My Master Is a God

Chapter 2213 I already want to die

Yang Yiyun heard what this old voice said, and it was obvious that he was talking to his second senior brother Xing Chenzi.

And no matter how I listen to it, it feels full of ambiguity.

Then in the next moment, the withered old willow tree stump burst into colorful light, but the next moment Yang Yiyun saw an extremely shocking scene.

He saw the old tree stump that was originally charred and black as if struck by lightning. After the colorful light burst out, a sound like Sanskrit sounded in his ears. When he looked subconsciously, the old willow tree on the cliff turned into a tree. The towering trees reach up to the sky and down to the earth, existing between heaven and earth.

Branches sprouted out, and the leaves were extremely luxuriant. What shocked Yang Yiyun was that he saw the shocking sight of the heavens hanging on the old willow tree.

There are bright stars, rolling clouds, vast starry sky, a fairy mountain, and a small world...

Yang Yiyun knew that these were phantoms, but they were an evolution of celestial phenomena. This scene appeared on an old willow tree, but seeing it for the first time also showed how extraordinary this old willow tree was.

It obviously looks like a withered old tree stump, but I didn't expect it to evolve into such a celestial scene, and even restore its withered state to a leafy and towering state in an instant. It's really It's shocking.

Of course, Yang Yiyun also knew that this was an illusion of evolution, but it was precisely this that proved the extraordinary nature of this old willow tree.

The most important thing is that Yang Yiyun saw his second senior brother running away as if he was lifeless. It was very funny. It was hard to imagine where the sword emperor Xing Chenzi who killed the Beiming Demon Emperor with a backhand had gone?

Of course, what made Yang Yiyun tremble in his heart was what Lao Liushu said.

Three leaves? Concubine?

These words are so simple~

Could it be that there is an ulterior deal between Old Liushu and his second senior brother?

Anyway, he was trembling all over listening to it.

At this moment, a willow branch formed by a phantom whipped out like lightning, obviously aimed at the second senior brother.

In the blink of an eye, with the second senior brother's ability, he had already run thousands of miles away, but in the end, Yang Yiyun saw the willow branches flash and disappeared into the sky...

As a result, a scream and curse rang out from far away in the sky at the next moment: "Ah, you old pervert, what happened with the leaves last time was an agreement reached between my master and you. I was just here to save the leaves. Why do you have to let me go?" I will be your concubine, you can dream, you old pervert~"

"Haha, didn't that boy Yun Tianxie tell you that he asked you to stay with my old man when the leaves were gone? If you take the leaves and fail to fulfill your promise, you are not a son of a man~" The old voice sounded again.

"Old pervert, my master promised you to find my master, but I didn't promise you." Xingchenzi's voice rang in the sky.

"I've got you figured out. If you don't give me an explanation today, you little guy can't even think of leaving, haha." The old voice sounded again.

"Ah~ You are such a pervert... You can be ruthless, but you can't stop me from leaving, boom boom boom..."

There were constant rumblings outside the sky, and the willow trees burst into colorful lights.

After a while, it was Xingchenzi's voice that sounded again: "Old pervert, I brought my junior brother today. I have fulfilled my promise last time. Let me go, otherwise I will kill you~"

Xingchenzi's voice was extremely furious, and at the same time, the sword intent spread all over the sky, as if it were real, overwhelming...

The old willow tree's colorful light flashed for a moment, and it seemed that Yang Yiyun's existence was just discovered at this time, but he said: "Hey~ This little guy is interesting, he is actually a inheritor of Shinto. Haha, I will let you go this time. Go back and tell that boy Yun Tianxie that if he comes to try on me next time, he will break his legs and get out~"


There was a roar in the air, and the willow branches from beyond the sky were retracted.

At the same time, Xingchenzi's voice came, but he said to Yang Yiyun: "Ahem... Junior brother, don't blame the second senior brother. This is all arranged by the master. The master has told you that you are a monk of the Shinto inheritance, and This old pervert is also a remnant of the Shinto warriors from the prehistoric era. The master said that you should communicate well, and it is overflowing with your cultivation. The master also said that he can’t give you any guidance on your Shinto practice. Only this old pervert, Willow, can help you. So senior brother, I’ll leave first, little junior brother, don’t blame me~”

Xingchenzi seemed to be out of trouble. He finished speaking quickly and slipped away as if he had seen a ghost.

Yang Yiyun was left with blood boiling in his body, and now it sounded like he had been betrayed by the dead old man and this second senior brother.

Immediately, he turned around and ran without any time to think about it. He activated almost all his magic power and disappeared in a swish. Whoever left him behind would be a fool.


The next moment, he flew hundreds of miles away, but suddenly he felt the space around him turbulent. He knew something was wrong, and activated the Ice Origin Land without even thinking about it. But the result was that he only felt the colorful light in his sight. A masterpiece, Yang Yiyun could only vaguely see a willow branch with seven-colored dazzling light sweeping towards him.

