My Master Is a God

Chapter 2099 Fengyun Sword Saint

Then a voice sounded.

"Wow... after a million years, I finally waited until someone came in. I'm so pitiful, wow, wow, wow..."

Completely opposite to the strong, the strong laughs loudly.

The latter burst into tears.

Yang Yiyun was confused by these two voices.

What the hell is this~

When Leng Buding thought about it, even he was shocked.

Looking forward, there are sounds coming from two small towers that are more than one meter tall, because the entire space is empty as long as these two small towers exist.

It is true that there are some living things in it.

Yang Yiyun looked over and saw nothing, but hearing the sound, the other party could see him, so he was startled.

"Who... who's talking?" Yang Yiyun shouted boldly.

It's not that he is timid, but the environment here is doomed, and the creatures that can appear here are definitely not fuel-efficient lamps.

First of all, it was the chaotic inner city, a place left behind by the legendary heaven, a city from the prehistoric era, and now the place he was in was an even more mysterious and strange place.

Who would have thought that there would be a well in a corner of a ruined courtyard in the inner city.

Of course, it doesn't seem strange that the well exists. The strange thing is that under this well, there will be five-color divine power, and there will be a huge weird tower ten thousand meters underground, and it is a tower within a tower.

What now?

In this tower within a tower, there were actually two people, a man and a woman, and the sounds of one laughing and the other crying could be heard.

All are weird.

It is normal for Yang Yiyun to have some hair.

In fact, in the final analysis, what pissed him off the most was what these two lunatics said.

Said: After a million years, someone finally came in.

It's a simple sentence, but the focus is on time.

Millions of years~

This is so scary.

Creatures that can live for millions of years are not monsters, but they are not human beings anyway.

And they are all kinds of leaders.

Thinking about the situation above where he touched the door and was pulled in without any resistance the next moment, it was enough to prove that it was inseparable from these two voices.

The key is that Yang Yiyun doesn’t know their depth~

I couldn't feel the presence of any breath at all, and I could only see two small towers one meter high with the naked eye.

Just after he asked.

The response came quickly.

Some evil male voices sounded: "Wow, haha, little guy, come here quickly and let us out~"

The tone was full of impatience.

It is also full of arrogance that cannot be refuted.

Hearing this, Yang Yiyun suddenly felt a little unhappy and said, "Are the small pagoda?"

"Yes, little guy, let us out quickly. There are sacred stones under the two towers. If you move the small tower, you can get the sacred stones. Come on, have mercy on us, woo woo woo..."

This time the speaker was a female voice, and her voice sounded like she was crying. Yang Yiyun was upset when she heard it.

But Yang Yiyun felt something was wrong at the moment...

It sounds like they were suppressed in the small tower by someone.

As for the sacred stone...


Although this is the first time he heard about the divine stone, it is not difficult for Yang Yiyun to understand. Because he practices Shinto, he naturally knows that there are immortal stones in the immortal world.

It's just that the existence has never seen the divine stone, and this is the first time I heard about the divine stone.

But the next moment he believed in the divine stone because he thought of the five-color divine power.

Could the five-color divine power be emanating from the divine stone?

So there is such a rich energy in the entire three thousand meters of the deep well?

Great temptation was placed before him.

But Yang Yiyun is not a rookie.

The greater the temptation, the greater the danger.

Now it is certain that these two people cannot get out of the small tower. They are suppressed or sealed inside.

Let him move the small tower?

Is it actually that easy?

Besides, Yang Yiyun is not a fool.

Thinking about the two voices talking in his mind, he remembered another sentence. The laughing male voice said something at the beginning. Finally, a little guy who cultivated God came!

Thinking about it now, for Yang Yiyun, this sentence was not intended to shake the sky and cause thunder.

Because the entire immortal world, including his master Yun Tianxie, didn't know that he was practicing Shinto techniques.

Cultivating the Shinto was what the spirit of Qiankun told him after the old man left.

In other words, in the immortal world, he is the only one who knows that he is a monk who practices Shinto.

However, the god who laughed and talked big revealed his true identity as soon as he opened his mouth.

