My Master Is a God

Chapter 2101: Slaying the Dragon and Slaying the Sheath, the Storm and the Cloud Complement

The space of Qiankun Pot has changed greatly...

Yang Yiyun felt that things were changing.

He didn't focus on anything else, but stayed in front of the Stone of Life, waiting for the feathered bird to wake up.

The water of life is still three drops, but Yang Yiyun feels that the effectiveness of the water of life will be greatly increased after this time.

In the blink of an eye, about a minute passed, and the entire Qiankun Pot space suddenly erupted with a silent sound.

At this time, from the Qiankun Pot Temple above the clouds, a golden light fell down like a meteor and landed on the clouds in the northwest of the Qiankun Pot space.

Yang Yiyun clearly felt that when he glanced at it, clouds and mist were billowing up.

In an instant a huge mountain appeared.

There is one more mountain, this is the third mountain after Lingtao Mountain and Wu Lei Shang.

Yang Yiyun looked excited.

He is looking forward to what treasure will appear in this mountain?

There are Lingpeach trees in Lingtao Mountain and Five Thunder trees in Wulei Mountain, but they don’t know what treasures will appear in this newly born admiral?

Just when I was about to move my consciousness to take a look, it was at this moment that the Stone of Life changed.

To be precise, the feathered bird on the Stone of Life started to move~

I saw a feathered bird rising up with its wings fluttering.

"Hehe~ Weak chicken Yang Yiyun, I'm awake~"

The first thing the Zamao Bird said when he woke up was a weak sentence. Yang, who was originally worried and happy about the Zamao Bird's awakening, instantly turned into a dumpster.

This bastard's most despicable problem cannot be corrected.

"Young master, I'm just waiting for you, a bastard, to have your beak rotted away. I'm in the realm of the Immortal Lord now. Stop talking nonsense. If you want to go out, I'll see you if I have something to do~"

Yang Yiyun was a body of condensed thoughts. After speaking to the God and Demon Bird, he swept the God and Demon Bird and instantly emerged from the Qiankun Pot.

Rather than watching the changes taking place in the space of the Qiankun Pot, he was more concerned about the outside world, the problems of Fengyun Sword Master and his wife.

Moreover, the energy on the left arm still exists, which means that the Qiankun Pot's devouring of the two small towers is still continuing and has not stopped.

Continuing like this is not the result Yang Yiyun wants.

Opening his eyes, Yang Yiyun stretched out his hand and the God and Demon Bird was in his palm. In a few words, Yang Yiyun finished telling the God and Demon Bird about the situation here, and then seriously transmitted the message to the God and Demon Bird: "I have always wanted to build a crow for the dragon-slaying general." Cambridge, like my master's Rokko Dao Sword, has never had a chance, mainly because there is no suitable scabbard spirit, let alone suitable scabbard materials.

Now the Fengyun Sword Master and his wife who were suppressed in the Soul Sealing Tower seem to be very suitable. Do you think they can be refined into the scabbard of the dragon-slaying sword? Anyway, since these two high shit Sword Masters can be suppressed for a million years, they are not a good thing. They keep threatening me and plotting against me. I can feel at ease by refining them. What do you think? It just so happens that the Qiankun Pot directly suppressed them, so they can't cause any trouble. With the help of the power of the Qiankun Pot, it shouldn't be difficult to refine them into scabbards~"

Yang Yiyun expressed his thoughts in one breath. In fact, he had thought of it before.

It's just that he has no experience with scabbards. At this moment, the miscellaneous feathered bird wakes up. With an inquiry, he feels more confident.

After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, the God and Demon Bird did not respond for a long time.

He couldn't help shouting: "Zhao Mao Bird, are you listening to what I'm saying? If you have any suggestions, please tell me quickly. If you delay any longer, the Qiankun Pot will swallow up the Fengyun Sword Master and his wife."

How could the God and Demon Bird not listen? It's just that he didn't turn around Yang Yiyun's words for a long time.

Then he said: "I didn't expect that I have been sleeping for a while, but you weakling has grown up~ This is actually your idea..."

The demon bird lengthened its voice...

"Actually what? Come on, there's not much time to waste." Yang Yiyun glared and roared.

The Demonic Bird said, "Hey, you weakling, this is actually a really good idea."


Yang Yiyun has never heard Zamao Niao praise him before, and every time Zamao Niao talks to him, he is absolutely ruined within three and a half sentences.

Are you actually praising him this time?

"I...I said the sun rises from the west. Are you praising me?" Yang Yiyun said with wide eyes.

"Hehe, it is true that you are a weakling in my eyes. Even though you are now a Immortal Lord, you are still a weakling in my eyes, but the idea you just said... is indeed interesting...

You kid is quite discerning. The two small towers are sealing stones that can only be found in the heaven. They are high-level sealing stones that contain five colors of divine power. They are very powerful and can even suppress gods and seal demons.

Although it seems that there is not much power left, it is most suitable to use it as a scabbard for your kid. It is rare to see the two gods suppressing it. It is indeed interesting. The couple are born with swords. , but he is not a sword master. How can a person who is a saint of swordsmanship in the divine world be imprisoned and sealed here?

They are at most the swordsmen waiting for the Sword Saint. However, even if these two people are not holy swordsmen, they are definitely not simple. As the swordsmen waiting for the Heavenly Sword Saint, there are only two reasons for being suppressed. Their The Sword Saint fell and they became ghosts. Secondly, and most likely, they were sealed here by their Sword Saint himself.

