My Master Is a God

Chapter 2193 One Cat and One Bird

She told Luoyang that she couldn't take risks because there was an unstable demon in her body, so just wait if Yang Yiyun told her to wait!

We have been in contact with this little uncle for a long time, and I know that he is the kind of person who will not change his decision easily, so I did not dissuade him any more.

Snow Cat, on the other hand, wanted to accompany Yang Yiyun in.

According to Snow Mao, the whirlpool portal was formed naturally and there was nothing she could do, otherwise Yang Yiyun could have entered it.

Yang Yiyun didn't care about this. If he couldn't even enter a small portal, how could he find the origin of the ice inside?

When Yang Yiyun faced the whirlpool portal, he originally wanted to ask the God and Demon Bird if there was anything he could do, but after seeing the snow cat, he rolled his eyes and immediately smiled.

It was not easy for others to enter this portal in the past, but for him it was extremely easy.

Because he has the Qiankun Pot and the Snow Cat, a spiritual pet that can enter and leave the portal freely.

As long as he himself enters the Qiankun Pot, it will be OK to let Snow Cat bring the Qiankun Pot in.

With a thought in his heart, Yang Yiyun directly put the God and Demon Bird into the Qiankun Pot, and then told Luoyang to wait for him.

Originally, Luoyang could be brought into the Qiankun Pot, but this is the origin of ice after all. If there is any situation that is difficult to deal with, letting Luoyang guard outside is also a guarantee.

Then Yang Yiyun asked Snow Cat to bring the Qiankun Pot in. As for Snow Cat discovering the existence of the Qiankun Pot, it didn't matter, since they were all his own people anyway.

There is no intention of harming him, life and death are in his hands, there is nothing to worry about.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun himself entered the Qiankun Pot.

The Qiankun pot that appeared on the ground was as small as a snuff bottle. It looked very delicate, but it didn't have any aura fluctuations.

Luoyang looked aside and stared at the snow cat.

Snow Cat's silver eyes flickered, he opened his mouth to pick up the Qiankun Pot from the ground, and then disappeared into the whirlpool portal without any fluctuations, calmly.

In this way, Yang successfully entered the portal.

In the Qiankun Pot, Yang Yiyun's consciousness was observing the outside of the Qiankun, and he saw the snow cat placing the Qiankun Pot on the ground, and heard a voice: "Master, it's okay, we're in~"

He grinned and went out immediately with a move in his heart.

A chill swept over him, and he discovered that this was a small space.

It covers an area of ​​about one hundred square meters and has a crystal-clear main body, but in the center there is a diamond-shaped crystal stone of various colors.

"Master, this is the origin of ice. To be precise, the power of the origin of ice is in it." Snow Mao introduced to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun activated his magic power to resist the cold air, and felt his whole body shivering. He summoned the Donghuang Bell again, and then he felt better.

Listening to Snow Cat's words and looking at the diamond-shaped crystal stone in front of him, he knew that all the cold air emanated from this stone, and even the entire crystal mountain originated from this crystal stone.

He watched as he got closer step by step, and every step he took would give him a chill...

The mana in the body is almost activated to its maximum, and even the operation of the Donghuang Bell has reached its maximum.

But it still failed to dispel the chill.

The closer it gets, the colder it gets.

When he was three meters away, he felt like he couldn't even move forward.

At this moment, the operation of mana reached its limit. Not only was the cold air overwhelming, but it also made him feel the invisible emanation of a huge force of heaven. The impact made him feel as if he could not walk on a heavy mountain road.

It was at this time that the Snow Cat's voice sounded: "If the master really can't resist, don't get close, otherwise there will be a strong backlash. In fact, I can only get closer to one meter at most. The power of the ice source is beyond imagination, and I always feel that this stone is alive and the owner should be cautious.”

Yang Yiyun actually felt that the limit of his approach was three meters. When he heard the snow cat talking, he also stopped.

