My Master Is a God

Chapter 2216 Red Armor

Just after Yang Yiyun and Lao Liushu completed the contract, and was feeling a little emotional thinking about the old man in his mind, Yan Chixia's voice sounded in the distance.


Yang Yiyun looked back and saw Yan Chixia and others coming.

At this time, the old willow tree said: "Little brother, let's go first. Remember not to let people get close to this mountain easily. Otherwise, sister can't guarantee whether it will hurt anyone. The agreement between us cannot be completed in a short period of time. I want to do it." Just mind your own business, and come to me after settling your people."

But Lao Liushu didn't want to be disturbed, so he issued an eviction order.

Yang Yiyun also thought that this willow tree was too dangerous, and Yan Chixia and the others could get close to it. He nodded to the old willow tree, jumped up, and flew down.

This mountain is actually not very tall, more than a hundred meters high, and has the same straight shape as the peaks outside. Even the cliff where the old willow tree is located is only about 200 to 300 square meters.

After going down, Yan Chixia and the others just arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Yang Yiyun saw that only Ding Heping was not there. He thought he was taken away by his second senior brother.

Ding Heping was originally a subordinate of Luoyang and a member of the Immortal Alliance branch of Immortal City.

Bao Shunguang stayed because Bao Shunguang was his servant.

"My master, Lao Ding, went back with Lord Xingchen and the alliance leader. He asked me to tell you." Bao Shunguang said.

Yang Yiyun nodded to express his understanding.

Now he is left with Yan Chixia, Bao Shunguang, Soul-destroying Ancestor, Hong Yi and Hei Jia, the Snow Cat and the Divine Demon Bird.

Yang Yiyun taught them the methods of entering and exiting the formation, so that they could enter and exit the formation freely, otherwise they would be attacked by the formation.

Next, the construction of Yunmen began. Yang Yiyun waved his hand and asked Meng Tian to appear with an army of more than a thousand ghost cultivators to assist the ancestor of Soul Master in building the Yunmen Palace.

Start infrastructure construction.

And with a wave of his hand, he gave 50,000 top-quality immortal stones as funding, manpower and so on, and let the soul-capturing ancestors and others find a way on their own. There is no upper limit on time. Anyway, they need to build a large-scale Yunmen.

In response to the 50,000 top-quality immortal stones that the ancestor of the soul master made, his hands were shaking. It was a huge sum of money, and he was afraid that he would not be satisfied with the construction, so he asked Yang Yiyun to hire someone from outside to be a master of architectural design.

The soul-taking ancestor said: "Master, since we have no shortage of immortal stones and want to build a large-scale Yunmen Palace, I suggest that we should not be casual and have a blueprint. It is best to invite a master builder. Space We can invite formation masters, masters of the Puppet Way, and professionals in blacksmithing and talismans, so that we can build a reasonable and large-scale Yunmen Palace. What do you think, Master?"

"Master, I agree. Professional planning for building palaces and other things in the immortal world can be of great benefit to the sect. This place is uniquely blessed by nature. If we don't plan and build it carefully, it will be a waste of resources." Bao Shunguang also gave the answer. Opinion.

"I also agree that if we want to build a palace complex, we must build it into an immortal palace complex. If it is an ordinary palace building, it cannot withstand the wind and frost." Yan Chixia must comply.

Yang Yiyun felt a little headache when he heard that. Chen Qibian was responsible for the construction of the Cloud Gate on Earth. After the cultivation world, he was still the boss. How could he understand these messy things?

He immediately stopped and said, "I don't care about these things. I only have one request. Build Yunmen. This will be our home in the future. If you don't have enough fairy stones, you can ask me for them, but don't bother me. What materials are needed? What kind of materials are you looking for?" People, you guys can decide what to do, and I will see the results when the time comes."

Yang Yiyun's order made the soul-taking ancestors and others smile bitterly, but they could only listen to it.

