My Master Is a God

Chapter 2181 Frozen

Yang Yiyun was delayed for a while when he broke through, but he was not worried about not being able to catch up with the devil's consciousness, because the speed of the devil's consciousness had slowed down in the same environment before, but it was different now. His cultivation had exceeded the limit. After reaching the realm of the Immortal King, his speed is at least three times faster than before. The key point is that he is no longer affected by the cold environment.

So it was only a matter of time before he caught up with the demon's consciousness, and he believed he would be able to catch up soon.

It was only about half an hour apart. There was only one road here, and it still went forward, and the terrain still sloped downward.

Now that I think about it, I must have entered the depths of the earth, very far, very deep.

The cold air in the entire passage is still thick, and there is a strong wind like a knife blowing from the front. Under this environment, Yang Yiyun believes that the consciousness of the demon god is also uncomfortable. Even if she is the demon god, she is only the soul of the demon god. The real soul of the demon god. It was Luoyang's body that he used.

And Luoyang's body is in the early stage of the Immortal King. Even if the demon consciousness deceived the soul-taking ancestor and Xuexiang's body into the top-grade immortal stone or the crystal of the cold origin, it didn't add much to his cultivation level.

So in this environment, Yang Yiyun knew that he had the upper hand for the time being, and thought that when he caught up with the demon consciousness, he would make her look good.

This devil is indeed a time bomb. The key point is that he is very cunning. For such a long time, he has basically not jumped out. An An is very well-behaved. Now it seems that the city is very deep. Wait for him to find Dongfang Iron Man. When it happened, he immediately got into trouble.

And she succeeded very successfully. If he hadn't arrived in time, Xuexiang and the soul-taking ancestor might have been killed by her.

Yang Yiyun became more and more angry as he thought about it. He couldn't let this devil go this time, but he was also helpless.

In the final analysis, Luoyang is the reconstruction of a clone of the Demon God. The two are essentially of the same origin. It is impossible to destroy the Demon God, because if any one is destroyed, the other one will die.

Their fate can only be the result of one party merging with the other, rather than destroying the other party. This is Yang Yiyun's helplessness, and it is also the reason why the demon god is aware of it now.

The situation that occurred today is actually the inevitable result that will occur sooner or later, but what he is struggling with now is how to deal with the demon consciousness?

It's impossible to kill him. Just treating the symptoms and not the root cause is really a headache when you think about it.

While thinking wildly, Yang Yiyun quickened his pace and left, and finally saw a cloud of demonic energy ten minutes later...

Yang suddenly laughed, where are you going now?

Luoyang's figure can be vaguely seen in the mass of demonic energy in front of him, but what dominates Luoyang's body at this moment is obviously the consciousness of the demon god. Yang Yiyun admires this demon. In such a harsh environment, with just one With the added demonic energy, I have been able to hold on until now, and I am still moving forward.

But it was obvious that she was much slower than before, and the cold power also had a great impact on her.

Yang Yiyun was now less than 150 meters away from the Demon God's Consciousness, and Yang Yiyun's feet were still accelerating. At this distance, he could catch up quickly.

When he was less than a hundred meters away, he was finally discovered by the demon consciousness in front of him. Suddenly, the demon consciousness accelerated his pace, much faster.

But Yang Yiyun didn't care at all. Now he was in the realm of the real Immortal King and could fully cope with the cold. It didn't matter even if the devil's consciousness accelerated. It was only a matter of time before he caught up with the devil.

The two chased each other in tandem, and the distance became shorter and shorter, shrinking to only fifty meters.

A certain demon consciousness finally felt the pressure and cursed Yang Yiyun: "Yang Yiyun, do you have to have trouble with this god? Luoyang itself is just a clone of itself that has been rebuilt, and now it just wants to merge with its own clone. You are such a brat. Mind your own business~"

Yang Yiyun listened to the demon consciousness curse and responded with a sneer: "If it were anyone else, I wouldn't care about you, and I wouldn't be able to hide. But Luoyang is my nephew, and I don't care if she is your clone. Anyway, I I just can’t let you hurt Luoyang, but I will give you a way. Since you have said that you and Luoyang are one, then if you let Luoyang merge with you, wouldn’t this be a complete solution?”

