My Master Is a God

Chapter 1827 Thirty thousand miles underground a hundred years later

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

On Mount Everest in Yunmen Wonderland, on this day, Niu Duzi, Yun Lei Beast, Diao Er, Little Phoenix, plus a god and demon bird were protecting Yang Yiyun.

Of course, the demonic bird was squatting on the calf's head, so it was naturally showing off its lust. It would not protect the law.

Because the Blood-Burning Heavenly Secret Formation must be used to deduce the Heavenly Secret, the formation must not be stopped together, so the God and Demon Bird solemnly asked that there must be a guardian.

Therefore, several mythical beasts play the role of protectors.

Outside the circle, Zhao Nan was watching with a group of women. She was extremely worried. Although Yang Yiyun briefly talked about the Burning Blood Heavenly Secret Formation, she could guess that this formation must be very costly, otherwise it would not be in her home. , arrange several mythical beasts to protect the law.

As for the others, Yang Yiyun still launched out and continued to search, headed by Zihuang and other four demon commanders and dozens of cultivators who Yang Yiyun had rescued from Wujian Valley, and spread out.

They even issued a summons from Yunmen, giving orders to numerous sects of all sizes in the entire world of cultivation to search for Yang Yuanqing.

Yang Yiyun promised that if someone could provide accurate information, Yunmen would offer a reward of one million high-grade spiritual stones, 100 types of elixirs, and direct access to the Yunmen Fairyland Enlightenment Forest and Immortal Palace.

After the news of the reward came out, the entire cultivator world was in turmoil...

Not to mention anything else, just one million high-grade spiritual stones and one hundred kinds of elixirs are an astronomical figure, and even other holy land levels may not be able to obtain them.

What's more, there are two holy places for cultivation, Yunmen Chengxian Hall and Wudaolin.

Nowadays, the Enlightenment Forest and the Chengxian Hall in Yunmen Wonderland have become famous in the entire world of cultivation. Including other holy places, there are no cultivation holy places like the Yunmen Enlightenment Forest and the Chengxian Hall.

In addition to the legends that have been passed down from time to time, outside cultivators, whether human or demon, are full of sacred yearning for Yunmen Chengxian Hall and Enlightenment Forest.

In the eyes of outside monks, as long as they can enter the Immortal Hall of Yunmen Wonderland or the Enlightenment Forest, they have a chance to become an immortal. No matter how bad the situation is, their cultivation level can be improved like a rocket.

Because the disciples of Yunmen rose so fast within hundreds of years, so fast that the entire world of cultivation was frightened. Only later did we learn that Yunmen Wonderland had two places, the Enlightenment Forest and the Immortal Palace.

No one wants to go in...

But this time when the Yunmen summons came, the entire world of cultivation was in chaos, including several other holy places. They all wanted to enter the Yunmen Enlightenment Forest and the Immortal Hall to see and practice.

Anyway, the current Yunmen Wonderland is the holy land of cultivation in the eyes of all cultivators, and its status has even surpassed the previous nine holy lands.

In terms of strength and power, it has reached the level that Yang Yiyun boasted to his master, Yun Tianxie, and has become a sect that transcends the Holy Land.

The nine major sects, the Holy Land of All Spirits and the City of Ghosts, were destroyed by Yang.

In the year when the demon clan broke out, several holy places that participated in the Yunmen War were also seriously injured. It is lucky that they still maintain their status as holy places until they were not wiped out.

Therefore, the current status of Yunmen is really a transcendent existence.

A Yunmen order was sent out, and almost the entire sect in the cultivation world responded.

After this incident, regardless of whether we can get any news about Yang Yuanqing, Yunmen is destined to be recorded in history.

Moreover, Yunmen’s summoning order or reward would be more appropriate. There is no restriction, even the demon clan can do it.

Yunmen has always recruited disciples of the demon clan, but as the world of cultivation is dominated by cultivators, the demon clan does not dare to step into Yunmen easily.

But after this incident, demon clans hiding in various places in the world of cultivation also came out one after another, also wanting to enter Yunmen.

Anyway, the foundation of Yunmen Wonderland was founded by 50,000 demon cultivators, and everyone in the real world knows this.

Yunmen is the only one in the Holy Land that other demon clans in the cultivator world have a favorable opinion of.

It also resulted in a situation where it would be difficult for any force in the world of cultivation to surpass Yunmen Wonderland in the future, even rivaling the Little Demon Realm and Sanxian Island.

