My Master Is a God

Chapter 1957 Sensation throughout the elixir city

It took a long time to walk in, but it was much faster when we left.

Three days later, Yang Yiyun walked out of the mountain.

This is because the most difficult part of the road to walk is the huge body of the Demonic Mother Tree, which makes walking difficult.

But now, the ghost mother demon tree has been devoured and refined by him.

Without the biggest threat, it will naturally be much faster.

After coming out of the mountain, he could already see the attic palace of Xiandan City. Yang Yiyun waved his hand and released the magic bird, Xuexiang, and Yan Chixia.

Counting four hundred years before and after, all their injuries were healed.

Of course, it was a little surprising that the God and Demon Bird could actually chat with the Spirit of Qian and Kun. Yang Yiyun understood that it was the Spirit of Qian and Kun that helped the God and Demon Bird and made this miscellaneous bird wake up early.

This is something Yang Yiyun is happy to see.

Although Zamao Bird does have a broken mouth sometimes, he is very particular about the general direction. For example, when saving him, he gave him a drop of his life essence blood last time. Yang Yiyun knew that Zamao Bird was indeed bleeding heavily.

Yang Yiyun wrote down this favor to Zamao Bird, feeling grateful in his heart.

I decided to be kinder to the miscellaneous birds in the future, after all, it can save lives at the most critical time.

The other one is Xuexiang. For this innocent and simple girl, Yang's feelings towards her have changed since he helped her block Jia Ye's blow.

For this reason, Yang Yiyun will never forget the scene when she was injured by Jia Ye that day.

As for Yan Chixia, she is also good. She has fulfilled her duty as a loyal servant and is willing to risk her life at critical moments. This way, her servant Yang Yiyun has nothing to say.

During this four hundred years, he himself was the biggest opportunity recipient.

Cultivation to advance to Daluo is not something that everyone can achieve.

In the immortal world, some people may be trapped in the golden immortal realm throughout their lives and can only be fascinated by Da Luo.

But now he has become a real high-grade Da Luo.

The realm of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal is no longer a problem for him.

Next he will face the Hunyuan Taoist Immortal.

The target is determined to be the County Immortal Pill Tower, and the first thing to be solved is Jia Ye.

Not to mention himself, Yang Yiyun secretly vowed to give Xuexiang an explanation just for the blow that Jia Ye gave Xuexiang.

"Master, we don't need to prepare anything, why don't we just go to the Immortal Pill Tower like this?" Yan Chixia asked.

Regarding the next plan, Yang Yiyun has naturally told Yan Chixia and others.

From the perspective of Yan Chixia, the servant at the center, although his master's cultivation level has been rising like a rocket to the realm of high-grade Daluo, he is still worried about destroying the Immortal Pill Tower.

After all, Jia Ye, the owner of the Immortal Pill Tower, is a Hunyuan Dao Immortal. Although he is a first-grade Hunyuan according to Yang Yiyun, he is still a master of the Hunyuan realm.

The gap between Da Luo and Hunyuan is not just a simple gap in realm.

"Haha~ What? Don't you believe your master and my current strength?" Yang Yiyun looked at Yan Chixia with a squinting look.

Yan Chixia felt a little frightened when someone Yang stared at her with strange eyes, and she quickly waved her hands and said: "No, no, no... no, I naturally believe that Master, you have magical power, my subordinates are just worried... "

"Okay, don't worry, I know your master well. When I get to the Immortal Pill Tower, I'll let you see how strong my master is and how he can defeat that old bastard Jia Ye." Yang Yiyun interrupted Yan Chixia with a smile. .

"Uh~ Okay, I believe in the master. At worst, I will accompany you to the sword mountain and the frying pan..."

"Go away~" The more Yang Yiyun listened, the more uncomfortable he became. He kicked Yan Chixia and said, "Who wants to get into trouble with you? This master is here to cause trouble. The one who is going to have a headache is his Immortal Pill House."

"Yes, yes, the master is right..." The more confident Yan Chixia heard at this time, the more she felt guilty, but there was no way, who made him fall in love with such a master?

Even if he was really thrown into the frying pan, he would have to jump in with him.

"Okay, let's go."

Yang waved his hand, and three people and one bird entered the noisy and bustling streets of Xiandan City.

Yang's deeds have actually left a legend throughout the entire Immortal City.

Although he could count the number of times he appeared in Xiandan City on one hand, his name had already spread throughout Xiandan City.

