My Master Is a God

Chapter 2239 The position of the guest elder

Dongfang Haotian's eyes widened after listening to Yang Yiyun's story...

Dongfang Haotian didn't have time to ask about Yang Yiyun's visit to Huxiao Villa. At this moment, the ten Immortal Emperors appeared, and Dongfang Haotian knew that things were not simple.

I thought that the most Yang Yiyun could do was kill Duan Qian Huxiao, but now I know that Yang Yiyun actually directly destroyed the entire Huxiao Villa and left some treasures half empty.

Although I don't know what the treasure is, but the masters who can make the Duan Qian family dispatch the ten Immortal Emperors at once, it is conceivable that the treasure Yang Yiyun takes away must be a heavy treasure.

Otherwise, how could it be so labor intensive?

Dongfang Haotian could only smile bitterly in his heart.

But for him, since he chose to stand by Yang Yiyun's side, he had made a decision and had to deal with difficulties.

Although he is the Great Perfection of the Ten Immortal Emperors, he is not afraid even though he is the Titled Immortal Emperor.

As long as Duan Qianhanshan, who is also the titled Immortal Emperor, doesn't come, Dongfang Haotian can handle it.

What's more, there is still a large formation at this moment, and this large formation is the one set up by the first Immortal Emperor Xing Chenzi himself. It is extremely powerful. Dongfang Haotian believes that the ten immortal emperors of the Duan family cannot break this large formation.

Dongfang Haotian smiled bitterly and said: "You... forget it, since you have done everything and people are knocking on your door, there is no reason to retreat. What do you want to do next?"

Yang Yiyun looked at Dongfang Haotian's narrowed eyes and knew that the old man's words had profound meaning.

Looking at the top ten Immortal Emperors of the Duan Qian family outside the formation, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said: "To tell the truth, the old man, from the moment I killed Duan Qian Huxiao, destroyed this Huxiao Villa, and took away the treasures of the Duan Qian family, the relationship between me and The Duan Qian family is in a desperate situation.

Even if I kneel down and beg for mercy, the Duan Qian family will definitely not let me go, so... Since it is a dead end, let's kill him. I will kill as many as the Duan Qian family is older, until they are afraid, until they dare not Until you come to trouble me.

In addition, I want to establish Yunmen in the Immortal World, gain a firm foothold in the Immortal World, and establish a sect in the Immortal World, so I, Yunmen, need stepping stones, and the first stepping stone should start with the Duan Qian family~"


Dongfang Haotian suddenly gasped when he heard Yang Yiyun speak.

Taking the Duan Qian family, one of the top ten families in the immortal world, as the stepping stone for the establishment of Yunmen, this...

This kid's appetite is really as big as the sky.

What kind of Cloud Gate will he establish?

This tone and ambition are a bit scary~

When I heard Yang Yiyun say that he wanted to establish a sect before, Dongfang Haotian didn't care and didn't think much about it. There are many people starting sects in the immortal world. It can be said that countless sects will be established every day in the entire immortal world, and there are also some. Countless sects were destroyed.

But they are all ordinary sects.

Dongfang Haotian initially thought that the sect Yang Yiyun wanted to establish was an ordinary sect.

But now when he listened to Yang Yiyun speak, he realized that he was wrong. Yang Yiyun's ambition was much greater than he thought.

Dongfang Haotian has lived for so long, but he has never heard of someone establishing a sect that uses the power of the top ten families in the fairy world as a stepping stone?

It really made Dongfang Haotian take a breath of air.

After a while, Dongfang Haotian looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Do you mean to keep all these ten immortal emperors?"

Of course, what Dongfang Haotian said about staying was to kill the ten immortal emperors of the Duan Qian family.

Yang Yiyun said without hesitation: "Yes, keep them."

Dongfang Haotian nodded, now he understood, and his eyes became appraised, and his eyes flashed. Once he made a decision, he would be unswerving.

Since Yang Yiyun wanted to kill the top ten immortal emperors of the Duan Qian family, he followed him, so he had no choice but to sacrifice his life to accompany Junzi.

Although it is unwise to provoke the Duan Qian family, Dongfang Haotian knows that the power behind Yang Yiyun is more powerful.

You can’t go wrong standing next to Yang Yiyun this time.

A first-name Immortal Emperor Xingchenzi is enough for Dongfang Haotian to stand beside Yang Yiyun, not to mention that Xingchenzi is only Yang Yiyun's second senior brother, so he must have other senior brothers and so on.

With such a background, Dongfang Haotian would only be stronger than the Duan Qian family.

So it was right to choose to stand next to Yang Yiyun.

