My Master Is a God

Chapter 1964 The Four Leaders of the Immortal Refining Alliance

"In other words, if you want to enjoy the benefits you mentioned, you must pass the elixir refining assessment of your Immortal Refining Alliance and refine an elixir that can temper at least 50% of the quality, right?"

Yang Yiyun asked Ding Heping.

As for Ding Heping, he was smiling in his heart. He knew that Yang Yiyun took the initiative to ask, which meant that the win-over had been successful. He smiled and nodded: "Yes."

"Okay, I will join your Immortal Refining Alliance and accept your alchemy assessment." Yang Yiyun made a decision.

"Welcome~" Ding Heping smiled and stretched out his hand. He thought that what he needed were the alchemists behind Yang Yiyun, but Yang Yiyun's joining invisibly connected the alchemists behind him with the Immortal Refining Alliance, and the goal was achieved. .

As for the alchemy assessment mentioned by Yang Yiyun, Ding Heping didn't care. When the time came, he would also give Yang Yiyun a place in the alchemy matter.

Next, Yang Yiyun asked about the details after joining the Immortal Refining Alliance, and Ding Heping answered them one by one, basically meeting Yang Yiyun's requirements.

After the two sides reached an agreement, Ding Heping said: "In that case, fellow Taoist Yang follow Ding to the Immortal Refining Alliance. You can rest assured that no one will trouble you in the Immortal Refining Alliance. Even people from the Immortal Pill Tower headquarters will not dare to come here." We forged the Immortal Alliance without restraint."

"Uh~ I need to wait a moment. There was something wrong with my previous battle training with Jia Ye. I need to practice and adjust it. Can Fellow Daoist Ding wait?" Yang Yiyun is still suppressing the power he took from Jia Ye in his body at this time. If it has not been completely refined and absorbed, don't dare to delay it, otherwise there will be trouble in the body, and it needs to be absorbed and refined.

When Ding Heping heard Yang Yiyun speak, the corners of his mouth twitched. He heard that Yang Yiyun meant that he wanted to protect him! ! !

One of the dignified bosses of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal Pill City has never protected a junior before.


This law must be protected!

Who told him to need a talent like Yang Yiyun!

Of course, in Ding Heping's heart, he still only valued the people behind Yang Yiyun, and this idea was just his wishful thinking. He had never thought about how powerful an alchemist Yang Yiyun himself could be.

"Okay, I'll protect you." Ding Heping spoke with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Thank you~" Yang Yiyun was waiting for him to say this.

As for the question of whether Ding Heping would cause harm, Yang Yiyun believed that his mind would not deceive him. From the beginning to the end, Ding Heping never showed any ill intentions.

After walking to the side, Yang Yiyun sat cross-legged and whispered to the magical bird napping on his shoulder: "The crow is protecting me."

One of the things that reassures Ding about peace is that there is a god and demon bird squatting on his shoulder.

Believing that there is any danger, the God and Demon Bird will wake him up as soon as possible.

"Weak chicken~"

The magic bird muttered.

Yang Yiyun pretended not to hear anything. After calming down, he held a meeting to run the Qiankun Gong...

At this moment, the power of Jia Ye suppressed in his body was released, and he began to refine it...

At a certain moment, his whole body felt numb, and the Qiankun Daoyuan in his body also made a dull sound.

The aura in his whole body changed, and the immortal energy from the surrounding world gathered crazily and entered his body.

The cultivation level has reached the perfection of Daluo from the realm of high-grade Daluo.

Three days later, Yang Yiyun finally stopped cultivating, refining all the Jia Ye power that had been stripped away by the glazed tree vines in his body, and his cultivation state was stabilized at the peak of Da Luo Dacheng.

Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and murmured in a low voice: "It's a pity that we are still just a hair away. After all, we still failed to break through to the realm of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal."

But having said that, he is still satisfied. After all, this is the power that Liuli Shuteng took from Jia Ye. It can allow him to advance to a small realm and reach the peak of Daluo. It is already a bonus. At this time, he is expected to be mixed. Yuan.

In the future, if you accumulate practice, you will definitely advance to Hunyuan. It is just a matter of time.

Still comforting himself in his heart, he said: "It's okay. It will only take less than a thousand years to reach the immortal world. Take your time and you will eventually achieve Hunyuan."

In fact, Yang Yiyun's cultivation speed is already considered as fast even in the immortal world, but he doesn't know it himself and has a sense of urgency in his heart, so he has such an idea.

