My Master Is a God

Chapter 2211 Star Sword Formation

As soon as his consciousness moved, Yang Yiyun went directly to Xue Xiang and found that Xue Xiang was still practicing in seclusion and had not yet come out. He did not disturb Xue Xiang. Since the last time the demon consciousness seriously injured her in the ice cave, Yang Yiyun had left her alone. After entering the Qiankun Pot space for healing retreat, it seems that Xuexiang has entered into deep cultivation.

Regardless of this, his Sunrise Pass cultivation must be very advanced. In fact, although fighting in battle is dangerous, it is also very helpful for improving his cultivation.

Yang Yiyun left the Kunpeng egg with Xuexiang. During this period of time, he had almost no time to inject mana into Kunpeng for cultivation. Anyway, Xuexiang was in retreat. Fortunately, he stayed with her as a companion and was able to find time to inject Kunpeng's egg. energy.

Before leaving, he also placed a thousand top-quality immortal stones next to Xuexiang, hoping that she could use them in her practice.

After that, Yang Yiyun arrived at Meng Tian's retreat. More than half of the three thousand ghost cultivator army was lost, and now there are only more than a thousand left. Yang Yiyun does not want them to take risks anymore.

Meng Tian was still practicing, but after Yang Yiyun appeared, he felt it immediately and came over.

"I've met Master~" Meng Tian saluted politely.

"Get up, you don't need to be restrained from now on." Yang Yiyun is not the kind of second senior brother. He doesn't pay much attention to etiquette, and he doesn't want his disciples to kneel down all the time.

"Yes, Master." Meng Tian, ​​the fourth disciple, was a soldier during his lifetime. He promised but remained serious.

Yang Yiyun also went with him, and after taking a look at Meng Tian's cultivation, he thought it was really good. He was already in the late stage of Hunyuan and was about to reach the Great Perfection. It was obvious that he worked hard and had good talent.

After Yang Yiyun had a conversation with Meng Tian and gave him some advice on how to practice, Yang Yiyun left him two thousand top-grade immortal stones and told him: "Give one to each of the ghost and immortal army. If there is too much, they can't digest it. Keep the rest for yourself." For the time being, you can practice in the Qiankun Pot space, and when the Cloud Gate Array is successfully deployed, go outside."

"Disciple, please obey Master's orders." Meng Tian took the immortal stone and thanked him.

"Okay, let's continue practicing." Yang Yiyun waved his hand, and the thought disappeared.

"Best regards, Master." Meng Tian still saluted politely.

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief and arrived at the place where the snow cat was. He was really not used to the title of Master Mengtian. This fourth disciple was too disciplined.


Arriving next to the snow cat, the napping snow cat immediately became alert and meowed after spotting Yang Yiyun.

"You are quite alert and good. It seems that you are recovering well." Yang Yiyun smiled and greeted Snow Cat. In this battle with the nine demon generals under Demon Emperor Beiming of the Demon Clan, Snow Cat played a major role in showing his outstanding performance. With her rare talent, Yang Yiyun could tell that if the opponent wasn't so crowded, the Snow Cat would be able to fight even in the mid to late stage of the Demon Emperor in one-on-one combat.

So he valued the snow cat very much and also thought of the mink.

"How is the recovery from the injury?" Yang Yiyun asked again.

"I have fully recovered. Thank you for your concern, Master." The snow cat spoke in a girl's voice, which had a unique flavor, but it always sounded a bit cold.

When Yang Yiyun saw her, he called out Diao'er. She was similar in size to Diao'er. She wanted to jump on his shoulders, but after thinking about it, she let it go. After all, he had to use force to conquer Snow Mao. To say that Snow Mao had no gap in his heart, That's fake.

Let’s get used to it slowly in the future~

"Now that you've recovered, come out with me~"

"Yes, Master."

Then Yang Yiyun had a thought in his heart and took the snow cat back to the room. He also knew that he would not stay too long and the second senior brother should be waiting for him. At this moment, he thought that the formation was almost completed.

Go out of the door and come to the plywood.

"Little Master~"

Luoyang was still at the same place and said hello when he saw Yang Yiyun and Snow Mao coming over.

Luoyang, the snow cat, had seen her unique talent and gave her due respect.

"How is it?" Yang Yiyun looked down at the sea of ​​clouds as he asked.

At this moment, huge silver-white sword energy has risen into the sky, and there are countless of them, which is very spectacular.

Luoyang replied: "I should have completed the 100th phase of Taoism. My junior uncle came at the right time."


While he was talking, there was another roar.

The last sword energy based on the mountain peak rose into the sky.

One hundred and eight pillar-like mountains were finally built by Xingchenzi into one hundred and eight huge sky-shaking sword energies.

After the last sword energy was formed, a dull roar came from below.

"Buzz buzz..."

Yang Yiyun looked around and saw that the sword energy was connected to the city, forming a huge sword move. There were inscriptions flowing on each peak like a towering pillar...

The sea of ​​clouds below was rolling and still not stopping.

I thought it would end soon, but I didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

It wasn't until one day that all the sword energy disappeared, and the mountains below were completely hidden by the clouds and mist. The clouds and mist rose a hundred feet, and then Xingchenzi turned into a stream of light and appeared.

During this time period, Yang Yiyun calculated that it actually took three years to complete.

Yang Yiyun knew that a huge sword array had formed in the sea of ​​clouds below that seemed to be plain and foggy.

"Junior brother is here~"

While talking, Xingchenzi leaped over and landed on the flying boat.

Yang Yiyun quickly thanked him: "Senior Brother, thank you for your hard work~"

He saw that the second senior brother's forehead was covered with sweat, his clothes were soaked through, and his face was as pale as paper. It was obvious that he had put in a lot of effort.