After thinking about it, the ancestor of Soul Capture said: "In this case, we need to go out and find the master. As long as we have the immortal stone in hand and the reward, we can find any talent we need."

"You can take care of this matter. Spending money is a small problem. Just find the best professionals to come. If they are not enough, ask me. During this time, I will practice on the top of the mountain behind you. By the way, this mountain will be there in the future. It has become a forbidden place in Yunmen. No one is allowed to go up there without my order. The old willow trees on the mountain are very dangerous. You all need to remember this." Yang Yiyun casually decided on the first forbidden place in Yunmen.

This is also good for everyone, because it is true that Old Willow is a powerful pervert, but don't let anyone go up and be beaten to death by her. This matter should be dealt with first.

After the matter was settled, the Soul Capture Ancestors and several others agreed that Meng Tian would stay behind to look after the house. He, Yan Chixia, and Bao Shunguang would go out to find various professional craftsmen to build the Yunmen Palace Complex.

Anyway, Yang Yiyun gave 50,000 top-grade immortal stones, which was a huge sum of money, and it was enough to recruit people to buy materials.

Of course, before leaving, Yang Yiyun left a message talisman for them all, so they could contact them in case something unexpected happened and it was too late.

However, I am still very relieved about Yang Yiyun, the ancestor of Soul Capture. This old guy is an old man and I believe he can handle this matter. It would be appropriate for Yan Chixia and Bao Shunguang to help him.

After Yang Yiyun gave the instructions, he became the hands-off shopkeeper. Meng Tian stayed behind and started patrolling with more than a thousand ghost cultivators. However, Yang Yiyun gave him an order, asking Meng Tian to lead people to find an environment suitable for their ghost cultivators. , we will build a ghost palace in the future.

After Meng Tian took the order and left, Yang Yiyun saw that there were red-clothed and snow cats in the field, and of course there were also miscellaneous birds.

The miscellaneous feathered bird had no rules and fluttered its wings and landed on his shoulder. The snow cat was still a little cold between him and him, but it seemed to have a good impression of Hong Yi and squatted on Hong Yi's shoulder.

As for Hong Yi, Yang Yiyun knew that Hong Yi's consciousness seemed to be with the factory director, and he would not have too much restraint on Hong Yi, because in the last battle with the Demon Emperor, Hong Yi actually had the consciousness to actively block his attack.

Based on this alone, Yang Yiyun knew that Hong Yi's success was not in vain, and he would have to be better in the future.

Taking advantage of some time, Yang Yiyun planned to refine a set of armor for Hong Yi. Firstly, it was to reward Hong Yi, and secondly, it was to avoid embarrassment, because Hong Yi's physical body was too strong. She was fine every time she fought, but the clothes on her body were But it will break into pieces, causing Chi Guoguo to be furious. It's really embarrassing to take it so seriously.

After thinking about it, Yang Yiyun said to the God and Demon Bird: "Crow, you and Snow Cat go wandering around. I will take Hongyi to refine a set of armor for him. Otherwise, you can also go to the top of this mountain. The top of the mountain The old willow tree on the edge of the cliff is the existence of Shinto Nirvana. Maybe it comes from the same place as you?"

"You kid, hurry up and pull me down. If I meet a creature from heaven in this state, wouldn't I be laughed at to death? If I don't go, I won't go. It's great to fly freely here." After finishing speaking, the magic bird flashed its wings. He flew up, hovered in the air and said to the snow cat: "Little wild cat, how about we go take a look at this sword formation?"


The snow cat was very unhappy with being called a little wild cat by the God and Demon Bird. He let out a scream, stood on his head with all his hair and pounced on the God and Demon Bird.

The pair of enemies gave chase again and disappeared into the distance in the blink of an eye.

Yang Yiyun shook his head and smiled, then left with Hong Yi.

He found a flash in his consciousness and asked Hong Yi to protect him. He began to refine armor for Hong Yi.

