My Master Is a God

Chapter 1895 Immortal Mountain Ninth Grade

At this moment, Yan Wuliang's expression changed greatly and he said, "Junior brothers, please run away for your lives separately. There are ten women around Yang Yiyun, and we are no match for him."

At this time, Yan Renyi didn't even think about holding back Yang Yiyun's problem, because he felt the Xiashi head that shattered his flying sword, and its aura was stronger than that of his master Yan Wuliang.

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on Yan Renyi's forehead, and he could only order several junior brothers to run away. He knew that if they didn't run away, everyone would die.

"Swish swish~"

The next moment, Yan Wuliang and eight others dispersed and fled.

There was no hesitation.

Yang Yiyun, who saw this scene from a distance, sneered and said: "That's smart, but I won't give you a chance to escape."

After the words fell, Yang said directly to Xuexiang: "Xuexiang and the others are bad people, help me take them down."

"Okay." Xuexiang nodded seriously and disappeared in the middle of speaking.

Yang Yiyun also disappeared on the spot, and the eight people fled separately. He was afraid that Xuexiang would be unable to do anything alone.

As a result, Yang Yiyun's eyes widened in the next moment, finally witnessing the methods of a Daluo-level master.

Que Jian Xuexiang's figure soared into the sky and turned into eight streaks of light in mid-air.

Then I heard a series of frightened screams.


As the screams of panic rang out, Yang Yiyun was shocked the next second.

Bump bump bump...

After a series of dull moments, eight figures descended from the sky, all landing in front of him.

They were the eight true immortal disciples who went to the Xuanxian Sect.

None of them escaped. Xuexiang used some unknown means to throw them in front of Yang Yiyun, and all of them had their power sealed.


Xuexiang spoke in an understatement, as if what she had caught was not eight true immortals, but eight caterpillars.

Yang Yiyun was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. He felt so happy!

With a master like Xuexiang by his side, he would have less trouble.

Hehe smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Xuexiang. You go over there and wait for me. Let me handle the rest."

Yang Yiyun now has his own code of conduct for his enemy. Countless life and death experiences have told him that he must not be lenient.

So what we have to do next is a bit bloody, so we should try not to involve Xuexiang, she is naive and simple.

"Oh, then I'll wait for you over there." Xuexiang said without any hesitation and walked away.

Yang Yiyun smiled and waved: "Go ahead~"

After Xuexiang left, Yang Yiyun looked at the eight Shangxuanxianmen true immortals on the ground who looked frightened.

The smile on his face disappeared completely, replaced by murderous intent.

"It seems you were among those who killed me outside the Great Luo Immortal Mansion back then~" Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said as he looked at the eight true immortals.

The leader, senior brother Yan Renyi, felt Yang Yiyun's murderous intention and broke into cold sweat all over his body. Until now, he was in a state of unconsciousness.

The little girl took action just now. He was controlled without even seeing the means clearly, but he felt an extremely powerful force. Yan Renyi had never felt that kind of power. Anyway, it was compared to the master of the Golden Immortal Dzogchen, Yan Wuliang. Even more powerful.

This made Yan Renyi fearful in his heart. He was afraid that the little girl had become a Daluo level powerhouse that had surpassed the Golden Immortal.

Listening to Yang Yiyun's words at this moment, Yan Renyi came to his senses and quickly begged for mercy: "Master Yang, we are also acting as teachers. Please show mercy to Master Yang and let me live. We promise that we will never be enemies with Master Yang~ "

"Please spare my life, Mr. Yang..."

The other seven were not stupid and quickly begged for mercy.

At this moment, they were all blocked by that terrifying little girl, unable to move. The only thing they could do was to beg for mercy.

Those who can cultivate to the level of true immortals, especially the realm of their true immortal Dzogchen cultivation, are expected to become golden immortals in the next step. Only they know the hardships along this road.

How can we not be afraid when facing life and death?

Beg for mercy~

I hope Yang Yiyun can be more liberal.

"Haha, answer me a few questions first~" Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

"As long as Young Master Yang doesn't kill us, any problem will be fine." Yan Renyi did have some ideas.

"Don't negotiate terms with me. You are not qualified. Tell me about the Xuanxian Sect or the Hunyuan strongman behind Yan Wuliang? And what's going on with the Taiqing Celestial Sect now? Did Yan Wuliang do anything for him after that day? Are you embarrassing Du Jiebin?"

Yang Yiyun snorted and asked three questions in a row.

At this time, there was a real immortal who looked a little confused. Hearing Yang Yiyun's question, he said sternly: "Yang Yiyun, since you know that there is a strong Hunyuan behind us at the Xuanxian Sect, you should let us go if you are wise. Even if you run away to the ends of the earth, you will never escape death..."


