My Master Is a God

Chapter 2183 There is a treasure like a lotus

Maybe he's going to get into trouble~

Judging from the physical body of this immortal, he must not be a person with poor cultivation. He is at least stronger than him, and may even be an immortal emperor.

Characters like these have been scratched through their pubic areas by claws. You can imagine how powerful the frozen and strange snow cat is.

When Yang Yiyun thought of the snow cat, he felt an inexplicable chill. Of course, it wasn't cold, it was a kind of fear that came from the bottom of his heart!

Anyway, Yang Yiyun felt that he had to be careful, as there might be frozen and strange snow cats here.

Then he put away his mind, but before leaving, there was a ticking sound, and a jade slip fell from the immortal's body. He was obviously a dead man, but a jade slip fell, which made Yang Yiyun feel hairy.

"Sin, sin, sin~"

After muttering in his mouth, Yang rolled up the jade slip and turned it into a gust of wind and left.

There are indeed some hairs here, of course, mainly because he is worried about the existence of snow cats. He still doesn’t know what the legendary frozen and strange snow cats look like, what their situation is, what abilities and talents they have, etc.

Anyway, let’s get out of here first.

After running all the way out in one breath, Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there is no small ice cave here like when you first came in, there are countless icicles in almost the same shape, just like in the maze.

Yang Yiyun didn't know where to go to find the demon consciousness or Luoyang. Now that he was far away from the immortal, he simply took out the jade slip that fell from the immortal and looked at it to see if he could get any clues about the changes in the environment here. good.

After the icicles were released, his spiritual consciousness could be released. Yang Yiyun's spiritual consciousness moved directly into the jade slip, but there was a dull sound in his mind, and a lot of information suddenly appeared.

My head feels swollen and painful...

It dispersed after a while, but Yang Yiyun's eyes flickered with light.

Although the content in this jade slip is not a magical power or secret method, it is more precious to him than any magical power or secret method.

Mr. Yang has never been short of magical powers, secret techniques, and so on. Who gave him an amazing master?

For him, the most important thing now is all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that can improve his cultivation strength. It just so happens that this jade slip contains precious clues about the crystal cave.

In other words, what is recorded is the treasure left by the Great Demon King Crystal Stone!

The content recorded in the jade slips is like a person's diary.

The content also introduces the information about the immortal.

According to the records on the jade slips, the previous immortal claimed to be the elder of Hua Tianmen, the ninth level of the immortal world - Hua Mingyuan, and he was also a powerful immortal emperor.

According to Hua Mingyuan's self-report, he went to the Cursed Land to seek a breakthrough, and he entered the Crystal Cave only after he knew something about the Crystal Cave.

I just didn't expect him to die here.

Hua Mingyuan discovered a crystal stone here, but was chased by a snow cat. He could not escape the snow cat all the way, and was eventually killed.

Before he died, he drew the information and map here and stored them in the jade slips. Of course, he also made a request. He hoped that those who saw his jade slips would do him a favor and go to Jiuzhong if they could get the crystal stone in the future. A trip to Tianmen to report smallpox.

He has a son in Huatianmen, but as an elder of Huatianmen, he did not recognize his son due to various reasons. Now that he is dead, those rules and regulations naturally do not matter, but he did not recognize his son after all. regret.

Therefore, I hope that people who see the jade slips will take advantage of the fact that he provided the crystal stone, and in the future they can tell Huatianmen his news, and also tell his son that his father existed...

Yang Yiyun still made a promise in his heart: "One day when I go to Jiuzhongtian, I will definitely fulfill your last wish."

For Yang Yiyun, this is just a casual thing. Anyway, he will go to Jiuchongtian sooner or later. As long as Huatianmen still exists and Hua Mingyuan's son is still there, he can do this, just bring a message That’s it, there’s nothing you can’t do.

According to the records left by Hua Mingyuan, it was the last time he entered the crystal cave. In this way, it has been ten thousand years.

Moreover, Hua Mingyuan left a very detailed map record, which can lead directly to the land of the crystal sacred stone, and also described some characteristics of snow cats, which can play a big role for Yang Yiyun.

Especially the records about snow cats are valuable to Yang Yiyun. For him, he knows nothing about snow cats, which is very dangerous. Now that he has Hua Mingyuan's records, if he encounters snow cats, he can at least There is a way to deal with it.

In general, Yang Yiyun got an important clue. He came here to hunt for treasures and also for the crystal sacred stone. The ancestor of the soul-absorbing crystal sacred stone also told about it, but no one can tell clearly what the real crystal sacred stone is.

Even Hua Mingyuan's record did not describe the effects of the Crystal Divine Stone. It only recorded that Bie Xue Mao attacked him after seeing the Crystal Divine Stone...

