My Master Is a God

Chapter 2242: Kill nine and escape one

Not only the immortal emperors of the Duan Qian family, but also Yang Yiyun were full of wonder at Dongfang Haotian today. It was not that he had never seen Dongfang Haotian take action. When he was embarrassed by the immortal emperor of the Ximen family, he saw the old man take action, but that The time was just for the Ximen family to retreat in the face of difficulties. They never really thought that the old man would be as fierce as he is today.

Duan Qian Hanshui's face was extremely gloomy, he looked at Dongfang Haotian and said, "What does Dongfang Haotian's business today have to do with you? Do you want to be an enemy of my Duan Qian family?"

Although Duan Qian Hanshui was timid towards Dongfang Haotian, after all, Duan Qian Hanshui was not an ordinary person. He was one of the ten major families of the Immortal Family, the younger brother of the patriarch of the Duan Qian Family, and he was also the existence of the Great Perfection of the Immortal Emperor.

A true rich family.

In Duan Qian Hanshui's eyes, Dongfang Haotian is the ninth-ranked Immortal Emperor, and that's it.

The Duan Qian family is really not afraid of a ninth-titled Immortal Emperor. Of course, it would be best if they can't avoid conflict. If possible, he really doesn't want to be an enemy of Dongfang Haotian.

At this time, Dongfang Haotian chuckled and said: "I will answer your question first. Today I am the elder of Yunmen Keqing, and Yang Yiyun is the master of Yunmen, so this matter has something to do with me.

Also, are you threatening me? How about being an enemy of your Duanqian family? I would also like to advise you that the grudges you have with our Yunmen can be wiped out. As long as you swear an oath of heaven on behalf of the Duan Qian family, I will plead for you today to let you go. How about this? "

Dongfang Haotian counterattacked an army.

Duan Qian Hanshui's face turned completely gloomy, but he was more shocked. He didn't expect that the dignified Blood Drinking Immortal Emperor Dongfang Haotian actually said that he was the elder of Yunmen Keqing?

And Yang Yiyun is actually the leader of the Yun Sect?

Cloud Gate? ? ?

Never heard of it.

But since Yang Yiyun is the sect leader, he can't be any stronger. Maybe it's just a newly established sect, right?

Countless sects like this pop up in the fairy world every day.

Nothing to worry about.

It's just that it's a little hard for him to accept that Dongfang Haotian, a dignified and titled Immortal Emperor, would actually condescend to become the elder of Yunmen's Keqing?

"Then kill~"

Duan Qian Hanshui roared and ordered.

At this time, Yang Yiyun's killing array had already started, with one hundred and eight peaks and one hundred and eight sword energy crisscrossing in front of him.

At this moment, Duan Qianhanshui and the other nine immortal emperors were also shocked. The Meng family finally broke the illusion formation so that everyone could see each other and unite together, but now the sword energy fell from the sky, trying to isolate them again. It's coming.

Duan Qian Hanshui also saw this, and it was obvious that Yang Yiyun wanted to defeat them one by one.

But he had no choice but to deal with it.

Dongfang Haotian dodged and ran straight towards Duan Ganhanshui.

Yang Yiyun grinned and ordered to Hongyi, attacking an Immortal Emperor not far in front of him. At the same time, he waved his hand and the whole earthquake cloud thundered and rolled and the dark wind rose.

In an instant, the field was filled with clouds and fog, and for Duan Qian Hanshui and others, no one could see anyone.

"Boom boom boom..."

I remembered a series of roars in the field, which was a large array of sword energy moving across the field.


Although the large formation of sword energy is not precise, the 108 criss-crossing sword energy falling down, coupled with the interference from the clouds and mist, clouds and thunder, and the gathering of evil spirits, will always cause some people to be injured.

Just the first wave of attacks caused six people to be injured by the sword energy, and one person died directly.

Duan Gan Hanshui was sweating on his forehead now, and now Dongfang Haotian launched an attack on him. The blood-drinking demon sword in his hand was shining with a bright red light, which was very strange and scary.

"The divine tiger joins the body~"


Duan Qian Hanshui's expression changed, but he used the Duan Qian family's unique Divine Tiger Skill.


A phantom of a white tiger about thirty meters tall appeared behind him instantly. He suddenly took a picture and blocked Dongfang Haotian's sword, but it made the phantom of the white tiger behind him dim for a while.

Yang Yiyun glanced at it and was not worried at all. Although Duan Qianhanshui blocked Mr. Dongfang's knife, it was obvious that he was struggling. On the other hand, Dongfang Haotian applied freely and launched another attack.


A meow sounded.

Yang Yiyun saw that Snow Cat appeared out of thin air in front of an injured Immortal Emperor. He only felt a flash of silver light, and the Immortal Emperor screamed. The next moment, his body was missing and he was killed by Snow Cat.

Then the snow cat disappeared out of thin air again...

When Yang Yiyun saw this scene, his confidence was shaken, and he directed Hong Yi to rush towards the other injured Immortal Emperor.


Hongyi directly blasted the Immortal Emperor with one punch.

"Slaying the dragon, unsheathing the dragon~"

The two swords and scabbards merged into one, and they rushed out from the clouds and mist silently, heading straight towards an Immortal Emperor, one after another, attacking the target Immortal Emperor.

The sword in front of him was confusing, and the Immortal Emperor instinctively dodged, but he could not avoid the sword from behind. With a pop, an arrow pierced his heart.

Four Immortal Emperors have already fallen in such a meeting.

Yang Yiyun's heart moved again and he launched a second sword attack into the killing formation.

