My Master Is a God

Chapter 1817 The cry of the resentful woman

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

After half the payment, when Yang Yiyun raised his head, he found a jade slip floating in front of him.

Reaching out and holding the jade slip in his hand, Yang Yiyun felt warm in his heart. He knew that this was what the old man left for him before he left, and it might be related to the Supreme Palace.

The old man said at the beginning that the dojo on Sanxian Island would give him good things. Before, he only talked to the old man to say goodbye. In fact, he had forgotten this incident.

Now this jade slip may be it!

Seeing that the six-eared macaque is still in the huge golden cocoon, and may not be able to get out for a while, the monkey seems to be a blessing in disguise this time under the huge pressure, and it should have entered some kind of self-evolution.

But the four demons were frozen on the spot by the old man's magic. Yang Yiyun was actually quite curious about what secret method the old man used, but it must have been some kind of body-holding technique.

Regarding this magic, Yang Yiyun, who was born under the red flag, has watched a lot of mythical TV and novels since he was a child, and he is quite envious of it.

The seemingly ordinary body-holding technique can actually be regarded as a high-level spell.

Yang Yiyun only realized this after practicing cultivation.

According to the cultivator's methods or his current cultivation strength, he can also immobilize other people, but it is very cumbersome in actual combat. It requires powerful soul and magic power to forcibly suppress the seal in order to achieve the purpose of immobilizing the body.

It will definitely not be as easy as the old man did to the four demons before. With a casual wave of his hand, the four demons were immobilized without feeling the powerful fluctuations of mana.

Vaguely, Yang Yiyun just felt that the power of heaven and earth was turbulent with the old man's wave of his hand. In fact, now that he thought about it, it should be the power of the laws of heaven and earth.

But I don’t know what means the old man used to immobilize the four monsters and achieve the purpose of immobilizing them?

On this occasion, Yang Yiyun's understanding of the body-holding spell is actually that it is a profound magical technique, and it is definitely not the kind of body-holding technique that can be casually watched on TV when he was a child.

The most impressive thing is that in Journey to the West, Monkey King, the Monkey King’s immobilization technique, is invincible. Sun Wukong often points his finger at the goblin and shouts "Ding" and the goblin is immobilized.

At that time, I often fantasized that I could also have body-fixing skills.

With random thoughts in his mind, Yang Yiyun looked around. Those loose immortals and demon cultivators had fled long ago. They had been killed before and their courage was broken. It was expected that no one would dare to stay on the top of the Supreme Mountain now.

The Supreme Palace behind him was almost in ruins. The old man had made too much noise before, plundering the immortal power and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth on Sanxian Island. No matter how strong the building was, it could not withstand such a huge force sprint. , after the old man's recasting of the immortal body is completed, the Supreme Palace will basically be abandoned.

Looking left and right, the six-eared macaque might not end anytime soon. Yang Yiyun was going to take a look at the jade slip the old man left behind when he left. What was it?

As soon as his spiritual consciousness swept in, there was only an embarrassing voice in his mind: "Ahem... I told you that the dojo on Sanxian Island would give you some treasures before, but this time I'm going to make a mistake." ...Ahem... The Supreme Palace does have the treasures of heaven and earth accumulated by the master, but the cost of recasting the immortal this time is too great, beyond the master's expectations.

So...hehe, I didn't leave anything for you, but...there is also a spiritual bird in the Supreme Palace, which was brought out by my master from a forbidden area in the fairy world. Although that a bit...annoying...but it is also related to It's different, that bird... ahem... I'll give it to you anyway, the spirit bird has good stuff in its belly. As long as you have the ability, you can get everything you want to know from its belly...

Well, that's it, anyway... I gave it to you. I made a mistake this time, and I will make up for it when you go to the fairy world in the future. By the way, you kid, don't kill or eat that bird... …”

Yang Yiyun knew that this was just the recording left by the dead old man, not his spiritual consciousness.

I didn’t care, but I was quite touched inside.

He muttered to himself: "Old man, I am your apprentice, why should I be embarrassed? I just made a mistake to my apprentice. I won't pester you to ask for natural resources, so why should I be so embarrassed~"

Yang Yiyun knew that his old man was the kind of person who kept his word, and he was also a man who wanted to keep face. Although he was his apprentice, he still felt embarrassed to be rude to his apprentice.

