My Master Is a God

Chapter 2237 The Ten Immortal Emperors of the Duan Qian Family

Yang Yiyun showed a pure smile and said, "Do you believe me when I say that Xingchenzi is my second senior brother?"

Duan Qian glared hard and wanted to curse Yang Yiyun, but he couldn't see the slightest hint of joking in Yang Yiyun's eyes. For practitioners, it's easy to identify lies. You can tell it from the eyes, as long as the other person looks at you. You'll know if it's a lie.

Duan Qian stared hard at Yang Yiyun's eyes. Yang Yiyun didn't avoid it at all, it was extremely clear.

At this moment Duan Qian Dali knew that Yang Yiyun was not lying.

In this way, the first Immortal Emperor Xingchenzi in the immortal world is really his second senior brother~! ! !

Second senior brother? The first immortal emperor?

In one sentence, a very, very powerful message is revealed.

As for Xing Chenzi, the No. 1 Immortal Emperor, in the Duan Qian family, his ears were calloused because the patriarch of the Duan Qian family was the Immortal Emperor. The entire Duan Qian family knew about the top ten Immortal Emperors, especially the first Immortal Emperor. Xingchenzi, in Duan Qian Dali’s mind, was a mythical and powerful figure.

But now Yang Yiyun said that Xingchenzi was his second senior brother, and the second senior brother... Doesn't it mean that there is also a senior brother, and other senior brothers, sisters, sisters, and brothers?

What kind of sect is this?

Anyway, I have never heard of the first Immortal Emperor Xing Chenzi having any sect, but just because I haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean that I don’t have one. Xing Chenzi’s label means that he is powerful and mysterious.

Duan Qian swallowed hard, looked at Yang Yiyun and said, " you dare to swear?"

"Why don't you dare? God, if Xingchenzi is not my second senior brother Yang Yiyun, I will be punished by God and be punished by five thunderbolts." Yang Yiyun swore on the spot.

There is no objection to the great efforts in this next section.

Still swallowing, he immediately let go of Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, and lifted their seals.

And he himself took a step forward, knelt down to Yang Yiyun and said: "Duan Qian Dali pays homage to the master. From now on, my life, Duan Qian Dali, belongs to the master. I have offended many times before. Please forgive me, master."

Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief, finally no longer needing to be tainted by the cause and effect.

But he also smiled and said: "Get up, I want to thank you."

"Thank me?" Duan Qian Dali was a little confused.

"Forget it, we'll discuss this later. We should leave here, otherwise we won't be able to leave if reinforcements from the Duan Qian family arrive." Yang Yiyun urged, signaling the two little fairies and Duan Qian to leave vigorously.

Since Duan Qian Dali had already worshiped Yang Yiyun as his master, he naturally left without saying anything at this time. He also knew that reinforcements from the Duan Qian family would come.

Above the starry sky, Yang Yiyun was riding the Jagged King. On the back of the Jagged King was Duan Qian Dali. As for Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, he naturally took them into the space of the Qiankun Pot.

With one less person, Sawtooth King will have less burden, and it will naturally fly faster. Of course, there are other ordinary Sawtooth Birds, but they can't keep up with Sawtooth King's speed.

The reason why he brought Duan Qian Dali with him was because he also wanted to learn about the Duan Qian family from Duan Qian Dali's mouth.

"Except for Duan Qian Hanshan, the patriarch of the Duan Qian family, is there anyone with a higher cultivation level among the powerful Duan Qian family?" Yang Yiyun asked.

"I have never met the master. Duan Qian Huxiao accidentally said it once again. There seems to be an ancestor in their family, but I don't know what the situation is. But I think his cultivation level is not higher than that of the patriarch Duan Qianhanshan. Ruo~" Duan Qian Dali is now betraying the Duan Qian family by answering Yang Yiyun's questions and taking Yang Yiyun's position.

Anyway, he only has fear and fear for the Duan Qian family, but he has no sense of belonging, because he is a domestic slave, and their ancestor was a servant captured by the Duan Qian family. He was named Duan Qian, but he didn't even know what his ancestor's surname was.

As for his family, he was beaten to death by the Duan Qian family for making mistakes when he was very young. In the final analysis, he only hates the Duan Qian family.

After the matter was discussed, Duan Qian Dali asked Yang Yiyun to rename him. Yang Yiyun thought about it and casually said that he would be called Yang Dali from now on.


Duan Qian Dali was wrong about this, Yang Dali should have no objections now.

Anyway, Dali has been named Dali for many years, as long as his surname is not Duan Qian.

Yang Yiyun felt a little heavy after listening to Yang Dali saying that the Duan Qian family had an ancestor who had never been born or even seen by anyone. He thought that most of the ancestors of the Duan Qian family were immortal-level beings. .

It would still be safe to return to Yunmen Base as soon as possible.

"The title of the patriarch of the Duan Qian family is the Divine Tiger. I also saw the Divine Tiger Guards at Huxiao Villa. What is the situation of the Divine Tiger of the Duan Qian Family?" Yang Yiyun was really curious about the Divine Tiger of the Duan Qian Family.

The patriarch of the Duan Qian family is the Titled Immortal Emperor, known as the Divine Tiger, and he also has the Divine Tiger Guards. Duan Qian Huxiao also took out a tiger talisman before, and it was quite powerful. It actually made Duan Qianhuxiao go from Immortal King to the late Immortal Emperor. , really awesome.

So Yang Yiyun is very curious.

Is there really a magic tiger in the Duan Qian family?

Others may not know if you ask them, but people of Yang Dali's generation in the Duanqian family must know some of the secrets of the Duanqian family. Even if they don't know the core secrets, they have at least heard some of them.

