My Master Is a God

Chapter 1983 It may not be the ancient immortal who buried the Demon City

At this time, Yang Yiyun's eyes were focused on the guard Fang Jingtian. There was a slight fluctuation in his eyes, but then they flashed away and were filled with determination.

The guard he knew was likely to die.

But some things have to be done by someone.

It's not that he is cruel, and one word may ruin the life of this guard, but in the jungle law of the fairy world, where the weak eat the strong, he will be the one who dies if he doesn't do it cruelly.

Although he wasn't the one who asked the guard to go out to test, the essence was him.

In comparison, it is better to die as a fellow Taoist than to die as a poor Taoist.

Anyway, it’s fine if you’re not the one who made the Immortal Alliance.

This is also the price they have to pay for Fire Cloud Pavilion.

There is a price to pay for doing something wrong, and now Fang Jingtian is just paying for his previous decision.

But having said that, if the sacrifice of this guard can help the God Demon Bird find a way to deal with the ancient demon soul, it will be worth it.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the guard of Huoyun Pavilion.

According to Fang Jingtian, those ancient demon souls must be hiding and right next to them.

It will be difficult for them to get through this without finding a solution.

Yang Yiyun knew very well which party's power should be consumed at this time.

Anyway, he will not consider the person who forged the Immortal Alliance. Since Fang Jingtian has a plan, then he will destroy his plan.

Jing Can was furious with Yang Yiyun, but Yang Yiyun ignored him.

What bullshit fairies, you were the first to be unkind.

Last time, she wanted to seize the account of his inscription and Taoist talisman. It was good that Yang Yiyun didn't ask her to settle the account. Now if she is still being slapped in the face, there are many ways to deal with her.


A horrified scream pierced the sky.

Yang Yiyun concentrated his attention and saw that the guard Fang Jingtian walked out more than fifty meters, stopped and let out a scream.

With the naked eye, you can't see anything at all, but you can see this visual guard shooting into the air...

Everyone present saw this strange scene. Everyone knew that the guard had hit something, but they couldn't see it.

"what happened……"

"Yes, it seems there is something..."

Some of the guards of the Immortal Refining Alliance discussed in low voices. It sounded like everyone was a little timid. After all, humans have a natural fear of unknown things.

"That is the ancient demon soul. It looks like a human, but it is in the state of a soul demon. You can see it within ten meters when it launches an attack. You can't see anything now." Fang Jingtian said.

But Yang Yiyun saw it. In his Qiankun eyes, he did see that there seemed to be a large number of people besieging the guard Fang Jingtian.

It's hard to tell who they are because they all have a demonic energy around them, so it's a bit blurry to see, there are probably more than a dozen at least.

The guard started to have blood on his body...

"help me……"

He was shouting and wanted to run back, but he was tightly entangled by the ancient demon soul and couldn't move at all.

As Fang Jingtian said before, these ancient demon souls are indeed not afraid of being beaten, and the guard's counterattack did not hurt them at all.

After all, it was Da Luo's attack that usually only produced a burst of black smoke after one blow, and then condensed again, or one blow penetrated the demon soul's body, and the opponent could not feel any pain.

Yang Yiyun also gasped when he saw this. It is true that these demon souls do not seem to be very powerful, but they are all very difficult to deal with.

It is said that any living being will be very fragile after becoming a divine soul. However, it seems that these demon souls cannot be dispersed and can be condensed after being dispersed.

Then Yang Yiyun asked the God and Demon Bird: "Have you seen it clearly? Is there any way to deal with it?"

"Of course there is. I am the number one god and demon bird in the three realms. Aren't they just a few little demon souls? It's not a big deal, but this is for me, and for you weaklings, haha, that's not good. Dealt with it.

Although these are small demon souls, they are demon souls from ancient times. Not only have they not dissipated in the long river of history, but they have mutated. Coupled with the environment of the reversal of yin and yang here, and the closed environment, there is no dispersion at all. The grievances that have gone out have made the abilities of these demon souls after mutation really different.