When Yang Yiyun heard Dongfang Haotian speak, he knew that Dongfang Haotian was standing by his side. To be honest, he really needed Dongfang Haotian's support at the moment, because he had a foothold in the Chaos Fairyland and had the local force of the Dongfang Family to help him, not to mention fighting. The information alone would be of great help to him.

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun smiled and said to Dongfang Haotian: "Grandpa Dongfang, I, Yunmen, and the position of Elder Keqing are vacant. I wonder if Grandpa Dongfang is interested in coming?"

He didn't beat around the bush and started soliciting directly.

Dongfang Haotian was stunned. He didn't expect Yang Yiyun to be so direct.

But thinking about it made him laugh.

He opened his mouth and said: "Elder Keqing~ It sounds very good, then... I have met the sect master."

Dongfang Haotian was very straightforward and directly clasped his fists in front of Yang Yiyun in greeting. He agreed so readily for several reasons. First, his grandson Dongfang Iron Man had boarded Yang Yiyun's pirate ship and considered himself a disciple of Yunmen. He agreed for the sake of his grandson and his promise. .

The second is the background of Xing Chenzi or Yang Yiyun, and the third is that since he is standing by Yang Yiyun's side and will face the top ten immortal emperors of the Duangqian family, he must have a status, otherwise the name will not be justified.

And the last point is that he values ​​Yang Yiyun's potential the most. From the time he first met Yang Yiyun, to now this kid's cultivation speed is as fast as a rocket, and he can also cross levels to challenge the Immortal Emperor. There are few such people in the entire Immortal World. He is a freak, so Dongfang Haotian believes that Yang Yiyun's potential achievements will be infinite in the future.

Although the Dongfang family is a small family, it still needs to be passed down for a long time in the years to come. This requires a backer with great potential, and Yang Yiyun is the best choice.

Yang Yiyun burst out laughing, extremely happy: "Grandpa Dongfang doesn't need to be polite~"

Yang Yiyun was very happy with Dongfang Haotian's readily agreed.

The two of them, almost jokingly, decided on Yunmen's first guest in the immortal world, and he was also a titled Immortal Emperor.

Although he is the ninth-ranked being in the title of Immortal Emperor, there are only ten of them in the entire Immortal World. How can he be a simple person?

If there were any outsiders present, their jaws would definitely be dropped. The dignified Immortal Emperor actually entered Yunmen and was in the position of a guest elder.

However, Dongfang Haotian doesn't care, because he has a family and is the head of the family. If he becomes an elder of Yunmen in one step, he will have many more ties to take care of the family, so the position of elder Keqing is very suitable for him.

Yang Yiyun also considered this.

"What to do next? Fight out directly?" Dongfang Haotian asked Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun grinned, shook his head and said: "No, the power of this formation set up by my second senior brother has not been confirmed yet, but we don't know if there are any loopholes. We just use these ten immortal emperors to test the power. Let's Let them join the battle and kill them before it is too late."

After saying this, Yang Yiyun said to Dongfang Haotian: "By the way, Grandpa Dongfang will teach you the Star Formation Technique, so that you will not be affected by the formation within the great formation."

While speaking, Yang Yiyun stretched out his finger to Dongfang Haotian's eyebrows, and the light flickered into Dongfang Haotian's eyebrows, and passed the Grand Formation Technique to Dongfang Haotian. He had previously passed it to Dongfang Haotian but not to Dongfang Haotian. Iron Man is a good friend. When he brought Dongfang Haotian to Yunmen Base, he did not pass the Grand Formation Technique to Dongfang Haotian just because he was his grandfather.

After finishing, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and activated the array eyes in his body.


After opening and closing, the clouds and thunder mist outside the Star Sword Formation receded. He and Dongfang Haotian flew down the mountain peak and were suspended in the sight of the ten immortal emperors of the Duan Qian family.

Of course, they are still within the formation. As long as these people just enter the formation, he can use the power of the formation to fight with them.

Outside the formation, Duan Qianhanshui led the nine immortal emperors around him to attack the formation and yell at them. However, they failed to break through the formation for a while, and no one came out. When they dared to prepare for the second wave of attacks, they saw clouds and mist. Rolling away, an old man and a young man appeared in his sight.

The young man with white hair was the person who destroyed Huxiao Villa in the message sent by Duan Qian Huxiao before his death. He knew that this white-haired young man was called Yang Yiyun.

After chasing him all the way, it turned out to be him.

As for the older man, Duan Qianhanshui looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was for a moment, but it wasn't important anymore. What was important was that the culprit they were looking for, Yang Yiyun, appeared.

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