My Master Is a God

Chapter 1814 It’s time to do something for the old man

Listening to the six-eared macaque's calm reply, Yang Yiyun's face was filled with black lines.

Now he finally knew why the Bee Fairy and the Six-eared Macaque resurrected from the Blue Heart Garden at the same time. The two had the same cultivation level, but hundreds of years later, the Six-eared Macaque was much stronger than the Bee Fairy.

It turned out that the caves of four great demons were looted.

That looks like the same existence as the human race's sixth-level peak loose immortal!

It seemed that the elder brother had not been short of time to rob the four of them.

In the past, Yang Yiyun believed that six-eared macaques would never be as powerful as they are now...

But... before he had the current strength, he dared to rob a big demon that was equivalent to the strength of a sixth-level peak loose immortal, and he robbed four of them.

This courage...

Yang Yiyun can only say one thing, he is so courageous.

I also admire Liu Er from the bottom of my heart.

I finally know the reason why Liu Er’s strength has improved rapidly.

Just kidding, I robbed four great demon heavenly materials and earthly treasures equivalent to the level of the Sanxian Ancestor to improve my cultivation strength. Can I not improve it quickly?

He has long heard that there are immortal stone veins in the wild areas of Sanxian Island. The four demons are obviously ancestor-level figures. There will definitely be immortal stones in their caves, as well as a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

The six-eared macaque went to rob the four demons, which was indeed a good way to improve one's cultivation level in a short period of time.

But the only thing is that the courage is too fat.

But it seems natural for Yang Yiyun to think about the character of the six-eared macaque.

In addition to being loyal and committed, this monkey is also a master who is not afraid of anything.

So it was okay to rob the four demons.

And in Yang Yiyun's opinion, only the six-eared macaque dared to do this in the entire Sanxian Island.

Because he was at the Immortal King level in the Immortal World in his previous life, even if he re-cultivated the resurrection, he was still at the Immortal King level, but he had to start practicing from a low level. With the powerful Immortal King level, as long as he had the heavenly materials and earthly treasures You can quickly improve your strength.

And if there is the realm of the Immortal King, there will be the heart of the Immortal King. If you change the perspective, a person with the mentality of an Immortal King, oh no, it is a monkey, will he still care about four demon cultivators who are equivalent to level six loose immortals?

The answer is obvious, naturally I don’t care.

Yang Yiyun was talking to the monkey, and the four demons on the opposite side naturally heard it. The four demons felt greatly insulted by the six-eared macaque's shameless words that robbed them.

What a disgrace.

"If I don't chop you into pieces today, you're a monstrous monkey, I will swear that I won't be a monster. Wow, I can't bear it anymore..."

The violent lion screamed and started to attack the six-eared macaque.

But at this time, it was the earth-shattering roar that first came from the sky, which made the mad lion stop subconsciously.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun and Monkey... everyone were shocked by the roar coming from the sky.

They all raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

At this moment, the plunder of immortal power in the Supreme Palace continues...

But the five-color hole that opened above the sky was turbulent and looked like it was about to close.

The plundering fairy power light beam also began to twist, as if it could be interrupted at any time.

When Yang Yiyun saw this scene, his heart tightened. He knew that the old man was recasting the immortal body by plundering the immortal power in the Supreme Palace. If the immortal power was interrupted at this time, wouldn't it disturb the old man to recast the immortal body?

Obviously there is a problem in the fairy world.

But Yang Yiyun thought about it and this was the inevitable result. The old man made such a big noise and directly broke open the fairy gate in the lower world to plunder the fairy power of the fairy world. This was an act against heaven. It would be strange if there was no movement on the other side of the fairy world.

Even if he absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from Sanxian Island, he has also attracted many Sanxian, not to mention the fairy world?

There was intervention in these fairy worlds, and Yang Yiyun was very worried about the old man.

Seeing the immortal power penetrating the world twisting and the colorful portal above the sky beginning to shrink, Yang Yiyun's heart twitched.

However, at this moment, a cold snort was heard from the Supreme Palace.


The sound was like thunder, but Yang Yiyun could tell that it was the old man's voice.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But there was a sword cry.


I saw the Liujia Sword coming out of its sheath, and the green and red scabbard turned into two rays of light, one red and one green, accompanying the Liujia Sword soaring into the sky, straight up into the sky.



Suddenly, Liujia Sword flew into the five-colored hole in the sky and burst into light.

The entire sky was filled with thunderous roars.

Obviously the old man asked Rokko Sword to solve the problem of closing the portal to the fairy world.

