My Master Is a God

Chapter 2117 A Heavenly Slash

Yang Yiyun himself was shocked. He had never thought that the power of the aura, or the power of the general trend of heaven and earth, could be so powerful?

I can't imagine that just pushing with both hands into a deep canyon would be so powerful.

The width of the deep canyon is only forty or fifty meters wide. It is surrounded by vegetation and trees on both sides. It is extremely dense. However, just like this, the vegetation on both sides was crushed and turned into ashes.

Moreover, the entire canyon was cracked with cracks several meters wide, and thick layers of rotten leaves were overturned, exposing the swamp water below.

But it was completely evaporated after such a blow.

It spread over a hundred meters.

This is extremely terrifying.

Yang Yiyun didn't realize it for a while.

He couldn't believe this was the huge power coming from his palms?

More powerful than any other magical power.

In the past, he believed that magical powers were divided into powerful ones. There were very powerful magical powers, and magical powers were the strongest means of attack.

But now all worldviews have been overturned.

Really understand what the power of heaven and earth is.

This is real power.

With such power in hand, why worry about the God of War not being able to defeat the enemy?

Then he would not be afraid of the Immortal Emperor and Immortal Lord.

Dongfang Iron Man told him about challenging the Titled Immortal Lord. He had thought about everything, but it was just a thought, but now he really dared to go.

He set a goal in his heart. Starting from the realm of the Immortal Lord, he would challenge a titled powerhouse in every realm in the future and achieve titles in every realm.

With such power in his body, he would dare to even try to break the sky.

Law aura ~

It really is the power of heaven and earth. Thinking about it, Yang Yiyun felt that he should give himself a name for the power he was waiting for.

Upside down sea of ​​stars.

This name is the truest portrayal.

It is the most suitable scene of heaven and earth for his aura.

The power and aura of the law is the main force, assisted by mana, and it condenses the power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven and earth here does not require him to absorb and refine it at all, but will be gathered directly when the aura appears. The stronger the aura, the more powerful the condensed power of heaven and earth will be.

As for mana, it is the power in one's own body, and it is the medium through which one condenses the power of heaven and earth. All three are indispensable, so that the combined force can exert such great power.

In the eyes of Yang Yiyun at this moment, this is not the power exerted by human power, but the power of heaven and earth...

He feels that from now on he has opened the code of heaven and earth...

The infinite surging power suddenly emerged in his heart, and his excited blood was burning...

Looking at his hands in disbelief.

The Yuanshen consciousness felt that an extremely bright star was shining with halo in Daoyuan at this moment. In fact, it was about the size of a grain of rice, but in the consciousness, it was just a star.

Moreover, there is a sea of ​​​​stars surrounded by smaller stars. This is the shape of his aura seeds.

When activated, it can be suspended and illuminated in the body, forming a scene of a sea of ​​stars hanging upside down on the body, which is really beautiful and mysterious.


Just when Yang Yiyun was lost in thought, the trembling shouts of the Eastern Iron Man rang in his ears.

Yang Yiyun looked back as if he had woken up from a dream.

I saw the flames in the eyes of Dongfang Iron Man, and the little stars in the eyes of Luoyang Xuexiang and Jingxue.

" did you do it? With such a powerful aura, I feel that even if you were to challenge a titled Immortal Lord of the Dugu family now, the Nine Swords Immortal Lord, you would be able to fight him head-on~" Dongfang Iron Man spoke He was full of envy, but not jealous. He was more happy for Yang Yiyun.

Because Yang Yiyun is his brother.

Yang Yiyun said: "This is the power of heaven and earth. My master told me that cultivation is to steal the power of heaven and borrow the general trend of heaven and earth. Now think about it, he may be talking about the problem of law aura. Just now I felt that I mobilized In order to gain the power of heaven and earth, let the aura have the power between heaven and earth..."

But Dongfang Iron Man thought about it and said: "I just felt the power of the five elements of heaven and earth. Can you mobilize the power of the five elements of heaven and earth at once? The power of the five elements attributes is very strong."