"It's just a small matter, just spend some mana and don't worry. It's finally done. Let's go, senior brother, take me to refine the formation eye."

Xingchenzi acted resolutely, grabbed Yang Yiyun's wrist and jumped off the flying boat.

One head plunged into the sea of ​​clouds, and after a few minutes of flying, the two arrived. On a mountainside in the formation, the place was covered with inscriptions. Xingchenzi waved his hand and a faint light curtain suddenly appeared. Yang Yiyun saw nothing more, nothing less, just right. One hundred and eighty red dots in it.

There were 1,808 red dots surrounding a circle, and the central area looked like a large open space. He knew clearly that this was where the formation's eye was.

Sure enough, I only heard the second senior brother say: "Junior brother, this is the center of the entire formation. Now you have to shed blood to identify the master. Senior brother will teach you the control formula. After refining, you will be the master of this formation."

The total area of ​​the formation inside and outside is no more than six thousand miles, the outer area is three thousand miles, and the inner area is three thousand miles. In the future, the open area inside will be the core of Yunmen, and the outer three thousand miles will be the one hundred and eight peaks. The mountains in the mountains are the most suitable as the outer gate of Yunmen. Each mountain peak is an independent small sword array, forming one hundred and eight small sword arrays, and finally combined into one large array.

Senior brother dare not boast about how powerful it is, but with the help of the power of one hundred and eight innate mountain peaks, the sword energy of the earth can block the strong ones attacking the Immortal Lord without any problem.

Also, I have set up the spirit gathering array in it. After the formation is in operation, the immortal energy from heaven and earth will continue to gather into the formation for cultivation. As time goes by, it will one day become a blessed place for immortals in the immortal world.

After the one hundred and eight innate mountain peaks are opened, the benefits will be beyond my imagination. Junior brother can develop with confidence in the future... Come on, let's start~"

After listening to what the second senior brother said, Yang Yiyun was extremely moved. They are indeed a family. The second senior brother has done a great job this time. With the existence of this formation, he will establish a foothold in the fairy world in the shortest time when he establishes Yunmen. .

After hearing this, Yang Yiyun was not polite and immediately dripped blood into the formation's eyes to refine it. While refining and controlling it according to the secret formula taught by the second senior brother, he felt and observed the entire formation.

Three days later, the refining was finally successful.

"Start the formation~"

Yang Yiyun shouted softly, and the next moment the entire formation was in his mind, six thousand miles inside and outside. It was at this moment that he truly felt the power of this formation.

It is a giant sword as a whole, and it is also a hundred and eight independent small swords. This earth is connected to the starry sky, and there is a steady flow of the power of heaven and earth running.

He felt that as long as his heart moved, he could burst out the sword energy of one hundred and eight mountains to defend against attacks. This formation was like a living sight.

"Collect it~"

The next moment, Yang Yiyun waved his hand at the light screen formation eye, and suddenly a crystal-like formation eye entered his body. This was the eye of the formation and the core of control.

After refining it, he put it directly into his body, and he could operate the formation with just a thought.

It's really convenient.

"Okay, this formation hasn't been named yet, come and give it a name!" Xingchenzi said with a smile.

Yang Yiyun was stunned. Thinking about it, it was true that the second senior brother never mentioned the name from the beginning to the end. This formation was not a regular formation, but a large formation based on one hundred and eight peaks and the senior brother's sword energy. Array.

So it really needs a name.

As soon as he thought about it, Yang Yiyun blurted out: "Let's call it the One Hundred and Eight Innate Sword Formations of the Stars~referred to as the Star Sword Formation. Junior Brother, I have nothing to repay my senior brother. I will let every disciple of Yunmen in the future remember what you have done for Yunmen." contribution.”

"Uh~ Junior brother, isn't this bad?" Xing Chenzi's face turned red, thinking that this name was a bit too big. After all, the master recognized the younger junior brother's Yunmen as the authentic sect of their lineage.

If Master found out, wouldn't it be a joke?

But in his heart, Xingchenzi also wanted to show off, mainly to let the master see it and let him know that I, the second senior brother, helped the junior brother. I was not lazy. Maybe the master would praise him. He gave it a try.

Yang Yiyun laughed. How could he not see what the second senior brother was thinking: "Haha~ It's settled. When the old man asks about it in the future, let me tell you, I think the master will praise you for doing a good job."

"This... Then it's better to be respectful than to obey. However, if my master accuses me of being exaggerated in the future, little junior brother, you can testify that it was you who came up with this name, not me." Xingchenzi said seriously.

"Okay, okay, I'll fight. You're afraid of the old man, but I'm not afraid of him." Yang was very arrogant.

Xingchenzi said with a black line on his face: "When you meet your Senior Sister Zixia later, you two will be a pair of living treasures, living treasures that can make Master angry to death. You two are the only two in the world who dare to kill an old man in one breath. I Senior Brother He wouldn’t dare.”

"Hahaha, I'm really looking forward to seeing my little senior sister~" Yang Yiyun laughed.

"Okay, I'll take you to see Old Willow. Let's make an agreement first that you can handle it yourself. When I see Old Willow, I will take Luoyang back to Jiuchongtian. Luoyang still has the sequelae of the devil's consciousness in his body to deal with. After all, he is half devil and half Immortal, there is a hidden danger, take her back to find Master Tianji to figure out what to do..." Luoyang Xingchenzi's face became serious as he said this.

Yang Yiyun also didn't expect that there are hidden dangers in Luoyang's body. The second senior brother didn't mention it before, but he was relieved after thinking about it. Luoyang cultivates immortality, and the consciousness of the demon god is a demon. When the two are fused together, they are half demon and half immortal. There is no problem. That's the weird thing.

He nodded and said: "Okay, you can take Luoyang back. I can handle the things here myself. You can take me to the old willow tree!"

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