First of all, it was the first time I entered the elixir city. I picked up an inscribed Taoist talisman almost for nothing. Then I was wanted by one of the three major forces in the elixir city, Jia Lianhua, the eldest lady of the elixir building. Then there was the incident of the ghost mother demon tree. , it was still spread, and all the immortals in the elixir city knew about Yang.

Because the owner of the Immortal Pill Tower, Jia Ye, a Hunyuan Taoist master, was alarmed, and during the incident of the Ghost Mother Demon Tree, the three major forces on the outside, namely the Immortal Pill Tower, the Demonic Pill Hall, and the Fire Cloud Pavilion, were mobilized. In addition, even the refining The Golden Turtle Immortal of the Immortal Alliance also joined in...

Of course, Lao Dongyan of the Demonic Pill Hall, Jia Lianhua of the Immortal Pill Hall, and the great swordsman Han Yang all died inside.

After such an incident spread in the elixir city, Yang's name became even more known to the immortals in the elixir city.

Some people regretted that a genius like Yang Yiyun actually committed suicide by jumping into the belly of the Demon Mother Demon Tree. Some people ridiculed that he deserved it. It would be strange if he had an inscribed Taoist talisman and was not hunted down. Of course, some people also expressed their disdain for Yang. Someone expressed admiration. After all, Yang Yiyun's deeds made everyone feel that he would rather commit suicide than be tortured by Jia Ye, a master of Hunyuan. He was a man.

There are many rumors, but Yang is famous in Xiandan anyway.

When Yang Yiyun and the others were wanted by Jia Lianhua, their images were posted all over Xiandan City, so many people in Xiandan City remembered their appearance.

Although seven or eight hundred years have passed since Jia Lianhua was wanted, the calculation is in the time of the lower world. For the immortals in the immortal world, this time is actually a snap of the fingers.

It's nothing at all. Any immortal who has seen the images of the three of them will recognize them.

In particular, among the three, Yang's white hair is the most conspicuous and easily attracts attention.

So when the three of them stepped into the noisy and bustling streets of Immortal City, they immediately attracted the attention of many people.

After all, Yang was accompanied by a stunningly beautiful Xuexiang.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult not to attract other people's attention.

Someone soon recognized Yang Yiyun.

The troublemaker looked at Yang Yiyun and the others with doubtful eyes and began to discuss in a low voice.

"Hey, take a look, do these three people look like the people wanted by the Immortal Pill House back then?"

"Not to mention it looks a bit similar~"

"What's interesting is that I saw the influence of these three people. The white-haired one is Yang Yiyun, the girl is Xuexiang, and the follower next to me is Yan Chixia..."

"That's not right. It is said that Yang Yiyun died four hundred years ago. He seemed to have committed suicide and jumped into the Ten Thousand Years Tree Demon. The mouth of the Demon Mother Demon Tree turned into a pool of blood~"

"Where did you hear it so clearly?"

"I have a senior cousin whose elder cousin's sister's friend's brother works as a servant in Huoyun Pavilion. But one of the witnesses of the Ghost Mother Demon Tree incident said that Yang Yiyun was forced to commit suicide by Jia Ye, the owner of the Immortal Pill Tower. , without giving Jia Ye a chance to be humiliated, he jumped into the belly of the Demonic Mother Demon Tree and turned into a pool of pus and blood..."

"Yes, yes, one of my brother's friends works as a guard in the Immortal Refining Sect, and he said the same thing..."

"Four hundred years have passed, but I didn't expect that Yang Yiyun is still alive. The rumors seem untrue~"

"Who says it's not the case? Judging from the looks of Yang Yiyun and the others, they seem to have a great opportunity..."

"However, since they are still alive, why are they still coming out? Shouldn't they be hiding or leaving the world of Immortal Pill City at this time?"

"That's right. If the Immortal Pill Tower knew about it, wouldn't it be a dead end?"

"It seems that they have just come out of the land of the Demon Mother Demon Tree. Why don't they run away now? If people from the Immortal Pill Tower find out, it will be difficult to escape~"

"It's too late even if you want to escape now. I'm afraid the people in the Immortal Pill Tower have known about it for a long time~"

"Yang Yiyun is dead now. Jia Ye, the owner of the Immortal Pill Tower, may take action himself."

"I think it may not be..."

Yang Yiyun heard all the comments in his ears, and raised the corner of his mouth with an evil smile. He ignored these comments and walked forward directly...