Yang Yiyun nodded and said, "That's true. The attributes I feel are the attributes of the five elements of heaven and earth."

"Pervert, others only feel the power of an attribute, but you, as soon as you get started, have the attributes of the five elements. How can we people survive in such a situation~" Dongfang Iron Man screamed with a smile.

"Congratulations, little master~"

"Congratulations Yunzi..."

Luoyang, Xuexiang, and Jingcan came forward to congratulate him.

The words of the four people made Yang Yiyun feel a little embarrassed.

After chatting about their feelings, the five people continued to move forward.

Yang Yiyun did not retain the power of heaven and earth he felt, and told the Dongfang Ironman four people every detail from the inside to the outside. This was also a valuable experience for Luoyang and the Dongfang Ironman four people.

In Yang Yiyun's feelings, he felt that the understanding of the aura thing should only be realized by people who do not have the aura talent that Dongfang Iron Man said they must have.

In the final analysis, the emergence of aura is to use the power of heaven and earth for one's own use. If this is the case, it is possible for every monk to do it, they just need to find a way.

There are no specific rules or talent restrictions.

As long as the ultimate goal is to find the key to unlocking the power of heaven and earth, everyone can steal the power of heaven...

He hasn't thought of a way yet, but he knows that this is a unique path, and he plans to study it carefully in the future, and if he finds the path, he will pass it on to the disciples of Yunmen.

Yang Yiyun even feels that mastering the secret of the aura does not necessarily require reaching the level of an immortal. Immortals are possible, but it depends on whether they can find the secret and how much power they can exert.

Telling his thoughts to Luoyang and others also gave them some confidence.

After all, even the most powerful monk in this world cannot resist the power of heaven and earth.

But he can control the power of heaven and earth, it just depends on whether he can find a way.

Yang Yiyun's personal insights touched the four of them deeply.

Write down all these words one by one.

The five people continued to walk forward, with Dongfang Ironman leading the way, but this time no accident happened.

Although they walked slowly, after ten days, the five of them walked out of the Miasma Mountains and entered the realm of Xiaohonghuang.

The next thirty thousand miles are a cursed place.

The ancient environment of Xiaohonghuang is different from any place Yang Yiyun has ever been, but it doesn't seem to have changed much.

To say it is different is to say that it feels different. The prehistoric atmosphere that exists between heaven and earth is ancient and thick, and the immortal power between heaven and earth is also stronger.

According to Dongfang Iron Man, it cannot be absorbed casually. The power of heaven and earth in Xiaohuanghuang is generally difficult for immortals to bear.

Even if it is absorbed into the body, it requires a lot of effort to refine it, so if you don't have enough magic power after you get here, it is recommended that everyone absorb the immortal stone.

After the five of them came out of the miasma swamp, they were only on the edge of the small prehistoric wilderness.

Big trees that cover the sky and the sun can be seen everywhere here, and there are all kinds of strange things that have never been seen before.

There are also giant wild beasts that are hundreds of feet long, and even a small insect can defeat a beast as big as a cow.

There are dangers everywhere, but it’s also really enlightening.

One good thing is that after entering Xiaohonghuang, the night here is normal, and there is no weirdness in the night.

Save them a lot of trouble.

In this way, three months later, they finally arrived at their destination, the Cursed Land.

Along the way, there were no dangers. I dodged some powerful beasts and killed some of them, but I didn't encounter any difficult creatures.

However, according to Dongfang Iron Man, this is the edge of the Little Prehistoric World. The real danger is in the Cursed Land, and even deeper in the Little Prehistoric Land.

That's the fatal part.

The Cursed Land is just the tip of the iceberg, just a place.

The cursed place is in a crack in the sky.

When they arrived at the land, there was a large crack in their sight that could not be seen to the end, with a width of thousands of meters and a bottomless depth. From a distance, it ran across it, as if it separated the small prehistoric land into two halves. .

Dongfang Iron Man said: "The Cursed Land is in this crack that looks like a heavenly slash. We are going to go down the crack now. After 10,000 meters, the Cursed Land will be at the end of the crack."

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