My Master Is a God

Chapter 1876 The Realm of True Immortality

After Yan Wushan identified Yang Yiyun, he had murderous intentions in his heart. Like Du Jiebin, Yang Yiyun was also listed as a must-kill by him. In Yan Wushan's heart, Yang Yiyun was even more dangerous than Du Jiebin.

At this moment, when he looked at Yang Yiyun, he was filled with murderous intent.

"Boy, you're dead~"

Yan Wushan gritted his teeth and glared at Yang Yiyun fiercely, and then rushed over.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun was already prepared to deal with it.

He swallowed a stone fairy fruit and a Jin Yuan Zhen Dao elixir, and had two elixirs in his mouth ready.

Seeing Yan Wushan rushing over, the dragon-slaying sword flashed in his hand, communicating with Black Lotus's power blessing.

There is no problem defensively, he is confident.

Now let’s see the effect of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill.

The moment Jin Yuanzhen took the Dao Pill, the pill exploded in his body.

The vigorous power of immortal energy spread out, and after the Qiankun Creation Gong started to circulate, Qiankun Daoyuan instantly turned into a black hole and swallowed up the power of immortal energy.

The speed at which Qiankun Daoyuan absorbs the energy of Jinyuan Zhendao Pill can be described as a crazy black hole, absorbing it all in the blink of an eye.

But Yang Yiyun felt that his Qiankun Daoyuan was still far short of the immortal energy needed to feed him.

It is simply impossible to break through if the Daoyuan of Qiankun is not perfect.

Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat and he swallowed the other two Jin Yuan Zhen Tao Pills in his mouth.


At this time, the immortal power of two Jin Yuan Zhen Tao Pills exploded in his body.

A dull sound suddenly erupted.

The power of two-in-one is indeed no more than the power of one plus one equals two.

After the two pills exploded this time, he actually felt that his body was about to burst.

And this time, the absorption of Qiankun Daoyuan was blocked by the strong and huge energy, and it was much slower.

Yang Yiyun knew that this was actually the result of the three Jin Yuan Zhen Tao Pills exploding one after another.

I have some concerns about absorbing it.

It felt like it wasn't enough before, but now it's enough.

At this time, it was difficult for the body to be supported by the powerful energy, but Yang Yiyun had no time to take care of it. He could only desperately urge Qiankun Daoyuan to absorb and refine it.

And Yan Wushan's attack also came in front of him.

Yang Yiyun had no time to worry about the situation inside his body. Faced with Yan Wushan's powerful palm, Yang Yiyun roared: "Black Lotus Eight Desolations~"

The dragon-slaying sword energy burst out with a dazzling light. This time, the sword energy was only more than one meter long, standing out from the dragon-slaying sword. However, this sword energy was more solid than before, and it suddenly slashed towards Yan Wushan. .

One is a palm, and its momentum is like a rainbow.

One is the edge of sword energy.

However, Yan Wushan was shocked when Yang Yiyun was just starting out. He suddenly felt that the power of Yang Yiyun's sword was extraordinary and powerful.

"I underestimated you, kid." Yan Wushan snorted coldly, but when facing Yang Yiyun's sword, he put away his contempt and used force in his palm again.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Wushan's palm formed a huge landscape palm, and he slapped Yang Yiyun's sword energy, which was more than one meter long.


The deafening roar resounded throughout the entire cave hall.

There was a crashing sound approaching, but large rocks fell from the top of the cave.

This shows how powerful the confrontation between the two is.

Du Jiebin also swallowed a Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill at this time, and he had six Zhen Dao Pills in his hand.

At this time, the power of wind and thunder in the body exploded, and Du Jiebin was completely thinking about the idea of ​​breaking the jar, and improving his strength as soon as possible to help Yang Yiyun. He knew how powerful Yan Wushan was, and he did not think that Yang Yiyun could be Yan Wushan. opponent.

