My Master Is a God

Chapter 2206 The second senior brother who enforces rules

Yang Yiyun quietly exited the cabin without disturbing Luoyang and his second senior brother and apprentice to reminisce.

Ding Heping and others outside saw Yang Yiyun coming out and quickly came up to ask about the situation in Luoyang.

Luoyang is the helmsman of the Immortal Refining Alliance branch and the boss of Ding Heping and Bao Shunguang. Everyone is concerned about the situation in Luoyang.

"How is he doing, Grand Master Alliance Leader?"


"Don't worry, Luoyang is fine~" Yang Yiyun smiled and led them down the cabin and came to the side of Dongfang Iron Man and Soul-Taking Ancestor. He saw that their breathing was stable and they were still recovering, but they were relieved.

After chatting with Ding Heping, Bao Shunguang, and Yan Chixia, I learned that they had set out from the Immortal Refining Alliance more than a thousand years ago and followed their second senior brother to look for him.

However, according to the three people's wishes, the second senior brother deliberately slowed down the speed of the flying boat on the way here, and came slowly along the way...

This made Yang Yiyun frown. Listening to what Ding Heping and the others said, it seemed that the second senior brother had known his whereabouts for a long time, but he didn't come immediately. Instead, he came slowly along the way. I don't know what to think when the time comes. of?

Yang Yiyun knew that with this second senior brother's Tongxuan cultivation, he might have known some of his things for a long time. But if you come here slowly, aren't you afraid that I will be beaten to death?

Yang felt some resentment in his heart.

Of course, it was just some resentment, and he did not dare to be dissatisfied in front of this second senior brother, because in his eyes, the second senior brother was a pervert, terrifyingly powerful.

He originally thought that his cultivation level could be regarded as reaching the threshold of a strong person, but now he finally knows what a real strong person is.

They are both apprentices of the old man, why is there such a big gap?

Yang started to think about it again in his heart.

At this moment, the second senior brother's voice came from upstairs: "Junior brother, come to the cabin."

"Ah~ here comes the second senior brother."

When Yang Yiyun heard Xingchenzi shouting, he quickly responded and walked upstairs.

When we arrived at the door of the room, the door was already open. When we walked in, we saw the second senior brother sitting at the top drinking tea, while Luoyang was standing on one side.

"Second Senior Brother, look for me~" Yang Yiyun has been friends with this god for a long time, but to be honest, the Second Senior Brother who met him for the first time was a little scared. There was nothing he could do about it. The strength he showed was too shocking, unlike when he was cultivating. The world of readers has seen the kindness of senior brother Yun Changsheng.

Yang Yiyun thought that this had a lot to do with cultivation!

"Come forward~" Xingchenzi saw Yang Yiyun smiling and motioned for him to come forward~

Upon hearing this, Yang Yiyun stepped forward obediently and stood in front of Xingchenzi.


At this time, he saw the second senior brother coughing, half-squinting his eyes, and glanced at a cup of tea on the table intentionally or unintentionally.

This scene made Yang stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized that if he didn't have this kind of emotional intelligence, he wouldn't have to be an Earthling.

He immediately understood what the second senior brother meant, and he quickly stepped forward to pick up the tea cup on the table, took a small step back, paid homage honestly, offered the tea cup, and said loudly: "Please have tea with the second senior brother. I have seen the second senior brother." Senior brother."

Yang has been around for so long, so he naturally knows some rules in the cultivation world and respects his teachers.

At this time, he also remembered that the old man had said before that this second senior brother was the one who paid the most attention to rules among the several apprentices, while the senior brother Yun Changsheng had a good old man's character, and the young senior sister Zixia was the most spoiled by him. One of them, as for myself, in the old man's opinion, he is the most unruly one.

Looking at the posture of the second senior brother at this moment, it was a formal meeting ceremony. Yang Yiyun was still in awe of this man who had cultivated Tongxuan.

After thinking about this, he quickly served tea to the second senior brother and practiced etiquette honestly.

Sure enough, the sullen second senior brother finally smiled. He took a sip of tea with a smile, and then said: "Junior brother, please get up. Senior brother, I don't have anything good to give you. This is the third brother's own sword." Fu, even if I give you a greeting gift, don’t dislike it, my senior brother will give you a big gift as compensation in the future.”

As he spoke, he handed three sword talismans, which were shining like jade but not jade, to Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun suddenly felt happy, how could he dislike it?

If you haven't seen this senior brother's awesomeness, you might be a little bit disgusted with it, but after seeing it, you know that the talisman given by the second senior brother is a rare good thing. He grinned and waved his hand and put it away like lightning, and said repeatedly: "Thank you, second senior brother~"

When Xingchenzi's hand was still stretched out but before he could retract it, Yang had already put away the three sword talismans so fast that even Xingchenzi, who had not yet retracted his hand, was stunned.

I have long heard about this little junior brother’s character from Master, but now it seems that what Master said is not allowed~

Xingchenzi's forehead was a little dark, and he wanted to give him a lesson, but considering that this was his first time meeting his junior brother, he might as well forget it~

Then he said: "Junior brother, please sit down and talk~"

Xingchenzi motioned for Yang Yiyun to sit on the right side, and Yang Yiyun sat down without any courtesy.

At this time, I heard the second senior brother speak majestically: "Luoyang will give you tea and discount for your junior uncle, and formally pay homage to your junior uncle."

