My Master Is a God

Chapter 1978 A world where yin and yang are reversed

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!

"Is Grand Master okay?"

Ding Heping came over and asked.

"It's okay, what's going on here?"

Yang Yiyun was still looking at the surrounding environment as he spoke, as if this place was not a magic city at all, but a big world.

Generally speaking, there is still some light, but only a little bit. You can see a blurry state, just like the effect of lighting up a lamp in the dark.

It's a dim color, and I don't know where the halo comes from...

Faced with this situation, it makes people feel a little more eerie.

Just listen to Ding Heping say: "We have arrived at the city of demons. In fact, it is our first time here, and we all know the situation here from the classics. He doesn't know what it is really like.

Now we can only take one step at a time. According to the ancient records, this city of demons was a city that was turned upside down and buried by the ancient immortal.

So all the scenes we see now are upside down, and the earth under our feet should be deep in the earth. In the legendary demon city, there are tens of millions of demon monks living there, all of whom were destroyed together. Suppress and bury the people. According to the records in ancient books, if there are still demons alive here, they must be ancient demon souls.

Of course, in addition to the existence of ancient demon souls, there may also be living beings buried together. After all, this is a world that must be full of dangers. Let's all be careful. "

Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding.

At this time, the place they were in looked like an upside-down square.

It looks a little dim in the distance, but you can still make out it. When you walk out of the square, you will see the street...

At this time, there was a roar from the other side.


Then someone shouted: "There is a barrier here and we are trapped inside."

Only when this voice sounded did everyone think of a question.

It seems that it is easy to get in, but difficult to get out, and there is no turning back.

Yang Yiyun asked Ding Heping: "Old Ding, how can we get out? There is no way back above our heads?"

Ding Heping was embarrassed for a while: "I really forgot about this, but it doesn't matter. There are many entrances to the Demon City. It is said that forces outside the Immortal City can enter and exit at certain times, so there must be other ways out. We Find out when the time comes.”

"Okay, let's go over there and see what's going on over there~"

Then Yang Yiyun took Xue Xiang and Ding Heping towards where the others were.

When I looked over, I realized that everyone was indeed trapped. They were trapped in a radius of a hundred meters, surrounded by invisible invisible barriers.

"What's going on? Does Master Ding know?" Xing Yuanming asked.

"It seems to be the yin and yang barrier~" Before Ding Heping could speak, Bao Shunguang answered Xing Yuanming's question directly.

"Does Master Bao have a solution?" Fang Jingtian also spoke.

Bao Shunguang was the only formation master among these people, and everyone looked at him at this time.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Bao Shunguang, but Bao Shunguang smiled awkwardly and said: "Ahem~ Actually, I can only see that it is a yin-yang enchantment and cannot be broken, and it is an ancient enchantment. I guess all of us together can’t break it.”

When everyone heard Bao Shunguang speak like this, they all rolled their eyes.

If you can't break it, just say something stupid~

For Bao Shunguang, it was really difficult for him to break the barrier here.

You must know that this is an ancient magic city.

In ancient times, since the ancient immortals directly turned over this magic city and buried it, it already explained the problem.

If the established demon clan can be easily eliminated, just deal with it directly. Why would you need to spend a lot of effort to directly overturn the entire city?

Isn't this unnecessary?

The reason for doing this can only mean that this demon city is not simple, or that there are demons in the demon city that even the ancient immortals find troublesome, or that they cannot enter the first battle, so they simply turn over the entire demon city. Bury the seal, and build another fairy city on top to suppress it.

It is enough to show how extraordinary this magic city is.

Just imagine, if you want to bury a city of demons, how powerful a means is needed to do it?

Therefore, letting Bao Shunguang break through is to embarrass him. It is already good that he can make people come out of this yin and yang barrier.

Yang Yiyun thought of this and understood Bao Shunguang.

But some people didn't understand. For example, Xing Yuanming almost laughed at Bao Shunguang.

Now Bao Shunguang was furious and started to quarrel with Xing Yuanming.

