My Master Is a God

Chapter 1914 Miss Jia of the Immortal Pill Tower

Yang Yiyun smiled and said, "What do you think?"

"Wow~ I should have thought of it a long time ago. Space attributes don't have attribute power. So you really made a profit this time. Don't forget the elixir you promised me."

The God and Demon Bird was very shameless and stopped running away. The conversation changed.

"I can't do without you~" Yang Yiyun was in a good mood after understanding the inscriptions and Taoist talismans. Naturally, he did not forget that the Zafeo Bird had the greatest contribution.

I'm also thinking about preparing to make alchemy next.

There are no shortage of elixir prescriptions in Qijun's elixir book. Yang Yiyun planned to start with Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan. Anyway, he was now in the middle-grade True Immortal Realm, so taking Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan would still be effective.

As for the last two kinds of Daluo and Hunyuan elixirs, Yang Yiyun is not yet sure whether he can collect all the elixirs, nor whether he can refine them.

Then he drove the Divine Demon Bird out of the training room and reviewed the Qijun Alchemy Book again...

First of all, he must determine the elixirs he needs. To refine the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill, he does not need many elixirs. Six kinds of elixirs are enough, but the six-level elixirs required are not ordinary.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun has not come into contact with the elixirs in the immortal world, so he doesn't know if he can find them in the elixir city.

After writing down all the six elixirs of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan, Yang Yiyun looked at other elixir prescriptions in the Qi Jun Dan book, which are relatively common detoxification elixirs, healing elixirs, and Xianyuan elixirs that are often used to quickly replenish the power of immortality. .

He planned to practice his skills by refining the Immortal Yuan Dan according to the alchemy method of Qi Jun Dan Dao. Anyway, he did have the elixir needed for the Xianyuan Dan.

After several battles in the Daqing Immortal Stone World, he plundered the immortal artifacts stored by several immortals, which contained some elixirs. Putting them all together, Yang Yiyun found enough to refine two furnaces of Xianyuan Pills and one furnace of Antidote Elixir.

He promised Zamaoniao that he would refine elixir for it, and if conditions permit, he would give it a try.

Anyway, the key point is to become proficient in Qi Jun’s alchemy techniques.

Speaking of which, Qi Jun's alchemy method is indeed somewhat different from the alchemy techniques he had learned in the world of cultivation before, and was even more mysterious.

Yang Yiyun is also interested.

After taking out the required elixirs from the Qiankun Pot space and placing them in categories, the Supreme Alchemy Furnace also appeared in front of me with a thought.

One thing has not changed. Whether it is the world of cultivation or the world of immortality, alchemy requires an alchemy furnace.

Yang Yiyun's Taishang Alchemy Furnace was obtained when he followed his grandmother to burn incense in the earth temple in his hometown. According to what the old man said, it was a superior alchemy furnace.

He has been using Taishang Alchemy Furnace since his cultivation till now.

But speaking of it, it is very powerful and has not been used. This is the first time I have used it in the fairy world.

At this time, he has achieved the level of true immortal. Now when he goes to see the Taishang Alchemy Furnace, he still feels that the alchemy furnace is full of mystery. It looks simple and unpretentious, but it can still be used by him.

I just don’t know if the alchemy in the immortal world can withstand the burning of the main Qinglian fairy fire. If it can, it means that the Taishang Alchemy Furnace is really extraordinary.

For Yang Yiyun, he actually came to the immortal world and became a rookie in Quanxing, and in some ways, he also had many advantages.

There is good and bad in it.

Take a deep breath and turn on the stove.

With the Green Lotus Immortal Fire in his hand, he hit the Taishang Alchemy Furnace.

He was no stranger to controlling the alchemy flame, and it was even familiar to him.

This is the experience accumulated from refining alchemy in the world of cultivation.

The Green Lotus Immortal Fire is powerful, but it does not affect his control over the temperature of the flame.

It can be said that with the existence of Qinglian Immortal Fire, it is twice the result with half the effort for him to refine the elixir.

Otherwise, refining elixirs in the fairy world would be a chore.

The early steps are basically the same, they are all about refining the medicinal solution.

Yang Yiyun first refined the Immortal Essence Pill, which is the most commonly used elixir in the immortal world and is needed by almost every immortal.

However, Xianyuan Dan is also of high and low quality.

Each alchemist has different elixir configurations, different levels of elixirs, and different refining techniques. The quality of the refined elixirs will naturally vary.

However, Yang Yiyun believed that the quality of the elixir refined from Immortal Qijun's Xianyuan Dan recipe would not be bad.

The elixir in his hand is not the best grade, but it is not the worst either.

Although it is the most common Immortal Essence Pill, there are as many as ten kinds of immortal elixirs used, four more than the Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Pill.

However, Yang Yiyun could agree on this point. The Xianyuan Pill mainly provides immortal power. In theory, any number of immortal medicines that contain immortal power can be used.

