My Master Is a God

Chapter 2224 Civil Crystal Treasure

When Yang Yiyun heard that the last sentence Duan Qian Huxiao said was the word "efficiency", he immediately laughed and said in his heart: "This second generation ancestor still has an affair with the young master? Haha, so what if it's just for fun?"

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun said: "The owner of Huxiao Villa may have misunderstood. I just traveled around and heard about the hot spring water in Huxiao Villa, so I came to take a look. Of course, I also thought that if I could have the opportunity to witness it, it would be the most beautiful thing." The best thing is, my proposal to the captain of the guard is that if you can let me see the hot spring, I am willing to refine elixirs for Guishan Villa..."

Anyway, Yang Yiyun didn't say the word "efficiency". He was just practicing Tai Chi, leaving Duan Qian Huxiao in suspense. Of course, he also knew that it would not be easy to get Duan Qianhuxiao's immortal.

For the time being, I’m watching the game with this second-generation ancestor.

"Hahaha~" Duan Qian Huxiao burst out laughing, and then said: "I, Duan Qianhuxiao, can only dream of an alchemist like Mr. Yang. As for the hot spring in Mr. Yang's mouth, I can tell you the truth. It does exist. Well, if my husband can make elixirs for the villa, it would be a piece of cake for him to experience it himself.

And... Mr. Dissatisfaction said that Reling Spring is just one of the treasures of my Huxiao Villa. If Mr. Yang can stay in the Villa for a long time and serve the Villa, let alone Reling Spring, I will build a special one for him. The Reling Spring Hall is for my husband’s cultivation. The water in the Reling Spring in my villa is rich in celestial energy and can be tempered and washed. It is of infinite use to my cultivation. It is truly a treasure in the world.

Of course, compared to Reling Spring, there is a kind of worldly treasure in Lingquan. That is the real treasure. For alchemy people like Mr., it is simply a priceless treasure. If Mr. can stay and work, I can promise you to give him that treasure. I give my husband one as a gift every year, but I don’t know what his business is like? "

Yang Yiyun was greatly moved when he heard what Duan Qian Huxiao said, but he didn't know what kind of treasure this second-generation ancestor was talking about?

He picked up a glass of immortal wine and took a sip, then asked with great interest: "But you don't know that the owner of Huxiao Manor said it is suitable for a treasure? It is a priceless treasure for us alchemists. Forgive me, I have never heard of it?"

Duan Qian Huxiao had a proud look on his face and said with a smile: "I know you don't believe it, sir. As the saying goes, hearing is false and seeing is true, so I will show you whether this thing can meet your discernment~"

While Duan Qian Huxiao was speaking, an earthy yellow halo flickered in his hand, and then a thumb-sized crystal appeared in his hand, which looked like liquid condensation.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun felt the napping god and demon bird on his shoulder tremble, but he said through the voice: "Earth crystals~ This is a good thing for weaklings. It is indeed a priceless treasure for alchemists. Find a way to get it~"

The sound transmission of the God and Demon Bird is also exciting.

Yang Yiyun has never seen or heard of civil engineering crystals?

I couldn't help but ask via voicemail: "Tell me clearly, what is the use of this thing?"

"The power of the five elements of heaven and earth is the cornerstone of the great road, and is the time when all things are composed. This earth and wood crystal is the essence of the five elements of earth and wood. The earth, the essence of the power of the earth, and the essence of grass and trees, are to form the crystal of earth and wood. It must be a geomantic treasure land. It gathers the power of the earth and the power of vegetation and takes millions of years or more to form. It is even more difficult to coincidentally combine the two.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult. This is no longer a question of how long it will take to form. It requires the right time, place, people, and other conditions to form the treasure of earth and wood crystallization in one ten thousandth of the time.

Earth is the core of the earth. It governs all things and is extremely tolerant. In other words, it is compatible with everything. The attribute of wood is vitality. It nourishes all things and regenerates them. What is rare is that the two are combined together to form a powerful force in the world. The perfect combination.

The reason why earth and wood crystals are priceless treasures for alchemists is because the tolerance of earth and wood crystals can not only neutralize the properties of all elixirs, but also increase the yield rate of elixirs. Even the most common elixirs can be refined. Improving the quality by 30% out of thin air can indeed be said to be the most precious treasure for alchemists.

Putting aside the point of alchemy, in fact, having earth and wood crystals in hand can also be used for the art of weapon refining. The art of weapon refining is well known. The most difficult thing is that the weapon refiner encounters good materials but has a hard time refining them. Often the flames of many refiners cannot melt some strange stone materials, and it takes a lot of effort and time to melt them. But once a little earth and wood crystals are added, it will be different.

It can be melted easily. This thing can be said to be a treasure that can be found but cannot be found. In order to win you over, Duan Qian Huxiao actually took out this thing easily and told you that Huxiao Villa has such a treasure. Sure enough, He is a second generation ancestor.

If the outside world knew that there was a civil crystallization in Huxiao Villa, even if he was a direct descendant of the Duan Qian family, it would attract the attention of powerful people.

The boy should find a way to get his hands on this thing. It is rare. If you are not wrong, there must be civil engineering crystals in Huxiao Villa, and there should be a lot of them. Now it seems that the construction of the Relingquan Palace is just a cover, 80% The purpose of this large-scale construction project is to strengthen the defense of the land where the construction works are crystallized..."

Yang Yiyun listened to the voice transmission of the God and Demon Bird, his eyes became brighter and moonier, and he couldn't help but nod in his heart, this is a must.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun pretended to be surprised and lost his voice: "Earth and wood crystallization?"

