My Master Is a God

Chapter 1981 The level of demons in the fairy world

Seeing Xing Yuanming leave viciously, Bao Shunguang couldn't help but said: "Master, are you just going to let this old guy leave like this?"

"Otherwise?" Yang Yiyun rolled his eyes and continued: "Remember, we are now in a space world that may be completely different from the outside world. If there are ancient demon souls or other creatures here, the human race can unite. Exploited.

It's better to keep them than to kill them, and if they really fight, we will also be injured, which is not cost-effective. It is unlucky to kill people and bleed as soon as they come in. Okay, let them test the water in the dark first, and let's study how to do it. Go find the problem in Luoyang. "

Yang Yiyun set the tone in a few words.

It does make sense to the ears of Baoshunguang and the others.

Ding Heping responded: "Yes, yes, our goal here is to find Mr. Luoyang. This is the real person. If they want to go, let them go."

"Do you have any rules for how Old Ding will find Luoyang?" Yang Yiyun asked Ding Heping and the others. Ding Heping had made preparations when he wanted to come, and it was impossible for him to come in rashly.

"Grand Master, I have a token in my hand belonging to Lord Luoyang. It is the order of the leader of the Immortal Refining Alliance. When Lord Luoyang left, he gave it to me and asked him to take care of the affairs of the Immortal Refining Alliance in the Immortal City. .

In fact, I have never used this token. Knowing that you found the words left by Mr. Luoyang a few days ago, I went back to find the token, but I found that the aura of Mr. Luoyang on the token had not dissipated. This means she must still be alive.

If Master Luoyang is really in this demon city, we can find her based on her aura on the Immortal Alliance Order. However, the aura on it is a bit weak, so it may be a bit troublesome to find her, but we can still track her. "

After Ding Heping finished speaking, an extremely powerful token appeared in his hand. There were three words of Immortal Alliance Order mentioned above. It was obvious that this was an immortal weapon, and it was a high-level one.

Of course, these kinds of immortal weapons are more often a status symbol.

According to Ding Heping's intention, this was Luoyang's token as the leader of the Immortal Refining Alliance branch of the Immortal City, but it was handed over to him when he left, allowing him to take charge of the Immortal Refining Alliance of the Immortal City branch.

At this moment, it has become the key to finding Luoyang.

So many things in the world have cause and effect.

Back then, Luoyang did not leave this Immortal Alliance Order to Ding Heping. Now even if they knew that Luoyang had entered the demon city, it would be difficult to find her.

After all, the area of ​​this demon city is not small. It is said to be a city, but in fact it is a world.

Searching without a target is difficult to find.

With the existence of this Immortal Alliance Order, there is a main line, and it will be easy to find it.

Because it has the aura left by Luoyang.

"Are you sure you can cast a spell to find it?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"Yes, let me try. The Immortal Refining Alliance has a secret method for finding and tracking disciples. I will give it a try after a while."

After Ding Heping finished speaking, he began to cast spells. He took the Immortal Alliance Order in his hand and began to cast the secret spell.

He stood there with his eyes closed, pinching with his hands and muttering something in his mouth, and the Immortal Alliance Order also emitted a halo.

It looked like it would take a while, so Yang Yiyun asked Bao Shunguang to be alert. This place seemed quiet now, but who could guarantee whether something would happen in the next moment?

After all, from now on, they are entering an ancient magic city.

Yang Yiyun actually didn't know much about the demons in the immortal world, and he didn't know if they were the same as the demons he only encountered in the world of cultivation.

Thinking of this, he asked Bian Long and Yao Buyan: "How much do you know about the demons and demons in the fairy world? Can you tell me about them?"

Yao Buyan said: "We actually don't know much about it. We have heard some rumors and heard from the older generation that the magic way in the immortal world is the same as the immortal way. They are all about pursuing the great road. But the devil is extreme after all, and the way of cultivation is endless." No matter how hard he went, he always wanted to assimilate all the creatures in the fairy world into demons.

The war between immortals and demons broke out in the ancient times. It was rumored that the demons were completely suppressed by the ancient immortals and sealed somewhere in the Nine Heavens, but they could not be completely eliminated. After all, the demons were also terrible people and were not completely extinct.

The other demon clans scattered throughout the fairy world have been wiped out and suppressed, and they basically no longer exist. However, it is not ruled out that some fish have slipped through the net, but they cannot cause any trouble.