Immortal Qijun's elixir recipe only uses ten kinds of elixirs.

Yang Yiyun used the Green Lotus Immortal Fire to pour the elixir into the elixir and began to refine it. It was not unfamiliar, and the existence of the Green Lotus Immortal Fire surprised Yang Yiyun. The speed of refining the elixir was unusually fast.

The ten elixirs were refined in just a few minutes and were perfect.

Yang Yiyun had never experienced refining medicinal liquid at such a fast speed, which made him feel very happy.

This is all the result of Qinglian Fairy Fire.

Only then did I truly realize that Zamao Bird's original evaluation of the skill of refining Qinglian Fairy Fire was not an exaggeration at all.

Next, we enter the fusion stage, where we will use the alchemy techniques from Qi Jun Dan Dao.

This is the method of immortality.

Although he had deduced it countless times in his mind, Yang Yiyun still couldn't help but feel nervous.

However, from being a little rusty at the beginning to gradually becoming more proficient, it went quite smoothly. He fired hundreds of immortal arts in one go. Yang Yiyun also felt strenuous and sweat appeared on his forehead.

Finally he persisted and mastered the Immortal Art.

The following Cheng Dan, the dual immortal skills of civil and martial arts are used together, which is a big test for the transformation of the flame. It is also the way of one yin and one yang. In the blending, it is not the combination of immortal, civil and martial arts, so the difficulty increases a lot.

This is also the special feature of Qi Jun Dan Dao. If you are distracted or delayed, you will fail.

Moreover, there are a total of three hundred and sixty immortal arts, including key tempering.

In the final stage of ordinary alchemy, the elixir can be completed by directly condensing it, but the Qijun elixir path is actually the most critical and complicated process.

The three hundred and sixty immortal arts are divided into nine times to be cast in one breath. Each time, the forty immortal arts are tempered. The impurities must be condensed and refined again. Nine temperings will completely quench the impurities. Refining it will bring the quality of the elixir to its best stage.

This is the specialness and power of Qi Jun Dan Dao.

Without the support of powerful fairy fire, divine soul power, and internal strength, it would be difficult to do it.

In other words, the success rate will be very low.


"I'll wipe~"

It’s a blast.

Yang Yiyun failed in refining alchemy.

He couldn't hold back a curse word.

But this is normal.

He comforted himself: "I am refining the elixir. It is the method of Qi Jun Dan Dao. It is not different refining elixirs. It is normal..."

Taking a deep breath, he refined it again. Fortunately, there was still a second portion of the elixir for refining the Immortal Yuan Dan.

The first refining was inevitably a bit nervous, and it was mainly because the final nine temperings of Qi Jun Dan Dao in the elixir-forming stage were too abnormal, which is understandable.

Continue refining...

After experiencing a failure this time, Yang Yiyun had much stronger control when refining.

On a certain day, he finally completed the last move of Immortal Art, the 360th move.


A trembling sound rang out from the Taishang Alchemy Furnace.


Yang Yiyun exhaled a breath: "Finally succeeded~"

With a sudden palm strike, he opened the alchemy furnace.

Suddenly the alchemy furnace exploded and shot out milky white golden light.

Accompanied by the refreshing scent of elixir and powerful fluctuations of immortal energy.

Instead of imagining the elixir flying out, Yang Yiyun took a breath and waved the nine elixirs flying into his hand.

Each elixir is extremely white, exudes a white halo, and is almost transparent. This shows that there is no trace of impurities from the inside to the outside, and it has completely reached the highest quality.

It is the most common Xianyuan Dan, but it is of the best quality.

Yang Yiyun was very satisfied.

Leave one pill behind and take it, and put the other eight pills into the elixir bottle.

Ten breaths later, a smile appeared on Yang Yiyun's lips: "Qijun Dan Dao is indeed extraordinary. The purity of the Immortal Yuan Dan is so pure that it can be quickly transformed into the Immortal Yuan Power in the body by swallowing it directly without refining."

"Bump bump bump~"

Just as Yang Yiyun was talking to himself, there was a knock on the door.

This made him frown. He was about to continue refining the detoxification pill, but was interrupted.

"Master~" Yan Chixia's voice sounded.

"What's the matter? Didn't I say that I'm not allowed to be disturbed when I'm in seclusion?" Although Yang Yiyun was unhappy with Yan Chixia, he still walked over and opened the door to the training room.

Yan Chixia was trembling outside the door. He could naturally hear the dissatisfaction of Yang, the master, but he still said bravely: "Master, I don't want to disturb your practice, but there is someone outside who claims to be Miss Jia of the Immortal Pill Tower." Woman, we are called out by name. I heard that the Immortal Pill Tower is one of the three major forces in the Immortal Pill City. I didn’t dare to make the decision, so I came to ask the master for instructions and hope that the master can atone for his sins."

"Elixir Tower? Miss Jia?" Yang Yiyun was stunned for a moment, and then narrowed his eyes.

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