When he looked up, the crystal stone was emitting crystal clear light, and he couldn't see what was going on inside.

He clearly knew it was a treasure, but he couldn't even get close to it, which really made him feel depressed.

At this moment, he was standing three meters away, and with a thought in his heart, he summoned the God and Demon Bird.

"Wow...weak can't freeze me to death, hurry up and let me give you some space."

As soon as the demon bird came out, he was so cold that he cursed Yang Yiyun directly.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see if this stone is the origin of the ice you said? I can't get close now, how can I collect it?" Yang Yiyun asked the God and Demon Bird.

Under the extreme cold air, the God-Devil Bird screamed as it was frozen, but the next moment, inscriptions appeared on its black feathers, incomparably fiery red inscriptions.

Seeing this scene in Yang Yiyun's eyes, he was stunned, but he didn't make a fuss. He knew that this bastard had many ways to save his life, and he was better than anyone else.

The inscription that appeared on the bird's body at this time is presumably its talent.

After the red fire inscription appeared, the God and Demon Bird seemed to withstand the cold, and then said: "What you kid only sees is the surface. The origin of ice is power. To be precise, it is just an airflow. This stone is only It can be a protective shell for the origin of ice..."

Yang Yiyun interrupted the Demon Bird and said, "According to your opinion, is it possible that the origin of the ice is still conscious?"

"What do you think? The origin of ice is the origin of heaven and earth. It is the ancestor of the power of ice in heaven and earth. Of course it is spiritual." God and Demon Bird said.

"Now I can't even get in, and I feel like I can't resist the cold air emanating from it if I go further. How can I collect it?" Yang Yiyun asked again.

The God Demon Bird pondered for a moment and said: "There are only two ways to use this kind of power from the heaven and earth. The first is that you are powerful enough to forcibly refine it, but that is impossible unless you have the cultivation level of an Immortal Emperor.

The second is to find a way to communicate with the consciousness of the ice source and let him recognize his master. In this way, nothing will happen if the ice source enters your body, and you can withstand the power of the ice. There is no other way. . "

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun's eyes widened and he said angrily: "You are talking nonsense, Zaimao Bird. I am now in the early stage of the Immortal King, and I am thousands of miles away from the Immortal Emperor's Immortal Realm. How is this possible?

As for your talk about communicating and recognizing the master, this is even more nonsense...Are you kidding me? You have already said that the origin of ice is the powerful source of power between heaven and earth. How could the master recognize me as the master? This one is even more nonsense than the previous one~"

"There is no other way. With these two methods, who makes you weak? If you have a strong cultivation base, you can slowly refine it. Otherwise, you can only choose the second way and use your soul. Communicate, haha, you weakling, your soul has changed, and your spiritual consciousness is something that only Shinto has. Speaking of it, you are the most likely to absorb the ice source.

You have to have confidence in yourself, Divine Consciousness. Your boy’s foundation has been on the path of Shintoism from the very beginning, which cannot be matched by any immortal monk. Therefore, you have an advantage over anyone else. Give it a try or don’t give it a try. , how do you know it’s unsuccessful? "

To the end of the words of the God and Demon Bird, it was with a hint of joking and a bit of playfulness.

Yang Yiyun felt a little moved when he heard what Zamao Bird said.

Indeed, his cultivation foundation is his biggest advantage, and his divine sense can distinguish between high-level immortals and different bloodlines.

What if it’s really possible?

It is true that the source of ice is terrifying, and the physical body cannot get close to it, but that does not mean that the spiritual consciousness cannot get close to it.

His consciousness is unique and different.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Gritting his teeth, Yang Yiyun immediately decided to use his spiritual consciousness to test the stone, or to communicate with the inner consciousness of the original power of ice.

The next moment, his consciousness moved in his heart and formed a line, heading straight for the crystal stone.


Yang Yiyun was disappointed that his consciousness was blocked outside the crystal stone and could not enter at all.

