My Master Is a God

Chapter 1812 The Four Wild Demons

Yang Yiyun's words were playful, making the three Sanxian's faces turn green.

This guy has such a big tone.

"Boy, do you think we are scared? Or do you think we can let you go this way? It's a joke. Since you don't talk about what happened in the Supreme Palace, I can still find out everything I want to know if I capture your soul."

But it was the middle-aged Sanxian who spoke in a deep voice, and after he finished speaking, he took a step forward and headed towards Yang Yiyun.

The woman beside him followed, and the old man named Mei Zhou moved towards the six-eared macaque intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yiyun sneered and stood still.

The six-eared macaque was still sitting there with his eyes closed, meditating.

There was no intention of fighting back at all.

This made the three loose immortals feel confused.

Do this kid and Monkey really have something to rely on, or are they so arrogant that they don't even look down on the three immortals who are at the peak of their third rank and sixth rank?

The other three Sanxian and more than 200 Sanxian in the distance were also staring at Yang Yiyun and the others.

When everyone saw Yang Yiyun taking action against the middle-aged Sanxian, but standing and sitting with the monkey, without making any move, everyone felt strange.

"Isn't this kid scared out of his wits by Gu Yishan?" Yousanxian said.

Ancient Yishan talks about middle-aged men.

"Something's wrong, the kid's expression doesn't show any fluctuation at all..."

"It doesn't matter, even if there is something weird, Mei Zhou and Gu Yishan can handle it."

Two other three rank-6 peak Sanxian immortals were discussing in the distance.

Including other Sanxian, Yang Yiyun seemed to be looking for death.

Gu Yishan didn't even see him move, he looked like he was frightened.

Just as Gu Yishan was within reach of Yang Yi Yuntianling, a sudden change occurred.

But Gu Yishan was shocked and froze, and he struck Yang Yiyun with a palm, which was about to land on Yang Yiyun's head, but it never fell.

After another look, Mei Zhou and Gu Yishan's wife were also motionless.

The three of them still maintained their dynamic postures, but they didn't move at all.

"Something's wrong..."

"has a problem."

"what happened?"

"This is……?"

The other three loose immortals and others in the distance felt something was wrong.

But they saw that Gu Yishan, his wife and Mei Zhou seemed to be immobilized.

The next moment was...

Everyone's eyes were stunned.

At the previous moment, Yang Yiyun actually broke out in a cold sweat.

What he was thinking was that since the old man left the Liujia Dao Sword to protect him and the Liu-eared Macaque, the Dao Sword had spirit and would protect them both.

So when Gu Yishan took action, Yang Yiyun didn't even move. He believed that the Liujia Sword would kill the three loose immortals who violated him.

But from the moment Gu Yishan took action, until Gu Yishan's palm came towards his head like lightning, just one finger away from landing on his head, Liujia Sword didn't react.

This made Yang Yiyun break out in cold sweat on his forehead under Gu Yishan's powerful momentum. At this time, it was too late to defend.

Yang Yiyun was anxious, and when he was about to call Hei Lian, he saw Gu Yishan suddenly trembled.

In the blink of an eye, Yang Yiyun only saw a flash of white light in front of his eyes, and then he found that Gu Yishan's hand, which was only a finger away, was fixed on his head.

Then he saw Gu Yishan, who was stunned in disbelief, and stammered: "This... this... what kind of sword is it?"

It is true that Gu Yishan felt the sword energy.

Only then did Yang Yiyun realize that there was a faint auspicious white color emanating from Gu Yishan's eyebrows.

In an instant, Yang Yiyun knew that Liujia Sword had finally taken action.

He felt happy in his heart, watching Gu Yishan force himself to calm down, and said in a very pretentious tone: "I have warned you before that you will die faster if you attack me, why don't you believe it? Now it's okay, everything is over, As for what kind of sword energy it is, I actually don’t know, but I can tell you that it was the Dao sword that killed you, and you might not know it, so just go with peace of mind."

From the corner of his eye, Mei Zhou and the middle-aged woman were approaching the six-eared macaque, but their bodies were also frozen.

The next moment, green, red, and white haloes of light erupted from the bodies of the three loose immortals. Then their bodies gradually became transparent, but they still dissipated into nothingness, or in other words, disappeared into ashes.

At this time, the Rokko Dao Sword appeared in the field, with green and red scabbards on the left and right sides.

