My Master Is a God

Chapter 1931 The situation of the old demon tree, the ghost mother

With Dongyan's men leading the way, the rest of the way was easier and faster. Three days later, they walked out of the misty forest.

But it was another chapter that seemed to Yang Yiyun to be a darker place.

When they passed through the misty forest, the first thing they felt was a sense of depression.

The pressure from nature, or more accurately, the pressure from a more primitive, thick and ancient forest.

They are obviously towering ancient trees, and they are obviously vegetation of different colors, but overall they look dead black.

So the first impression it brings is darkness and depression.

A kind of depression that makes immortals like Yang Yiyun feel.

Very uncomfortable.

It seems that we have entered the depths of the mountains.

It seems that after entering from here, they will step into another world.

"Fellow Daoist Yang~"

At this moment Dongyan's voice sounded.

Yang Yiyun looked up and saw Dong Yan walking from the forest, looking at him with a smile.

Facing this cunning old fox, he smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Dongyan is quite fast, what? Have you found the Demonic Mother Tree?"

Yang Yiyun's words were somewhat sarcastic.

"Haha, we do have some clues. I know the changes of the three fellow Taoists Yang, which is also interesting. The appearance of the three of them now is the real one."

"They're just some little Taoists who can't stand the discernment of fellow Taoist fellow Dongyan~"

The two of them talked as if they were talking about their own things, but they both knew that they were mocking the other.

"Then let's go. The next journey shouldn't be as difficult as the misty forest, right? We have to follow in the footsteps of fellow Taoist Dongyan, otherwise if we get lost, this trip will be in vain, haha~ "

Yang Yiyun speaks neither softly nor hard.

In fact, I am telling Dongyan that the old immortal should not play tricks on me next time, otherwise I will not play with you anymore. If you want to collect the tears of the ghost mother, you old boy, just dream!

"Ahem... This is called the Great Forest. It is a stone forest in the fairyland. It is full of dangers, not only from the environment, but also from some alien creatures. On the next road, everyone should work together to go through it and go deep into it for three hundred miles. , is where the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree is, so Fellow Daoist Yang can rest assured that we are about to reach our destination."

Dongyan could naturally hear the underlying meaning of Yang Yiyun's words. He was making a promise to Yang Yiyun. Don't worry, brother, I won't trick you in the rest of the journey, and I expect you to collect the Tears of the Ghost-Destroying Mother!

"Then let's go. Regarding the legendary ghost mother tree, I also hope that Taoist friend Dongyan can tell us about it so that we can have a clear understanding. To tell the truth, little brother, I have only seen the ghost mother tree in classics. According to the records of the tree, I have never seen such a demonic tree with my own eyes..."

Yang Yiyun said as he walked.

"No problem, let's go, we'll talk as we walk..."

At this time, the two parties seemed to be partners, talking and laughing, and stepped into the deep forest.

Of course, before Dongyan left, he intentionally or unintentionally looked back at the misty forest behind him.

He knew that there were still some people in the misty forest.

Although he activated the formations he had already arranged in the misty forest, Dongyan also knew that if they were people from other major forces in the Immortal City, these formations would be of little significance to them. Their only function was to trap them for a period of time. of.

But for him, it was good to trap those people for a while. Once they entered the Great Forest, it would be difficult for those people to find them.

Anyway, Dongyan's goal is to be sleepy. He knows that as long as he can come out of the Immortal Pill Tower, the remaining strength, Huoyun Pavilion and Refining Immortal Alliance will not be a fuel-efficient lamp.

Although the people sent out did not see them, it did not mean that they did not come.

After entering the Dayou Forest, Dong Yan led two of his men in front, while Yang Yiyun and three others followed behind them, always keeping a distance from them.

On the surface, the two sides are very harmonious, but secretly they are wary of each other.

One thing Yang Yiyun knew was that if he really waited to collect the ghost mother's tears, Dongyan, the old immortal, would definitely attack him.

Yang Yiyun could see this from the first time he came into contact with him. The old guy Dongyan was a typical smiling tiger kind of person.

But is it possible that he, Yang Yiyun, is easy to bully?

Yang Yiyun had already made a precautionary plan in his heart. If Dongyan, the old guy, didn't move, he really wanted to attack him, he would let the old immortal have a good drink.

If he faced a Hunyuan-level existence, he might be afraid, but facing Da Luo, Yang Yiyun is really not afraid now. Not to mention that he has the means to suppress the situation, Xuexiang alone can handle it.