For this reason, after Du Jiebin swallowed a Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill, he also took a stone fairy fruit given by Yang Yiyun. Anyway, he is pursuing power now and does not care about other things.

But what happened next made Du Jiebin deeply moved.

Du Jiebin did not expect that the foundation in his body that had begun to collapse actually seemed to improve after swallowing a Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill and the Stone Immortal Fruit.

Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan has enough power to provide immortal energy. When it is absorbed into Dao Yuan, it gives the Dao Yuan that is about to collapse a little stability.

On the other hand, the Stone Fairy Fruit also played a huge role.

The greatest characteristic and effect of the Stone Immortal Fruit is to strengthen the body's defense. It can increase the body's defense ten times in an instant, but the time it lasts is a bit short.

But for Du Jiebin at this moment, these ten breaths of time are enough to change the fate of his Daoyuan, which is about to collapse.

Because the power of wind and thunder is wanton in the body, causing the meridians and the immortal body to collapse. This is like a glass bottle filled with water that has cracks. Sooner or later, it will explode, causing the entire glass bottle to be destroyed.

But at this moment, the Stone Immortal Fruit was injected like universal glue, which controlled the unbroken cracks and showed signs of cultivation.

For Du Jiebin, this was an unexpected surprise.

My heart suddenly felt overjoyed.

After being stunned for a moment, he swallowed the second stone fairy fruit.

Sure enough, it is still effective and has completely controlled the bad situation in the body.

Under this situation, Du Jiebin quickly went to activate Dao Yuan, but instead slowly controlled the power of wind and thunder in his body.

Then Du Jiebin tried to harness the power of wind and thunder to return to Daoyuan...

The next moment he succeeded.

Du Jiebin was ecstatic at this time. He could control the power of wind and thunder and return to Daoyuan. He could start the baptism and tempering of the whole body with the power of wind and thunder, and complete his immortal body of wind and thunder.

Before, he was in despair because of a broken jar. Unexpectedly, after swallowing a Jin Yuan Zhen Tao Pill and the Stone Immortal Fruit given by Yang Yiyun, he became a survivor from a desperate situation.

Looking at the three remaining Stone Immortal Fruits in his hand, Du Jiebin grinned. He knew that the remaining three Stone Immortal Fruits could definitely sustain him until he completed the baptism of the Fengling Immortal Body and allowed his Fengling Immortal Body to be completely formed.

This time it was a blessing in disguise.

Yang Yiyun is his lucky star.

This is what Du Jiebin is thinking at the moment.

After seeing the confrontation between Yang Yiyun and Yan Wushan, Du Jiebin no longer hesitated and quickly accelerated the baptism of the Fengling Immortal Body. If he completed it earlier, he could help Yang Yiyun earlier.

The confrontation between Yang Yiyun and Yan Wushan finally broke out.

As rubble fell from the cave, the two of them fought and retreated.

Yang Yiyun's hand holding the dragon-slaying sword was trembling, but his face was flushed, showing no fear at all, and his eyes were full of fighting spirit and excitement.

Because after this confrontation, the feeling of bursting in his body was released, making the absorption and operation of Qiankun Daoyuan much smoother.

After all, he swallowed three Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pills in one breath.

According to normal logic, a first-level immortal can step into the realm of a true immortal by taking one Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill.

At first he swallowed one Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill, but he felt that Qian Kun Dao Yuan was stupid and didn't eat enough. Then he swallowed two Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pills in one breath, but he almost didn't burst.

At this moment, he was fighting fiercely with Yan Wushan, but he felt indescribably comfortable.

If Yang was in this situation, if it were any other immortal, let alone three Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pills, then even two would have exploded and died.

Unlike a freak like him, although he was in danger of bursting, he felt relieved after the blow with Yan Wushan, and gave Qiankun Daoyuan time to buffer, and began to absorb and refine the huge elixir in the body normally. of power.

At a certain moment, Yang Yiyun Qiankun Daoyuan suddenly shook and made a slight sound.


