My Master Is a God

Chapter 1972: A city within the elixir city, a demon within a demon within a demon

The Magic Bird is actually quite normal sometimes. He can talk well when he is not having convulsions, and what he says is very reliable.

For example, when Yang Yiyun asked the question now, it tilted its head and thought for a while before replying: "How should I put it? Jiuchongtian is, first of all, the core of the fairy world. It is also a very complicated place. It is not only the fairy world. The place where strong people gather is also the place where the powerful demon clan exists. You must know that not all demon clan can coexist with the human race.

Moreover, it is a place where demons are suppressed. In addition to immortals and demons, there are also some extremely powerful and terrifying beings. Therefore, the Nine Heavens is a place not to be imprisoned. It is just for fear that too many low-level immortals will die after entering. where.

In the same way, we are afraid that demons or monsters will come out, so we have the rule that only the immortals can go there after cultivating their level. In fact, there are many ways to get in.

The first way is of course to cultivate to the realm of the Immortal Lord. At that time, you will naturally be able to summon the Nine Heavens and find a place to go in directly. The second way is to have someone bring you in. The third is for people who practice the power of space to be able to find the Nine Heavens. Wherever the sky is, you can naturally travel directly through space. Of course, you must be able to sense the confining power of the Nine Heavens.

There are also fixed formations in some places in the fairy world that can enter the Nine Heavens, but you know it, kid. After all, you still have to have the strength to go to the Nine Heavens, otherwise it won't matter where you die after you go.

Of course, there is also the advantage that because Jiuzhongtian is the core of the immortal world, it has strong immortal power and is closer to the way of heaven. There are also many strong and old monsters. It is a magical place where you can better understand and practice the immortal way. The benefits..."

Yang Yiyun understood somewhat after listening to the story of the God and Demon Bird, and agreed with what the God and Demon Bird said. It is indeed necessary to have strength. Otherwise, even if he knows where the old man is, he will not be able to help and will become a burden.

It would be better for him to cultivate here and accumulate strength for the time being. First of all, he must at least break through to Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. In fact, he has not been to many places in the immortal world...

It's a bit premature to think about the Nine Heavens now.

Immortal kings are all starting places. It is conceivable that there is no peace there. A place where immortals, demons and other powerful creatures coexist. He believes that it will definitely not be a fairyland and a good place.

The entire waterfall looked like a large, well-tended circle, and there were attics in the buildings. Yang Yiyun told Yan Chixia and Xuexiang to find a place to live, and everyone would practice in seclusion here for a period of time.

He stepped into the waterfall with one step.

After passing through the water curtain, I saw a stone door with formation fluctuations here. I took out the token to activate it, and the stone door slowly opened.

Yang Yiyun walked in with curiosity.

According to the words of the four Baoshunguang people, this is the place where Lord Luoyang cultivates.

He came in just to refine the Jinyuan Daluo elixir in this closed place. He was still not prepared to let too many people know about the elixir recipe of Qijun Immortal. After all, it was a bit unnatural.

Entering the cave, Yang Yiyun had a panoramic view of everything. It was very simple, just a space of fifty or sixty square meters, with a stone bed, a meditation futon, and a set of stone tables and chairs, with no other items.

“It’s really a place of pure cultivation~”

Yang Yiyun muttered to himself and walked towards the stone bed. After all, it was the legendary stone bed where Lord Luoyang slept. He was still a little bit curious.

At first glance, it was a very ordinary stone bed, which was a bit disappointing. There was nothing interesting to see here.

After Yang Yiyun put away his distracting thoughts, he took out the Taishang Alchemy Furnace, prepared the elixir for refining the Golden Yuan Da Luo Dan, and began to refine the elixir.

Mainly Tears of the Ghost Mother, he has three copies now, which is enough.

The auxiliary elixir has been bought from Wanyao Market a long time ago.

Now he has passed the assessment of the Immortal Refining Alliance and has become the Grand Master of Alchemy of the Immortal Refining Alliance. He has a stable place to practice without having to worry about anyone taking revenge.

It was also time to calm down and practice alchemy. Although he had practiced before, he was forced to do so, for fear that enemies would find him.

After all, he was a little impetuous, and he needed to calm down and stabilize his mood.

Light the fire and start the alchemy process...

Jin Yuan Da Luo Dan can definitely be regarded as a super product among high-level elixirs.

Theoretically, taking one pill is a heaven-defying elixir that can elevate you to a great realm.

