My Master Is a God

Chapter 1836 Arrangements before Ascension

Yunmen Wonderland~

Yang Yiyun saved his son's tenth year.

The entire Yunmen Gate was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and it was very lively. It was even a grand occasion for the entire cultivation world.

Because today is the day when Yang Yiyun, the master of Yunmen Fairyland, ascends to the fairyland.

Ten years ago, Yang Yiyun rescued his son from a demon and returned to Yunmen. He had the demon's soul hung at the gate of Yunmen Mountain. The mediator tortured him by burning it with the fire of the soul, and his screams could be heard throughout the entire world of cultivation. .

It gave a warning to the entire cultivation world.

People from Yunmen are not to be provoked.

At the same time, it pushed Yunmen's status to its peak.

The entire Yunmen Wonderland has become a transcendent force that truly transcends the Holy Land.

Since Yang Yiyun came back ten years ago, he has been staying in Yunmen to enjoy his family life with his family and friends.

He had felt the connection ten years ago, but he had been suppressing it. He wanted to spend more time with his family and friends, so he suppressed it for ten years.

Ten years is the maximum time he can suppress Ascension.

It was enough for him, he would have to leave sooner or later.

He has done everything he can for his family and friends.

Having created the number one force in the world of cultivation and the best cultivation environment, they need to walk the rest of the way on their own.

The road to cultivation is a ruthless road, and this sentence is sometimes true.

Everyone has to rely on themselves to grow. In some aspects he can help, but in some aspects he cannot.

For example, Heavenly Tribulation and Enlightenment Ascension are beyond the help of outsiders. Everyone can only rely on themselves.

Yang Yiyun did everything he had to do.

The rest is up to them.

In the past ten years, he has accompanied every woman, every child, every relative and friend, summoned the high-level demon of Yunmen, explained many things, and done everything that should be done.

This time he ascended to the immortal world, Yang Yiyun ordered and invited the entire cultivation world to come and watch.

First of all, it can be regarded as a reference for nearly 10,000 years, and no monks in the world of cultivation have truly ascended to the sky. For everyone to observe, it is a good relationship.

Secondly, it is a shock. He wants everyone to know that even if Yunmen leaves, he will only go to the immortal world. Yunmen will have a backer in the immortal world in the future. Any monks and forces that are unfavorable to Yunmen disciples must be weighed. Weigh.

Thirdly, he has to do several big things.

It can be regarded as strengthening Yunmen's power before leaving, or finding some allies.

The entire Yunmen high-rise building was gathered in the Yunmen Hall Square today.

Yang Yiyun appeared in full dress.

"Join the Holy Lord~"

Thunderous sounds echoed through Cloud Gate Square, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people.

Everything that should be explained and done was done, and Yang Yiyun announced the results as soon as he came up.

"Where is Dugu Hui, the great disciple of Yunmen?" Yang Yiyun said slowly.

Dugu Hui stepped forward and said, "Disciple Dugu Hui pays homage to Master."

"Ah Hui, you are a disciple of our master, and more importantly, a disciple of Yunmen. From today onwards, I am commanding you to take on the important responsibilities of Yunmen and protect every disciple of our Yunmen. Do you have confidence?"

Many people were surprised when Yang Yiyun said this, but it was also expected. After Yang Yiyun was left, Yunmen still needed someone to lead it, and Duguhui was his eldest disciple, and the senior brother of the entire Yunmen disciples.

Duguhui also followed Yang Yiyun from the earth. He is the longest disciple. His training time is about the same as that of Yang Yiyun. Although he is not as abnormal as Yang Yiyun, he is now in the late stage of transcending the tribulation and holds the position of the leader of Yunmen. , in terms of cultivation level, it may be nothing among many disciples of Yunmen.

But Dugu Hui counts as senior.

Yang Yiyun naturally wouldn't think about it this way. There are many masters in Yunmen who have high cultivation level, and there is no need for the sect leader to work hard. He needs to choose a sect leader for Yunmen who can be recognized and respected by many Yunmen disciples. Only in this way can Weng Dingyun Door.

He never thought that Dugu Hui was the most suitable candidate. His first disciple had sufficient cultivation. He had known many elders of Yunmen for a long time and had cooperated with each other. All the masters of Yunmen would regard Duguhui as his best candidate. If you look at it from a younger generation, you will only support, not oppose, anything you do in the future.

In addition, since the establishment of Yunmen, whether it is Yunmen on Earth, Yunmen in the mountains and seas, or Yunmen in the current cultivation world, all the new disciples recruited have been taught by Dugu Hui, the senior disciple.