Because of his trip to the Little Demon Realm, Yang Yiyun became famous, and he was also close to the Shenfeng clan led by Mei Shiying. Other bloodline families such as Qinglong, Xuanwu, and White Tiger had all seen the relationship between Yang Yiyun and Fengxian, and Beexian was There are creatures in the fairy world, so the entire little demon world has to give face.

Not to mention Sanxian Island, in the battle at Supreme Mountain, Yang could be said to have directly and indirectly killed all the top strong men among the human race on Sanxian Island.

There were only four big monsters left in the entire Sanxian Island, the black fox, the silver eagle, the crazy lion, and the red-headed centipede. They were collected by Yang and brought back to Yunmen Wonderland to watch the gate sweep.

Therefore, Yunmen Wonderland has become the veritable number one force. Of course, this is a story for later.

As for now, Yang Yiyun has begun to set up his formation, preparing to deduce Tianji to find his youngest son Yang Yuanqing.

After three hours, Yang Yiyun finally activated the formation.

"Yuan Zheng gave me Qing'er's original name tag~"

Yang Yiyun asked Yuan Zheng in the distance for his son Yang Yuanqing's natal card. According to the God and Demon Bird, a person's natal card was the key to finding it at that time because it contained Yang Yuanqing's natal mark.

Yuan Zheng gave her son's natal sign to Yang Yiyun with concern.

"Put it into the formation eye."

The demon bird gave instructions.

Yang Yiyun was holding his youngest son Yang Yuanqing's birth card in his hand. There were no cracks on it, and he was relieved. This meant that his son was safe so far, or at least his life was not in danger.

Sighing in his heart, Yang Yiyun sat cross-legged and opened his mouth to speak: "The formation is up~"

After the two words fell, the surroundings were filled with light, and a golden halo with a circle on the outside and a square on the inside started to activate.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Yiyun urged his essence and blood to drip onto Yang Yuanqing's birth card. The father and son connected their hearts, and the essence and blood became one. Only by urging him with his soul could the method of celestial calculation be activated.


When the essence and blood dropped on the birth card, Yang Yiyun must have started burning the essence and blood in his heart.

My mind buzzed, and I felt that my consciousness had entered the boundless darkness, just like entering the black lotus space, and the silence around me was terrifying.

But the difference is that in this state of endless darkness, he can see a little halo in front of his eyes.

If you look carefully, this halo is exactly the natal card of your son Yang Yuanqing.

At this moment, this natal card is floating in the darkness and moving forward little by little, like a dark beacon, guiding me forward, not knowing where it will go.

This made Yang Yiyun a little confused.

At this moment, the voice of the god and demon bird rang out in the boundless darkness.

"Little bastard, this is the secret guidance evolved from the secret formation. That lamp is your son's destiny card. Driven by the power of the secret, it will lead you to find him with your consciousness.

At this moment, your state is similar to that of a soul traveling. After that light stops, the boundless darkness will dissipate, and then you will be able to look at the scene where your son is, and you will be able to find him.

Remember to follow your natal guide light closely, and the burning of your essence and blood cannot be stopped. Once you stop, all your previous efforts will be wasted. "The Divine Demon Bird is speaking quite seriously at the moment.

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun finally realized that this was what happened.

He said he knew.

Immediately after calming down his mind, he followed the guiding light of his destiny and walked in the boundless darkness...

From the outside, Yang Yiyun sat cross-legged in the center of the formation, motionless, as if in trance.

The divine beast protector, a group of women and children were outside, no one said anything, they were all waiting for Yang Yiyun to wake up. Everyone knew whether they could find Yang Yuanqing depended on Yang Yiyun's casting this time.

One day passes, ten days pass, one year, two years, three years...

Time is passing by unconsciously, and everyone is waiting for it.

Yang Yiyun was sitting in the blood-burning Tianji formation at the top of the main peak of Yunmen. A thick layer of dust had fallen on his body and he had not moved at all.

The magic bird squatted on his shoulder and took a nap...

The several mythical beasts were doing their duty faithfully, and they were all staring outside with all their concentration.

Zhao Nan and a group of other women simply sat cross-legged and meditated with Yang Yiyun.

In the boundless darkness that evolved from the heavenly secret, Yang Yiyun has been following the guiding light of his destiny...

Ten years, twenty years...fifty years...until a hundred years passed, there was finally a change in the boundless darkness.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun felt his eyes suddenly light up. The darkness around him faded a little, and he saw a huge palace in his sight. This palace was actually built on the edge of a magma river.

Yang Yiyun subconsciously said: "Where...where is this?"

Then the God and Demon Bird said: "You little bastard, this is a place 30,000 miles underground~"

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