My Master Is a God

Chapter 1961 Glazed Tree Vine

Yang Yiyun didn't know what Hunyuan Avenue was, but he felt Jia Ye's power, or Hunyuan Qi.

Naturally, we understand that the Hunyuan Qi is the power of the Hunyuan Mirror master.

It is different from the power of immortal energy, and also carries the power of different laws.

He was not worried about this, but instead had some expectations in his heart. What was the so-called Hunyuan Avenue in Jia Ye's mouth?

For Yang Yiyun, it was not that he underestimated the enemy, but that after swallowing the Demon Mother Demon Tree, he clearly knew that he could also sense Jia Ye's strength at the moment through his mind orifice induction. It was nothing to him, he could cope with it. of.

Looking at Jia Ye, Yang Yiyun also grinned and said: "The old immortal master is not easy to mess with. If you think that this is all I have, you are wrong~"

Tit for tat, trying not to lose.

This made the onlookers all around extremely surprised.

After all, Yang Yiyun is a high-level Da Luo cultivator, while Jia Ye is a Hunyuan Taoist at the peak of the first level.

In everyone's opinion, the previous gap between the two was as big as clouds and mud.

I have never heard of a high-grade Da Luo being able to defeat Hunyuan Taoist Immortal.

Of course, there are countless great geniuses in the immortal world, and there may be some, but in this three-acre area of ​​​​Elixir City, many onlookers have never seen or heard of them.

Listening to the confrontational conversation between Yang Yiyun and Jia Ye, the immortals around them were also full of expectations for the next battle between the two.

Many people believe that Jia Ye will win and Yang Yiyun will lose or die.

But there are also people who are very optimistic about Yang Yiyun, such as Ding Heping who makes the Immortal Alliance.

"Junior is looking for death~" Jia Ye was irritated by Yang Yiyun's words and cursed. He suddenly made a gesture of holding up the sky with his hands, and then grabbed it with both hands as if picking something from the sky. The next moment, he shouted and pushed Yang Yiyun away.

"The great road of Hunyuan, yin and yang combine together, the highest yang burns, the highest yin freezes, the great road of Hunyuan, follow the words and the law, die!"

Hearing this Jia Ye sing, Yang Yiyun's heart skipped a beat.

Jia Ye's chanting of these mantras was so clear that he truly understood the difference between the Hunyuan realm and other realms.

It means that the power of the Hunyuan realm can combine yin and yang, from yang to yin, and can follow the rules according to the law.

This is really tricky.

At this time, he and Jia Ye seemed to be twenty or thirty meters apart, but they felt the changes in the world at the first time.

The onlookers around him immediately noticed something was wrong and quickly retreated four to five hundred meters away.

Everyone is not stupid, they all know the consequences of the Hunyuan master's action, and if they don't want to be affected, they should stay away.

In Xiandan City, Hunyuan Taoist Immortals are the top masters, and only those who are controlled by several major forces are Hunyuan.

Yang Yiyun felt the changes around the world, and the form of the ghost mother demon tree was a little tense.

He mobilized all his strength.

At this time, Jia Ye saw a bright and dazzling halo burst out from his left hand, which was extremely hot and yang. His right hand also shone with silver light, but it was yin and cold. As he was waving, two beams of light suddenly came towards Yang Yiyun, one on the left and the other on the right.

It's like meeting two ferocious pythons.

Two completely different powers appeared, one was extremely hot and the other was bone-chilling cold.

The air around him was shaking and twisting.

Wherever it passed, the ground was burned or frozen, and a layer of crystal ice appeared.

Two extreme forces rushed over like a rainbow.

Yang Yiyun looked at Jia Ye's old face with a smile on his lips and snorted coldly.

You old man thinks that the power of Hunyuan is invincible?

That could not be more wrong.

Young Master, I am the one who assimilated the heart of the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree and deprived the Demonic Mother Demonic Tree of its power.

"The vine dragon goes to sea~"


The next moment, nine thick red tree vines as thick as water tanks suddenly appeared behind the ghost tree transformed by Yang Yiyun. On each tree vine was a tree man's head. It opened its mouth and roared out, with its fangs exposed and its face ferocious. .

In an instant, the nine vines spread out and formed a circle.


Jia Ye's two Yang to Yin powers bombarded Yang Yiyun's nine trees, causing an earth-shaking roar and red light.

But there was no attack.

Yang Yiyun was not injured at all in this blow.

However, there were also dense cracks in the nine Teng strips. After being bombarded by Jia Ye's two light beams, the light dimmed.

But these two powers of Jia Ye also dissipated.

"Fight back~"

Yang Yiyun spoke in a deep voice.

Nine red vines swept towards Jia Ye.

The sky was filled with vines hundreds of meters long rising from the sky, and then suddenly rushing downwards towards Jia Ye.

Seeing that Yang Yiyun was fine and launched a counterattack, Jia Ye's face showed a trace of panic. He knew that his power was so powerful that no Daluo could resist the attacks from the Yin and Yang lands.