Yang Yiyun was constantly shocked and envious in his heart. He didn't see the Liujia sword's attack clearly at first. By the time he saw the Liujia Dao sword, the enemy had long been wiped out.

In Yang Yiyun's view, the power of the Liujia Dao Sword was so powerful that it was almost mysterious.

Killings are so fast that there is no trace.

When he raised his head and looked at the other three Level 6 Loose Immortals and more than 200 Loose Immortals in the distance, they all looked as if they had seen a ghost. Yang Yiyun was very happy in his heart: "You bastards dare to take my idea. I really think that Isn’t the Six Sword Dao sword that can instantly kill the real Golden Immortal just a display?”

Indeed, for the other three major loose immortals and more than 200 loose immortals in the distance, the scene just now was like seeing a ghost.

The three great Loose Immortals, who were at the peak of Level 6, had no reaction and disappeared without a trace.

Which of these old monsters is not a person who has been practicing for thousands of years? They are all human spirits, and they have experienced hundreds of battles. They have experienced countless fights, big and small.

But this was the first time I saw such a weird and terrifying scene.

When Mei Zhou, Gu Yishan and his wife were completely reduced to ashes, these small and large immortals saw a sword, a man and a woman, appearing in the field.

Isn't it the sword suspended in front of the Supreme Palace?

Obviously Mei Zhou and the other three died under this sword.

However, what made them feel cold behind their backs was that they didn't see clearly how the ancient sword killed Mei Zhou and the others?

And in their eyes, Yang Yiyun and Monkey had never done anything.

But the ancient sword started to move on its own.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the white jade-like ancient sword flying to the gate of the Supreme Palace again with a flash of white light, and the men and women wearing red women and green clothes followed closely behind. The blue-red halo turned into a scabbard, and then The ancient sword returns directly to its sheath.


Many people gasped.

This is the first time they have seen a scene where a person can turn into a scabbard. In other words, the young men and women in green and red clothes are not people at all, but weapon souls.

Specially used to carry the scabbard of the white jade ancient sword.

What kind of sword is this?

What level is the sword?

Weird, powerful, mysterious...

For a moment, all the Sanxian were shocked.

Everyone can finally see clearly that the ancient sword is guarding the gate of the Supreme Palace, as well as Yang Yiyun and the monkey.

Although I couldn't figure out the origin of the sword, there was a consensus in the hearts of all the Sanxian, that is, the Supreme Palace could not be entered, Yang Yiyun and Monkey could not move, otherwise Kazuto would be able to reduce the power of the ancient sword?

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Just when everyone was shocked and stunned, four figures appeared in the Supreme Square.

Each and every one of them is so demonic...

"The wild monster clan..."

One of the three remaining rank-6 peak loose immortals in the field cast his gaze on the four of them and made a sound.

"Black fox, mad lion, silver eagle, red-headed centipede, this is the boundary of our human race in the Supreme Mountain. Why are you here to join in the fun?"

There are three major loose immortals left, two big and one small, a white-haired old man, a young man, and a monster woman.

They are Shan Xiongxing, Duan Nianhua, and Cai Yuer.

At this moment, when Shan Xiongxing and Cai Yuer saw the four great demon queens speaking out, their faces became wary.

"Hahaha... It's a joke. Why don't you say that the entire Sanxian Island belongs to your human race? There is a strange phenomenon in the heaven and earth in the Supreme Mountain. A genius is born, and whoever grabs it belongs to whom. You guys are too lenient, huh? ~Aren't there six of you casual cultivators? Where are the other three... Oh, I understand. Have you entered the Supreme Palace? Black Fox, Silver Eagle, Red-headed Centipede, I told you to hurry up and don't listen to me. Look, someone has boarded it first. Hurry up, let’s go in quickly..."

The one who spoke was a mad lion. After his transformation, he was still a wild and rough man. His words and actions were all out of character.

After saying that, he was about to walk towards the Supreme Palace in a hurry.

At this moment, the third Sanxian among the Sanxian cultivators rolled his eyes without saying a word. Three of them had just died, and now four more wild monsters appeared. They wished that a few ignorant beasts would go up and die.

Naturally, they are familiar with these four wild monsters, and they don't deal with each other. They are just about the same strength. Generally speaking, they are in trouble but not in the river.

Yang Yiyun also saw four demon tribes in the distance and heard the demon tribes talking. He smiled and watched as the rough and arrogant man walked towards the Supreme Palace.

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