The Immortal Pill Tower is famous in the Immortal Pill City, everyone knows about it.

He took Xue Xiang and Yan Chixia with the magical birds on his shoulders and went straight to the Immortal Pill Tower. His promise to Immortal Qijun was about to be fulfilled ahead of schedule.

As for whether they would be discovered by the people of the Immortal Pill Tower at this moment, it no longer mattered. He was originally going to cause trouble, to be precise, he was going to destroy the Immortal Pill Tower.

It doesn’t matter whether you know it or not.

When Yang Yiyun and the others appeared in Xiandan City, it could be seen that the whole Xiandan City had exploded in secret.

Immortal Pill Tower~

Jia Ye received the news immediately.

"What? You said Yang Yiyun is still alive?" Jia Ye asked the interpreter with a look of disbelief.

"Reporting to the original poster, it is absolutely true. I will confirm it personally," the subordinate replied.

"Send an order to keep an eye on Yang Yiyun and not let him leave the city." Jia Ye ordered.


Watching this subordinate go out, Jia Ye looked at the sky with some confusion. He couldn't understand how Yang Yiyun could survive?

Back then, he witnessed Yang Yiyun leaping into the vortex of the Demonic Mother Tree.

In this regard, Jia Ye knew that Yang Yiyun was dead.

Because he knew what the Ten Thousand Years Demonic Mother Demonic Tree meant. It was a big demonic tree that he did not dare to provoke. Its strength and cultivation could definitely rival or even surpass Hunyuan Taoist Immortal Dzogchen.

At that time, Yang Yiyun was just a little golden fairy who entered the belly of the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree. He could only turn into a pool of pus and blood and be completely sucked up and refined by the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree. It was impossible to survive.

But he also knew that his subordinates would not deceive him on such matters, which meant that Yang Yiyun was indeed still alive.

How Yang Yiyun survived is really a mystery~

Even Jia Ye wants to know at this moment.

Inexplicably, Jia Ye felt a little irritated when he thought of Yang Yiyun's things, so he did not rush to go out to settle the accounts with Yang Yiyun in person. Instead, he sent someone to keep an eye on Yang Yiyun. He wanted to think about the strangeness in this.

But there is one thing that Jia Ye hates for sure, that is, he will never let Yang Yiyun go...

His daughter, Jia Ye, cannot die in vain.

What's more, Yang Yiyun still has something related to Qijun Immortal. Maybe the Qijun Pill recipe is in Yang Yiyun.

But he was very confused as to why Yang Yiyun was not alive yet. If he had to think about it clearly, it was incredible that this kid actually appeared in Xiandan City again after four hundred years.

At the same time, the Demonic Pill Palace, Fire Cloud Pavilion and the Immortal Refining Alliance all received the same news.

In fact, no one saw whether Dongyan of the Demonic Pill Palace died at the hands of Yang Yiyun, but for the senior officials of the Demonic Pill Palace, Dongyan's death must be closely related to Yang Yiyun, so they also sent people to keep an eye on him. Following Yang Yiyun, the top management of the Demonic Pill Palace also began to think and plan. After all, there were inscriptions and Taoist talismans on Yang Yiyun's body.

In addition, if Yang Yiyun is really still alive, how did he survive at the hands of the Demon Mother Demon Tree?

The people in the Demonic Pill Palace are very interested in this.

After Jing Can of Huoyun Pavilion got the news, she left in person. She was a witness to what happened back then. At that time, she just followed Yang Yiyun simply for the inscription Taoist charm in Yang Yiyun's hand. Now after hearing the news that Yang Yiyun was still alive, Jing Can Can has begun to be more interested in Yang Yiyun than the inscriptions and Taoist symbols, so he set out to see what happened in person.

As for the Immortal Refining Sect, Golden Turtle Immortal was stunned for a while when his subordinates came to report him. After questioning him three times to make sure that his subordinates were not teasing him, he rushed into the room of his superior, Hunyuan Dao Xianding Heping.

The news that Yang Yiyun was still alive was no less than a bomb exploding to him, and he needed to personally ask Lord Ding Heping for instructions.

What happened back then was actually very depressing for Golden Turtle Immortal. He was kicked out by Jia Ye, but he has not forgotten it until now. If Yang Yiyun really appears alive this time, what he needs is Hunyuan Taoist Immortal Ding Heping to come out in person. .

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