My Master Is a God

Chapter 2201 Luoyang’s eyes are red

"Yunzi~" Dongfang Iron Man shouted.


"Little Master~"


At this time, several people were anxious when they saw Yang Yiyun landing on the ground.

"Let's all come together~"

Everyone had no intention of leaving Yang Yiyun behind. At this moment, they saw that they couldn't leave even if they wanted to.

Dongfang Ironman roared, and everyone fought together

The difficulties at this time naturally need to be faced by everyone together. Everyone saw Yang Yiyun's level of explosion just now, but they didn't expect that the nine demon emperors united to suppress it.

What's even more frightening is that there is another Beiming Demon Emperor in the field who has not taken action. Everyone can see at this moment that no matter what, even if Yang Yiyun wants to create opportunities for everyone, no one can escape. Instead of doing this, they will fight to the death. Let’s fight!

Everyone took action and moved closer to Yang Yiyun...

Just when the Beiming Demon Emperor appeared, a flying boat was floating slowly in the sea of ​​stars outside the Chaotic Fairyland.

This flying boat is naturally the flying boat of Xingchenzi, Yan Chixia, Ding Heping, and Bao Shunguang.

On the flying boat, Xingchenzi sat cross-legged in the cabin and meditated. He suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were shining, and his whole body burst out with vast sword energy, which rippled throughout the starry sky in an instant.

However, Bao Shunguang and the other three were awakened from their training, their eyes widened, and they looked up towards the cabin where Xingchenzi was.

Yan Chixia took in a breath of cold air and said with some trembling: " this the sword energy emanating from Master Xingchen, right?"

"Nonsense, who else is there in this cabin besides Lord Xingchen?" Bao Shunguang said while swallowing his saliva.

Ding Heping's eyes were full of admiration and he said to himself: "We have been staying in the starry sky for a thousand years. It seems that the time mentioned by Master Xingchen has finally arrived~"

While the three of them were talking, Xingchenzi in the cabin rose up with a wave of his hand. Suddenly the whole spacecraft shook and turned into a stream of light and flew from the Starry Sky Sea into the Chaos Fairy Realm.

Xingchen stood up and said to himself with murderous intent exuding: "Demons...hehe~ are looking for death!"


Dongfang Iron Man took action and started fighting. Counting the black armor, red coat, and snow cat, they all rushed towards one person each.

In this way, even if Yang Yiyun is added, there are only seven, seven versus nine.

There are still two demon emperors who can fight at will.

Yang Yiyun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. After seeing Dongfang Ironman and the others rushing towards the Nine Demon Emperors, he smiled bitterly: "In that case, let's fight~"


A long roar came out, Yang Yiyun's heart moved, and with a wave of his hand, the Sawtooth King and a hundred thousand Sawtooth Birds were released from the Qiankun Pot.

At this time, the manager knew that even if he released the sawtooth bird, he would die, but he didn't care so much. If not, more people might die.

"Wow wow wow..."

In an instant, a hundred thousand saw-toothed birds roared together, covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Although these 100,000 saw-toothed birds may not be able to kill the Demon Emperor, they can still cause harassment to these Demon Emperors.

In addition, it can also form support for the Oriental Ironman.

Sure enough, in an instant, the appearance of hundreds of thousands of saw-toothed birds caused chaos in the demon formation formed by the nine demon emperors. However, the snow cat seized the opportunity at this moment, disappeared strangely, and reappeared with a claw on one of the demons. The demon emperor screamed in agony, and his whole body was filled with frost.


Yang Yiyun saw the opportunity and immediately shouted an order to Hong Yi.


Hong Yi struck out instantly, and still punched directly into the Demon Emperor, who was frozen by the snow cat's claws.


This person, who was in the middle stage of Demon Emperor cultivation, died instantly.

The entire demon formation also dissipated at this time.

Disrupted the nine demon emperors' alliance.

Became eight demon emperors.

At the same time, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes, his hands were covered with ice, and he gritted his teeth. When the Sawtooth King mobilized the Sawtooth Bird to interfere with the early stage of a Demon Emperor, he appeared in front of the Demon Emperor, and roared to activate the law. The aura was photographed directly.



With one successful blow, the early demon emperor was frozen and hit with a pile of ice slag on his body.

The two demon emperors were killed instantly, and everything happened in an instant.

