My Master Is a God

Chapter 2245 Immortal King Qiankun

Biquge, the fastest update. My master is a god!


A sharp cat meow sounded immediately.

But no one saw any fur appearing, including those who were watching from a distance. They just heard an eardrum-piercing meow.

The next moment, screams continued: "Ahhhhhh..."

No more, no less than thirteen screams.

In less than three breaths, the thirteen immortal monarchs of the Dugu family around them died tragically on the spot, or had big snow holes in their chests, or their heads exploded, or their throats were cut, but their immortal souls did not escape.

All thirteen people died suddenly.

The scary thing is that the onlookers didn't see anyone take action at all. Let's talk about Yang Yiyun. Yang Yiyun stood there without moving his hands.

Yang Yiyun seemed to say something about snow cats clearing the place, and the next moment all thirteen immortals of the Dugu family died suddenly and tragically on the spot.



The spectators all around gasped.

This is……

What method is this?

Yang Yiyun's words caused thirteen immortal kings to die on the spot.

"Haha~ It's your turn~" Yang Yiyun was very satisfied with Snow Cat's methods.

Snow Cat's concealment method is difficult for even an ordinary Immortal Emperor to detect, let alone an Immortal Lord?

The next moment, Yang Yiyun smiled at Brother Shanghe and said, "It's your turn."

But it made Shanghe tremble all over.

Although he could also kill thirteen immortal kings, he couldn't do it within three breaths, not to mention dying without seeing anything.

What kind of method is this?

Just now, he also heard Yang Yiyun say something about snow cats clearing the place, and as a result, thirteen immortal emperors of the Dugu family died suddenly.

Now I think about it, there must be some kind of strong person hidden next to Yang Yiyun.

What level of strong man was he? He was silent and didn't notice it at all. At this time, Shanghe was really scared.

But now that the matter has come to this, there is no way out. He turned his eyes and said to his brother Hanhan: "Kill him, Hanhan~"

"Hanhan kill... kill him~" Hanhan, a big man with low IQ, mumbled something in his mouth and rushed towards Yang Yiyun.

At the same time, Shanghe turned into a white light and disappeared in an instant, but he escaped far away.

He had no choice but to escape. He knew that Yang Yiyun had experts around him, so he would not do anything he was not sure about.

The shameless thing is that he pushed his brother out at the end to resist Yang Yiyun, hoping to buy him time to escape.

Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and flashed murderous intent. How could he not see the purpose of hurting the river? He immediately said: "Snow Mao, go catch him, don't kill him."

The hidden snow cat will know when it meows.

At the same time, the big man Hanhan, also known as Shang He's younger brother, threw himself in front of Yang Yiyun, raised his fist as big as a casserole and punched Yang Yiyun's face.

Yang Yiyun, on the other hand, looked up suddenly with a calm look on his face, and pressed down on Hanhan from a distance: "Suppress~explode~"


With these two words in his mouth, the big guy in front of him threw himself at Hanhan. Without even making a scream, Yang Yiyun slapped him into a mist of blood, and he died without a complete body.

Now, when faced with the Immortal King level, Mr. Yang can crush him invincibly at 360 degrees, and he can kill Shang He's younger brother Hanhan with one palm.

From then on, Yang Yiyun felt a lot of death energy in this person, the death energy belonging to mortals. This showed that this big fool had killed many mortals. He slapped him to death, and his death was not a pity.

Just when he killed the big guy with one palm, a scream pierced the sky a hundred meters away.


Yang Yiyun heard that it was Shang He who had escaped who was screaming.

It's natural for Snow Cat to take action against a Shang He.

Even if someone Yang takes action, it will be bullying them.

Although the bastard Immortal King Shang He is the second-ranked existence among the titled Immortal Kings, it is not worth mentioning to him. He has fucked someone even the Great Immortal Emperor.

Not to mention Snow Cat, she can fight even the Great Immortal Emperor in one-on-one, and she can easily capture a bastard Immortal King.


Just when Yang Yiyun was about to go over and take a look, there was a roar in the distance.

I saw a strong demonic energy rising into the sky.


And the snow cat also let out a long roar.

"Eh~ It's interesting to see that this bastard is also a magician." Yang Yiyun muttered to himself, and instantly appeared on the edge of the battlefield between Xue Mao and Shang He.

But I saw an interesting scene.

He saw Shang He's body still lying on the ground, with a large area of ​​blood on his lower body. Yang Yiyun was overjoyed when he saw it, but he found that Shang He had been transformed into a eunuch by the snow cat.

However, this bastard Immortal King is indeed worthy of the title of Immortal King.

However, the demonic energy surged up in his body and transformed into his own appearance. In Yang Yiyun's eyes, it was as if a fairy soul had left his body.

I don’t know what kind of magic skill he is practicing, but he looks a little evil at this moment.

Both immortals and demons.

He directly abandoned his physical body and the immortal soul left his body to condense a large amount of demonic energy, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a nine-meter-tall demonic soul body.

The whole body is filled with demonic aura, which looks very intimidating.


A cat meowed, but Snow Cat appeared directly.

He opened his mouth and spat out a stream of white air at the demon king's demon state.

" deserve to die~"

Shanghe roared angrily, but allowed the snow cat's ice energy to penetrate into the demon soul's body.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun was surprised. Snow Cat's ice energy did not cause any harm to Shang He. Instead, Shang He roared angrily the next moment, and the billowing demonic energy swept away at Snow Cat.

