My Master Is a God

Chapter 1976 Some mysterious three fat men

The old man was in trouble because he was harmed by a powerful person. When the old man disappeared, several senior brothers, sisters and wives must have created the Immortal Refining Alliance to avenge the old man, and came into conflict with the forces of the three great immortals.

Now Yang Yiyun is sure and feels at ease.

Then he asked some more questions, but unfortunately Fatty couldn't explain clearly. He could see that Fatty's status in the Immortal Refining Alliance was not important, but on some core issues of the Immortal Refining Alliance, he didn't say anything.

Yang Yiyun stopped asking questions.

After ending the topic, they were ready to go to the Demon City.

After the third fat man also learned that Luoyang had most likely gone to the Demon City, his expression suddenly changed and he stood up to go back.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yiyun was stunned again. Judging from the nervous look on the fat man's face, he seemed to care about the situation in Luoyang.

Before leaving, the third fat man said to Yang Yiyun: "Brother, please be careful. I will go back to bring reinforcements. I have also heard about the Demon City. That place is very dangerous. I will report it to the headquarters when I go back and send experts to assist you. "

"Don't worry, I am considered the person who built the Immortal Sect. Luoyang is my immediate superior. I will try my best to find her." Yang Yiyun said seriously.

Now, if you calculate it this way, Luoyang is the disciple of the second senior brother, and he, the senior uncle, must go find her.

In this way, I can go to Jiuchongtian to meet my second senior brother in the future.

"Thank you~" Fatty said thanks.

"What are you thanking? Didn't you say that you are just a handyman disciple of the Immortal Refining Alliance?" Yang Yiyun said with a smile.

"Uh~ Forget it, let me talk to you alone." The fat man mysteriously came to Yang Yiyun and whispered: "Actually, I am a young disciple of a respected mother in the Immortal Refining Alliance, hehe~ Brother Yang When you go to the headquarters in the future, I will protect you and leave~"

Watching the three fat men leave, Yang Yiyun was in a trance.

I don't know if what the three fat guys said is true or not, but if it is true, then the three fat guys are the disciples of one of my master's wives, and they are equal to him.

It's interesting and a bit mysterious when you think about it.

I also look forward to meeting the three fat guys one day.

Maybe what he said was true.

"I don't know how many master wives the old man has in the fairy world..."

Yang Yiyun was lost in thought and talking to himself.

"Master, who is the master's wife?"

Bao Shunguang came up.

"Nothing, let's get ready to leave. If we enter the city of demons early, Luoyang will have more hope." Yang Yiyun hesitated.

For the time being, he did not want to reveal his identity as Yuntian Xie's disciple.

The entrance to the elixir city, which is included in the demon city, is at the foot of a mountain a thousand miles southeast of the elixir city.

Ding Heping, the people from Huoyun Pavilion and Demonic Pill Palace wanted to meet at the foot of the mountain and enter together.

This time, when Yang Yiyun came out, he was accompanied by Xuexiang and Divine Demon Bird, Ding Heping, the four of them were accompanied by Golden Turtle Immortal, and ten high-grade Daluo guards. After taking Yang Yiyun's Jinyuan Daluo elixir, the four of them had reached the realm of cultivation. They have all reached the middle-grade Hunyuan Dao Immortal realm.

And Xuexiang has also broken through to the first-grade Hunyuan realm, but she is a demon fairy, and her real strength is no worse than Ding Heping and the other four.

Only Yang Yiyun has reached the peak level of Daluo Dzogchen, but he is now a ninth-grade alchemy grandmaster recognized by the headquarters of the Immortal Refining Alliance, and in terms of status, he is the highest among the group.

Therefore, Ding Heping and the four others listened to Yang Yiyun's command.

But Yang Yiyun knew that there were two forces from the Fire Cloud Pavilion and the Demonic Pill Palace this time. He was not prepared to stand out and still handed over the command of the team to Ding Heping.

Ding Heping could only deal with this, and he had dealt with both Fire Cloud Pavilion and Demonic Pill Palace, so it was easy to do things.

After arriving at the foot of the mountain, we saw two groups of people with clear flags waiting in the distance.

Ding Heping smiled and said to Yang Yiyun: "I said these people would come, and now it seems that not only will they come, they are extremely positive, haha~"

"Who are these people?" Yang Yiyun asked as he walked. In fact, he had already seen an acquaintance from a distance, or a woman in red.

It was the woman I had seen in the land of the Demonic Mother and Demonic Tree - Jing Can!

Yang Yiyun only knew about Jingcan that she was from the Huoyun Pavilion among the major forces in the Immortal City, and that she was a great person with great cultivation.

She was still wearing red clothes with a veil covering her face, and she was accompanied by two old women, one black and one white.