But regarding the Crystal God Stone, Yang Yiyun is more inclined to what the God and Demon Bird said. According to the God and Demon Bird, there is the origin of ice here.

The Crystal God Stone is most likely the transformed form of the original power of ice.

If he could really find the Crystal God Stone or the Origin of Ice, it would definitely be a treasure, and it would be of infinite help to his cultivation.

Therefore, although Yang Yiyun agreed to Hua Mingyuan's condition, which was similar to a gentleman's promise, he did not hesitate to agree.

But now I have a question: Is there just one snow cat here, or are there many?

Just be careful.

A map appeared in his mind. Yang Yiyun checked the environment and found his direction.

The place where the Crystal God Stone is is still far away, but he is not planning to find the Crystal God Stone right now. The top priority is to find the Demon God's consciousness and rescue Luoyang. This is what he urgently needs to do now.

It's just that he really doesn't know where the Demon God's consciousness has gone. Even if he just got the map in his mind, it's useless. This map only records the location of the Crystal Stone, not the location of the Demon God's consciousness.

When Yang Yiyun was a little confused, he heard a sharp cry in his ears.


The sound came from not far away, and when it stopped in his ears, his eardrums stung.


Yang Yiyun couldn't help blurting out.

There was a cat meowing at this time, and it was obviously a snow cat, and the meowing sounded like a roar, and it was not an ordinary roar. It was most likely a fight.

As for what creature or person the snow cat was fighting with, Yang Yiyun didn't have to guess, he thought of the devil's consciousness.

Because for the time being, only he and the Demon God's consciousness appeared here, and no one else appeared.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world. There may be other people coming in from other places, but the possibility is very small.

After Yang Yiyun identified the sound, he immediately rushed towards the source of the sound...

After about ten minutes, the sound in his ears became louder and louder.



The sounds of fighting sounded intense.

Finally Yang Yiyun saw it...

Sure enough, it is the consciousness of the devil, or Luoyang.

At this moment, Luoyang's whole body was filled with demonic aura, his long hair was flying, but he was in an extremely miserable state.

He was attacking the air like a headless fly.

Yang Yiyun didn't rush over. He hid behind an icicle and prepared to observe first.

As for the devil's intention to fight in the air, it is obviously not that she is crazy, but...

Yang Yiyun knew that the attack of the devil's consciousness was the snow cat.

According to Hua Mingyuan's jade slips, the snow cat is extremely strange. When fighting, its figure is basically invisible. It can blend into the surrounding environment, and it is silent and does not emit any energy fluctuations or breath.

He is a high-level invisible killer.

Snow cats are monsters from the wild, but they are intelligent creatures.

So it is very difficult to deal with.

Hua Mingyuan recorded the record of his battle with the snow cat in the jade slips, and gave some of his own opinions.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun just wanted to see if Hua Mingyuan's records were accurate?

In addition, I also thought that it would be better to let the devil's consciousness suffer, so that when the time comes, it would be more advantageous for him to take action.

Just hiding behind the icicles thirty meters away and watching...

But at the next moment, a dazzling white light flashed away.

Yang Yiyun looked subconsciously and saw an icicle with thick fog appearing not far behind the devil's consciousness. When she was fighting with the snow cat, the fog dispersed and a dazzling light shone out from the icicle. When I looked closely at the light, I still found a silvery lotus in the thick misty icicles...

Now Yang Yiyun understood something. It seemed that the demon consciousness discovered the lotus in the icicle. As a result, a snow cat appeared and was attacked by the snow cat.

Danfang is a treasure of heaven and earth, and in most cases there will be a guardian spirit beast.

Yang Yiyun believes that this is the current situation, right?

Yang's eyes lit up. It was obvious that the refining contained in the thick icicles was a treasure.

At this moment, the devil's consciousness is entangled with the snow cat. This is his chance.

If he couldn't seize such an opportunity, it would be in vain.

After thinking about it in his mind, Yang Yiyun prepared to go around quietly. No matter what kind of treasure it was, since it was something that the snow cat could protect and something that even the devil's consciousness wanted to obtain, it would definitely be good. It was a natural and earthly treasure.

I also remembered that the soul-taking ancestor said that deep in the crystal cave, there are natural and precious steps, both acquired and innate.

Acquired treasures refer to the treasures left behind by people like Hua Mingyuan who died in the Crystal Cave, while innate treasures naturally refer to the treasures of heaven, material and earth nurtured by the Crystal Cave.

"Good stuff~"

Yang Yiyun made a long circle and finally approached the icicle where the lotus was. He could feel the pure energy emanating from ten meters away.

Looking at the icicles with mist, Yang Yiyun suddenly thought that maybe there must be treasures inside any icicles that emit thick white mist.

Now it's up to you whether you can succeed or not.

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