My Master Is a God

Chapter 1800 I will send you on your way

The target of Wanling Zhenjun is Yang Yiyun, while Jiufeng Zhenren and Tongxian Master Tongxian, an old woman from Tongxian Palace, are heading towards the six-eared macaque one on the left and the other on the right.

In the eyes of the three great Sanxian ancestors, things are actually easy to handle.

Of the number of people in the round, Monkey and Yang Yiyun were the only two.

In terms of cultivation, monkeys are powerful, but at their level, it is enough for two great Sanxian ancestors to deal with one monkey.

The remaining one, Yang Yiyun, sounds ferocious and has killed dozens of loose immortals, but so what, he is only a fifth-level loose immortal who has been exhausted and has only the cultivation level of the late sixth-level. How can he be compared with their three ancestors?

Therefore, Wan Ling Zhenjun's attempt to deal with Yang Yiyun was simply killing a chicken with a powerful sword.

But Yang Yiyun is the culprit and must be killed.

The tone he just spoke seemed to be like, you go deal with the monkey first, I killed Yang Yiyun, and then came to help, and our three ancestors killed the monkey.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was still standing there with his eyes closed, not moving at all, looking as if he had just been punched stupid by a monkey.

But the three great Sanxian ancestors have already moved~

The two roads were frozen, the target of Wanling Zhenjun was Yang Yiyun, and the other two were six-eared macaques.

The six-eared macaque snorted coldly, holding a sledgehammer, and stepped back, blocking Yang Yiyun ten meters directly in front of him.

Anyway, he wants to protect Yang Yiyun and cannot let the three great Sanxian ancestors touch Yang Yiyun.


The six-eared macaque attacked with a roar and hit the Wanling Zhenjun with a hammer.

Powerful power emitted from the sledgehammer. Wan Ling Zhenjun's eyelids twitched, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He had not noticed anything when he watched Zhenjiu Feng fight with the monkey before, but now he faced it in person, but it was... Only then did I realize that monkeys are really not simple people.

A hammer hit him, and Wanling Zhenjun did not dare to be careless. He flashed a green light in his hand and took out a sword and an Fangtian Halberd. He swung it crosswise to meet the monkey's hammer.

The next moment, Wan Ling Zhenjun flew upside down amid the roar.

The six-eared macaque disappeared again and suddenly appeared next to Master Tongxian and Master Jiufeng, with the sledgehammer in its hand flying wildly.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Hammer after hammer hit them, and the powerful momentum and roar resounded in the Supreme Palace Square...

The six-eared macaques were one against three, and in one moment they were able to kill the three ancestors of the Sanxian Immortals, or block them ten meters away from Yang Yiyun, preventing them from taking a step forward.

But that’s all~

After all, it was the three great Sanxian Ancestors who joined forces.

After all, the six-eared macaque has not yet recovered to its peak. He has the same starting point for rebuilding as Fengxian, but his recovery speed is faster than that of Beexian. In just a few hundred years, he can recover to the point where he can compete with the three major powers at the same time. The Sanxian Ancestor's level of head-to-head confrontation is already considered very impressive.

After this wait lasted for about half an hour, the six-eared macaque was finally at a disadvantage.

In this half-hour fight, whether it was the six-eared macaque or the three ancestors of the loose immortals, they displayed their own innate magical powers, almost all of which were killing moves.

The ancestors of the three great loose immortals also became more and more frightened as they fought. They secretly admired the strength of this monkey's methods and marveled at his boundless fighting spirit. Almost every move was risking his life without fear.

As a result, the three great loose immortals who were obviously united were stronger than the six-eared macaque, but they were a little timid and could only use the smoothest war of attrition.

Because for the ancestors of the three great Sanxian immortals, they can't fight with monkeys, and monkeys fight with their lives, but they can't. Their lives are more valuable than monkeys.

In a protracted battle, three against one, with similar strength and cultivation, the six-eared macaque was naturally at a disadvantage.

But it was because of the six-eared macaques' desperate fighting skills that the three great loose immortals were helpless for a while.

The midfield battle continues...

When the monkey was faintly at a disadvantage, Jiufeng Zhenren said to the three Sanxian juniors behind him: "You three go and kill Yang Yiyun. There seems to be something wrong with that kid's cultivation. How long will it take if we don't take action now?" The monkeys have us here.”


The three Sanxian were the three who had been chased by the six-eared macaque before. After hearing what Master Jiufeng said, their eyes lit up and they bypassed the battlefield and headed all the way to Yang Yiyun.

Since the ancestor of Jiufeng said that there was something wrong with Yang Yiyun's cultivation, it might be true. Besides, Yang Yiyun was seriously injured before, and it was impossible for him to recover so quickly.