But Yang Yiyun resisted.

It would be a lie to say I'm not panicking now.

But Yang Yiyun is not an ordinary Da Luo. He himself practices Shinto. His basic strength has been stronger than others from the beginning. Plus the power of the Ghost Mother Demon Tree is not an ordinary strength, but it is comparable to any Hunyuan Wanzai Lao. Demon power.

Therefore, Jia Ye's Hunyuan Qi turned into the power of Yin and Yang and naturally did not hurt Yang Yiyun.

After being counterattacked by Yang Yiyun, Jia Ye's heart trembled for no reason when he saw the ferocious tree face on each of the nine red vines.

But he knew that there must be no distractions and panic at this time. He was a Hunyuan Taoist at the peak of his first-level cultivation. The power of Hunyuan in his body was only the first Hunyuan Qi, and he was still a step away from the second Hunyuan Qi.

Hunyuan Taoist Immortal is the pinnacle state of power in the cultivation realm of the immortal world. The power of Hunyuan, the first level will be one qi, the middle level two qi, and the top level three qi. The Dzogchen is Hunyuan Mahayana, and subsequent realm cultivation will enter In a completely new field.

It can be called the three qi of Hunyuan.

But at this moment, Jia Ye felt that his power could not defeat Yang Yiyun, which made him feel anxious. He knew that if he delayed, he would suffer a loss and be embarrassed in front of the entire Immortal City immortals.

It may even be life-threatening...

This kid Yang Yiyun is indeed a bit troublesome.

So after thinking about it, Jia Ye gritted his teeth and decided to make a decisive decision to capture Yang Yiyun. Although it would cost some money, it was better than the constant crises at present.

Since the first Hunyuan Qi is not enough, then let’s forcefully use the power of the second Hunyuan Qi!

Anyway, his cultivation realm is already at the peak of the first-grade Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. He is just a hair away from the middle-grade Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. It is not difficult for him to forcibly stimulate his potential to temporarily reach the middle-grade Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. .

After quickly thinking through the pros and cons in his mind, Jia Ye suddenly poked his forehead with a finger.

"Ah~ open~"

The next moment, Jia Ye's breath surged.

However, Yang Yiyun felt that Jia Ye's cultivation level was greatly increasing.

He cursed, he was really desperate even though he was still old.

Naturally knowing that the old man was forcibly improving his cultivation, Yang Yiyun no longer had any reservations at this time.

He knew that Jia Ye was going to fight for his life.

After the nine vines attacked, Yang Yiyun shouted in his heart: "Heilian help~"

At the same time, he activated the inscription Taoist Talisman in his hand, and he was ready to launch a thunderous strike at Jia Ye.

With a thought in his heart, he also used the invisibility technique.

The tree transformed into a ghost mother and disappeared in place, but she was silently chanting in her heart: "The ghost mother's body is thunderous and evil~"

All the power burst out at this moment.

At the same time, I also heard Jia Ye roaring: "The two qi of Hunyuan, reverse the yin and yang~"

But Jia Ye saw thousands of dazzling light beams erupting from his body.

At this time, Yang Yiyun's nine cane attacks fell on Jia Ye.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's nine canes turned into powder upon impact with Jia Ye's dazzling light.

Jia Ye risked his life and forcibly upgraded his cultivation to the middle-grade Hunyuan realm. His power was dozens of times stronger. The power of Hunyuan that burst out in an instant shattered Yang Yiyun's nine vines.

Suddenly he burst into laughter: "Boy, watch me tear you to pieces~"

While laughing wildly, Jia Ye saw Yang Yiyun's incarnation of the ghost mother demon tree disappearing from the place, and suddenly felt bad.

The next second, a cold voice sounded behind him: "It's not sure who will be torn apart~"

"You... your energy is in the sky, and your energy is overwhelming~" Jia Ye heard Yang Yiyun's voice from behind, and suddenly felt bad without even thinking about it, and mobilized all his strength.

Boom boom boom~

But at this time, dense vines surrounded Yin Lei from all directions and wrapped around him, and then the powerful evil energy from the earth went straight to his legs...

A green flame burned in front of him, getting bigger and bigger, and in an instant it burned the Hunyuan Qi that was protected outside his body.

In fact, at this time, his Hunyuan Qi had not even been released, and Yang Yiyun suppressed it first.

Jia Ye felt a palpitation in his heart.

Then a glazed tree vine flashed past him and went straight to the center of his eyebrows.

This glazed tree vine was actually as small as a chopstick, but extremely sharp, piercing through his Hunyuan Qi defense without any barrier.

"Pfft~" a sound entered the center of his eyebrows.

"Ah... how could you... be able to~"

Jia Ye screamed and lost consciousness before finishing a sentence, because this glazed tree vine directly pierced his head and entered the sea of ​​consciousness, instantly piercing the immortal soul.

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