Also, several of my children respect this senior brother. As long as these little brats respect Dugu Hui, there will be no disobedience to discipline in the future.

The most important thing is that Duguhui has matured and stabilized over the years, and has also participated in the management of Yunmen. Of course, this was Yang Yiyun's intention and a long-standing plan.

Now it is a matter of course.

Of course, it was the second disciple Wang Zongren who led Yunmen when he was on Earth, but it was a small sect at that time, but now Yunmen in the world of cultivation is a power that transcends the entire world of cultivators, far surpassing the Holy Land.

On a big stage and in a big environment, you have to follow the rules and not mess around. Sometimes you still have to follow the orthodox way. This is related to the entire environment of the cultivation world, and also looking at the long-term inheritance issues of Yunmen in the future, Yang Yiyun does not dare to be careless.

In fact, Dugu Hui was not mentally prepared. In his opinion, after his master ascended to the throne, the leader of the Yunmen Sect should be the eldest son of the entire junior disciple group and master to take over. He never thought that it would be him.

He was in a daze for a moment, and then in full view of everyone, Dugu Hui said with some embarrassment: "Master, I think the sect leader should have a group of junior disciples..."

"Presumptuous~" Yang Yiyun knew this disciple best and knew what he was thinking. He interrupted Dugu Hui in a deep voice and said, "Are you questioning your decision to become a teacher? Or do you mean that you don't even have this responsibility?"

Dugu Hui was startled. Hearing the master's words, he quickly clasped his fists and said, "Disciple, I will obey the master's orders. From now on, you will be shattered into pieces and protect me, Yunmen."

Duguhui understood what Master Yang Yiyun meant.

Now he understands Master's intention. He is no longer the heartless Yunmen disciple he was back then.

"Second disciple Wang Zongren, where is the third disciple Wu Jian?" Yang Yiyun continued.

"Disciple is here." Wang Zongren and Wu Jian stepped forward.

"Wang Zongren is responsible for the inheritance of Yunmen, and Wu Jian is in charge of the punishment of Yunmen. Anyone who violates the rules of Yunmen can be punished."

"I will obey my master's orders."

"The calf, the little phoenix, the mink, and the cloud thunder beast are all Yunmen's sacred beasts that protect the law. All Yunmen disciples must respect them without making any mistakes.

The rest of the elders and others will remain unchanged and perform their duties. I hope that you and others will protect our Yunmen inheritance in the future, and will not commit adultery or violate the laws of Yunmen and harm the interests of Yunmen. If so, even if I am in the fairy world He will definitely be killed without mercy.

The four great demon commanders control the demon cultivators of Yunmen and guard the four sides of our Yunmen. The demon cultivators of Yunmen are the great contributors to our Yunmen. All Yunmen disciples, including the Yang family’s disciples, should respect them. Anyone who has racial discrimination should be punished. Therefore, this item is recorded in the Yunmen Sect Rules...

After I ascend to the Immortal Realm, I hope that all of you will work together to protect my Yunmen inheritance. We will meet in the Immortal Realm in the future. Do you know that? "

Yang Yiyun glanced at everyone.

"We will obey the orders of the Holy Lord."

At this point, Yang Yiyun has finished explaining the matter of Yunmen.

There was no arrangement for his woman and child Yang Yiyun, because the Yang family was the supreme being in Yunmen and was respected and protected by the entire Yunmen.

Of course, when Yang Yiyun ascended, he confessed that the mythical beasts such as the calf and the little phoenix are the power to protect the inner courtyard. Besides, among the women there is the real dragon, Sister Mei, and the real dragon power she leads is the protective power of the Yunmen family.

Anyway, Yang Yiyun did what he needed to explain.

It's time to ascend. Ten years of suppression has reached its limit.

"Crow, let's go~"

"Wow haha, I finally have to leave this damn world of cultivation. I can't breathe smoothly even here. Hurry up~"

The magic bird flew down on Yang Yiyun's shoulder.

Originally, Yang Yiyun planned to put a group of women and children into the Qiankun Pot and take them to the fairy world when he ascended, but because of the crow's words, Yang Yiyun gave up this idea.

I remember at that time he asked the God and Demon Bird: "Crow, when I leave, can I take all my family and friends with me to the fairy world?"

The Divine Bird sneered and said, "If you don't want them to die quickly, it's best not to take them with you."

"How did you say this?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"You are a weakling with short knowledge. The cultivator world and the fairy world are two completely different interfaces. The laws and avenues are different. The laws of the fairy world are more stable and solid. Do you know why there is a link of ascension?" God Demon Bird asked .

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