My Master Is a God

Chapter 1939 One punch to the head

It seemed that at this moment his consciousness entered his heart and entered another world throughout his body.

The first time he felt the change in his heart was when he almost exploded after swallowing nine Jin Yuan True Pills. The God and Demon Bird gave him a drop of his natal blood essence and blended it into his heart. Not only did he save his life, but he also discovered the ability of the mind orifice. .

It's like an eye appears in the heart.

Later, I asked Xuexiang and she said that he had the ability to have a mental orifice.

As for Yang Yiyun's current feeling, he has completely mastered this eye.

Can see more clearly and further away.

Of course, this is just a feeling, not a real eye growing in the heart.

Very mysterious and real feeling.

Immediately, Yang Yiyun also felt that the heartbreaking pain disappeared.

What replaced it was an extremely comfortable feeling, a warm comfort in my heart.

Immediately afterwards, the traces of the broken heart quickly returned to their original state.

Immediately, the blood flows back from the heart and goes to all parts of the body.

Wherever he passed, Yang Yiyun felt the mutations taking place in his muscles, which contained powerful power. Every inch of his muscles, including his bones, began to change.

This is a brand new tempering...

A quenching body that was different from the past.

At this moment Yang Yiyun knew that his inference was correct and he succeeded.

The direction of physical body cultivation is indeed centered on the heart.

The heart is the origin of the physical body.

And blood is indeed the medium.

The speed at which blood circulates throughout the body's blood vessels will stimulate the heart, the largest treasure house of the human body.

As the spirit of Qiankun said, the heart can be the second human body.

The degeneration of blood power will occur when the heart is tempered.

This is exactly what is happening now.

When the blood circulation speed reaches a hundred times, the limit of the heart is exceeded. Under the stimulation of strong impact, the heart will inevitably change, opening the door to this treasure house.

This changes the blood, repairs the traces of the explosion, and returns the blood to the whole body, which will penetrate every inch of the muscles and bones in the body.

Let the muscles and bones accept the baptism of blood and undergo tempering and qualitative changes.

Yang Yiyun felt the powerful power contained in his body, coming from the changes in the blood and heart.

Feelings are strong.

He knew that he had found a path by mistake.

Of course, the most obvious change at this time is the change in the heart.

He could feel it, and it was a change coming from within.

Changes that are indescribable but real.

He has the ability to predict things that Yukiko mentioned.

That is, when the enemy wants to attack him, he has the ability to predict where the enemy will attack in advance.

As for now, standing under the protection of Xuexiang's huge body, he can feel the vine attacks appearing out of thin air around Xuexiang.

Yang Yiyun discovered that the heart sensing ability that appeared at this moment was prepared for the opponent's rattan that would appear out of thin air.

Now he doesn't even need to close his eyes to feel it, he can feel where there is danger.

Everything starts from the heart.

He enjoyed this wonderful feeling.

The human heart stands inside the body, suspended upside down.

It's like an all-round surveillance without blind spots.

Standing under the protection of Xuexiang's body, he could feel all the changes happening around him.

When there is a change in the direction, he can feel the beating of the heart in the corresponding direction, and there will be a force of blood gathering in that place. This is a kind of guidance from the heart.

The inexhaustible power of the whole body and the predictive ability of the heart.

Everything is complete~

The next moment, Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes.

"Thank you for your hard work, Xuexiang, please let me out!"

Yang Yiyun spoke directly.

After he goes out now, he can be confident enough to avoid these rattan attacks that keep appearing out of thin air.

And there are still six ghost mother flowers left above the first class. No matter what, we must get some.

Don’t let Dongyan go to waste anymore.

The old man had been watching the show for a long enough time, so Yang Yiyun thought he could give him some color.

In fact, to Yang Yiyun's own feelings, a long time has passed, but not so long in total.

This is the mystery of the way of cultivation. Sometimes it feels like a while has passed, but in fact a long time has passed.

Sometimes the people involved feel that cultivation is very long, but to the outside world, it doesn't take long.

Within an instant.

When Xuexiangren heard Yang Yiyun's words, he moved to make way for a gap and came out.