Duan Qian Huxiao was very satisfied with Yang Yiyun's gaffe, smiled and nodded: "Mr. Yang is indeed very knowledgeable. Yes, it is the crystallization of civil engineering. Now, sir, are you willing to stay and work for my villa?"

Yang Yiyun smiled and said: "Earth and wood crystals are a coveted treasure for us alchemists. With this thing, my alchemy method will definitely take a further step forward. Why don't I want to?"

"Hahaha, okay~" Duan Qianhuxiao laughed, very happy.

"However, I only agree to be a guest at the villa, not a servant." Yang Yiyun slowly added, although it was a temporary deal, but he still didn't want Duan Qianhuxiao to dictate to him. The guest is just to worship and only contribute. You can not listen to some orders that go against your wishes, and your status is also high.

It would be different if he was a servant, he would be treated like a dog.

He looked at Duan Qianhuxiao's look, as if he wanted him to sell himself, which he naturally refused to do.

And Duan Qian Huxiao did think so. When he heard Yang Yiyun's addition, he was stunned and felt a little unhappy. Naturally, what he needed was loyalty.

But Yang Yiyun was obviously unwilling and only agreed to be a guest.

With the power and strength of his Duan Qian family, it is no problem to recruit guests, and there is no shortage of guests. However, Yang Yiyun is an alchemist, and at the level of Grand Master. This is different. Although he doesn't like it, there is nothing he can do about it. He needs someone. A powerful alchemist is at your side.

Duan Qian Huxiao narrowed his eyes, looked at Yang Yiyun and said: "Sir, you should know the value of earth and wood crystals, and I can also give you a salary of 50,000 high-grade immortal stones every year. Go forward to the ruins and I will read the skills in the Duan Qian Family Kung Fu Pavilion. Sir, please consider three opportunities. If you are just a guest, I will give you at most one earth-wood crystal, 20,000 high-grade immortal stones per year, and one chance to go to my Duan Qian Family Kung Fu Pavilion~"

Yang Yiyun had a smile on his face, but he was cursing in his heart: "Is this stupid young man worth such a fairy stone?"

But he said: "I'll be my guest first, and we'll talk later. After all, you and I have just met, haven't you, Master Duan Qian?"

Duan Qianhuxiao knew that people like alchemists had weird bad tempers. He thought that Yang Yiyun was right. It was a bit unrealistic to ask someone to sell himself after just meeting him. He was too anxious. It would be better to be a guest first. , he believed that Yang Yiyun would transform from a guest guest into a loyal dog beside Duan Qian Huxiao in the future. He had this confidence.

Duan Qian Huxiao was relieved when he thought of this, and he laughed and said: "Okay, as Mr. Yang said, from now on Mr. Yang will be my guest at Huxiao Villa. For all subsequent matters, please just ask the captain of the guard. If you have any needs, I will satisfy you sir." , is that good?"

Yang Yiyun smiled: "Very good, very good. Thank you to the owner of the village."

But he didn't expect Duan Qian Huxiao smiled brightly and said: "Sir, don't be in a hurry to thank me. Since you are a master of alchemy, Duan wants to see your alchemy skills. It's good to use this earth and wood crystal to refine it." Let Duan Mou open his eyes, is this earth and wood crystallization as magical as the legend says? I wonder if it is convenient for you sir?"

Yang Yiyun sneered in his heart. He knew that this second generation ancestor was going to test his alchemy skills. With confidence on his face, he smiled slightly and said: "That's fine, I also want to see if this earth and wood crystal has not improved the level as rumored. You are capable, but you don’t know what elixir the village owner wants to make?”

When speaking, Mr. Yang showed great confidence, meaning that you, Duan Qianhuxiao, have the final say on what elixir to refine, and I will convince you.

Duan Qian Huxiao was stunned when he saw Yang Yiyun's confidence. He had prepared an elixir recipe before he came, and wanted to test Yang Yiyun to see if he was a master of alchemy?

Now it seems that maybe I have overthought it. Thinking about the Alchemy Grand Master Token issued by the Immortal Refining Alliance, no one really dares to fake it!

But what should be tested is to test. He laughed loudly, waved a jade slip and appeared in his hand: "Sir, please see, can this elixir be refined?"

Yang Yiyun took the jade slip with a calm expression and cursed in his heart: "You idiot, you are so rude~"

At this moment, he was also murmuring, what if there was some weird elixir recipe that he couldn't refine?

But no matter what, I am already riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off, so I can only bite the bullet and look at the jade slips.

As soon as his spiritual consciousness swept over the jade slip, Yang Yiyun was shocked, and the murderous intention flashed in his heart.

It's not that it can't be refined, but the internal elixir is an extremely vicious poison elixir.

"How is Mr. Yang? Can it be refined?" Duan Qianhuxiao asked.

"No problem, but in Yang's opinion, this poisonous elixir is too poisonous, and it is unethical to refine it. Does the owner really want to refine it?" Yang Yiyun asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"Hahaha, Sir, although you refine it, the Second Poison Pill is not for use on your own people. Some time ago, I grabbed a hard bone and brought an extremely powerful puppet with me. I used this pill to try them, hehe. , Ya Sheng's physical body, but I don't know if this poison pill can be melted..." Duan Qian Huxiao said leisurely with a perverted craziness and playful light in his eyes.

At this moment, Yang Yiyun's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He suddenly thought of the soul-taking ancestor and Heijia. Wasn't the sub-sage puppet just Heijia?

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