My Master Is a God

Chapter 2247: Fellow Daoist Yang, can I take Senior Snow Cat as my teacher?

Duguying's eyes were a little complicated. He looked at Yang Yiyun. He knew that today's situation was stronger than others. The boy in front of him was no longer the little monk hiding in Dongfang's house. He had now become the Immortal King of the Universe.

He also knew that there was a snow cat beside Yang Yiyun that he couldn't even detect, and that old immortal follower Dongfang Haotian.

If the blood-drinking demon sword of the titled Immortal Emperor Dongfang Haotian was not a vegetarian, others would not know it, but he knew it clearly.

Duguying knew in her heart that Yang Yiyun was indeed not radical in today's matter, otherwise a fight would have started by now.

I just heard Yang Yiyun say something, your Dugu family should be lucky to have the surname Dugu. From this sentence, it sounds like Yang Yiyun has some connection with the Dugu family...

It was precisely for this reason that Yang Yiyun got to know him normally, otherwise he would not be so harmonious.

If this matter is not handled well today, Duguying knows that this will be the fate of the Ximen family.

Yang Yiyun must be given an explanation.

Thinking of this, Duguying took a deep breath, and after a while, a storage fairy ring appeared in his hand. He threw it at Yang Yiyun and said, "This is the accumulation of my Dugu family for thousands of years, plus various rare stones, medicinal materials, etc., it can be used as a price Millions of fairy stones, this is the sincerity of my Dugu family."

Yang Yiyun stretched out his hand to catch it, and his consciousness swept away, but he was also moved. Although he didn't know if the things inside were worth millions, they were really a lot. He was sincere, and he also knew that Duguying wanted to use the immortal stone to calm his anger. .


It almost cost him his life several times. Can millions of immortal stones fix it?

In Yang's heart, it was naturally not enough. With a faint smile, he glanced at Dugu Yong, the head of the family, intentionally or unintentionally, and then stared at Dugu Ying and uttered two words in his mouth: "Not enough."


Dugu Yong and the elders of the four major clans are all angry. Millions of immortal stones, you have taken away the Dugu family's thousands of years of accumulation. In the next thousand years, the children of the Dugu family will have no cultivation resources and will inevitably enter a period of decline. Are you still not satisfied?

Duguying raised his hand to signal everyone to stop talking. Looking at Yang Yiyun, he sighed in his heart, knowing that this kid was not so easy to deal with. He also saw that Yang Yiyun had just looked at Duguyong intentionally or unintentionally, and he knew what Yang Yiyun really wanted. Explain what it is.

"Okay, I agreed, but will Fellow Daoist Yang let the Dugu family go in the future?" Duguying slowly asked Yang Yiyun.

"Whether you let go of the Dugu family or not is entirely up to you. From the beginning to the end, I have never provoked your Dugu family. It is your Dugu family who is provoking me, and it is the kind that kills them all. Old man Dugu, what do you think?"

Yang Yiyun answered Duguying's question gloomily.

Duguying sighed inwardly: "That's it~"

The conversation between the two seemed like a charade, and the head of the family, Dugu Yong, and the elders of the four major clans were a little confused.

Only Yang Yiyun and Duguying understand this riddle.

Duguying understood that Yang Yiyun wanted Duguyong to die. After all, Duguying was the culprit who ordered the death of Yang Yiyun. Only when Duguying died could Yang Yiyun calm down his anger.

For Dugu Ying, he is the ancestor of the Dugu family, and Dugu Yong is only the fourth generation of his Dugu family.

It doesn't matter if Dugu Yong dies. The worst thing is that a new head of the family will not be able to change the foundation of the Dugu family.

Thinking of this, Dugu Yong looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "I hope fellow Taoist monks will keep their promise. After today, the Dugu family will stay away from you, Immortal King Qiankun. I will set the ancestral precept that the descendants of the Dugu family will never be your enemy."

"That's very good. I also promise you that the Dugu family will not invade my Yunmen family in the future, and I, Yang Yiyun, will not cause any trouble to the Dugu family." Yang Yiyun opened his eyes and said.

Duguying said solemnly: "It's settled with a word."

As soon as Duguying said this, his eyes flickered.

Yang Yiyun looked at it, but was shocked. In his sight, he saw a faint white light flashing across Duguying's body, but he disappeared out of thin air. He disappeared completely and cleanly without any sound or any fluctuations in mana. .

At the same time, Yang Yiyun felt the snow cat swipe in front of him.

Yang Yiyun knew that these snow cats were protecting him, or the snow cats saw that Duguying's invisibility technique was so powerful that even snow cats were afraid of it, so the snow cats blocked him immediately. Of course, the snow cats were still hiding at this moment. state.

However, when Yang Yiyun thought about it, Snow Mao was naturally better than Dugu Ying in terms of stealth ability.

At this moment, a scream echoed through the hall.

"Ah... Ancestor, you..."

But it was the screams of the head of the family, Du Guyong,

Yang Yiyun looked around, but Dugu Ying suddenly appeared in front of Dugu Yong and grabbed Dugu Yong's head. It was obvious that Dugu Ying had directly attacked Dugu Yong.

Very decisive.

The means are also very strong.

As expected of the ancestor of the Dugu family, he made a decisive decision and took action against the Dugu Yong family.

But for Dugu Ying, he is the ancestor of the Dugu family and the real master of the Dugu family.

Killing a Duguyong can naturally lead to a new one.

This is a very simple thing.