Today, Mr. Yang is considered to be wealthy. He has killed so many enemies and collected a lot of storage rings. He took out all the things and selected the materials for refining armor. He quickly found a lot of them. Start refining...

The main color is still red. Although he rarely refines armor, it doesn't mean he doesn't know how to do it. The secret method taught to him by the old man included the refining method.

Coupled with his later experience in the Immortal Refining Alliance, not to mention that he can refine top-notch armor, but with the Qinglian Immortal Fire, he can bring his tempering to the extreme. Of course, the tempering method is Qijun Dao. The tempering method of elixirs and the tempering of alchemy and weapon refining are all the same. I believe the armor refined in this way will not be bad.

It took Yang Yiyun three months to refine a set of red armor from head to toe.

After the armor was formed, it shone with a bright red light, which was not bad. It looked very good. After a flash of inspiration, Yang Yiyun copied the nine inscriptions on the Kunpeng egg and carved them on the armor.

Although he was copying a cat and a tiger, his copying was pretty good. When the nine Kunpeng inscriptions were finished, he thought of the three inscriptions on the crystal stele at the foot of the Crystal Mountain, and simply engraved them all on it.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, it would be good to have a few more inscriptions. Although I don’t know the function of these inscriptions, I felt good at first.

The inscriptions on the Kunpeng egg have the effect of suppressing evil spirits, but the three inscriptions on the crystal Taoist tablet have the function of understanding the Tao. This may help Hongyi better nourish his consciousness.


After the last inscription was carved, the entire armor let out a roar, but it was filled with red light. The twelve inscriptions he carved on it were bright and golden, but they flowed, adding a bit of mystery.

Yang Yiyun suddenly opened his eyes, but he was overjoyed. He didn't expect that after copying and carving the twelve inscriptions, the grade of the armor would be increased from a low-grade armor to a high-grade armor. It was really an unexpected surprise.

Yang Yiyun is very happy about this. He seems to have found the secret method for refining immortal weapons in the future. The nine inscriptions on the Kunpeng egg and the three inscriptions on the crystal stele can both enhance the level.

This is still the function of his copying. If he can fully understand everything in the future, his power will be greatly increased.

"Come in in red~"

Yang Yiyun shouted outside the cave.

Refining this set of armor this time, or more appropriately called a battle armor, cost him a lot of accumulated treasures from heaven and earth, but he thought it was worth it, because the power of the red clothes could indeed help him a lot in battle.

In the future, Hong Yi's consciousness will gradually mature, and I believe she will bring herself even greater surprises.

The man in red suddenly appeared in front of Yang Yiyun silently.

"I have refined a suit of armor for you, try it on, and remember to control it with your consciousness." Yang Yiyun instructed.

He could feel the mental fluctuations in red clothes moving, expressing the fluctuating emotions of joy.

The next moment there was a crash, Hong Yi simply and roughly shattered the ordinary clothes on his body.

Yang was a little dumbfounded at this time. The scene of Chi Guoguo appeared, which made him a little embarrassed. Looking at Chi Guoguo's red clothes and pure white skin, his face felt a little hot, and he swallowed saliva unconsciously, but he forgot about it. avoid.

Fortunately, in the blink of an eye, Hong Yi put on the battle armor, wearing a helmet, and the swallow-shaped mask on the helmet showed some curious eyes. The battle armor and boots were like one piece, with flowing golden inscriptions, and they all looked heroic. The spirit and visual sense are very good.

After coming back to his senses, Yang Yiyun said: "This armor is called the red armor. From now on, you don't have to worry about the embarrassment of broken clothes~"

"Thank...thank you~"

The mental fluctuation came out, the word "difficult" came out.

But Yang Yiyun was extremely happy to hear that Hongyi responded proactively, which showed that her thoughts were growing, which was a good thing.

He laughed and said: "Let's go, it's time for me to go find Old Willow to solve my problem~"

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