My Master Is a God

Chapter 1860 Purple Thunder Leaf Kills the Dzogchen Immortal

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!



The purple lightning in Yan Wuchi's hand fell on Yang Yiyun in an instant.

Huge thunder and lightning struck the body so fast that Yang Yiyun had no chance to react. The speed was beyond imagination.

Moreover, its power is far beyond what the Thunder of the Cultivation World can compare with.

This is the true power of thunder.

After a loud bang, Yang Yiyun felt that his whole body was like being hit by a heavy hammer, like burning hot and stinging flames, and even like being watered by biting ice. The feeling was extremely uncomfortable.

The qi and blood in the body are also churning.


The body flew out involuntarily, and a large mouthful of blood suddenly spat out in mid-air.


Yang Yiyun's body flew backwards more than ten meters away and hit a large rock. The rock split into pieces.


There were bouts of coughing up blood.

Yang Yiyun was feeling overwhelmed at the moment.

Unexpectedly, the power of thunder in the fairy world was so powerful.

There is no way to compare with the power of thunder in the world of cultivation and the power of thunder in the world of cultivation.

He was also extremely frightened. If the God and Demon Bird hadn't reminded him earlier and made a defensive move, he wouldn't be as simple as spitting out a mouthful of blood.

The power of the Supreme Divine Power and the defensive blessing of the Three Seals of the Vajra were instantly shattered when the thunder struck down...

Even the divine power of the universe in his body didn't have much defense, and they all broke under this thunder.

To be honest, this blow made Yang Yiyun very uncomfortable and he suffered moderate injuries.

"Haha... I, my dear, do you think the Ice Fire Sky Thunder Talisman tastes good?" Yan Wuchi held the same Sky Thunder Talisman in his hand and walked step by step in front of Yang Yiyun.


Yang Yiyun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "It's nothing more than that~"

The stubborn duck is talking about people like Yang Yiyun. They have obviously been injured by the Ice Fire Sky Thunder Talisman in Yan Wuchi's hand, but they will never admit it when facing the enemy.

In fact~

In his heart, he was very afraid of the Fire and Ice Talisman in Yan Wuchi's hand.

"Hahaha... The Heavenly Thunder Talisman in my hand can still be used twice. It should make you want to die. Come on, let's experience the taste of the Heavenly Thunder Talisman in the fairy world. This is for you lowly people in the lower world. A taste that no one else can enjoy." Yan Wuchi once again activated the Ice Fire Sky Thunder Talisman in his hand as he spoke.

How could Yang Yiyun sit still and wait for death?

"I also have thunder for you to try~"

While speaking, Yang Yiyun stood up and took a look in his hands. A fiery red leaf was in the palm of his hand.

It is the Five Elements Purple Thunder Leaves in his Qiankun Pot Space.

In fact, Yang Yiyun has never used Purple Thunder Leaf. There are only five five-element leaves on a Purple Thunder tree.

In many cases, he subconsciously forgot about it. Now after seeing Yan Wuchi using the Ice Fire Sky Thunder Talisman, he thought of the existence of a Five Elements Purple Thunder Tree in his Qiankun Pot. There were only five Five Elements leaves on the top of the tree. A leaf contains extremely terrifying power of thunder, and it also has the attributes of the five elements.

Since you, Yan Wu Chi, have the power of the Thunder Talisman, I will also try the power of the Purple Thunder Leaf.

"Suffer death~"

At this moment, Yan Wuchi activated the Ice Fire Sky Thunder Talisman in his hand for the second time.

It was previously said that this product can be used three times.

This is the second time.

Yang Yiyun took out a fire attribute leaf and it burned instantly.

"Boom... click..."

When he activated the fire-attribute purple thunder leaf in his hand, a flame suddenly rose into the sky, accompanied by thunder that echoed through the sky.

And a thunderbolt from Yan Wuchi also struck down...

Yang Yiyun's purple thunder leaf looked like a small leaf, but after being activated, it turned into a thunder and lightning with thick arms and bright red flames.

Yan Wuchi's lightning of ice, fire, and lightning was still a small thunder and lightning with extraordinary power. It was a bit inferior to Yang Yiyun's thunder and lightning, and it was even weaker this time.



Two thunderbolts clash~

Yan Wuchi's eyes widened, and he watched helplessly as a leaf emerged from Yang Yiyun's hand and turned into the power of thunder.

The point is that it is more powerful than his ice, fire and thunder talisman. The confrontation between the two thunder powers completely neutralized his ice, fire and thunder power.

This is really...

It’s a Japanese dog~

Yan Wuchi felt that he must have bumped into a ghost today, how could he meet this kid in front of him.

He is obviously a first-level little immortal, but his strength is not inferior to him at all, and even surpasses him in strength.

He took out the Ice Fire Sky Thunder Talisman that was rewarded by the elders of his sect, but it was quickly dissolved by this kid with a leaf.

Yan Wuchi can't understand the world anymore. The Heavenly Thunder Talisman in his hand was made by a true immortal~

I thought I could chop Yang Yiyun to death with one blow, but I didn't expect that he didn't. Instead, the boy took out a leaf, which actually also contained the power of thunder.

Now Yan Wuchi is a little panicked~

The Ice Fire Sky Thunder Talisman in his hand can be used three times in total, and he has used it twice now without killing Yang Yiyun.

How could this make him feel so embarrassed?