It is worth sacrificing one Dugu Yong in exchange for the peace of the entire Dugu family.

In the blink of an eye, Dugu Yong's body turned into ashes in Dugu Ying's hand.


The elders of the four major clans did not expect that their ancestor would suddenly attack the clan leader Dugu Yong and kill him in an instant. They were all shocked.

"You don't need to say more, I have made my own decision." Duguying signaled the four major tribesmen to stop talking, then looked at Yang Yiyun and said, "Is this possible, Fellow Daoist Yang?"

Yang Yiyun looked deeply at Dugu Ying. He felt inexplicably wary of this decisive and ruthless old guy. But the matter was over and his goal was achieved. No matter what, Dugu Ying today treated him like Surrender, that's enough.

He slowly said: "That's very good. The old man is wise. From now on, the grievances between Yang Yiyun and the Dugu family have been wiped out, and there will be no more involvement."

Yang Yiyun also expressed his stance towards Duguying.

"Thank you very much~" Duguying clasped his fists.

"In that case, Yang takes leave." Yang Yiyun returned the greeting and turned to leave.

But at this moment, Duguying suddenly said: "Wait~"

Yang Yiyun suddenly turned around and his whole body tensed up, his eyes narrowed and he said, "What? Is there anything else, senior Dugu?"

He thought Duguying was going to turn against him, so all the energy in his body was released and reached its peak state instantly. The snow cat hiding beside him was also ready to fight at any time.

Yang Yiyun released the aura of his Immortal King's Great Perfection, which rippled through the hall, making everyone feel his powerful aura.

The elders of the four major clans of the Dugu family are all immortal kings, and they are the same immortal kings as Yang Yiyun. But at this moment, after feeling Yang Yiyun's powerful aura, their faces changed drastically. Only now did they know that these immortal kings and Yang Yiyun, the immortal. King's gap.

As expected of the titled Immortal King of the Universe, he was simply much higher than them. They were both Immortal Kings, but their auras were incomparable.

Even if Duguying felt Yang Yiyun's aura at this moment, his expression changed. In his perception, Yang Yiyun's aura was not the Great Perfection of the Immortal King at all. Even compared to him, the Great Immortal Emperor, it was not much different, and Yang Yiyun's magic power In Duguying's perception, the aura seems to be much more powerful than the immortal energy.

No wonder this boy was able to achieve the title of Immortal King and be favored by that old immortal Dongfang Haotian. He was really different.

Duguying knew that if he fought with Yang Yiyun today, there might be another outcome. Yang Yiyun alone felt extraordinary to him now.

And at the moment when Yang Yiyun just spoke, Duguying felt another extremely cold aura around him flash past, and he couldn't catch it at all. He thought it must be the weird cat next to Yang Yiyun.

The more this happened, the more pressure Duguying felt.

Seeing Yang Yiyun's unkind expression, Duguying knew that Yang Yiyun had misunderstood him, and quickly smiled bitterly and said: "Fellow Taoist Yang, please don't misunderstand me. I actually have a question to ask for~"

Yang Yiyun felt inexplicably relieved when he heard Duguying speak like this.

He looked at Duguying and asked, "What's the matter?"

Duguying did not mince words and said directly: "Compared to fellow Taoist, I also heard that my Dugu family is actually a family of killers. The killer's ability to assassinate and hide is the basis for saving life. But when my fellow Taoist entered the hall, In other words, when fellow Taoist was fighting with that bastard Immortal King, he discovered that a master with extremely good concealment methods had appeared next to fellow Taoist.

To be honest, even I can't sense even a little bit of clues. As a killer, I am really itchy about the method of concealment, so fellow Taoist, can you let me see you next to you, or secretly? A master? "

Yang Yiyun was stunned when he heard this. For a long time, he didn't expect that the old guy Duguying was the trick of the itchy snow cat?

In fact, what Yang Yiyun doesn't know is that Duguying has been obsessed with the secret method all his life. His pursuit in life is to cultivate the most powerful concealment method in the world, so he created the Dugu Family Killer Organization. In fact, it is so that he can continuously improve himself. The way to concealment.

After accidentally discovering the snow cat today, Duguying was really itchy and wanted to ask for advice.

"Haha, it's rare for Snow Cat that you have gained a fan. Show up and see her~" Yang Yiyun smiled and asked Snow Cat to show up.

The next moment, the snow cat appeared beside Yang Yiyun out of thin air, without any mana or even air fluctuations.

Of course this is for Duguying.

As the owner of a snow cat, Yang Yiyun can naturally feel the fluctuation of the snow cat's aura.

But Duguying and others couldn't sense it.

The appearance of Snow Cat made Duguying tremble all over. Indeed, he studied the way of hiding. In Chaos Fairy City, he thought he was the first in this way and no one dared to be second. However, after seeing Snow Cat appear out of thin air, he attracted The secret that he was proud of was instantly shattered.

It was felt before that the snow cat next to Yang Yiyun was a master in this way. Although he was worried, he was not so shocked. It was also because of this that he did not want to be an enemy of Yang Yiyun.

But now that Snow Cat appears, the impact on Duguying is greater than imagined.

The moment the Snow Cat appeared, he seemed to see the door of a brand new hidden avenue unfolding in front of him.

After staring at the snow cat for a while, Duguying suddenly said something, which caught Yang Yiyun off guard.

Just listen to Dugu Ying say: "Fellow Daoist Yang, can I take Senior Xue Mao as my teacher?"

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