At this time, Yang Yiyun narrowed his eyes and said, "Snow Cat, step back."

Yang Yiyun knew that Shanghe in the demon soul state was a bit evil, and substantive magic attacks might not be effective. He was afraid that Snow Cat would suffer a loss, so it would be more than worth the gain. He asked Snow Cat to stand down and he would deal with this bastard fairy king.

It might be difficult for others to deal with the Demonic Soul state, but it didn't exist for him.

It's just an Immortal King-level soul. If it were an Immortal Emperor's soul, it might be a little tricky, but for someone like Shang He, he could crush it.

When Snow Mao heard Yang Yiyun's voice, he was about to pounce on him, but he disappeared in a flash, causing Shang He's blow to miss.

Then Snow Cat appeared next to Yang Yiyun.

At this moment, Shang He was actually going crazy. Because the snow cat's blow destroyed the roots of his descendants, he had many evil secretaries who relied on collecting yin and replenishing yang to practice. The snow cat's blow was equivalent to cutting off his cultivation. road.

At first, he was afraid of Yang Yiyun, but was replaced by anger, and he directly used his most powerful magic technique.

Seeing Yang Yiyun appear, he also saw a kind of snow-white cat beside Yang Yiyun. At this time, Shanghe rushed directly towards Yang Yiyun.

"Ho ho... Yang Yiyun, I want you to die~" Shang He's demonic energy surged from the sky.

Yang Yiyun sneered: "No one will die~ Do you think you will be invincible if you become a demon? Young master, all the demons I have dealt with can be regarded as your ancestors."

After saying this, Yang Yiyun's heart moved and he whispered softly: "Pure Yang Scorching Sun Curse~"

But it activated the Pure Yang Burning Sun Curse, which was a magical power taught by the old man back then, specifically used to deal with the flow of souls.

Directly chanting incantations with his soul. Since the fusion of his natal idol and his soul, the power of chanting incantations has become even more powerful.

He hadn't used this magical power for a long time, but now that he saw Shang He's demon soul state, he had something to take aim at.

With the secret curse, a scorching sun appeared behind Yang Yiyun, bursting out with dazzling light.

Buzz buzz...

But there was a trembling sound at this moment.

Yang Yiyun moved with a secret curse, evolving into a round of pure sun, and the golden light shone directly on Shang He, who was in the demon soul state.


Brutal screams came from the mouth of Shanghe River.

"Ho ho ho..."


Shanghe's demonic body made a sizzling sound and screamed pitifully under the light of pure sun. At this time, it was completely illuminated by the light of pure sun and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

In an instant, the nine-meter-tall body was shrinking.

After about three minutes, the screams stopped.

The nine-meter-tall demon body turned into a three-inch belt.

Yang Yiyun stopped chanting the curse and grabbed the Shanghe Demon Soul directly in his hand with a wave of his hand.

Under the movement of the soul, the three-inch little man in his palm kept struggling and screaming, but he could never escape from Yang Yiyun's palm.

What Yang Yiyun didn't expect was that he could not search for souls with his soul, but he had the ability to search for souls. His soul saw all the evil deeds of Shang Heyi.

It’s simply a change of circumstances, and it’s impossible to tolerate it!

Killing his biological parents, Jian killing all women, using three thousand babies to practice magic...etc., etc., they are really worse than animals.

Originally, he just wanted to kill this bastard, but after seeing all the evil deeds of Shang He, he felt that the soul was too cheap for him.

The next moment, Yang Yiyun directly activated the power of his soul, destroying the magic power of Shanghe's demon soul, and then waved his demon soul away. No, after the demon soul's power was destroyed by him, Shanghe was now an ordinary soul.

He reinjected Shanghe's soul into his body, and then Yang Yiyun waved his hand and directly destroyed Shanghe's Dantian Daoyuan, cutting off his cultivation foundation. He was still alive but became an ordinary person, which was equivalent to completely destroying the title bastard. The Immortal King hurts the river.


The moment he destroyed the foundation of Shanghe, a dull sound sounded from the sky.

A familiar scene appeared. There were seven-colored auspicious clouds hiding in the sky, and runes appeared one by one.

However, a vision of heaven appeared, and it was announced that the second-ranked hybrid Immortal King had died. Yang Yiyun became the Immortal King of Qiankun and ranked second among the top ten titled Immortal Kings. The title remained unchanged and was still Qiankun.

So far, Yang Yiyun has become the Immortal King and the Immortal King of Universe after being titled Immortal Lord.

At the same time, the entire Chaos Immortal City, Chaos Immortal Realm, and even the entire Immortal World saw the heavenly vision of Yang Yiyun becoming the Immortal King of the Universe.

Many forces saw the news, and the fairy world was shaken.

The titles of Qiankun have just passed in just over a thousand years, and a title appeared once, but it was a title from Immortal Lord to Immortal King.

As for Shang He, Yang Yiyun didn't kill him. Yang Yiyun had a place to take care of such scum.

Anyway, all the foundations of Shang He were destroyed and he became an ordinary person, which was easy to handle.

The spectators in the surrounding areas were extremely silent at this moment, but after the celestial phenomena disappeared in the sky, some people around began to shout: "Congratulations to the Immortal King Qiankun, the Immortal King Qiankun..."

One after another, the blessings sounded

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