Yan Wuchi has the Thunder Sky Talisman in his hand, and Yang Yiyun also has it in his hand.

And in terms of power, there is no difference between him and him.

Any talisman from the Golden Immortal's hand can be defused by this kid.

Yan Wuchi couldn't see through the kid in front of him more and more. How many treasures did he have and what secrets did he have?

This is definitely not an ability that a little first-level immortal can possess.

At this time, Yang Yiyun saw all the changes in Yan Wuchi's expression.

At this time, Yang Yiyun looked at Yan Wuchi with a smile and said: "Hey, shameless guy, it's my turn to fight back, prepare to die~"

After he finished speaking, a halo of light appeared in Yang Yiyun's hand, one green and one yellow. These were leaves with attributes of wood and earth, purple thunder.

Yan Wuchi still has one chance to use the ice fire and thunder talisman in his hand, but Yang Yiyun will not give him a chance.

One purple thunder leaf can dissolve Yan Wuchi's ice, fire and thunder talisman. Now two purple thunder leaves are enough for Yan Wuchi to drink a pot. Even if he can't be killed this time, the grandson will be half dead.


Thunder sky flashes.

Two arm-thick thunderbolts, one green and one yellow, came out of Yang Yiyun's palm and headed straight for Yan Wuchi.

At this moment, Yan Wuchi's expression changed greatly, and he quickly activated the ice, fire and thunder talisman in his hand.


"Xuanwu comes out of the mountain~"

Yan Wuchi had no reservations at this time. After activating the ice, fire and thunder talisman in his hand, he used the law and Taoism he had practiced.

Xuanwu comes out of the mountain, this is the power of the earth attribute law, and it is his strongest Taoist technique.

The power of the earth attribute law is the power of immortality that he has comprehended, and it is also the power with the strongest defense.

At this moment, Yan Wuchi had no confidence to receive Yang Yiyun's two powerful thunders.

At this time, we can only fight hard.

"Boom boom boom..."

The confrontation between the two took place in an instant.

After the earth-shattering sound sounded, colorful immortal energy erupted in the field.

After this blow, the fighting battlefield was filled with chaos.

The immortals who were competing for the Stone Immortal Fruit stopped one by one and looked in the direction of Yang Yiyun and Yan Wuchi.

But speaking of it, the field was basically calm at this time.

In the end, less than fifty of the hundreds of immortals were still alive.

There were corpses all over the ground.

The previous chaos was so overwhelming that I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.

And now?

After being alarmed by the sounds of fighting between Yang Yiyun and Yan Wuchi, these immortals stopped.

Some of the immortals who obtained the Stone Immortal Fruit took the opportunity to escape far away and left this tragic battlefield. Anyway, for them, the Stone Immortal Fruit was already in their hands.

As for the immortals who have not obtained the Stone Immortal Fruit but are still alive, the matter has become a foregone conclusion. In the final analysis, life is still important.

It is not easy for anyone who can cultivate to become an immortal to reach this point.

So they all gave up.

Du Jiebin, Lao Tomb and Ashan are originally one body, and they are also masters and servants who can cooperate with each other tacitly.

In this fight for the Stone Immortal Fruit, the three of them entered the battlefield with good luck and were lucky enough to grab one.

When Du Jiebin and the others were attracted by the earth-shattering thunder, when they turned around to look, their eyes widened.

Several hundred meters away, I saw Yang Yiyun and Yan Wuchi fighting, and saw a thick thunder and lightning...

"This... isn't good. Yunzi is facing off against 'Yanwu Shame'. We went over to help. How come he is facing off against that bastard? It's going to be terrible~"

As Du Jiebin spoke, he ran towards the battlefield where Yang Yiyun and Yan Wuchi were. He was afraid that Yang Yiyun would suffer.

Yan Wuchi (Shameless) often fights with him, and Du Jiebin is very aware of Yan Wuchi's insidiousness.

Not only Yan Wuchi, but also the remaining masters of the Great Immortal Sect and the Small Immortal Sect in the field were really shocked to see Yan Wuchi fighting with a first-grade heavenly immortal.

When they got closer, each eyeball almost fell to the ground.

Because when they looked over, Yang Yiyun and Yan Wuchi were already facing each other.

But Yan Wuchi's Xuanwu Dao technique was actually broken, and then the whole person was directly smashed into the pile of rocks.

No one would have thought that a little first-level immortal could actually fly away the grand master of the number one immortal sect in the world.

And it looked like he was quite injured this time.

The place suddenly became quiet.

Yang Yiyun smiled. He could feel that Yan Wuchi was seriously injured.

Two purple thunder leaves appeared again between his backhand, this time he took out the purple thunder leaves with metallic and water properties.

Since you have moved your hands, just kill him without any further trouble.


With a wave of his hand, the last two purple thunder leaves flew towards the pile of rocks where Yan Wuchi was.



Yan Wuchi screamed in terror.

But he was completely submerged in the thunder.

Yang Yiyun was completely relieved now. He flashed to the Shixian Fruit Tree, pulled out the Shixian Fruit Tree with a wave of his hand and threw it into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

After a fight, he killed Brother Yan Wuchi, the number one immortal sect in the world, and finally got the Stone Immortal Fruit Tree.

There was a deathly silence in the field at this moment.

No one thought that a first-class immortal could kill a Dzogchen immortal. The key was the successor of the number one immortal sect in the Daqing world.

The little angel is so brave!

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