When Yang Yiyun heard this, he quickly said: "Second senior brother, no need, Luoyang and I are very familiar~"

"The rules are the rules. You are my junior disciple and the junior junior uncle of Luoyang. You have never met formally before. This is as it should be. Luoyang is the third generation disciple of our lineage. I am also the only disciple. Formal etiquette must be It needs to be..."

Xingchenzi was so coercive when he opened his mouth that Yang Yiyun didn't dare to speak earlier.

You are the senior brother and you have the final say.

At this time, Luoyang was very quiet in front of Xingchenzi. He picked up the tea cup and formally paid homage to Yang Yiyun: "Luoyang pays homage to my junior uncle and invites him to drink tea."

"Uh~" I'm very familiar with Luoyang, but I'm really not used to this sudden visit.

However, the second senior brother was sitting aside and really couldn't follow the rules. As a result, Yang Yiyun drank tea from the tea cup in Luoyang's hand and said: "Senior nephew, please wake up~"

It's stylish.

I secretly glanced at the second senior brother, and sure enough I saw relief in his eyes.

Yang Yiyun let out a long sigh and murmured in his heart: "In the future, if there are senior brothers who think that they are old-fashioned like this, life will be difficult~"

Putting down the teacup, Yang Yiyun looked at Luoyang standing aside and thought that there seemed to be something he had left behind.

Then I thought of it.

But my junior uncle wants to give his nephew a greeting gift.

This is etiquette~

He didn't have anything else, but Yang was in no shortage of gifts in return.

With a wave of his hand, 10,000 top-quality immortal stones suddenly appeared, and he said, "I don't have anything else for my nephew and uncle from Luoyang. These 10,000 immortal stones will be the official meeting gift at that time."

Xingchenzi, who was drinking tea with his head down, heard Yang Yiyun speak and did not raise his head or look. He thought that this junior fellow apprentice was very poor, so he said: "Little junior fellow apprentice, you still have a long way to go in cultivation. This is the meeting gift for Luoyang." No need~"

But at this time Luoyang smiled and said: "Thank you, little uncle."

He must put away the fairy stone before he speaks.

Xingchenzi turned around and was about to speak, otherwise Luoyang would want Yang Yiyun's immortal stones, but when he turned around, he obediently piled ten thousand top-quality immortal stones in front of Luoyang.

The tea that had not been swallowed suddenly spurted out.


"Cough cough cough~"

Xingchenzi couldn't help coughing when he looked at the ten thousand top-grade immortal stones. It's not like he had never seen the top-grade immortal stones. He had seen ten thousand top-grade immortal stones. His property was pretty good and he could get it, but...

He probably wouldn't be able to do something like the 10,000 top-quality fairy stones that this young junior brother casually took out as a greeting gift.

This is a total of 10,000 top-grade immortal stones, not 10,000 low-grade and medium-grade immortal stones.

After coming back to his senses, he quickly said to Luoyang: "No, this is too... too much..."

My affection for this junior brother has increased greatly. He is a real person~

Ten thousand top-quality immortal stones will be given away as soon as you say so.

However, Luoyang chuckled and put away all the fairy stones with a wave of his hand. Then he smiled at Xingchenzi and said: "Master, my little uncle's family is rich. These fairy stones are just a drop in the bucket for him, so I accepted them." ,whee."

Xingchenzi originally scolded Luoyang, but after hearing these words, he could see that this junior brother was really a rich man~

I couldn't help but ask: "Junior brother, how many top-quality immortal stones do you have?"

Yang Yiyun grinned, finally surprising this awesome senior brother, and said casually, "Not much, almost 200,000 top-grade ones~"

This still does not include the number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, just the number of immortal stones.


When Xingchenzi heard a violent cough, it was really...

After looking at Luoyang, Luoyang nodded, indicating that his junior uncle was not bragging.

She had witnessed her junior uncle plundering all of Snow Cat's collection.

Xingchenzi exhaled after a while, glanced at Yang Yiyun and said slowly: "Young junior brother, you must not reveal your wealth in the immortal world. You must not show it to others easily in the future, otherwise it will cause you unnecessary trouble."

"Senior brother, don't worry, I know." Yang Yiyun grinned.

After the formal meeting ceremony was completed, Yang Yiyun finally couldn't help but ask: "Second Senior Brother, Master, how are you doing?"

Xingchenzi put down his tea cup and said seriously: "Master is a very kind man and he cares about you very much. Originally, Master said that it might be some time before you ascend to the immortal world, and he was going to pick you up some time later. I didn't expect that you would become a titled Immortal Lord. , only then did we all know that you had arrived in the fairy world, and you were an amazing person with a title.

The Immortal City branch also sent a letter back to the headquarters, telling about the incident in Luoyang. Only then did you discover your existence. After understanding the matter, Master asked me to look for you.

When we come, Senior Brother and you, Senior Sister Zixia, are both strong men. However, Luoyang is my disciple, and I also want to talk about you, my junior brother who has a connection with me. This time, Master asked me to look for you. .

Junior brother, speaking of it, my master has told me everything about the Xingchen Sect in the cultivator world. After I ascended to the immortal world, I never took care of the disciples in the cultivator world, but I didn’t expect them to be in such a miserable state. Fortunately, you are here. To give them a home, senior brother, thank you very much for this. "

Xingchenzi spoke and thanked Yang Yiyun solemnly.

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