Sure enough, Yang Dali said: "The reason why the Duan Qian family can become one of the top ten families in the immortal world, and even Duan Qian Hanshan can become the fifth titled Immortal Emperor, is because the Duan Qian family is rumored to have the power of the divine tiger. There is a rumor that Duan Qian Hanshan is the fifth Immortal Emperor. The ancestor of the Qian family subdued a divine tiger. Later, the divine tiger fell, but the divine power was still there. Later, the descendants of the Duan Qian family used the power of the divine tiger to practice and created the divine tiger guards and so on. It was quite terrifying anyway. of."

Yang Yiyun gasped after hearing this, "Is there really a divine tiger like this?"

Although it sounds like the Duan Qian family is playing with the corpse of a divine tiger, since it is called a divine tiger, it is not a creature from the fairy world, but obviously a thing from the divine realm.

This Duanqian family is indeed not simple.

The two of them chatted and asked questions in the starry sky. Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye they entered the Chaotic Fairyland...

What Yang Yiyun didn't know was that after they left, ten people came to the Tiger Roaring Fairy Mountain.

The leader is an Immortal Emperor Dzogchen Immortal, followed by nine others.

All ten people are Immortal Emperor Dzogchen.

These have unified signs, and like the people in Huxiao Villa, they are obviously members of the Duan Qian family.

"All the adults are dead, without exception. The treasures of the forbidden area have also been stolen. The third young master is definitely dead."

"I will chase him to the ends of the earth and cut him into pieces. If he dares to kill members of the Duan Qian family and rob the Duan Qian family's treasures, he is really too long to live~"

"Sir, it looks like he left not long ago. Maybe we can catch up~"

"Let's go and chase."

The top ten Immortal Emperors are all at the Dzogchen level. This kind of power is indeed terrifying. If it were not for the great clans in the Immortal World, it would be difficult to dispatch the top ten Immortal Emperors at once.

The leader among them is Duan Qian Hanshui, the younger brother of the patriarch of the Duan Qian family, and the rest are the core guest officials of the Duan Qian family.

After the news about Duan Qian Huxiao came out this time, it shocked the entire Duanqian family. The patriarch personally ordered his younger brother Duan Qianhanshui to lead nine core guests to Huxiao Fairy Mountain and ordered the murderer to pay for his life. Duanqian Huxiao must avenge him. To recover the Duan Qian family's treasure.

This is a dead order.

For Duan Qian Hanshui, when the ten Immortal Emperors are dispatched in the Great Perfection, they are naturally not afraid of anyone. They are a powerful force in the entire Immortal World, and there is nothing they cannot do.

Each Immortal Emperor has his or her own talent. After arriving at Huxiao Villa, they checked the scene and found out what happened, and started to pursue them.

Yang Yiyun took Yang Dali to ride the Sawtooth King and continued to fly in the starry sky. The speed was not slow at all. In fact, he was also afraid that the masters of the Duan Qian family would come, so he let the Sawtooth King fly at the fastest speed and finally saw the Chaos Fairyland.

At this time, Yang Yiyun breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he reached the Chaos Fairyland, he would basically feel relieved.

Firstly, the Chaos Fairyland is not a kind place. There are countless masters, and no one can run wild in the Chaos Fairyland. Secondly, he has a large formation set up by his second senior brother. As long as he enters the formation, it will be a natural defense. There is an old willow tree at the Yunmen base. Even if someone can break through the formation and rush in, they still have to pass the old willow tree.

He and Lao Liushu had a contract before, so they could naturally help each other.

Anyway, as long as you return to the Yunmen base, it means you are safe. If you have the ability, members of the Duan Qian family can come to the Cloud Gate formation~

Soon Yang Yiyun asked Jagged King to go straight to the center of the Chaos Fairyland and return to the Cloud Gate base.

But what they didn't know was that Duan Qian Hanshui led his men to pursue him all the way to the Chaos Fairyland.

On the sea of ​​stars above the Chaos Fairyland, Duan Qianhanshui and his party stopped.

"Sir, this is the Immortal Realm of Chaos, what should we do?" asked an Immortal Emperor.

Everyone in the Chaotic Immortal Realm knew something about it, and Duan Qian Hanshui even knew some secrets. At this time, he also became entangled.

Should we go into the Chaos Fairy Realm?

There are many powerful people in the Chaotic Immortal Realm. Duan Qianhanshui knows this very well, and the powerful creatures in the Chaotic Immortal Realm are very exclusive, especially any creature that has reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Once they enter the Chaotic Immortal Realm, they will be confused. The strong men in the Immortal Realm are watching in the dark, this is no joke.

Now that I think about the person who killed his nephew Duan Qian Huxiao, he must be someone from a certain force in the Chaotic Immortal Realm, or maybe someone with a good background. Now Duan Qian Hanshui is in a bit of trouble.

But if he really went back like this, it would be impossible. He came with the clan leader's death order, so it was impossible to go back. Besides, if he went back like this, wouldn't the Duan Qian family's face be completely lost in the future?

The Duan Qian family is just one of the ten major families in the immortal world. How many people are waiting to see the Duan Qian family’s jokes?

This time what happened to Duan Qian Huxiao, those forces must all know about it. For the big forces in the immortal world, everyone will know about a small incident. What's more, it was the clan leader's third son who died this time, and the treasure was lost.

If we don't take revenge to regain our face, the Duan Qian family will be a joke in the fairy world, and their majesty will be completely lost. Countless families will challenge them, and the trouble will be big. How many family forces are waiting to replace them, the Duan Qian family...

Thinking of this, Duan Qian Hanshui said in a deep voice: "His forces in the Chaotic Immortal Realm are not invincible. We only seek revenge on that kid, and we won't provoke the rest. If someone doesn't open his eyes, our Duan Qian family is not easy to offend. Let's go." , Entering the Chaos Fairyland."

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