From the beginning until now after being punched in the face by the monkey, Yang Yiyun closed his eyes and didn't move at all. Now it seems that something must be wrong.

For the three of them, it was also a good opportunity to kill Yang Yiyun.

Soon three loose immortals approached Yang Yiyun...

At this time, the Six-Eared Macaque was very worried. He was tightly entangled by the three Sanxian Ancestors, and he couldn't get away even if he tried to stop them.


The anxious six-eared macaque let out a long roar, his eyes instantly turned red, and his whole body's aura changed again...

At this moment, Liu Er was about to forcefully use his innate magical power. Although his cultivation level did not allow it, he could still pay a price.

But at this moment, a voice reached Yang Yiyun's ears.

"Brother Liu Er, there is no need to worry about me. Let me handle the three loose immortals~"

The six-eared macaque was shocked. This voice was Yang Yiyun's.

After he punched Yang Yiyun before, he found that the aura on Yang Yiyun's body had changed. As a master in the realm of Immortal King, the six-eared macaque could naturally feel that Yang Yiyun's Yuan Shen was powerful, or had a breakthrough, so he blocked the way. He stood in front of Yang Yiyun and used all his life to block the three great Sanxian Ancestors from getting close to Yang Yiyun.

After all, because he was concerned about Yang Yiyun, he was a little constrained in the fight.

Now the six-eared macaque heard Yang Yiyun speak and felt calm.

It sounds like Yang Yiyun's training is over, and there is no need to worry about the three Sanxian who rushed towards Yang Yiyun.

And then he will have a good fight with the three Sanxian Ancestors.

The monkey's fighting spirit soars into the sky.

Although Yang Yiyun no longer needs to worry, he still activates his innate magical powers.

This is because at his current level of cultivation, he cannot use magical powers, and if he uses them forcefully, there will be backlash.

But the monkey doesn't care.

Fighting always appealed to him.

"Ah... roar... Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills - Golden Body."

The six-eared macaque almost gritted his teeth and shouted intermittently.

But it was he who activated his innate magical powers.

The next moment, the six-eared macaque's face became distorted, its eyes were red and strange, and there were blood stains on all its seven orifices.

This is the price, the price of losing part of the essence and blood. this moment, the six-eared macaque's body was filled with dazzling light.

Under the strong momentum, the three great Sanxian ancestors had to retreat.

The three immortals were cultivators of human spirit. When they sensed something was wrong, they retreated immediately and never took risks easily.


The next moment, the golden light from the six-eared macaque disappeared.

The monkey suddenly raised his head, his eyes were red and blood-colored, making him look even more monstrous. He looked at the three ancestors of the loose immortals with unruly eyes and said: "Now I will play with you - risk my life."


After a long roar, the six-eared macaque rushed towards the three ancestors of Sanxian Immortals, no longer paying attention to Yang Yiyun behind him, because he sensed that Yang Yiyun's training was over, and his aura had greatly increased, and he could cope with three Loose immortals in the late sixth rank are no longer a problem.

The monkey's fighting spirit was so high that he only wanted to cripple the three ancestors of the Sanxian.

At this moment, three loose immortals in the late stage of rank six also rushed in front of Yang Yiyun.

Suddenly, Yang Yiyun opened his eyes, and two large, one-meter-long golden lights burst out in his eyes.

As soon as he raised his hand, silver light flashed, and the dragon-slaying sword was instantly in his hand.

"You three are the only ones left among the top ten loose immortals. Now, I will send you on your way."

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking in a low voice, the silver light of the dragon-slaying sword in his hand flashed, followed by azure light, and even a black light as black as ink shone out.

"Black Lotus Sword Technique - Bahuang, kill."

The word "Zhan" was closed, and with a bang, black lotuses appeared on the sword aura.

No more, no less, exactly eight black lotuses, all transformed by sword energy.

Swish, brush, brush...

Explodes in an instant.

The black lotus exploded, turning into hundreds of sword energy and exploding out.


The three masters of loose immortals in the late stage of rank six were penetrated vertically and horizontally by hundreds of sword energy, and they screamed in agony.

Each sword energy seemed to be spiritual, flying around without flying around, and all attacked the three late-level six-level Sanxian.

After the banquet was over, the sword energy dissipated, and the three loose immortals turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Heilian congratulations on your recovery." Yang Yiyun raised his sword and muttered to himself.

Heilian's response rang in his mind: "I have taken advantage of you. This time, your soul is basically perfect. You are just a hair away from ascending. Congratulations."

"Next, I still need your help. I want to kill Master Jiufeng." Yang Yiyun squinted at the battle between Liu Er and the three ancestors of Sanxian in the distance, and focused on Master Jiufeng.

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