That's why I use jade slips to talk to myself.

Yang Yiyun didn't care at all, but was very moved, even though the old man said that all the treasures in the Supreme Palace were consumed by him when he rebuilt the immortal body.

But he still left himself a spiritual bird.

In Yang Yiyun's mind, since it was a spiritual bird deliberately left behind by the old man, it must not be an ordinary spiritual bird, but it was also full of expectations.

When he was about to enter the Supreme Palace to look for it, the old man said that the spiritual bird was inside the Supreme Palace.

But for some reason, Yang Yiyun thought about the old man's message on the jade slip, and it always felt weird. The old man's tone seemed to be telling him a big harm that he couldn't control.

Yang Yiyun shook his head and cursed himself: "The old man is the master after all. He can't cheat his own disciples, and he can't cross the belly of a gentleman with a villain's heart."

After saying that, he waved his hand and released Sister Mei, Tianhu, Little Phoenix, Diao'er and Wangzai from the space of the Qiankun Pot.

He was going to enter the Supreme Palace. Although the four demons were subdued by the old man and they were just waiting for the six-eared macaque to wake up and judge them, there was no danger for the time being.

But after all, the six-eared macaques are at a certain evolutionary level and cannot be disturbed, so Yang Yiyun released Sister Mei and the others to protect the six-eared macaques so that they could rest assured.

After briefly telling Sister Mei about the war, Yang Yiyun was ready to enter the Supreme Palace to find the spirit bird left by the old man.

But Sister Mei said: "Let Little Phoenix accompany you in~"

"No, you all stay and protect the six ears. The Supreme Palace has collapsed and the formation is gone. There will be no danger, and it will also prevent those loose immortals from returning." Yang Yiyun refused.

He attached great importance to Liu Er's safety, and said that those who treat Liu Er as brothers are brothers. After this battle, the two of them recognized each other.


Diao'er squeaked and jumped onto Yang Yiyun's shoulder, indicating that she would accompany Yang Yiyun in.

"Just ask Diao'er to accompany you in, otherwise I won't worry." Sister Mei said.

This time Yang Yiyun nodded: "Okay, be careful, I will come out as soon as possible."

Then he took Diao'er and stepped into the gate of the Supreme Palace.

In the Supreme Palace, the gate looked fine, but after it was gone, Yang Yiyun was dumbfounded. The rows of palace buildings had all collapsed, and none of them seemed intact.

"What did this old man do? I was still thinking of coming in to look for the two treasures, but now it seems there won't be any left~" Yang Yiyun muttered.


The mink is squeaking, everything is in ruins. Where can we find the spiritual bird?

"That's right. The old man didn't explain clearly. What does the spirit bird look like? Where can I go to find it?"

The entire Supreme Palace covers a large area with mountains and water. The old man didn't say what the spirit bird looked like. It's really not easy to find a bird now.

While speaking, Yang Yiyun also let go of his spiritual consciousness and went out...

After searching around with his spiritual consciousness, he didn't find any living beings. He thought that the Supreme Palace collapsed into ruins, and even if there were any living beings inside, they might have disappeared.

However, Yang Yiyun believed that since the old man said that there was a spiritual bird left to him, he was not wrong.

Let's go look for it, step into the ruins with Diao'er, and look for each place...

For four or five hours, not even a single bird feather was seen, let alone a spiritual bird.

Just when Yang Yiyun thought that the spiritual bird had run away long ago and was about to give up, he heard faint cries in his ears.

"Wow... What a heartless person, you left me alone and left..."

"Wow, wow, wow...shameless old bastard, just leave and destroy the palace. You don't even have a place to live..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... What bullshit Supreme? His words don't mean what he says. He promised that one of his disciples will come to settle me down and take care of me. Where are the people? Where are the people? Where are the people?"

Yang Yiyun heard the sound, which must have been several hundred meters away, and hurried over with Diao'er. The cries and curses became increasingly clear.

But what was strange to him was that it was obviously a man's voice, but the curses and cries sounded like a resentful woman who had been abandoned by a man.

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