He squinted his eyes, but a sword talisman presented by his second senior brother also appeared in his hand. He hid in the clouds and mist and approached the two immortal emperors who were gathered together.

"Boom boom boom..."

The second one hundred and eight sword energy attacks fell, but they were still attacking in a criss-cross direction like a rainbow.

However, at this time, the remaining Immortal Emperor was already on guard and managed to dodge the large array of sword energy. However, Yang Yiyun did not expect to hurt or kill them the second time. All he needed was to distract them.

When the sword energy fell for the second time and these immortal emperors avoided it, Yang Yiyun activated the sword talisman in his hand.


The sword talisman burst out with bright silver light...

He hit two Immortal Emperors who had just escaped from the large array of sword energy.

The next moment, the sword talisman in his hand turned into hundreds of sword energy and flew towards the two immortal emperors in the bright silver light.

"Be careful~"

One of the Immortal Emperors was keenly aware of the bright sword energy flying from the clouds and roaring, and his whole body burst out in defense.

But after all, their speed is not as fast as Yang Yiyun's sword energy. The main thing is that this is the first sword talisman made by Xing Chenzi, the first Immortal Emperor Sword Emperor, and its power is extraordinary.

The two Immortal Emperors were swept away like lightning...


Screams rang out.

The next moment, the two immortal emperors were directly bombarded by the sword energy and turned into blood mist, disappearing completely.

Yang Yiyun was speechless. He didn't expect that the sword talisman given by his second senior brother was so powerful.

The two Immortal Emperors were killed before they had time to react.


There were screams.

Yang Yiyun turned his head and saw the figure of the snow cat flashing through the mist of the formation. The heads of the two immortal emperors were in different places.

In the blink of an eye, the nine immortal emperors were killed.

There was only one section of Ganhanshui left in the field.

Yang Yiyun knew that most of the credit for the success this time was due to the Second Senior Brother setting up this star formation.

There are defensive formations, phantom formations, killing formations, plus the innate clouds, thunder, fog and strong winds, which have a great impact on these immortal emperors, but they are not affected at all. Who makes the formation their own? Woolen cloth?

It's like these immortal emperors have become blind in the great formation, and a few of them have infrared rays in the dark. How can they fight if they don't fight now?

Although these Immortal Emperors are all Great Immortal Emperors, they have not been able to display their true strength. Yang Yiyun's control of the formation did not give them a chance to display their true abilities.

It’s not surprising to kill them.



On the other side, Duan Ganhanshui roared and flew backwards, vomiting blood.

His face was extremely pale and he was no match for Dongfang Haotian.

At this time, it was also discovered that the auras of the other Immortal Emperors were gone. Although they could not be seen in the clouds and mist, they could be sensed. Duan Qian Hanshui knew that the other Immortal Emperors had fallen.

Duan Ganhanshui is scared at this moment~

Looking at Dongfang Haotian walking step by step, his expression changed, and he gritted his teeth and let out a long roar: "Ah... ho ho ho~"

Suddenly, he saw the white tiger shadow behind Duan Qian Hanshui suddenly burst into flames.

Immediately afterwards, a flame rose into the sky with a roar, and the clouds and mist were dispersed, reaching the sky.

Yang Yiyun saw Duan Qian Hanshui jump up and disappear in the blink of an eye.

His face darkened, and he felt that Duan Qianhanshui had opened a big hole in the defense of the formation and escaped directly.

"Yang Yiyun and Dongfang Haotian, for today's hatred, my brother will definitely bring the entire Immortal Realm to crush you in the future..."

From outside the sky, Duan Qian Hanshui's voice of hatred gradually faded away.

At this time, Dongfang Haotian walked up to Yang Yiyun, looked at the sky and said: "The power of the divine tiger of the Duan Qian family is indeed well-deserved. This Duan Qian Hanshui is also a person, who directly burned the power of his life and the power of the divine tiger, but it is I didn’t expect to be able to break through the formation and escape~ahem~”

Dongfang Haotian sighed, but ended up coughing.

At this time, Yang Yiyun took a look and saw that there was blood on the corner of Dongfang Haotian's mouth.

He quickly asked: "Grandpa Dongfang, how are you?"

I always thought that Dongfang Haotian had the upper hand, but now it seemed that was not the case, and he was actually injured by Duan Qian Hanshui.

"Ahem~" Dongfang Haotian coughed lightly and waved his hands: "No problem, I had a head-on blow with Duan Qianhanshui. His divine tiger power was very domineering. A trace of it rushed into my body. It's a small injury. It will take a few days to recover." Just a month.”

Yang Yiyun listened to Dongfang Haotian's words, but he was also extremely shocked. The power of the Duan Qian family's divine tiger was so overbearing that it could even hurt Mr. Dongfang.

But in my heart, I wonder whether the power of the divine tiger of this true master is stronger or weaker than the power of the divine way in his body.

"Let me help you go back to heal~" Yang Yiyun said and helped Dongfang Haotian.

This time, Yang Yiyun was very satisfied with the results of killing nine immortal emperors, escaping one Duan Ganhanshui, and killing nine and one escaped. It also proved that the great power of the formation set up by the second senior brother was extraordinary.

Of course, it is not without loopholes. Duan Qian Hanshui can break through the formation and escape after burning the power of the divine tiger. I will talk to the second senior brother about this loophole next time I see him and see if it can be improved.

"The snow cat cleans the battlefield~"

Yang Yiyun warned Snow Cat and helped Dongfang Haotian towards the inner door.

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