My Master Is a God

Chapter 1922 Ghost Mother Flower Tears

Although Yang Yiyun closed his eyes, he was certain that the danger that appeared this time was definitely not Yan Chixia.

The next moment he saw it, another white dot appeared in the darkness, directly behind him.

high speed……

His heart was beating faster than before, and the aura of danger was strong.

Although Yang Yiyun sensed that the white dot would attack him from behind, he did not dare to resist.

He immediately dodged and evaded, his feet moving and his body misaligned.


The ground shook.

Yang Yiyun knew that he had escaped.

Then he frowned and punched the opponent with his backhand.


However, this time it was empty.

It was actually avoided.

And his sense of perception has also been lost.

Now that I feel it, my heartbeat speeds up and returns to normal, and the dangerous aura just now disappears.

The next moment he understood something clearly, it should be Xuexiang.

Open your eyes and release the blockage on the six senses.

Sure enough, he saw Xuexiang appear on a big tree a hundred years away from him with a smile.

On the other side, Yan Chixia was leaning against the broken tree stump with a resentful look on her face, and there was blood on the corner of her mouth.

No need to ask Yang Yiyun to know that Xuexiang was testing him just now.

“Genuine leather~”

Yang muttered to himself and waved for Xuexiang to come over.

Yan Chixia also stood up and walked over: "Master, you were too cruel. Three of my internal bones were broken."

"It's just a matter of success." Yang smiled faintly.

But it made Yan Chixia's face stiffen. She was like this when she succeeded. If...he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

This owner is really a monster.

With the six senses closed, sneak attacks can be predicted in advance, which is too scary.

At this moment, Xuexiang came up and said: "Your heart orifice induction should be less than 100 meters away. In the future, if you face the enemy within 100 meters, as long as the strength does not exceed yours by too much, you can predict the attack direction in advance and be invincible. "

Yang Yiyun couldn't help but nod as he listened to Xuexiang's words. He knew that what Xuexiang said was accurate. Indeed, when he used his mind to see the darkness just now, Xuexiang's white dot would disappear a hundred meters away when he attacked.

Moreover, this kind of mind-aperture induction will lose its effect even if it is indeed a strong person whose cultivation level is suddenly higher than his.

Fortunately, if he fights at the same level, he will indeed be invincible. Of course, if the opponent has telekinesis, that is another matter.

Just like when facing Xuexiang, his advantage will be completely useless. Not only is she powerful in cultivation, she is also an opener of the mind.

Looking at Xuexiang, Yang Yiyun couldn't help but ask: "How big is your aperture induction?"

"A radius of one thousand meters." Xuexiang said casually.

Yang Yiyun felt depressed for a while. He was ten times older than him, and he was only a hundred meters away.

"Uh~ Okay, let's get ready to go out." Yang Yiyun didn't want to be hit.

Yang Yiyun naturally needs to change his appearance in order to avoid trouble.

After coming out of the mountain, Yang Yiyun transformed himself into a scholar through the art of change.

If his friends from Earth were here, they would definitely recognize that Yang turned into the little brother version of Ning Caichen, haha!

As for Xuexiang, she also changed and became a beautiful girl...

In this way, the three of them went straight to the elixir city market.

As long as you don't fight, you won't emit your own aura, and you won't be afraid of being exposed.

Five hundred years have passed, and Yang Yiyun thought that Jia Lianhua, who came to the Immortal Pill Tower, should have relaxed her search for him!

Yang turned the three of them into a Chinese Ghost Story trio as a prank.

But he didn't expect that after entering the market, he would cause a lot of trouble.

Of course, this trouble was caused by Xuexiang's beauty. At this moment, Xuexiang looked exactly like Nie Xiaoqian, a first-rate ethereal fairy.

This was something Yang didn't expect.

I just wanted to reminisce about the classics and play role-playing, but who knew that after entering the downtown area, Xuexiang's appearance attracted a lot of attention.

There were even people who made fun of her in the street.

Helplessly, Xuexiang exuded Daluo's aura and pressure and stopped.

But what they didn't expect was that Xuexiang's doing so would also expose them.

The three of them were wanted by the Immortal Pill Tower in the Immortal City. Along the way, Yang Yiyun and the others still saw their three mana images hanging in the downtown area of ​​the Immortal City.

Fortunately, at this time, they have all changed their appearance and aura, so they don't have to worry about being discovered immediately.

It's just that Xuexiang exuded Daluo's aura of coercion, so she was still targeted.

After all, there are not many Daluo masters even in Immortal City.

If a Daluo-level beauty suddenly appears, some forces in the elixir city will still check it out.

For example, the Immortal Pill Tower, the Demonic Pill Hall, and the Fire Cloud Pavilion.

These three forces control the elixir city, so they naturally need to pay attention to the masters who appear in the elixir city.

Firstly, they are afraid of causing trouble, and secondly, they will win over those who can be won over and serve their own power.

This has been a rule for many years.

But this was being secretly targeted, so Yang Yiyun and the others naturally didn't know.