To adapt to all realms under Hunyuan, of course one must be able to refine it in advance. There is no doubt that the inner strength is beyond imagination.

Both the difficulty of refining and the efficacy are much higher than that of Jin Yuan Zhen Dao Dan.

Yang Yiyun was not in a hurry when refining the elixir this time. After adjusting his condition, he put in the elixir and started...

This time it took a long time to refine the Jinyuan Daluo elixir, and it took seven days to finally successfully collect the elixir.

Nine Jinyuan Daluo elixirs were refined, which were still 90% of the tempered quality. The crystal clear elixir exuded the brilliance of glass, which looked very attractive.

There is an urge to swallow it in one gulp.

But Yang Yiyun held back because he knew that now was not the best time to take Jinyuan Daluo Dan.

Because his cultivation has been improving too fast recently, and he needs to stabilize his realm.

Now he is at the level of Daluo Dazhen, and the next step is the realm of Hunyuan Taoist Immortal. It sounds like it is only one step away, but Yang Yiyun knows that it is not that simple to successfully break through.

He has been practicing too fast recently, and his state of mind always feels unstable. Now that he has successfully refined the Jinyuan Daluo elixir, he is not in a hurry to take it. He just wants to stabilize his state of mind and take the elixir in the best state, so that he can smoothly advance to Hunyuan.

Yang Yiyun now has his own experience in cultivation and knows when to advance and when to slow down.

So she decided to practice in seclusion for a period of time to stabilize her current cultivation state, and then take the Jinyuan Daluo elixir in order to stabilize her state without leaving any hidden dangers.

After Yang Yiyun put away the elixir, he walked out of the cave and first handed the Kunpeng egg to Xuexiang. This egg needed strength to maintain its incubation and could not be delayed. He didn't know how long it would take for him to be in seclusion.

After settling the Kunpeng egg, Yang Yiyun returned to the cave, sat down quietly, and began to retreat.

There are no years of practice, but a few springs and autumns with a flick of the finger...

Three hundred years later, Yang Yiyun woke up from his cultivation state.

His cultivation level has been completely stabilized at the peak of Great Perfection.

During these three hundred years, Yang Yiyun also tried to break into the realm of Hunyuan, but he could prove that Hunyuan was not as simple as imagined, and there was no movement at all.

So he stopped practicing.

Fortunately, the realm has also stabilized.

He knew that there was an opportunity missing to achieve the Hunyuan realm.

Don’t worry about this for now…

Of course, he could also take Jinyuan Daluo Dan to attack the realm of Hunyuan, but Yang Yiyun didn't think it was necessary.

No matter how good the elixir is, it is ultimately due to external forces.

The most solid cultivation is only achieved by one's own cultivation.

Moreover, his current cultivation level is already at the pinnacle of the Great Perfection, and he is only one step away from reaching the Hunyuan realm. It would be best if he could understand and break through to the Hunyuan realm on his own.

Therefore, he decided not to take the Jinyuan Daluo elixir for the time being, as it was a last resort. It was best to use the elixir at the right opportunity to achieve maximum effectiveness.

After talking about this, Yang Yiyun was about to get up from the stone bed and go out for a walk. Three hundred years had passed, and he didn't know what happened to Yan Chixia and Xuexiang.

But just when Yang Yiyun was about to get up, he discovered that there were some small characters on the edge of the stone bed. If he hadn't just stabilized his state and accidentally looked down, it would be difficult to find that there were small characters on the stone bed.

He lowered his head and looked carefully. The next moment he saw the content, Yang Yiyun's expression changed~

It clearly looks like a woman's handwriting, very delicate.

The characters that appear on the stone bed must undoubtedly be written by Luoyang.

Strictly speaking, he was in Luoyang's boudoir at the moment, and on her stone bed.

This made Yang Yiyun feel a little strange.

Looking carefully, Yang Yiyun read these small words:

"The city within the elixir city, the demon within the demon~"

Just two sentences.

Yang Yiyun muttered softly, seeming to feel something was wrong.

Obviously this is talking about a place name and a magic way~

Cheng Zhongcheng in the elixir city sounds a bit confusing, but it is actually easy to understand.

There should be a city within a city in the elixir city, and there was a magic way there, so Luoyang went to check it out.

in this case……

When Yang Yiyun thought about it, he would definitely go to Ding Heping and the others to tell them about this.

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