He mobilized the source of ice and all his magic power to resist, but sadly found that it had no effect. He only felt a sudden swipe, and the world was spinning.

The next moment, his body felt light and he found that he had landed.

My head was extremely dizzy, and it took me a while to return to normal. Then I realized that I had reached the top of the cliff, and in my sight was a thick tree with a diameter of five to six meters and a height of about ten meters. It looked like it had been struck by lightning and was extremely charred. At the top of the old tree stump, there is a willow branch as thick as a chopstick, with no more than six leaves on it. Each leaf has a bright inscription exuding seven colors, which is really mysterious.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt desperate.

He let out a long roar and cursed: "Damn it... damn old man, Second Senior Brother, you guys tricked me, ahhhhh~"

Yang was about to cry but helplessly.

He witnessed with his own eyes the old willow tree and the second senior brother fighting just now. The second senior brother who cultivated Tongxuan shriveled under a willow branch, let alone resisted.

This old willow tree obviously knows the old man. The old man is called "Yuntianxie boy" in his mouth. Can you imagine what kind of existence this old willow tree is?

The most deceiving thing was that he recalled the previous conversation between Old Willow and the second senior brother. It seemed that the old man asked the old willow tree for three willow leaves, and the second senior brother came to get them. However, he was tricked by the old man, but in the end the second senior brother took them away. There are three willow leaves, but there seems to be some ulterior secret happening in the middle.

Otherwise, the second senior brother wouldn't have turned out to be an old pervert, and Old Liushu would have asked the second senior brother to be his concubine.


What the hell is going on~

It's okay now. From what the second senior brother said, it seemed that the old man had planned for him to come here. They united with the second senior brother to sell him to Lao Liushu.

Is it possible that I want to be a concubine to an old willow tree?

Concubine? ? ? ?

Your sister~

Yang Yiyun was literally vomiting blood in his heart.

As the name suggests, he is a Shinto practitioner, and Old Willow seems to be a remnant of Shinto who can guide him in his cultivation, so the old man sold himself out like this...

A perverted old willow tree keeps asking men to be their concubines. Even if he is the King of Heaven, he would not be interested in such an existence.

Just want to leave early.

But with the power of that blow just now, he knew that even a hundred of him would not be able to escape from the branches of the old willow tree.

Really want to cry without tears.

At this time, I only heard the voice of the old willow tree. Different from the old voice before, this time it actually made an extremely ecstatic woman's voice, and it was still the voice of a royal sister. When it stopped in my ears, Yang Yiyun's bones all felt soft. The divided kind.

"Little brother, be good, don't be afraid, sister, I will take good care of you, giggling... you are fair and fair, with regular features, much better than your incompetent senior brother..."

Such words, such a voice, stopped in Yang Yiyun's ears, but there was no thought. Instead, all the hair on his body stood on his head, he stepped back, forced a smile and said: "Senior... Senior, this junior has actually practiced for five or six years. It's been a thousand years, very old and ugly. If you like it, senior, junior, go ahead and my second senior brother will bring it back to you..."

While talking, Yang Yiyun jumped up and ran away.


The next moment, my ankle tightened and was immediately entangled in a willow branch.


"Ah~cough cough cough~"

He was kicked back hard and fell to the ground, making Yang feel as if his whole body was falling apart.

"Little guy, don't bother trying to run away. Since it was your master and senior brother who brought you to me, you can honestly accompany me to talk and talk about life. How great. Sister, I can also give you some advice. That’s not what you practice.

Of course, as long as you feel comfortable taking care of my sister, I will give you some advice. Don't tell me. You are obviously practicing high-level Shinto techniques, but your body is in a complete mess and you have not exerted the power that Shinto techniques should match. .

Little brother, you have a good foundation, a perfect foundation. Stay by your sister’s side and serve you. You will definitely have a share in your journey to the sky. Don’t waste your time and think about running away. Sister, even though I’m separated, Even if you don’t open this place, you can still control a land with a radius of thousands of miles, so just give up and don’t even think about running away, hehe~”

Yang Yiyun listened to the sweet female voice and thought about the old voice in the conversation with the second senior brother before, and felt like vomiting for no reason.

Think again about what this old pervert said, what's the point of talking about life? Looking down and comfortable?

What the hell is this for?

I was trembling all over.

Now I really want to die.

And there's no way to escape.

what to do?

Do you really want to be ruined by a dead tree?

Damn old man, Xingchenzi, I hate you.

Yang was discouraged and lay on the ground, his eyes filled with despair and tears welling up in his eyes.

He knew that in the hands of this perverted old willow tree, it would be difficult for him to die even if he wanted to.

I’ve seen people cheating on people, but I’ve never seen people cheat like this.

"Stop lying down, it's cold underground. I feel sorry for you if you catch a cold, sister~"

At this time, the old willow tree said something that made Yang couldn't help but shed tears.

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