How could Yang Yiyun be wary?

In this way, he didn't dare to go over and move the small tower.

In other words, if you kill him before you figure out the situation, he won't move the two small towers.

Although he was shocked, one good thing was that the two weird guys were suppressed in the small tower and couldn't get out, so Yang Yiyun thought that he was in danger for the time being.

That's why he felt a little more righteous.

His mind turned and he asked: "You want me to let you out, answer my questions first and then talk about other things."

This statement is closed.

A shy and angry voice sounded: "Little guy, do you know you are looking for death?"

It was a male voice who spoke.

"Master, why are you so angry? It's okay to tell the little guy. Anyway, after he enters here, he can't get out. Unless we let us out, he will also be imprisoned in the God Conferred Tower. With his little cultivation , I will never even think about breaking through the tower and getting out, wuwuwu...why am I so miserable...wuwu..."

The woman started crying during the conversation.

But these words were so shocking to Yang Yiyun's ears that he couldn't even get out?

What kind of God-conferring Tower is this?

His heart tightened, Yang Yiyun ignored them, and immediately jumped up and wanted to fly up...



Unexpectedly, after he jumped a hundred meters, a powerful invisible force hit him directly, as if he was hit by a huge boulder, knocking him down.

It fell hard, and he screamed and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

After a while, Yang Yiyun's whole body felt numb and he couldn't move.

He didn't notice what force hit him, but Yang Yiyun knew that he would die if such force hit him twice more.

As he lay on the ground moaning and groaning in pain, the sound of teasing sounded in his ears: "Wow, haha, little guy, don't seek death. This is the divine pattern formation. If it hadn't been for the passage of time, the power of the divine pattern would have dissipated and less than a thousand percent would remain. One, your kid has long been reduced to ashes. The power of the divine formation during the period of total victory can cut even a god into ashes. You little guy, hehe, don’t resist after you come in. There is only one way out. That is to help us get out. When the time comes, you can get out by yourself.

In fact, it’s nothing to tell you, kid. We are ancient gods and demons, and we are holy swordsmen. I am Wind Saint, my wife is Cloud Saint, Fengyun Sword Saint. I practice swordsmanship, but I accidentally killed someone because of beheading. The divine body was destroyed, the divine soul was sealed and suppressed here, and endured the constant torture of the divine pattern array for millions of years...

It's a pity that our souls have already mastered the way of the holy sword, and we are born with sword souls. Are they actually so easy to destroy? The sky is inexhaustible... In the endless years, the heaven and earth have split apart and evolved into the three realms. We are still trapped here. It is not that no one has come in in the long years. It is a pity that this well is full of the power of divine patterns. , there are also five-color divine powers. Those who are not cultivators of Shintoism will not be able to get down at all. They will be strangled by the powerful divine power...

It's really God's will that your kid can come down. As time goes by, the divine power of the divine patterns is no longer intact. In addition, you are actually a cultivator of the divine way. Only in this way can you come down and reach the God Conferred Tower. By the way, you can activate the divine power at the entrance. Wen and I used our magical power to pull you in, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get in.

There is only one way in front of you now. Use your blood essence and barely available pseudo-divine power to help us break the seal. When the time comes, you will naturally be able to get out of the God-Selfing Tower, otherwise you will be trapped here forever, and if you Although our couple who didn't cooperate were suppressed here, but... it would be easy to kill you. How about this, boy, do you understand?

Don't worry, my wife has said that as long as you help us break the seal, the powerful sacred stones in the two soul-sealing towers will be reserved for you. Now come here quickly and use your blood to sacrifice to the small soul-sealing tower. Use all your strength to activate your pseudo-spirits, and the internal magic power of our couple will break the seal. "

After Yang Yiyun heard what this bullshit Fengyun Sage said, he was stunned for a moment.

Using his blood essence and pseudo-divine power? Help the couple break the seal and get rid of them?


The abacus looks for the wrong person~

Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart.

They are just two bullshit kendo gods who are about to run out of steam. They are so shameless and they still claim to be saints. Bah~

Do you really think I'm a fool?

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