My Master Is a God

Chapter 1842 It’s time to re-understand the fairy world

The God Demon Bird said in a preaching tone: "You need to have a map of the fairy world to know."


Yang Yiyun was speechless.

Do you need a map to know which fairy mountains you can enter?

"It seems that the first thing to do when coming to the fairyland is to get a map."

The God and Demon Bird said: "Take your time, the fairy world is a world that can surprise you, and it is also a world that can scare you. When you reach the fairy world, you have to start over.

Those immortals are right about one thing. When you first enter the immortal world, it is best to find an immortal sect to be safe. However, that old bastard Yun Tianxie has not established any power in the immortal world at all. If you join other immortal sects, you will be restricted. It is inevitable, but don't join the Immortal Sect. It is true that you are free. But in the future, if you encounter trouble, you will have to fight alone, no one will help you.

After arriving in the immortal world, you need to consider all the issues of needs. The issue of survival also exists for immortals. Of course, what I mean by survival is to survive and solve the problem of your cultivation resources.

Although the power level of the immortal world is a big level higher than that of the cultivation world, and it is said that after ascending to become an immortal, your life span will be infinite, but it is just a theory. There are nine levels of immortality. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

In a cruel environment, if your cultivation level is low, it is normal for you to be bullied or even killed, so you kid must constantly improve your strength and cultivation level.

If you want to improve your strength and cultivation, it is not enough to simply absorb the immortal power between heaven and earth, because after ascension, you have gone through a baptism inside and outside your body.

Cultivation is like the body being a container. When you were a cultivator, if the container of your body was a bucket or a vat, then now that you have become an immortal, the container of your body has been sublimated accordingly and turned into a well or even a pond. And now It was completely empty inside.

You need to absorb and complete your own container before you can enter the next level, so simply absorbing the power of immortality is far from enough. "

After the magic bird finished speaking, Yang Yiyun subconsciously asked: "Then what should I do?"

"Idiot, what is there in the Immortal World? There are Immortal Stones in the Immortal World. I don't know how many times more pure and powerful the Immortal Yuan Stone is than the spiritual stone in the cultivator world. Well, it is called Immortal Stone for short. It is divided into four grades: upper, middle and lower. The lowest grade is the lowest and the best grade is the highest. .

Basically, it is the same as the spiritual stone of the cultivation world, but there is a huge quality gap between the two. The common currency and cultivation resource in the entire fairy world is the fairy stone as the standard.

Of course, there are also elixirs, immortal weapons, etc., which all require fairy stones to purchase. However, if you can refine elixirs or magical weapons, you can live happily in the fairy world.

The profession of elixir master and immortal weapon master is also the profession of masters in the immortal world. There are very few immortals who know how to refine elixirs, and those who can refine elixirs well are even rarer.

If you can refine elixirs and weapons, you can find any immortal sect or immortal family and you will be treated as a guest and provided with all the training resources. It can be said that these two professions are very popular in the immortal world. "The Magic Bird gave Yang Yiyun a detailed science education.

However, Yang Yiyun seemed to be no different from those in the world of cultivation, but the Divine Demon Bird also said that the elixir masters and immortal weapon masters in the immortal world are completely different from those in the world of cultivation...

What kind of difference it is, he still needs to understand it himself.

According to the meaning of the God and Demon Bird, Yang Yiyun felt that he might not be able to die from hunger. When he was in the world of cultivation, he had little experience in refining weapons, but he was good at it. However, when it came to alchemy, he was the main focus.

Now that he has arrived in the fairy world, God and Demon Bird said that alchemy is popular, so he will continue to study alchemy. He just doesn't know the difference between the elixirs in the fairy world and the pills in the cultivation world. However, the way of cultivation has the saying that all methods return to the sect, so it is not much different. , it shouldn’t be difficult if you just delve into it.

While one person and one bird were asking questions, they unknowingly arrived at the nearest fairy mountain that they first saw.

At this time, Yang Yiyun asked the God and Demon Bird: "Are those two crows still there?"

He didn't see it, but Yang Yiyun knew that the devil bird had something unique about it. The bird in question was simply a god-like existence when it came to Xia, so it was absolutely right to ask it.

"You, a young monk who has just ascended, have refuted the reputation of a top-grade heavenly immortal. How can they give up and keep following you? I really don't know if newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, or if they are really stupid. They will find it for themselves as soon as they come to the immortal world. Trouble." The demon bird said nagging.

