My Master Is a God

Chapter 2195 Refining the Origin of Ice

Being frozen instantly was something Yang Yiyun never expected. He didn't expect that after the crystal stone exploded, the power that exploded would be so violent and beyond imagination that he was frozen without much reaction.

The most frightening thing was that he found that the powerful ice force rushed into his body, straight into Qiankun Daoyuan, and the entire body was completely frozen inside and outside.

What to do about this?

Fortunately, my consciousness is still there...

On the other side, the magic bird screamed: "Wow! What is this kid doing? Why did he do it all of a sudden? He didn't even discuss it with Mr. Lao~"

"Meow~" the snow cat meowed: "What happens now? Will the master freeze to death?"

The God Demon Bird looked at the Snow Cat and said: "Now I have no choice but to rely on myself. I didn't discuss the collection rhythm later. Why did this guy suddenly activate the power of the ice source? It was so sudden. .

However, the consciousness of the original power of ice has been absorbed into his body. It seems that the problem is not big, but how can he bear it? As long as the physical body can see through it, there will be no problem. This kid's physical body should be fine, so don't worry. "

"I hope you didn't deceive the master." The snow cat's eyes flashed silver, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

But the words of the God and Demon Bird angered the Snow Cat.

The most despicable thing about this guy is that he hasn't gotten rid of it.

"Haha, are you a wild cat who is pretending to be compassionate? If this kid dies, you will be free. No one is controlling you. Wouldn't it be better if you are free again?" said the God Demon Bird.

The Snow Cat seemed to have been impressed by what the God and Demon Bird said, and seemed to be angered by the God and Demon Bird's words about "wild cat"... To put it bluntly, she was actually a mountain wild cat, but she had an abnormality due to the existence of the ice source. Change, this changes destiny.

In fact, deep down in Snow Cat's heart, he had a poor background and felt inferior.

He immediately roared at the magical bird: "Meow...I will tear your broken mouth to pieces. I will never give up on my master, meow..."

In a rage, the snow cat screamed at the devil bird, jumped up and grabbed it with one claw.

But the devil bird is an existence that can grow wings and fly.

Shan flashed his wings and flew away, avoiding the snow cat's attack. The god-demon bird's mean-spirited personality also completely exploded.

"Hehe... Little Wild Cat Bird, I'm not afraid of you. Why did Birdie get what I said, but you just can't hit me..." The magic bird flew in the air while continuing to provoke the snow cat.

"Meow meow meow……"

The snow cat screamed angrily.

"Boom boom boom..."

A thick air of ice erupted from the cat's claws, and the bird flew away.

"Hehe... Come on, come on, hit me..." The God-Demon Bird will take the advantage of being mean-mouthed to the extreme.

At a certain moment, the snow cat became completely furious and spat out a mouthful of white mist at the demon bird.


The snow cat let out a long roar and spit out a mouthful of thick white mist, but this time it turned into a large area and spread.

The demonic bird flashed its wings and screamed strangely, and was struck immediately.

It fell to the ground with a thud in mid-air and was immediately frozen.

"Hmph, let this bastard bird like you win." The snow cat walked towards the magical bird like a victorious general, mouthing human words.

At first, the demon bird grew wings and flew, and it was true that it did not attack it, but the snow cat is actually a vegetarian?

He spat out a stream of white mist and it immediately turned into a large piece. The God and Demon Bird was immediately swept up in it and froze into an ice sculpture.

But what Snow Cat didn't see was that at the moment when the God-Demon Bird was frozen, the fiery red inscriptions on the dark feathers of its body shone.

At this moment, as Snow Cat walked step by step, the fiery red inscriptions on the body of the frozen god and devil bird were flowing rapidly...

The Snow Cat continued to speak: "It would be weird if I didn't pluck all your feathers this time."


Just as Snow Cat was talking, and when he was about to reach the side of the God and Demon Bird, there was a click on the frozen God and Demon Bird, but the ice fell apart.

The next moment, the magic bird jumped up and shouted: "Little wild cat, you have made Master Bird angry. You are here, otherwise Master Bird will be rude to you~"

The snow cat was stunned when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that the devil bird could actually come out of her ice. She was really surprised. Originally, this miscellaneous bird with a damaged beak had no ability, but now she looked at it. Underestimate it.