In fact, the fairy world has never completely eradicated demons. So far, demons occasionally appear in various places, but they are not common. As long as demons appear somewhere, they will be eradicated and suppressed as soon as possible.

Demonic monks are also human beings, and are also composed of demons and other races. Immortal monks become fallen ones or possessed by demons. There are two obvious differences.

There is one type who voluntarily cultivates the demonic path. This type is called the demonic cultivator. What they pursue is the power of the demonic path, and their pursuit of guidance is also the path of the demon clan. They are also existences with complete independent consciousness from the beginning, no different from immortals.

The other type is the fallen demon, which is a passive one. They are more likely to be immortals, demons, or other creatures who have gone awry in their cultivation and fallen into the devil's way. In such a situation, one will basically lose one's consciousness and become a walking zombie. The heart will only be filled with anger and killing, and it will be difficult to regain one's consciousness.

Of course, there are some individuals who can recover, but they are all phoenix-feathered water chestnuts. After practicing to the end, they will completely transform into blood demons, and eventually develop a new consciousness, and become a very terrifying demon.

One thing the two have in common is that their cultivation methods often involve taking extreme shortcuts and are very evil, so they are not tolerated by immortals.

In addition, the demons also have different levels of cultivation. They are divided into small demons, big demons, real demons, heavenly demons, small demon kings, big demon kings, demon kings, demon emperors, and demon kings. There are nine levels, which are exactly the same as those of us immortals. The nine realms correspond to the Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo, Hunyuan, Immortal Lord, Immortal King, Immortal Emperor, and Immortal Lord.

Generally speaking, the evil way of cultivation of the demons is also to obtain the power of heaven and earth, but the demon cultivators do whatever it takes..."

Yao Buyan can be regarded as a popular science for Yang Yiyun.

Let Yang Yiyun have an understanding of the demons in the fairy world.

He also told about the demons he met in the world of cultivation. Yao Buyan's answer was that they were all from the same ancestor, but the demons in the lower world were different in strength.

But it is obvious that the demons in the fairy world are more powerful.

While the two were discussing the demons in the fairy world, Ding Heping finally completed the use of the secret technique.

"There is a reaction."

Ding Heping spoke excitedly.

At this time, Yang Yiyun and others looked over and saw a milky ball of light the size of a baby's fist emerging from the Immortal Alliance Order in Ding Heping's hand.

"How is Old Ding?" Bian Long asked.

Ding Heping pointed at the light group emerging from the Immortal Alliance Token and said excitedly: "This is the aura spirit bead that was extracted from the Immortal Alliance Token left by Lord Luoyang. I have a feeling that Lord Luoyang is indeed here. This aura spirit bead will Take us to find Mr. Luoyang."

"Great, let's set off quickly. If we find Master Luoyang sooner, she will be rescued sooner." Bao Shunguang also spoke excitedly.

Ding Heping glanced at Yang Yiyun and asked for his opinion. Unknowingly, Yang Yiyun Yanran had become the core among them.

"Let's go. Luoyang must be trapped somewhere in the Demon City. If we find her sooner, she can get out of trouble sooner."

Yang Yiyun nodded and signaled Ding Heping to lead the way.

"Okay." Ding Heping waved his hand and the breath spirit beads flew up, and everyone followed.

But he left the square and entered a street in the east.

Previously, Fang Jingtian from Fire Cloud Pavilion went to the west, while Xing Yuanming from Demon Pill Hall went to the south.

The square is surrounded by four streets: southeast, northwest and northwest.

But I don't know where it leads.

No one knows how big this demonic city is.

What is different from the cities in the fairy world are the architectural objects.

As we walked along, we saw buildings on both sides that were mostly made of huge stones, and were basically very tall houses.

It doesn't seem to have suffered any huge damage, on the contrary, it is very intact.

It's just that there are no living creatures, and the silence is very scary.

But the further we go, the more evil and evil spirits in the world become heavier and heavier.

Even though everyone had closed their acupoints, they still felt uncomfortable under such a strong demonic impact.

"Ah... help..."

At a certain moment, in the dim and silent distance, a frightened cry for help suddenly sounded.

The expressions of Yang Yiyun, Ding Heping and others changed.

"Everyone, be on your guard and stop first."

Yang Yiyun shouted loudly, and he recognized a cry for help coming towards them...

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