At the same time, a hundred meters away, Dong Yan and two of his men were watching Yang Yiyun and Xuexiang.

"Master, do you want us to take action? I didn't expect that this evil beast is so powerful. It was attacked by so many ghost mother vines, but it seemed to be fine. The kid Yang Yiyun was protected by her, and he didn't suffer any harm. This way Go down, we want to capture him, and it may not be easy to obtain the secret method of collecting the ghost mother's tears." A subordinate suggested while looking at the scene.

"Yes, my lord, it seems we can't do it without adding fuel to their fire." said the second one.

Dongyan listened to the stories of his two subordinates and couldn't help but nodded and said: "This demon fairy is indeed powerful. Indeed, according to the current situation, it is difficult for them to be injured.

The Yuan Demon Pill in our body can protect us from the attack of the Ghost Mother Vine, but the time is also limited. It seems impossible to get rid of it once and for all.

So this time you two go to contain the monster, and I personally go to capture Yang Yiyun. You have to make him hand over the secret method, otherwise it will be difficult to open the door of the ghost mother and get the heart of the ghost mother. "

"Yes, I understand."

However, just when the three of them were about to take action, they saw Xuexiang's huge body moving, and the next moment Yang Yiyun came out of it.

"You've seen enough of Dongyan's old thieves drama, it's time for you to taste what it's like to be beaten~"

Yang Yiyun dodged and leapt up from under Xuexiang's huge body, heading straight towards Dongyan and the other three, cursing loudly.

As his body flickered, Yang Yiyun could always feel where there would be rattan attacks appearing out of thin air, and the precognitive ability of his heart aperture was fully unleashed.

And at this moment, he discovered that his physical body could be both soft and strong.

Can dodge vine attacks with incredible twists.

In the blink of an eye, they rushed within ten meters of Dongyan and the others.

"No, this kid seems to have mastered some method to avoid the ghost mother's rattan. Everyone, get out of the way~" Dongyan saw that Yang Yiyun seemed to be able to predict where the rattan attack would appear in his flashes, so he avoided it in advance. Immediately, a bad premonition came over him, and he yelled at his two subordinates to avoid him.

"I want to hide, it's over~"

Yang Yiyun sneered, and the inscribed Taoist talisman appeared in his hand. After activating it, he softly said: "Space~"


Yang Yiyun disappeared on the spot.

At this time, the three people from Dongyan dispersed and escaped.

Yang Yiyun, however, set his target on the man whose arm he had cut off before.

With the power of the inscribed talismans, he is invincible within ten meters with the help of space power. Of course, as long as he has the power to kill the enemy, any angle will do.

Although Dongyan's subordinate is a high-ranking Daluo, it is not difficult for Yang Yiyun to kill him.



Yang Yiyun appeared directly behind this person and hit him on the head with his fist.

The power of space is so powerful that it is silent. The opponent has no way of detecting where his attack will come from. The even more terrifying punch hit Dongyan's subordinate on the head. Others also saw Yang Yiyun's fist.

Until he remembered the screams, Dongyan's subordinate's head exploded, and the power of Yang Yiyun's fist was beyond his own imagination, and his body was turned into pulp with one punch.

Killed one of Dongyan's men in the blink of an eye.

This is the effect of Yang Yiyun gaining the power of heart perception after losing his scruples about the rattan and tempering his physical body.

This scene made Dongyan, who was seen in the corner of the eye on the other side of Yuxiang, take a breath.

He knew that he could not avoid Yang Yiyun's speed.

Suddenly he saw the inscribed Taoist talisman in Yang Yiyun's hand.

Dongyan knew that Yang Yiyun had used the power of the inscriptions to kill his men.

But he didn't know that Yang Yiyun was using space power, and he didn't know that the inscribed Taoist talisman was a space talisman. Anyway, Dongyan's eyes were red.

Of course, it wasn't that he felt sorry for his men being killed, but that he was jealous when he saw the Taoist inscription in Yang Yiyun's hand.

At this time, Lao Bu Shi's first thought was to snatch the inscribed Taoist talisman from Yang Yiyun's hand.

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