The reason is still because of the old man Yun Tianxie. After the old man recast the immortal body on Sanxian Island, the master and the apprentice hurried to the fairy world without saying a few words. Although the dead old man didn't say anything, he and the old man depended on each other for life. As a disciple for thousands of years, no matter how stupid Yang Yiyun is, he can still guess that his master went to the fairy world to seek revenge, and it was also because of his master's mother...

Anyway, Yang Yiyun felt that the old man would face a formidable enemy when he returned to the fairy world.

As a disciple, there is no reason not to worry.

So after he ascended to the fairy world, he was worried and anxious. He always thought that he would find the old man quickly so that he could feel at ease.

However, after arriving in the immortal world, his cultivation level was at the rookie level.

To put it bluntly, he is still at the bottom of the nine realms of immortality, not even in the middle.

This was the reason why he felt that his cultivation was still slow.

Yang Yiyun has such thoughts, but it does not mean that Ding Heping on the side agrees.

On the third day of Ding Heping's duty as a protector for Mr. Yang, he witnessed with his own eyes Yang Yiyun's step from the high-grade Daluo to the peak of the Great Perfection, and heard Mr. Yang muttering in a low voice that he had not broken through to the Hunyuan realm in cultivation. Taoist immortal's dissatisfaction.

This made Ding Heping almost want to vomit blood and want to run away from this kid.

Ding Heping thought about him. It took him 9,800 years to reach the level of first-grade Hunyuan Taoist Immortal since he had been practicing. Back then, when he broke through from high-grade Daluo cultivation to the realm of Hunyuan, he actually spent 1,500 yuan. Years long!

What kind of monster is this kid Yang Yiyun?

Three days, three days!

He completed the cultivation path that took him 1,500 years in three days. He was still not satisfied?

People are so irritating!

Ding Heping was extremely depressed.

But then looking at Yang Yiyun, Ding Heping suddenly laughed again.

Regardless of whether the alchemy master behind Yang Yiyun exists or not, this boy's cultivation talent alone has proven to be a monster-like genius. Including him in the Immortal Refining Alliance is a great thing in itself.

This is a genius he discovered. When the time comes, he will take Yang Yiyun to meet the Master. Maybe the Master will be very happy!

Ding Heping felt much calmer when he thought of this.

After seeing Yang Yiyun's success, Ding Heping walked over and said with a smile: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Yang for his great progress in cultivation. What a joy to congratulate~"

"Hehe~ It's just a fluke." Although Yang said modestly, the pride in his eyes still proved the joy and shamelessness in his heart at the moment.

"Hahaha... let's go, go and make the Immortal Alliance~"

“So hard work~”

After that, Yang Yiyun followed Ding Heping to the Immortal Refining Alliance.

And people like Ding Heping, although they were amazed at the speed of Yang Yiyun's cultivation, they knew that there were some things, so it was better not to ask. They did not go to the bottom of the matter to inquire about the secrets of Yang Yiyun, even though he knew the secrets of Yang Yiyun. There are many secrets.

Forge a fairy alliance.

The second time Yang Yiyun set foot, he only reached the first floor.

This time, he followed Ding Heping directly to the top floor, which is the core of the Immortal Refining Alliance.

It is a place not open to the public, and it is also a place with another world.

There are four major spaces: alchemy space, formation space, puppet space, and spell space, and in the center is the refining hall.

At this time, the leaders of the four major refinements of the Immortal Refining Alliance gathered in the central refinement hall.

Because they wanted to test Yang Yiyun's alchemy skills, Ding Heping brought Yang Yiyun here and wanted to give Yang Yiyun the status of a fifth-grade alchemist. He had to pass the assessment of the four major alchemy leaders.

You must know that as a fifth-grade alchemist in the Immortal Refining Alliance, the privileges you enjoy are not ordinary. Not just anyone can enjoy it. You must have real ability.

Although Ding Heping valued the alchemy experts behind Yang Yiyun and wanted to directly give Yang Yiyun some trouble, he still had to do what he should do.

Only then did the supervision and assessment by the four leaders of the Central Alchemy Hall come into being.

Ding Heping was naturally the person in charge of the alchemy department. Yang Yiyun knew this, but the other three had never seen or heard of him.

After entering the main hall, Yang Yiyun felt the different auras of the other three people, including curiosity, scrutiny, and even hostility.

He said nothing, waiting for Ding Heping's introduction.

As for the assessment of alchemy, he didn't pay attention to it at all. He also thought that he could try his current alchemy skills here. What level could he reach?

He also understands that to work anywhere, you need to be strong. Otherwise, Ding Heping alone will not be enough to value him, and there will always be people who are unconvinced.

For example, he felt the aura of a gloomy old man among the other three, and he was hostile to him.

Although I didn’t understand it, I didn’t have stage fright.

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