spoke.

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he knew that the three bastards who had escaped here had reported their deeds to the three Sanxian Ancestors.

Of course, there may be no need to report at all. Beings at the level of the three loose immortal ancestors may have already understood everything.

From the glances of the two Sanxian ancestors, Yang Yiyun could feel that the old man in red was murderous, but the old woman in white was in an unknown condition.

After recalling You's memories, Yang Yiyun found information about the three ancestors of the loose immortals.

The old man in red was born in the Holy Land of All Spirits and was called the True Lord of All Spirits. The old woman in white was born in Tongxian Palace and was called Master Tongxian. As for the old man in green who was fighting with the six-eared macaque, it was none other than Zhenren Jiufeng.

When people are just called names, the key point is that the three of them are the ones who stand out among the many Sanxian Immortals. Those who are at the top of the current Sanxian Immortal Island will live a long time, and it is normal for them to be called kings and ancestors.

The three Sanxian ancestors all came from the Holy Land anyway.

Now the old man in red, Wanling Zhenjun, felt murderous intent when his eyes glanced at him. Yang Yiyun knew that he had become mortal enemies with these loose immortals.

It can’t be resolved ~

As for Master Tongxian, this old woman, although she was born in Tongxian Palace, and it seemed that Tongxian Palace was related to her, Yang Yiyun had no hope of letting her go.

Because since the other party appears here, it has already explained a lot of problems.

It’s time to tell whether they are friends or foes.

When the two sides were sizing each other up, Yang Yiyun heard the Sanxian talking about himself.

Narrowing his eyes, Yang Yiyun adjusted his whole body's strength to its peak. No matter what, he was not someone to sit still and wait for death, and he must enter the Supreme Palace today.

Help the old man achieve his wish.

But looking at it now, two great ancestors of Sanxian Immortals were blocking the gate of the Supreme Palace. It seemed that they had to pass through before entering.

The Supreme Palace looks majestic and majestic, with a large area of ​​palace buildings, but there are also invisible forces harvesting.

It should be the big formation set up by the old man.

For others, it might be impossible to enter, but for him, with the old man here, it is not difficult to enter the Supreme Palace.

When the two sides looked at each other, Yang Yiyun also asked the old man in his heart: "What should the old man do? The other party feels very powerful."

"Hmph, you are so powerful. Just wait. If these little kids dare to take action, I have plenty of ways to deal with them." Yun Tianxie snorted coldly.

Hearing that the old man was full of confidence, Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief even though he didn't know the confidence the old man had.

At this time, the old man in red was heard to say: "Junior, what do you want to do when you come to the Supreme Mountain to run wild? Come forward and speak."

Yang Yiyun immediately became happy when he heard this, and said to himself: "It seems that he is still reasonable. It's really strange. According to the people who come from these forces in the Holy Land, they always just slap their hats on them and kill people. Now they talk so politely, and they still... It’s really uncomfortable.”

Anyway, Yang Yiyun was not afraid. With the old man around, he felt confident and walked forward directly...

When he was about 100 meters away from the scene, there was a sudden bang, but after the confrontation between the six-eared macaque and the real person Jiufeng, he flew down in front of Yang Yiyun and blocked him from moving forward.

"Are you looking for death? These three old guys have deep cultivation. It will be easy for them to kill you. Whatever you do if you get close, just stay well and I will deal with them." The six-eared macaque stared at the three Sanxian elders as he spoke. Zu, however, spoke to Yang Yiyun without turning his head.

The six-eared macaque was speaking murderously and resolutely at this time.

There was only incomparable emotion in Yang's ears.

In fact, he knew that Liu Er did not have to face the three great Sanxian Ancestors. Although he gave him three more monkey hairs and said he would help him three times, he did not say that he would fight to the death. Anyway, he could come. , also takes action, it does not count as a breach of promise.

However, Liu Er had no intention of retreating at this time. He chased the three escaping Sanxian. Unexpectedly, he caught up with them in front of the Supreme Palace, where he ran into the three ancestors of the Sanxian and confronted them directly.

At this time, after a fight, he did not retreat, and even stood in front of Yang Yiyun. How could this make Yang Yiyun dare not move.

At this moment, it is no longer just a matter of three promises, but a matter of life and death.

It is true that Liu Er has extraordinary talents and is a creature of the immortal world, but he is a recultivator.

He has not yet recovered to the level of Immortal King. Although the current Liu Er Yang Yiyun cannot see through the strength, he can fight with Jiu Feng Zhenren at the peak of the Sixth Revolution. It seems that Liu Er's strength is at the peak level of the Sixth Revolution. , Qiang couldn’t think much about it.

Seeing the golden-haired six-eared monkey talking in front of him, Yang Yiyun's eyes were inexplicably red. At this moment, it seemed that this golden-haired six-eared monkey had a very majestic background.

Yang Yiyun took a deep breath and asked, "Are you sure you can deal with the three of them?"

Liu Er didn't even turn his head and said, "No."

" can withdraw..." Yang Yiyun said. Liu'er was promised morally and promised to take action three times, but Yang Yiyun had no need to let Liu'er die when he knew it was wrong. He didn't like it. Moral kidnapping.


"Ah You……?"

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, Liu Er suddenly hit him in the face with a big fist.

Immediately, nosebleeds began to flow.

But it's no big deal, because Liu Er didn't use magic.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Er turned his head with a ferocious face and said coldly to him: "You kid, do you want me Liu Er to betray my faith? I promise others things, but I have to complete them even if I am afraid that I will be shattered to pieces. Don't talk too much, otherwise I'll beat you up.

Not to mention the three loose immortals who have not been baptized by the immortal power, even if there are three golden immortals in the lower realm today, I can definitely beat them up..."

After Liu Er finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the three Sanxian Ancestors. When he finished speaking, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, and he seemed to have the confidence to fight against the heaven and the earth.

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