At this moment, Yan Chixia led the way to a large elixir market in elixir city.

Yang Yiyun needs to know whether the elixir for Jin Yuan Da Luo Dan, which will be refined next, can be obtained here.

There are nine kinds of elixirs in Jinyuan Daluo Dan, and the quality of the elixirs is not comparable to that of Jinyuan Zhendan.

The main medicine is very precious, but it is not easy to buy. It seems that I will wait and see the situation.

Yan Chixia has been here before, so she is familiar with the road. He asked last time that the fairy medicine market here is relatively complete, and many fairy medicines can be obtained. Of course, you must have fairy stones in the early stage.

It sounds like a market, but it's actually a three-story building covering a wide area.

The name is Ten Thousand Medicine Market, which claims to have thousands of kinds of elixirs.

Of course, there are many kinds of elixirs, not just ten thousand kinds?

It's called the Ten Thousand Medicines Market, and it doesn't necessarily mean there are 10,000 kinds of elixirs. It's just a gimmick.

However, after walking into the Wanyao Market, Yang Yiyun saw that the first floor had an area of ​​thousands of square meters, with rows and rows of shelves of elixirs, and the scene of people coming and going. It was indeed a good elixir market. Market.

"Oops! Isn't this Yan Shangxian? You haven't been here for a while. I wonder what elixir Yan Shangxian needs today. I'll prepare it for him?"

As soon as she entered, she was greeted by a middle-aged woman who greeted Yan Chixia.

But it gave Yang Yiyun the feeling of a brothel madam greeting her guests.

As for Yan Chixia~

The last time I was here, it was this old bustard who was received by one of the stewards of the Wanyao Market. The elixirs were worth tens of thousands of immortal stones at a time, so he was considered a big customer, so he naturally had an impression of Yan Chixia.

In the eyes of the madam, the female steward here is a rich man, so she will naturally be extremely enthusiastic.

Yan Chixia received Yang Yiyun's instructions, took out the list of needed elixirs, handed it to the steward, and said: "Let's see if there are any elixirs. If there are any, prepare them for me. Your immortal stone is indispensable."

"Gee, don't worry, Yan Shangxian, our Wanyao Market has the most complete range of elixirs in the entire elixir city, and we guarantee that we will have them all ready for you." The steward's face lit up with joy.

She was very happy to meet someone like Yan Chixia who bought tens of thousands of Immortal Stones at once.

As she spoke, she took the elixir list from Yan Chixia's hand and glanced at it, but frowned the next moment.

Yang Yiyun remained silent and left everything to Yan Chixia. When he saw the steward's eyes, he winked at Yan Chixia.

Yan Chixia said in a loud voice: "What? Is there a problem?"

"Uh~ I'm dissatisfied with Yan Shangxian. There are nine kinds of fairy medicines in your fairy medicine list. The rest are pretty easy to say, except for the Ghost Mother Flower Tears. This... this is missing..."

The manager was a little embarrassed when he spoke. Just now, they were in Haikou. Their Ten Thousand Medicine Market had the most complete range of elixirs in the entire elixir city. In the blink of an eye, they were missing one.

Yang Yiyun frowned. Among the nine kinds of immortal medicine, only the ghost mother's tears were the irreplaceable main medicine. It was indispensable, but it was not available.

When Yan Chixia saw Yang Yiyun frowning, she immediately snorted and said, "Since you can't find them all, don't praise Haikou. If you don't have us, go to the next one."

"No, no, no, no, I can ask you about Yan Shangxian. It's just a kind of fairy medicine. Since our Wanyao Market is called the Wanyao Market, even if the store doesn't have one, we can still know where there are clues.

These Tears of the Demonic Mother Flower are a treasure formed by the famous Demonic Tree Demonic Mother flower in the fairy world absorbing the sun, moon and morning dew. It takes tens of thousands of years to condense even one drop. Moreover, the Demonic Tree Demonic Mother is not an ordinary evil demon. If you want to obtain it, The morning dew of the ghost tree blooming is so easy, isn’t it?

I dare say that if we don’t have Wanyao Market in Xiandan City, there will be no chance in other places. If you really want to do business, just wait, how about I go check the information for you and provide you with a clue?

Of course, the cost will also have to be calculated. I wonder if Yan Shangxian agrees? "The female steward looked like a profiteer at the moment.

Yan Chixia naturally couldn't make the decision and looked at Yang Yiyun.

But Yang Yiyun knew that the steward was right. What she said was the same as the description of the Ghost Mother Demon Tree introduced in the Qijun Alchemy Book. She knew that the Ghost Mother Flower Tears were indeed not easy to obtain.

Of course it is also good to provide some information.

Then he said directly: "As long as the information is accurate, the price is easy to say. I'll wait for the manager's news."

"Giggle~ Don't worry, little brother, my information is absolutely reliable. I will not destroy the sign of our Wanyao Market. Please wait a moment."

After the steward finished speaking, he twisted his big butt and went directly to the third floor.

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