" seems that you are determined to make things difficult for me. Well, in this case, I will not let you get what you want, even if you lose your soul. How can I, the majestic demon god of heaven, not let you get what you want?" Let an ant threaten you, hum~" The demon consciousness cursed angrily and said some cruel words.

Yang Yiyun heard the meaning of the end of the road in the words of the devil's consciousness. This was a threat and a scare!

He ignored it and said, "How dare you call yourself a god? Isn't the demon god of heaven still being chased by me like a mad dog?"


As soon as these words came out, the demon god in front of him spat out blood. He was seriously injured by Yang.

But he stopped talking and his feet picked up speed again.

Yang Yiyun chuckled and chased after him, making the demon vomit blood, which made him feel so happy.

In this way, the two continued to marathon, but Yang Yiyun speeded up a lot, and the distance between the two parties was gradually shortened by him from fifty meters...

Forty meters~

Thirty meters...

When he reached twenty meters, Yang Yiyun's grin narrowed and he was about to take action.

But at this time, something happened.


While running, there was a strong wind ahead, deafening...

The thick cold air condensed into shape and materialized, and Yang Yiyun saw the demon's consciousness disappear in a flash.

He roared angrily, rushed forward with a sudden leap, and plunged into the substantial cold air...

But as soon as he entered, Yang Yiyun's expression changed, something was wrong!


There is a strong pulling force and extreme coldness.

His body suddenly lost balance, and the world began to spin.

When his body lost balance, he felt the extreme coldness coming from all directions at the same time. Even if he activated his magic defense to the maximum, he could clearly feel that at this moment, his body was instantly frozen, and a cold appeared all over his body. The ultimate layer of frost.

At this moment, in the thick icy mist, I couldn't see anything clearly, I could only feel his body spinning...

Even if you want to exert your strength, you can't do it, so you can only let the situation go on.

Feeling deeply helpless in his heart, he guessed that this might be caused by the environment here, and that he should have been sucked in by some kind of wind eye.

Really helpless.

I don't know how long it took before Yang Yiyun felt the spinning disperse.

But the strange thing is that he didn't notice any vibration. It was supposed to be absorbed by the eye of the wind. When it stopped, there should be a fading vibration, but there was no vibration at all. It felt like everything stopped silently. Come down.

After adapting to the situation, Yang Yiyun tried to move, but found that his body could not move at all.

The next moment he spent a lot of effort to open his eyes. Finally, after a few minutes, he opened his eyes with great difficulty.


It was at this moment that his heart became cold.

But he found that he had become an ice sculpture, a huge icicle, and his tilted posture was frozen alive in the icicle.

The transparent icicles could see some basic environment. In his sight, he saw that not far away, about ten meters away, Luoyang was also frozen in an icicle.

Moreover, Yang Yiyun saw Luoyang or the consciousness of the devil. Her icicle was emitting a trace of dark red devilish energy. From a distance, it looked like a burning torch...

Yang Yiyun thought about it and wanted to release his spiritual consciousness to take a look, but tragically he found that the divine stone was trapped in the icicles and could not get out at all.

I don’t know where this place is, but it looks a bit like a huge cave. Everything is crystal-colored, which is a level higher than the crystal ice outside.

The icicles that trapped him were stronger than he imagined. No matter how much mana was used, they would not move at all.

The key point is that there is a very suffocating feeling. Being frozen in it is like a mortal being frozen directly. Over time, he will inevitably suffocate to death.

Although he is an Immortal King, Yang Yiyun clearly feels that if this continues, he will definitely be suffocated to death inside, suffocated inside...

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