My Master Is a God

Chapter 1966 Named Taishang

Yang Yiyun kept watching and listening, and he finally figured out something. Ding Heping was sincerely trying to win over him. It was a pity that Master Baoshun Guangbao insisted on being serious with Ding Heping.

On the contrary, it made Ding Pingping tremble all over.

At this time, Yang Yiyun knew that he should speak out on his own, otherwise he would rely on connections to forge the Immortal Alliance, and it was said that he could not afford to lose that person.

Just when Ding Heping was about to get angry, Yang Yiyun coughed and said, "Isn't it just an alchemy test? It's no big deal. Today I will try the high-level elixir test. I can temper it to 90%. If I fail, Yang will get out." That’s it.”

When Yang Yiyun said this, Ding Heping, who was about to be angry with Bao Shunguang, was stunned, and the other three were even more so.

Then Bao Shunguang laughed wildly: "Hahaha... You said it yourself, kid. If you fail the test, get out."

Yang Yiyun smiled evilly: "Yes, the high-level elixir refining test I mentioned is to temper 90% of the quality. If I can't complete it, I will get out of here, but... what if I complete it, Master Bao?"

For Yang, it was completely a trap for Bao Shunguang. He had the alchemy method of Immortal Qijun, and any elixir could theoretically be refined to 90% quality.

It doesn't matter whether it's a high-level elixir or a low-level elixir. As long as it's refining the elixir, his technique and process are the same, and both can be tempered by 90%.

As long as the mana in the body can keep up, there will be no problem.

Now he is a high-level Daluo cultivator, and the power stored in the Qiankun Daoyuan in his body is enough to refine high-level elixirs. And the watershed of high-level elixirs that he knows is the Hunyuan level, so he can enter the high-level ranks. , in other words, the refined elixir can be considered high-level if it is taken by Hunyuan-level masters and is effective.

Bao Shunguang looked down on him and found trouble for him. He was not a soft persimmon, so he sent an army over.

Ding Heping was anxious when he heard Yang Yiyun speak, but in the blink of an eye he saw Yang Yiyun winking at him, and Ding Heping immediately swallowed the words on his lips. Although Yang Yiyun's bet was very unreliable, he felt that, Ding Heping felt that he could trust Yang Yiyun.

He also saw strong confidence in Yang Yiyun's eyes.

This made Ding Heping wonder, could it be that... Yang Yiyun's method of alchemy is also good?

From the day they knew about Yang Yiyun, he and Golden Turtle Immortal both believed that Yang Yiyun's alchemy skills were powerful because of the alchemy masters behind them. They never thought that Yang Yiyun could make alchemy, or that he could refine high-quality elixirs.

But at this moment, Ding Heping felt a little confused. Could it be that Yang Yiyun's alchemy skills were also good?

Where does he get the confidence to dare?

With doubts in his heart, Ding Heping stopped talking for the time being and looked at Bao Shunguang. Since you, Bao Shunguang, look down on Yang Yiyun, now you have been defeated by an army. Let's see how you deal with it.

At this time, Bao Shunguang laughed and said, "If you can really refine it and pass our test, I will be your servant from now on."

"Then it's a deal."

"It's settled."

Both Yang Yiyun and Bao Shunguang seemed to be confident, and they reached a bet amidst seemingly mutual excitement.

Since both parties involved wanted to make a bet, no one else joined in. After all, this kind of bet was no big deal.

First of all, except Ding Heping, no one else thinks that Yang Yiyun can refine high-level elixirs. Even if he passes their assessment, it is a good thing. The Immortal Refining Alliance will have one more alchemy master. At most, Bao Shunguang can give it to Yang Yiyun was a servant, but they were not the servants anyway.

If Yang Yiyun loses, the most he can do is get out of the Immortal Refining Alliance, and it won't hurt Lao Ding's face.

On the other hand, Bao Shunguang did not suffer. The point is that they did not think Yang Yiyun could win.

"In that case, let's get started~ Fellow Daoist Yang, are you ready?" Seeing that the two had reached a bet, Ding Heping said nothing more. He chose to believe Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun nodded and said no problem.

Next is the start of the assessment.

Since Yang Yiyun chose to refine high-level elixirs, he should at least start with Hunyuan-level elixirs.

The elixir furnace, elixir furnace, etc. are all prepared by the Immortal Refining Alliance, and Yang Yiyun only needs to refine the elixir.

Ding Heping and the four of them discussed it in accordance with the assessment management and made a decision.

In the end, Ding Heping announced three assessments.

He said to Yang Yiyun: "Fellow Daoist Yang's fifth-level alchemist assessment has three items. The first item is the time to refine the elixir. You need to complete the refining of the elixir accurately within the specified time. This item is speed. Attacking ten different elixirs requires half a stick of incense to complete."

Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding.

Ding Heping continued: "The second item is the fire control refining assessment. The requirement is to complete the refining and fusion of a hundred kinds of elixirs with endless attributes. Each of the hundred kinds of elixirs has endless attributes. What you need to do is, with a stick of incense Complete the refining and fuse elixirs of the same attributes together. In fact, this assessment is not only an assessment of fire control, but also includes your knowledge of elixirs, and the difficulty is upgraded."

After finishing speaking, seeing Yang Yiyun's expressionless expression, Ding Heping continued: "The third item is to refine the medicinal liquids refined from the first two into elixirs. Of course I will show you the elixir recipe. The elixir recipe can be used in the Hunyuan realm." The elixirs required for the Shengyuan Dan are all among the 120 elixirs you refined in the first two items. The real elixir formula of the Shengyuan Dan is only thirty-six, and its effect is after taking it at the Hunyuan level. , produces pure immortal power in the body, and one pill generates three qi, which means that one dose of the elixir can generate three qi and turn into three strands of immortal power.

It is three times as powerful as ordinary elixirs. Only in this way can it be considered a success and you can pass the assessment. Of course, the bottom line is that the quality of the elixir must be tempered to 50%. If you do all of these, you will win and Bao Shunguang will lose. At that time, your victory or defeat will be verified and witnessed by me, Master Bian Long, and Yao Buyan. "

"Ding Heping said that the quality of the elixir is tempered to 90%, but that's not what I asked for. If it doesn't reach 90%, he loses." At this time, Bao Shunguang firmly grasped the key point.

Ding Heping stared suddenly, wishing he could beat Bao Shunguang violently. This guy really wanted to drive Yang Yiyun away!

But Yang Yiyun was very cooperative and said: "Don't worry about what I said. Every spit will make a hole. If you can't reach 90% tempering, I will lose."

"Hehe, just admit it, Ding Heping. Look at what he said. Don't make things difficult for me." Bao Shunguang said proudly.

"let's start!"

Ding Heping rarely quarreled, so he spoke directly.

There are still people in the central hall who have prepared the required elixir furnace elixir prescriptions, etc.

Yang Yiyun grinned and said, "I'll use the alchemy furnace myself. If you're not used to using anything else, take it away."

"Uh~" Ding Heping felt his teeth hurt. He could have ordered someone to bring the best high-grade alchemy furnace in the alchemy department, but this guy didn't appreciate it~

It doesn't matter if you don't think about it enough. For many alchemists, it is still a habit for them to use the alchemy furnace. Maybe Yang Yiyun also has a superior alchemy furnace, so he waved his hand and asked people to take the alchemy furnace away.

As for the other three people, they also felt that Yang Yiyun was a little overconfident. The alchemy furnace arranged by Ding Heping was a top-grade immortal weapon, but Yang Yiyun didn't use it. Now everyone began to wonder if this kid was just playing around sincerely, and maybe he didn't know how to make alchemy at all. If there is a master who knows how to make alchemy, it does not necessarily mean that the disciple will be an alchemist.

But the next moment, several people were stunned.

But I saw that Yang Yiyun had already started.

Suddenly, white light flashed in front of Yang Yiyun, and a simple alchemy furnace suddenly appeared and became two meters high.

For a while, everyone looked around, but they didn't find anything different.

Although the alchemy furnace Yang Yiyun took out looked simple, it did not exude immortality. It did not seem to be an immortal weapon~

Not enough is the view of Yao Buyan, Bian Long and Bao Shunguang.

Ding Heping's eyes suddenly shrank when he saw Yang Yiyun's Supreme Alchemy Furnace appear. He suddenly remembered the record of the alchemy furnace in an ancient book.

In the alchemy world, there is a list of elixir rankings, a list of immortal fire names, a list of elixir rankings, and naturally there is a list of alchemy furnaces.

Among the ancient records of alchemy furnaces that he knew, it was rumored that there were ten major alchemy furnaces in ancient times, which transcended the level of immortal weapons and were called venerable weapons. Among them was a record of an alchemy furnace. The more he looked at it, the more similar it was to the alchemy furnace that Yang Yiyun took out. .

Ding Heping stared at Yang Yiyun's alchemy furnace intently, focused and excited, and couldn't help but ask: "May I ask fellow Taoist Yang, does your alchemy furnace have a name?"

Yang Yiyun heard Ding Heping's question and said casually without looking at the application on Ding Heping's face: "My name is Taishang~"

At this point, Ding Heping was shocked and blurted out: "It is indeed an ancient venerable weapon, the Supreme Alchemy Furnace. As an alchemist, I am lucky enough to see death without regrets!"

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