"It's not me who's looking for trouble, it's obvious trouble that's looking for me. Okay, okay, aren't they just two top-grade immortals? I really don't care about it, young master. Please tell me if we can enter this fairy mountain. Can we enter it?" Just go in and talk." Yang Yiyun asked, looking at the fairy mountain in front of him.

"It's okay to go to the fairy mountain not far from the Three Thousand Leading Heavenly Pillar. Just go in." God Demon Bird said.

Upon hearing this, Yang Yiyun no longer hesitated and accelerated his flight directly into the fairy mountain.

Every fairy mountain was wrapped in a layer of colorful clouds, which were very thick. After Yang Yiyun plunged in, he flew for a long time before his eyes suddenly became clear.

A world with lush mountains and clear waters, and mist everywhere appeared at his feet.

Yang Yiyun looked at his feet and down, and then looked at the surrounding sky. Except for the colorful clouds filling the sky and the earth, the sky seemed to be no different from the world of cultivation.

Now it seems that there is sunshine, blue sky, mountains, water and woods...

Of course, the power full of heaven and earth is the power of immortality.

"This seems to be very similar to the world of cultivators. There is heaven, earth, and sunshine... Why can't you see the sun in the sea of ​​stars?" Yang Yiyun asked the God and Demon Bird a little strangely.

"The laws here are comprehensive, and naturally there is nothing missing. Everything in the world of cultivators is here, and there are things in the immortal world that are not found in the world of cultivation. The sun and moon in the immortal world can only be seen in the fairy mountain land, and they are the real Great Zhoutian.

One day in the immortal world is one year in the cultivator world. It is the same day and night, and the cycle is very long. The sun and moon can be seen in most immortal mountains, but you cannot see them only in the sea of ​​stars. "The Magic Bird provides popular science to Yang Yiyun.

"Why can't you see it in the sea of ​​stars?" Yang Yiyun asked the God and Demon Bird.

The Demonic Bird said: "I don't know what's going on specifically. This is the Great Road. The Great Road is unpredictable and no one knows it."

Yang Yiyun smiled happily and said: "It turns out that there are times when birds don't know your problem, haha~"

"You weakling, there are so many mysteries and endless changes in the universe, who can know them all." The God Demon Bird cursed.

"Going down~"

Yang Yiyun flew down.

The next moment he landed in a valley.

It seemed that the environment in the fairy world was similar to that in the world of cultivation, but in fact, when he came down and landed on the earth, he realized that the difference was still very big.

For example, the earth under his feet felt much harder than that of the cultivator world.

In order to apply for the call, Yang Yiyun suddenly raised his hand and punched the ground under his feet.


With an extremely powerful punch, the power of the Qiankun inner elixir that had mutated in the body was used to hit the ground, making a dull sound.


The next moment, Yang Yiyun screamed.

Unexpectedly, his full fist only made a half-inch fist mark on the ground.

The key is that it hurts even if my fist hits it.

The earth in the fairy world was much harder than he thought.

If his punch were in the realm of cultivators, it would be enough to collapse a mountain.

But here, he only made a fist mark on the ground, and it hurt his fist.

"Hahaha... You are stupid, I have already told you that the laws of the immortal world are comprehensive and nothing can be compared to the world of cultivation." God and Demon Bird gloated.

"Master, I still don't believe in evil~"

Yang Yiyun lost his temper and looked at a small tree with thick arms next to him. The silver light of the dragon-slaying sword flashed in his hand, and he used the power in his body to slash at the small tree.


Well, the next moment the little tree shook and not a single leaf fell off.

And Qi Xiaoshu was not chopped down with a sword as he imagined.

However, one thing that made Yang Yiyun feel not embarrassed was that although the Dragon Slayer sword cut down the small tree, the blade of the sword cut into the small tree by more than an inch.

After struggling to pull out the dragon-slaying sword from the tree trunk, Yang Yiyun felt frustrated.

I secretly muttered in my heart: "I have underestimated the fairy world. It seems that I have to get to know the fairy world again~"

"Hahaha... Boy, do you think the immortal world is your realm of cultivators? I have long said that in the lower world you are a dragon, but in the fairy world you are just a worm. You can't stop cutting down the trees in the fairy world. I really can't figure it out. Who gave you the courage to offend a top-grade immortal?"

At this moment, a strange voice sounded.

Yang Yiyun suddenly turned his head, only to see two high-level immortals named Zhang San and Li Si appearing thirty meters away, walking towards him step by step.

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