The second-rate true immortal seemed to have thought of their big backer in Xuanxuanmen, and suddenly felt emboldened to threaten Yang Yiyun.

But before he could finish his last words, Yang Yiyun punched out suddenly, killing the guilty true immortal with a roar and a scream.

"Junior brother...Yang Yiyun, you must die a good death~"

When a true immortal next to him saw the murdered man, his eyes turned red and he cursed Yang Yiyun.


Yang Yiyun took action again and killed the second true immortal.

This ending is clean.

The other six, including Yan Renyi, looked at Yang Yiyun in horror.

Yan Renyi swallowed and said, "Don't kill me, I'll tell you everything~"

"Would everything have been fine if I had said no earlier?" Yang Yiyun spoke lightly, his eyes sweeping over the few true immortals under him, his fists lowered, and he did not dare to look into his eyes.

This scene gave Yang a great sense of satisfaction.

Yan Renyi said with red eyes: "The person behind my Xuanxian Sect is a first-grade Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. She is the Taoist companion of my master Yan Wuliang's biological sister Yan Yuhong. Her name is Qian Buman. She alone occupies a sixth-grade Taoist temple." The Fairy Mountain World is a hundred thousand miles away from our Daqing Fairy Mountain World, and is known as the Barbarian King’s Fairyland…”

"Wait a minute, let's talk about the issue of Immortal Mountain first. What is the sixth-grade Immortal Mountain world?" This was the first time Yang Yiyun heard that there were levels in Immortal Mountain, so he interrupted Yan Renyi.

"Every fairy mountain in the fairy world is divided into grades, from the lowest first-grade fairy mountain to the highest ninth-grade fairy mountain. The higher the grade of the fairy mountain world, the stronger the fairy power and the vast space area.

In front of our Daqing Immortal Mountain World is a second-grade Immortal Mountain World. In the sixth-grade Immortal Mountain World, the intensity of the immortal energy is dozens of times higher than that of the first- and second-grade Immortal Mountain World. Practicing in it will also result in twice the result with half the effort, of course. In addition to the Ninth Grade Immortal Mountain, there are also the legendary titled Immortal Mountains and so on~"

Yan Renyi didn't dare to play tricks at this time, and said anything directly. Anyway, he knew that in Yang Yiyun's hands, they were now a piece of cake.

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he nodded secretly and remembered this in his heart. This was the first time he heard that the fairy mountains in the fairy world were divided into grades.

They are all independent fairy mountains, with some good and some bad, which seems normal when you think about it.

Of course, the three names "Qian Buman", "Yan Yuhong" and "Manwang Xianshan" are also in my mind.

Yan Wuliang went to the great backer behind the Xuanxian Sect.

When he was in Daluo Immortal Mansion, he heard Du Jiebin say that Yan Wuliang's sister became the concubine of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal, so Yan Wuliang and Shangxuan Immortal Sect became the number one in the Daqing world.

It's just that Yang Yiyun didn't ask for names, but now he has written down all the names, so that they can meet up with them in the future.

"Continue to talk about the following. After that day, did Yan Wuliang make things difficult for Du Jiebin and the Taiqing Immortal Sect?" Yang Yiyun motioned to Yan Renyi to continue.

Yan Renyi said: "After that day, Du Renjie, the master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, returned to the mountain and closed the gate. However, Du Jiebin heard that he had left Daqing Immortal Mountain, but he disappeared without a trace.

My master, Yan Wuliang, did not catch you. He angered the Taiqing Immortal Sect and sealed the Taiqing Immortal Sect. However, the master of the Taiqing Immortal Sect, Du Renjie, was not an ordinary person. After closing the gate, he hid inside to maintain the immortality. Formation, my master Yan Wuliang was unable to do anything to the Taiqing Immortal Sect for a while.

However, I have been besieging Taiqing Immortal Sect all these years and never gave up. I vowed to remove Taiqing Immortal Sect and killed Du Jiebin, but the mountain gate could not be opened...

But recently I heard a message from a junior from my master’s sect, saying that my master had asked my mistress to ask Qian Buman to send experts to attack Taiqing Immortal Sect. By then, Taiqing Immortal Sect would definitely be finished, and King Barbarian The people coming from Fairy Mountain may be two Daluo masters. "

"When did it happen?" Yang Yiyun asked with a frown.

"Not long ago, I guess the Da Luo master who was guessing the Barbarian King's Immortal Mountain has already arrived," Yan Renyi said.

At this time Yang Yiyun fell into deep thought.

If this is the case, then the Taiqing Immortal Sect where Du Jiebin is located will be in trouble.

He and Lao Du are friends, so this matter must be dealt with. Anyway, he wants to cause trouble for Yan Wuliang without conflict.

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