But these are not important now. The point is that these two sword attendants are the most suitable scabbard for your dragon-slaying sword. It is as if it is specially prepared for you. It is so amazing~

The left and right sword attendants of the saint of swordsmanship in the divine world, only the remaining souls are left. By chance, they were suppressed and sealed in the sealing stone. They are still a couple, and they have the attributes of wind and cloud. One is the way of cultivating wind, and the other is the path of cultivating clouds. Wow, haha, It’s hard to imagine what the scene will be like when the wind and clouds unite, and you kill the enemy with your sword. You, boy, have made a profit this time~"

As the God-Demon Bird spoke, he was so excited by his words.

Yang Yiyun listened to the words of the God and Demon Bird. Although he was confused in some parts, overall he understood it and it could be done.

This is also a great joy for him.

The dragon-slaying sword never had a scabbard in his hand. After witnessing the majesty of the old man's Liujia Dao sword on Sanxian Island, he was very envious. When the old man left, he told him that his dragon-slaying sword was no lower than the Liujia Dao sword. Let him find a suitable scabbard for the Dragon-Slaying Sword in the future. When the Dragon-Slaying Sword has the scabbard, it will be a complete sword, and the power it can exert will be great.

Yang Yiyun has been paying attention to this matter, but he hasn't found the right one.

Today is the chance.

After hearing what the Divine Demon Bird said, he couldn't help but get excited.

He asked casually: "What does it mean to be a swordsman?"

"A person who is specially used to serve the sword of the swordsman, like a sword boy, basically means the same thing as the scabbard. Of course, one of them is a person and the other is a weapon. Anyway, they both serve the sword." God Demon Bird said.

"Then I'll start. Please help me keep an eye on it." Yang Yiyun ordered.

The God Demon Bird said: "Don't worry, go directly to the refining and refine the two small towers into scabbards. The souls of Fengyun and Yun are remnant souls and they are sealed in them. They are also captured by your Qiankun The pot suppresses them and cannot stir up the storm. It is just a matter of using the power of the Qiankun Pot to refine them. This is like a waste to you kid."

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hands and mobilized the Green Lotus Fairy Fire to appear, and suddenly shot the Green Lotus Fairy Fire into the two small towers.


There was a dull sound, and the two small towers were wrapped in the green lotus fairy fire and began to burn.

At this time, there was a scream inside...

"Boy, what...what do you want to do~?"

"You...your boy...?"

At this time, the two famous Swordsmen couple, or rather they were just swordsmen, were very frightened.

At this time, Yang Yiyun had nothing to hide from them. While burning the sacrifice with the Green Lotus Immortal Fire, and continuously hitting out the spells in his hands, he said: "You have found the wrong person, I was planning to make you lose your soul, but I I still lack the scabbard, so let you call me my scabbard. This will also be a destination for you, otherwise death will be your only way.

Of course, it will be difficult for you to die now. In my hands, your obedient spouse will become the scabbard..."

As Yang Yiyun spoke, he continued to use his skills. This was the secret method left to him when the old man left, specifically for refining the scabbard.

Although it is refining, it is very different from ordinary weapon refining.

Because after all, it is a spiritual scabbard.

There is a lot to do, and the handwork is unique.

Although the small sealing tower is a sacred sealing stone, it is suppressed by the power of the Qiankun Pot. With his Green Lotus Immortal Fire, it is not difficult to refine it into shape.

The Qiankun Pot has stopped swallowing, and Yang Yiyun deliberately stopped it.

Because the previous Qiankun Pot contained the Spirit of Qiankun, he had no way to stop it from absorbing it like this because he did not completely control the Qiankun Pot. However, since he destroyed the Spirit of Qiankun, he has completely controlled the Qiankun Pot.

It was all just a thought on his part.

On the contrary, the upgrade changes have been completed in the space of Qiankun Pot. It is okay to stop absorbing it now. After all, some sealed divine power will be left in the scabbard.

Time passes minute by minute...

Yang Yiyun felt that a long, long time had passed. He couldn't remember how long it was. It might have been months or years, but he finally melted the two pedals, merged them into one, and refined them into a scabbard.

The soul of Fengyun has been suppressed inside by the power of Qiankun Pot and has never come out at all.

As he refined, Fengyun and his wife made no sound.

When it was about to be completed, Yang Yiyun summoned the Dragon-Slaying Sword out of his body with a thought in his heart. He cut his hand in the palm, and blood immediately dripped on the scabbard. Then with a thought in his heart, he put the Dragon-Slaying Sword into the scabbard and completed the last step. The three spirits were the same, and the blood dripped to recognize it. host.


The moment the dragon-slaying sword was put into the scabbard, it made a long chirping sound, which was very joyful.

Yang Yiyun flew up in his hands, and immediately fired the last ninety-nine and eighty spirit-melting arts in one breath, roaring loudly: "Slay the dragon into the scabbard, the wind and cloud complement each other, the swordsmanship is unified, listen to my command, and the scabbard is completed."


There was a roar, and the dragon-slaying sword glowed brightly.

An extremely dazzling silver light burst out.

Introverted for a moment.

An extremely exquisite scabbard appears, with cloud patterns on one side and wind patterns on the other!

Wind and Cloud Scabbard.

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