Judging from the situation, this place is really a big deal. It is not as simple as burying a magic city as you say. Boy, if you leave now, you are still in a hurry. This place is really evil! "

At the end of the talk, the gods and demons seemed to notice something different and became a little scared, so they advised Yang Yiyun to leave.

"Whether the Miscellaneous Feather Bird can speak well, just tell me what you see." Yang Yiyun felt a little frightened when he listened to the words of the God and Demon Bird.

The God Demon Bird said solemnly: "According to your theory, this place was buried directly in this city by the ancient immortals in order to suppress the demons, right?"

Yang Yiyun was a little confused, but he heard what Ding Heping said was like this, and it was recorded in ancient books.

"Yes, what's the problem?" Yang Yiyun said doubtfully.

The Demonic Bird said: "What a very big problem. If I feel it right, or guess it right, will this city be the same?"

"Uh~ The mixed-haired bird is not an ancient immortal, can it still be a demon... No, you mean...?"

When Yang Yiyun said this, his whole body trembled.

Indeed, if this city of demons is not buried with ancient immortals, then how the hell is it a demon? ? ?

The idea came to him, and it frightened him.

A flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and then Yang Yiyun looked at the Divine Bird.

Just listen to the God Demon Bird say: "You little chicken, listen up. The so-called ancient records are only compiled by people, and they are not necessarily true records. Maybe this Demon City was indeed buried by ancient immortals, but it is not necessarily ancient records." Immortals do not have other identities, such as the identity of demons...

I carefully felt the heaven and earth space here and was a little confused at first. I felt something was wrong. Now that I see those ancient demon souls, it is a bit unimaginable.

To be precise, this is a city of sacrifices... The sacrifices made in the demon city world are really generous. This is probably a sacrifice that has exceeded the ability of the earth to bear...

There are at least tens of millions of demons in a demon city world. If you say sacrifice, you will sacrifice. Put it this way, what demon god are you trying to resurrect? Or are you going to summon some demon? Anyway, it will definitely not be at the level that the fairy world can have. The problem here is really a bit complicated.

I'm a weakling, if it's nothing serious, I suggest you leave as soon as possible and don't get involved here. If I am sure, there may be a demon god here, and it will be a lot of fun. "

The words of the God and Demon Bird sounded relaxed, but Yang Yiyun felt very uneasy in its tone.

But... in his opinion, it shouldn't be that serious!

There are only a few little demon souls appearing here now. Anyway, his purpose is to find Luoyang. Since he has come here, it is impossible for him to leave like this.

As long as he finds Luoyang, he will leave. This is the bottom line. If there really are any gods and demons mentioned by the gods and demons, he will just hide.

Besides...he's not necessarily that bad. Besides, if there were any gods and demons, they would have been born long ago~

"Stop talking nonsense, I will leave as soon as I find Luoyang. Now hurry up and tell me how to deal with those ancient demon souls." Yang Yiyun became impatient.

"Weak chickens who don't listen to my advice will suffer big losses sooner or later~" The God Demon Bird cursed, and then said: "Those demon souls are indeed powerful, but they have weaknesses. The environment here is the reverse of the extreme Yin space, which is the ancient The attribute of the demon soul is essentially Yin.

Do you understand Yang versus Yin? Most of you are alchemists. You are good at playing with fire. You can restrain it by using the power of fire. Of course, it is not enough to deal with the ancient demon soul by burning it with flames, because the ancient demon soul is an incorporeal soul, so the flames also need to Soul power.

That is, the power of the Immortal Soul. Use flames to drive the Immortal Soul and let the Immortal Soul power burn. In this way, you can destroy the ancient demon soul. Of course, this will consume a lot of Immortal Soul power and there is a price, but this is the only way. You can figure it out. . "

After the demon bird finished speaking, he said no more.

The method is left to Yang Yiyun, it depends on whether it is used or not.

Indeed, doing so consumes the power of the Immortal Soul.

But there is nothing we can do~

No, in the blink of an eye, Fang Jingtian's guard turned into a mummy in front of everyone, and his blood and soul were completely sucked away by the ancient demon soul.

Fang Jingtian was indifferent to this and did not save him.

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