Although it was a victory, it was not without a price, and the price was not small in Yang Yiyun's opinion, because in just one stroke, more than a thousand sawtooths were wiped out from his flock.

So the price is very high.



Although Yang Yiyun and Snow Cat won once, others were not so lucky.

Except for Luoyang, the Iron Man of the East and the Old Ancestor of Soul-taking later vomited blood and were knocked down and flew out.

After all, these two are in the realm of Immortal Kings. Although they are good leaders among the Immortal Kings, they are still not enough to face the strong ones at the Demon Emperor level.

Under such circumstances, injuries are inevitable.

As soon as Yang Yiyun saw the situation, he ducked and quickly headed towards the Oriental Iron Man.

But when he dodged away, Luoyang also let out a scream.

Facing so many demon emperors, everyone is indeed no match.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun saw that Luoyang was injured, and that the person chasing Luoyang was a strong man in the late stage of the Demon Emperor. Yang Yiyun saw that it was impossible, and immediately Yang Yiyun turned around and roared: "Water and fire are compatible~"

On the left and right hands, one hand was the Green Lotus Immortal Fire, and the other was the Ice Origin. When they suddenly met, a beam of light was formed, rising towards the late Demon Emperor who attacked Luoyang.

This attack is the sixth of the twelve supreme magical powers, and it is also his most powerful attack at present. It combines the power of the ice source and the green lotus fairy fire, and combines the two powers under the magical secret method. , forming a more powerful power.

The original essence of ice is water, especially after it is fused with the water origin bead, it becomes more powerful and handy, so this attack cannot be underestimated.

The opponent was in the late stage of the Demon Emperor, but when he faced Yang Yiyun's attack, his face changed drastically, he felt the powerful power, and his entire body of demonic energy exploded into low gear.


Yang Yiyun's attack against this demon emperor directly caused the demon emperor to retreat three meters in the later stage.

I didn't expect that a person who was the Great Perfection of the Immortal King could burst out with such powerful power, but he was also extremely shocked.

Yang Yiyun appeared next to Luoyang at this moment, helped her up and asked: "How are you?"

Luoyang has the strongest cultivation among the few people except Yang Yiyun. He is infinitely close to the emperor level, but he is still no match against the Demon Emperor in the later stage.

"Uncle Junior, I wasn't... careful..."



When Luoyang was talking, he saw two demon emperors attacking Yang Yiyun from the left and the right, and he quickly screamed.

However, the power of the Demon Emperor was beyond the ability of people like them, who were cultivated as Immortal Kings, to deal with it, and the attack arrived in an instant.

Even though Yang Yiyun was vigilant, he couldn't resist.

In fact, he discovered it earlier than Luoyang, and he just ignored his scruples. Faced with the attack of two demon emperors at once, he might be able to escape alone, but at this moment, there was an injured Luoyang beside him.

When the two demon emperors attacked, he suddenly pushed Luoyang out, but he was hit hard on his body.

Vomiting blood on the ground.

However, he was fine, just vomiting blood.

This was because in just an instant, Hong Yi suddenly rushed over and blocked him.

Hongyi took the initiative to appear in front of him this time, but he didn't summon her.

Although Hongyi resisted one blow, another blow still fell on him, causing him to vomit blood. If it weren't for his physical strength, Yang Yiyun knew that he would die this time.

"Little uncle..."

Luoyang's eyes were red.

She saw with her own eyes that Yang Yiyun pushed her out at the critical moment, while he himself was seriously injured after enduring the attacks of the two demon emperors.

Although Luoyang looked at Hong Yi and blocked one blow, another blow still fell on the little uncle.

For some reason, Luoyang's eyes turned red. She thought of her master. She had not yet practiced cultivation at that time. She was in the war and the village was looted by bandits. He was under the bandits' war horse and long sword. He thought he was going to die, but in the end At the critical moment, his master Xing Chenzi appeared and killed him as a bandit...

At this moment, the young master's uncle also resisted the killing move for her. Luoyang was moved and thought of his master Xing Chenzi.

They are all her relatives.

Luoyang knew in her heart that everyone might die today, and she didn't want her junior uncle and the others to die...

Faced with such a crisis, Luoyang knows that there may be a way to help everyone escape~

With tears glistening in his eyes, Luoyang said to himself: "Demon God, I agree with your devouring, but you have to promise me to help my junior uncle and the others, don't let them die, let them live."

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