According to Dong Yan, the Ghost Mother Demon Tree is located three hundred miles away in the Great Forest.

Yang Yiyun stopped asking at this time. He could feel that Dong Yan didn't lie this time.

We walked and chatted along the way.

He asked Dongyan to talk about the situation of the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree. This time, the old guy did not hesitate and talked about the Ghost Mother Demonic Tree in detail.

"I told you the basic information about the Demonic Mother Tree last time. Next, let's talk about the terrifying aspects of the Demonic Mother Tree. This tree actually sounds like a locust tree that can be transformed into a demon. It's more like a locust tree. Mutants generally become demons after a thousand years, big demons after ten thousand years, and old demons after one hundred thousand years.

What I found should be a ten-thousand-year-old demon. Often a locust tree is a towering forest. In fact, from now on, we have already entered the territory of the ghost mother and old demon.

But don't worry, as long as you don't touch these trees, you won't be attacked. The most dangerous thing is when you get close to the main body. The old monster has a huge main body and will attack if you step within a hundred meters. The trees and vines are both strong and soft. , is no less than a low-grade immortal weapon. If it is slapped on the body, the evil force will enter the body and be poisonous. It can also cause hallucinations and paralysis in people.

Of course, this is not the most terrifying thing about the old demon. The most terrifying thing is that the main body can separate nine clone demon trees, and the formation of the ghost mother and nine evil spirits is deadly. Once trapped in the formation, it is difficult to escape.

But fortunately, the Ghost Mother Demon Tree has not reached the ten thousand year level yet, so we can still deal with it, so we don’t have to worry too much. Just be careful and we will retreat when we get the Ghost Mother Flower Tears on the tree. There will be no danger. …”

After listening to Dongyan Old Ghost, Yang Yiyun nodded and said he understood, but he didn't fully believe it.

It is easy for this old immortal to say that the Demonic Mother Tree is nothing, but what it is really like can only be known by contacting it, and Yang Yiyun feels that this old immortal has not told the real power of the Demonic Mother Tree.

Most likely he is trying to dig a hole for himself.

Anyway, he wouldn't take Dongyan Laogui's words seriously, but he became more and more wary.

Along the way, both parties had their own thoughts...

It was difficult to walk fast in the dark forest, but nothing major happened. With Dongyan leading the way, he managed to avoid some creatures hidden deep in the forest.

Yang Yiyun knew that this old guy was familiar with the place, so he didn't have anything to worry about.

They walked through the three hundred miles of dark forest for seven full days.

After reaching the seventh point, we finally reached our destination.

Yang Yiyun also saw a truly towering tree, or a giant tree.

This was still visible from five to six hundred meters away.

A towering dark green tree, the branches seem to grow into the sky and the sea of ​​stars, and the top cannot be seen at a glance.

And the area it occupies seems to be a large forest.

But Dongyan said that these were just the branches of the ghost mother and old demon.

If you want to get the essence of the ghost mother flower tears in the flowers on the ghost mother tree, you must enter it and get close to the main trunk, because the ghost mother flower tears are also limited and are not available all over the treetops. Such a towering tree , there are only nine watermelon-sized flowers, wrapped inside are the ghost mother’s flower tears.

After several people saw the true form of the Demonic Mother Tree, they stopped five or six hundred meters away.

At this time, Dongyan smiled and said to Yang Yiyun: "From now on, fellow Daoist Yang, once we step onto the body of the Demon Mother Demon Tree, we will be attacked by countless branches and vines. It is extremely dangerous. You see, if you don't want to take the risk, you will Tell me how to collect the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears, and I'll take the risk. When the time comes, I'll get the Ghost Mother's Flower Tears, so how about you?"

At this time, Dongyan had a sincere expression on her face, as if she was considering Yang Yiyun.


Yang sneered, narrowed his eyes and said, "Yang understands the kindness of fellow Taoist Dongyan, but since it is an adventure, it is natural for everyone to do it together. I, Yang Yiyun, am not the kind of person who shrinks back in the face of danger. Besides, how can I Let Taoist fellow Dongyan take risks? If word spreads, people won’t laugh at me, Yang Yiyun, let’s go, let’s go together, we will bear the risks together, and we will die together, haha~”

As Yang Yiyun finished speaking, Dongyan's face became darker and darker~

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