Ding Heping is considered to be the leader of this incident. The situation is unclear now. Strictly speaking, he has not actually entered the demon city, so he started to quarrel. This is not good. He must endure his anger to dissuade them.

Fang Jingtian of Huoyun Pavilion was watching the show from the side, and he could not help but mock the Immortal Alliance.

As the owner of Baoshunguang, Yang Yiyun knew that naturally he could not fight. He said that Xing Yuanming could not help but laugh at him, but he did not dare to take action seriously. After all, the Immortal Refining Alliance was powerful.

But Yang Yiyun would not let his younger brother suffer.

With a calm expression, he released the God-Demon Bird from the space of the Qiankun Pot and said, "Crow, look what's going on here?"

The God Demon Bird claims to be the number one God Demon Bird in the Three Realms. Yang Yiyun didn't believe it before, but since this guy killed him with a drop of his life essence and blood and made his strength jump several levels, Yang Yiyun began to believe it.

Since he is the god and demon bird known as the number one in the three realms, his knowledge is certainly not bad, and he should be able to tell one, two, and three things.

As long as the God Demon Bird can solve this problem, it will relieve Bao Shunguang's embarrassment and give him a disguised slap in the face.

"Wow, how did you, a weakling, end up in a yin-yang reversal space?" The God-Demon Bird screamed as soon as it came out, and of course it was also talking to Yang Yiyun through sound transmission.

In fact, when there are outsiders, Shenmoniao has always been very low-key. He never speaks in front of outsiders and communicates with Yang Yiyun through sound transmission.

"Speak carefully, what is the yin and yang reversal space? I told you before that we are going to a demon city that was suppressed and sealed by the ancient immortals. However, after an era, the seals and passages of the demon city They are all loose. According to Lao Ding, you can directly enter the demon city.

But after we were sucked into the space channel, we came here, but we were trapped in a circle with a radius of 100 meters. Bao Shunguang said that there was a yin and yang barrier here, and he couldn't do anything about it.

What I ask you now is, is there any way for us to get out of this enchantment, or enter the real demon city? "Yang Yiyun said to the devil bird in one breath, waiting for its answer.

"You are a weakling, you will find trouble. It's very easy to get out from here, but I tell you, going out is the same as going in. The place you enter should be the city of demons you call. There is a lot of demonic energy in the kid. Immortal You will be restrained by the demonic energy inside. It's hard to tell what will exist after you enter. Are you sure you want to go in?" God Demon Bird asked.

Yang Yiyun said: "Now that you are here, do you still have a choice? Just tell me how to get out of this Yin-Yang barrier. As for the situation inside, I am mentally prepared."

After the God and Demon Bird cursed a weakling, he said via voice transmission: "This is the yin and yang reversal space. Everything you see is upside down. Once you enter, it will be normal, but it is equivalent to entering the yin side..."

"Can you tell me the key points directly?" Yang Yiyun interrupted the God and Demon Bird.

"You are free to die as a weakling. I don't care whether you live or die this time. Listen, the entrance is in the square above your heads. Carefully sense that the place where the yin and yang gather is the exit, and it is also the entrance to the city of demons." After saying this, the Demon Bird closed his eyes and squatted on Yang Yiyun's shoulder and started to take a nap. He didn't want to say another word to Yang.

Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he got the answer he wanted. He didn't expect this result.

It is true that there is an inverted square above the head, and all the buildings look upside down, but after carefully feeling it, there is indeed a yin and yang aura emanating from the inverted square above the head. Although it is weak, it is there.

Yang Yiyun immediately reported this matter to Bao Shunguang. Anyway, he let Bao Shunguang slap him in the face, and he didn't want to be in the limelight for the time being.

Bao Shunguang, who was originally quarreling with Xing Yuanming until he blushed and had a thick neck, suddenly heard Yang Yiyun's voice transmission. The next moment he was shocked and a smile appeared on his face. He looked at Xing Yuanming and shouted: "Xing, please listen to me, one minute I will find an exit within a short period of time, do you believe it, do you dare to make a big bet with me?"

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