Yang Yiyun was overjoyed in his heart. His cultivation finally broke through a small realm, from the first-grade Celestial Immortal cultivation level to the middle-grade Celestial Immortal level.

And it’s still rising…

"Hahaha... Yan Wushan is coming~"

Yang Yiyun felt indescribably comfortable, his whole body was filled with endless strength, and he was still panicking.

He knew that he needed to release the majestic power in his body through fighting in order to improve his cultivation level.

Fighting Yan Wushan will not only not affect him, but will stimulate the release of excess power in the body, making it more comfortable.

Let Su Luan's internal strength be balanced.

While laughing wildly, Yang Yiyun swallowed the second stone fairy fruit with his backhand to strengthen his defense.

Anyway, he can cultivate a steady stream of Stone Fairy Fruit. The defense of one Stone Fairy Fruit lasts for ten breaths, so he will continue to devour it to enhance his defense.

Try not to get hurt.


Yang Yiyun's giant sword struck towards Yan Wushan again.

But at this time, Yan Wushan's heart was tumbling. He didn't expect that this boy and him were not injured at all this time after hitting him with all his strength. Instead, he broke through the cultivation level, and felt that the aura in Yang Yiyun's body was still moving rapidly. Climbing up.

Yan Wushan thought of the elixir that Yang Yiyun had swallowed before, and was shocked. He thought of the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao elixir.

Cursing secretly, Yang Yiyun and Du Jiebin were afraid that they had really obtained the elixir in the secret alchemy room.

There was nothing he could do if it wasn't enough, because Yang Yiyun took the initiative to kill him.

Yan Wushan didn't dare to be careless at this moment and snorted coldly. After a flash of light in his hand, a middle-grade and inferior fairy weapon appeared, but it was a long red whip.

The name is - Burning Sky Whip.

He had spent a lot of money to obtain this long whip fairy weapon. It was nourished by the power of immortal energy in his body, so it was not easy to use.

But now Yan Wushan feels that he can't do it without using the immortal weapon, because Yang Yiyun seems to be getting stronger with more battles, and his cultivation level has increased dramatically.


Yan Wushan held the long whip in his hand and suddenly whipped Yang Yiyun with lightning.


When Yan Wushan took out his hand, the whip turned into a fire python, roared and swept away at Yang Yiyun.

"The eight wastelands are united and the python is killed."

Yang Yiyun also roared, and with the blessing of the black lotus soul in his hand, the dragon-slaying sword flashed into eight black lotuses and instantly merged into one, turning into a sword.

He looked at Yan Wushan's whip and did not dare to be careless.

The fairy weapon was still a powerful long whip. Seeing the long whip turned into a flaming python coming at him, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and struck out with a sword.


After another confrontation, this time the entire cave felt like it was about to collapse.

Yan Wushan's long whip had flames, and Yang Yiyun slashed at it with his sword. It was still a head-on confrontation.

A torrent of flames engulfed him.

However, he also chopped back the flame python that Yan Wushan's long whip turned into.

The huge force hit him, and the hot flames instantly touched him.

Yang Yiyun stepped back tens of meters and stopped, but he didn't care about the flames on his body at all, because he was wearing fairy clothes, and they were also ice-cold fairy clothes. In terms of the level of the fairy weapon, Yang Yiyun's fairy clothes were middle-grade fairy weapons. Peak, so the flames on his body were quickly extinguished by the cold air emanating from the fairy clothes.

"Boom boom boom~"

At this time, Yang Yiyun made three dull sounds in succession.

But he broke through to the first-grade true immortal state in one breath.

Breaking through from middle-grade immortals to high-grade immortals and then to the Great Perfection, directly breaking through to the realm of true immortals.

The power of the three Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pills in the body was completely absorbed by Qian Kun Dao Yuan.

Opposite him, Yan Wushan was stunned and looked at Yang Yiyun in disbelief.

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