"Young master, I still don't believe in evil." He cursed, increased his intensity, and suddenly directed his consciousness towards the crystal stone.

Half an hour later, Yang Yiyun was panting and dizzy.

His consciousness hit the crystal stone, but it seemed like there was nothing he could do.

An invisible aura blocked it, and his consciousness could not enter the crystal stone at all. According to Zaimaoniao, the original power consciousness of the ice was in the crystal stone, and his body was also in it.

You must enter the inside of the crystal stone to communicate with the consciousness of the power of the ice source, and then it is possible to refine the ice source.

But there is absolutely nothing we can do now.

After stopping, Yang Yiyun stood there and teased for a moment, then opened his eyes and cursed: "My spiritual sense is not good, okay, I will just use violence, if you don't believe it, you can't take it..."

"You can pull it off. With just your little magic power, you go to confront the source of ice. I think you want to die. I told you that the source of ice exists consciously. If you really use violence, Attack, do you believe it can be destroyed with just one backlash?

This is still the consciousness of the original power. Generally speaking, it is just a consciousness. If we were wise, none of us would dare to get so close. "God and Demon Bird, this is a serious warning.

Even the snow cat said in agreement: "This bird is right. Master, don't use violence. You can't resist the backlash of the original power."

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The magic bird protested like a cat whose tail was stepped on, setting rules for the snow cat.

A bird and a cat, fighting each other for the first time.

We had met before, but we didn't say anything. Now when we spoke for the first time, we directly attacked him.

"Meow..." The snow cat let out a sharp cry, and the silver in his eyes suddenly started to flow, and he roared angrily at the feathered bird, with the intention of taking action if there was a disagreement.

When the snow cat stared at it and called it, the miscellaneous bird immediately shrank towards Yang Yiyun and said to Yang Yiyun: "Boy, take care of your cat, I am not interested in her..."

Yang Yiyun looked at the bird and the cat, but couldn't help but laugh.

He is used to the broken mouth of the bastard bird. In the past, when the mink was around, the bastard bird was very honest. Since coming to the fairy world, this guy has no restrictions from the mink, and he acts like he is the best in the world. Very cool.

It's better now. The existence of snow cats seems to make the miscellaneous birds very afraid.

And what Xuemao said next made Yang Yiyun laugh out loud.

Just listen to the snow cat saying to the feathered bird: "You are just a crow, not even a bird. Don't pretend to be the boss in front of me, and keep plucking all the hair on your body~"


Yang laughed without any image. The last sentence was too familiar. It was exactly the words he often used to threaten the miscellaneous birds.

Unexpectedly, Snow Cat also said it out loud, thinking that there was a tacit understanding.

" you..." Zamao Bird looked at Snow Cat You You You for a long time and finally didn't say anything harsh. However, when he saw Yang Yiyun gloating about his misfortune, he immediately sneered and said: "Weak chicken, I have a way to make you..." You bring out the consciousness of the origin of ice, haha~"

"Say~" Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said directly.

"Teach me a lesson for this cat, and I will tell you how to do it." The mixed-haired bird looked at the snow cat proudly as he spoke, saying, "Look, Lord Bird, I have a way to deal with you."

But in the end, someone Yang directly pinched it in his hand, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Count to ten, hurry up, or else I will throw you to the snow cat and pluck all your hair... You are getting more and more courageous." It’s getting bigger, are you threatening me?”

When Yang spoke, the snow cat let out a scream in response.

It made the mixed-haired bird tremble all over.

"One, three, five, seventy-nine..." Yang counted directly like this.

"Stop, I'm afraid of you, I'm telling you to sue you~" The demon bird was not afraid of anything but being plucked out of all its feathers, so it immediately gave up.

"How to do it?" Yang Yiyun asked.

The God Demon Bird said: "Take out the water origin beads in your body and use them as bait, and the ice origin consciousness will naturally come out..."

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