The thick immortal power halo of the bucket stabilized again, and the plundering continued.

It's just that the Liujia Sword stayed at the gate of the fairy world, constantly erupting with thousands of rays of light.

It must have withstood the power of the immortal world.

It looks like he won't be able to get down for a while, and the Rokko Sword wants to buy time for the old man.

At this time, the eyes of the three ancestors of the human race on the other side lit up.

They finally understood that there was something wrong with the portal to the fairy world, and the strange ancient sword was held back.

The ancient sword was held back, so Yang Yiyun and the monkey had no protection, right?

How will you die now?

They had lost three companions in the previous scene, but they did not dare to move due to the power of the ancient sword. Now the strange sword could not get away. Yang Yiyun and the monkey were in the eyes of the three ancestors of the casual cultivators. No more threats.

"Brother Shan, should we go over and kill that kid?" Duan Nianhua said.

"Haha, no need for the moment. It seems that the four demon clans will not let Yang Yiyun and the monkey go. Now that the ancient sword has flown into the sky and there is no obstacle blocking the gate of the Supreme Palace, why don't we enter the Supreme Palace to take a look? What do you think?" Shan Xiongxing said with a smile.

However, Cai Yu'er was still a little worried and said: "Isn't this... I'm afraid it's inappropriate? The voice just now came from the Supreme Palace. If he has the means to forcefully break through the immortal world and plunder such vast immortal power, that person... ...You are definitely not an ordinary person, so I’m afraid it’s not someone we can contaminate, right?”

"It doesn't matter. Seeing that the immortal power and the power of the entire Sanxian Island have been plundered and entered the Supreme Palace, I think the person who came inside must be practicing or doing something important. He won't have time to pay attention to us. We won't provoke anyone after entering. He just needs to find something equally useful." Shan Xiongxing analyzed.

"Listening to what you said, it's really possible. Yes, we can just enter the Supreme Palace first. Yang Yiyun and the monkey will obviously be killed by the four monsters, which saves us trouble.

The huge hatred is not as important as the secret method of the Supreme Palace of Heaven and Evil to overcome the tribulation. This Supreme Palace has existed for I don’t know how many years, and it has never been opened. Now that the great formation is broken, this is a great opportunity for us, hurry up go in. "When Duan Nianhua was talking, his eyes were still shining.

For these loose immortals, the temptation of the Supreme Palace is greater than anything else.

The opportunity is rare now, and if they can't seize it, they will regret it to death.

"Let's go~"

After saying this, the three of them rushed towards the gate of the Supreme Palace.

On the other hand, Yang Yiyun had long thought that the three old immortals would enter the Supreme Palace. His old man was still recasting his immortal body inside, and the situation was unknown. The Liujia Sword also went to Tianji to deal with the power of the immortal world. As an apprentice, he, etc. Even if he dies, no one can disturb the old man to rebuild his immortal body. It's time to do something for the old man.


Yang Yiyun dodged when Shan Xiongxing and the three Sanxian Immortals were about to move, and at the same time said to the six-eared macaque: "Brother Liu-er, I'll leave this to you first~"

Yang Yiyun knew Liu Er's strength and cultivation. It would be very difficult to kill the four demons, but it would be no problem to hold them off for a while.

"Go ahead, don't worry here." Liu Er kept staring at the four demons more than ten meters away. Facing the four old opponents of the four demons, he knew their strength very well.

From the beginning, the four demons did not regard Yang Yiyun, who seemed to be the only one in the Ascension Realm, as a piece of cake, and they did not stop Yang Yiyun from leaving.

Moreover, the four demons are not fools. They also saw that the three loose immortals wanted to attack the Supreme Palace. The four of them also wanted to enter the supreme palace. This human boy went to drag the other three loose immortals in first. The four of them Would also like to see it.

For now, let’s settle the grievances with this dead monkey.


"Ho ho ho..."

Black Fox gave an order and the four monsters rushed towards the six-eared macaque.


In an instant, the six-eared macaque and the four monsters fought together, and the fight broke out with a deafening sound.

As for Yang Yiyun, he had already communicated with Black Lotus when he dodged. Facing the three ancestors of the loose immortals at the peak of rank six, he couldn't deal with them without the help of Black Lotus.

And with the power of Black Lotus, he even had the confidence to kill the three loose immortals, which he had already obtained from Jiufeng and other three loose immortals before.

"The eight wastelands are united, beheaded~"

A ray of sword light slashed out in front of Shan Xiongxing and the three great Sanxian immortals, cutting off their way to the Supreme Palace.

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