Ding Heping gestured with his eyes and said: "The woman in red is from the Fire Cloud Pavilion, and the old man beside her is the master of the Fire Cloud Pavilion. She is a secretive person. I have seen and beaten her several times. Jiao Dao, this person’s name is Fang Jingtian, and he has practiced some kind of aura restraint technique. At my level, I can’t tell what kind of cultivation he has, but there are rumors that Fang Jingtian’s cultivation should have entered the middle-grade Hunyuan Taoist realm a thousand years ago. Jing is a person not to be underestimated.

The other party is wearing white clothes with a black sun on the collar. It is the Demonic Pill Palace forces. The leader is the palace master Xing Yuanming. His cultivation is at the peak of the first-grade Hunyuan. The two palace elders around him are both first-grade Hunyuan. In this situation, the people in the Demonic Pill Palace practice external elixirs, and they use elixirs to attack, which is very evil. When the time comes, we still need to be careful. "

Ding Heping briefly introduced Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun looked confused and nodded to show that he knew.

Looking at it now, it seems that there is only one Hunyuan Taoist master in Huoyun Pavilion, Fang Jingtian, but he is one who cannot see through his cultivation. According to Ding Heping, Fang Jingtian was rumored to be in the middle-grade Hunyuan Taoist realm thousands of years ago. No one knows whether he is a middle-grade Hunyuan now or whether he has broken through to a high-grade one.

Therefore, Huoyun Pavilion is the most dangerous party. Including Jing Can and the two old women, plus ten Daluo high-level disciples, the number of people in Huoyun Pavilion is fourteen.

However, the Demonic Pill Palace is dominated by the palace master Xing Yuanming and the two palace elders, both of whom are first-grade Hunyuan Taoist immortals. Behind them are ten Daluo subordinates, seven high-grade Daluo, and three Daluo Great Perfection. Weaker, but there are three Daluo Dzogchen among the ten subordinates, and Ding Heping said that the Demonic Pill Hall practices Waidan, which is very strange. He had learned this from Dongyan back then, and it was indeed very strange. , you still have to be careful.

The Demon Pill Hall and his party attacked thirteen people.

The last party is them. They are the party with the largest number of experts. Except for Ding Heping, all four of them have broken through to the middle-grade Hunyuan realm because of his Jinyuan Daluo Immortal Pill cultivation. There is also Xuexiang.

There are five middle-grade Hunyuan Dao Immortal masters, and the rest are himself and the Golden Turtle Immortal with ten high-grade Daluo guards. They are the most powerful among the three forces.

This also makes Yang Yiyun confident in this trip.

The three parties gathered together.

"Ding, you guys are late, please forgive me~"

Ding Heping was the apparent leader. He went over to greet Fang Jingtian and Xing Yuanming with fists in his hands.

"Master Ding, don't be too polite. I've just arrived~" Fang Jingtian from Huoyun Pavilion spoke with a smile, very approachable.

However, in Yang Yiyun's eyes, these people are just smiling tigers with scheming plans, so they should be more careful.

"Hmph~ Master Ding is quite good at planning. The four masters of your Immortal Refining Alliance have all advanced to the middle-grade Hunyuan realm. It seems that we won't have anything to do during this trip."

Xing Yuanming, the master of the Demonic Pill Hall, narrowed his eyes and stared at Ding Heping and others as he glanced and spoke. However, he did not hesitate to reveal the cultivation levels of Ding Heping and the others.

Everyone was practicing in the Immortal Pill City, and no one knew who was who. At this moment, seeing that Ding Heping and the other four people had all broken through to the middle-grade Hunyuan realm, Xing Yuanming was shocked and ridiculed.

"Hahaha~ Hall Master Xing is joking, we are just lucky. The purpose of everyone's trip is to enter the city of demons. We should unite. Don't have other thoughts, otherwise you will suffer big losses." Ding Heping also said He is a wonderful man, he laughs and speaks without being salty.

There is a mixture of humility, pride and warning in these words.

"Okay, now that everyone is here, let's go in." Fang Jingtian said.

"That's very good." Ding Heping nodded. If he went in early, he might be able to find Lady Luoyang a moment longer. If she was still alive, she would be able to get out of trouble. In short, their goal was to find someone to save her.

As for the purpose of the people in Huoyun Pavilion and Demonic Pill Hall, Ding Heping could guess some of it, but he didn't say anything. Everyone gathered together just for their own interests.

"Let's go~" Xing Yuanming snorted softly and took the lead to walk towards the foot of the 100-meter mountain.

We are still a hundred meters away from the mountain.

According to Ding Heping, there is a cave at the foot of this mountain that is the entrance to the demon city, but it is very evil and few people dare to enter.

As the group of people walked towards the mountain, Yang Yiyun felt that someone was looking at him. When he looked up, he saw Jing Can, dressed in red and wearing a veil, staring at him.

How could Yang Yiyun not be curious about this veiled woman in red!

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