Originally, the snow cat also had scruples in his heart, fearing that he would really anger this broken bird and didn't want to fight with it, but he couldn't resist the bad-mouthed bird.


With a long roar, he rushed over again.

A cat and a bird started chasing each other.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun didn't know that the enemies were in a desperate situation, and he had now entered a very dangerous situation.

After the huge ice source power rushed into his Qiankun Daoyuan, even the Qiankun Daoyuan felt frozen.

The whole person could not move from the inside out.

Got into a very embarrassing situation.

Fortunately, his consciousness is still there. At this moment, he can only try to communicate with the consciousness of the origin of ice and let the consciousness of the origin of ice gather these forces. Otherwise, he feels that he will freeze to death. It is the kind of Daoyuan that flows from the inside out. They were all frozen to death.

The incomparably powerful ice source power was completely beyond his imagination.

"What... Xiaobai... are you still there?" Yang Yiyun said trying to communicate.

In fact, he didn't know what to call the ice-origin consciousness, so he casually called a novice's name, because the ice-origin consciousness was in the form of white.

"Brother, don't worry, I will gather my strength, just hold on for a while."

The next moment, the consciousness of the ice origin gave him a quick response.

This made Yang Yiyun heave a big sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the next moment Yang Yiyun felt that the huge ice source power began to shrink.

When Yang Yiyun looked inside, there was a thick white mist within the Daoyuan of Qiankun...

However, he also saw that the white mist or the power of the ice source formed a vortex, which meant that Xiao Bai played a role in the rapid contraction of the ice source power.

Although it was thrilling to collect the power of ice this time, it was generally smooth.

First of all, the power awareness of the Ice Origin was pretty good, and he actually entered the Qiankun Daoyuan after being fooled by him. The only thing that he didn't expect was that the power of the Ice Origin was too overbearing, and he rushed in in an instant. There is no defense after entering the body, and it is out of control inside the body.

Fortunately, he deceived the consciousness of the ice source, otherwise without Xiao Bai's consciousness to gather these powers, or if Xiao Bai got angry, he would definitely die miserably.

Time passed minute by minute...

Yang Yiyun finally saw hope.

Within the entire Qiankun Daoyuan, it gradually became clearer...

He saw the origin of ice finally transforming into Xiaobai's ideology.

It turned into a white mist that was one foot long and as thick as a finger, but now it looked more substantial.

The power of gathering the origin of ice is still going on...

Yang Yiyun looked at it and saw that the appearance of the ice source was also changing.

What started as a streak of white mist gradually took shape.

Yang Yiyun was shocked.

Unexpectedly, it slowly condensed into a dragon head, then covered with scales, a dragon tail, and then dragon claws...

One dragon claw, two dragon claws...

At the end, Five Claws appeared.

At this point, all the white mist has gathered up.

However, the white dragon's dazzling white light flashed away, and the next moment it started swimming within the Daoyuan of Qiankun.

" are...Xiaobai?" Yang Yiyun couldn't help but transmit consciousness into Daoyuan.

"Yes, big brother, I am the origin of ice. This is my true form. You call me Xiaobai. I like this name very much."

Xiaobai responded to Yang Yiyun while flying in the Daoyuan of Qiankun.

There is nothingness within Qiankun Daoyuan, but it is also a place where mana is stored, many void worlds.

Xiaobai seems to be very happy here, swimming around, but after swimming in a place with magical power, Yang Yiyun feels cold all over.

He quickly said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, please stop first and see if you are below. That is where my mana is stored. Don't go there yet..."

"What? I like it very much. It feels comfortable to swim in it." Xiaobai said.

Yang Yiyun smiled bitterly and said: "Although I don't know why, I think it's because I haven't adapted to your power yet. It needs to be tempered and refined, and the two need to be integrated. I'll wait while I try to run the technique, and you can use it with me." Release the power of Daoyuan and see..."

"Okay~" Xiaobai was very obedient.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun felt a trace of the power of Dao Yuan's ice origin revealed.

But just such a trace made Yang Yiyun tremble all over.

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