My Master Is a God

Chapter 2250 Then work hard to be number one in the fairy world

"Second Junior Brother, isn't it good for Junior Brother to let Junior Sister go out like this?" Yun Changsheng said with a bitter smile.

Xingchenzi rolled his eyes and said, "Senior brother, don't worry about it. He's just a little devil like the junior sister. He'll get high if he doesn't bully others. It's just a Duanqian family, and the junior sister can handle it."

"Then... you can go talk to the master's wife~" Yun Changsheng said.

Xingchenzi shrank his neck and said slyly: "It's better, senior brother, you go ahead~"

"I'm fishing for dragon turtles. This is a task assigned by Master. I can't leave. Also, although my junior sister is here this time, you have to keep an eye on me at all times. I don't want anything to happen to my junior brother and junior sister. If something goes wrong, Master will peel off both of our skins when he comes back." Yun Changsheng solemnly warned.

The corners of Xingchenzi's mouth twitched and he said: "My junior brother has also become a titled Immortal King. The power in his body is very weird. I can't even figure out what it is. If my junior sister goes there, I think there will be no problem."

"You still have to be careful. As an ancient family in the immortal world, the Duan Qian family still has a lot of background. If you don't protect it, there will be powerful people at the level of immortals. The junior sister has no problem dealing with the immortal emperor, but she can't face the older generation of immortals. Not necessarily, just keep an eye on me." Yun Changsheng said worriedly.

Xingchenzi nodded and said: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will keep an eye on you. Then I will go to my master's wife to report back."

"Go~" Yun Changsheng stared at the lake without saying anything.

After Xingchenzi left, Yun Changsheng looked at the sky and said to himself: "My junior brother in the world of cultivation has grown into the Immortal King Qiankun in the immortal world. Time flies so fast... Junior brother, your potential seems to have just exploded. Ah, the road to the great road is difficult, and we still need to continue to work hard. I was a clone in the lower world back then, and I haven't really seen you yet. When senior brother and I catch the dragon turtle and complete the task assigned by the master, I will go see you..."

Yun Changsheng talked to himself and said a lot of words, but he was actually recalling the meeting with Yang Yiyun, his junior brother, in the world of cultivation. At that time, he was actually a clone in the lower world.

To be honest, I have never met Yang Yiyun.

Yang Yiyun and Dongfang Haotian brought the Dongfang family back to Yunmen and asked the soul-taking ancestors to help them settle down.

Lu Pengbin, the chief architect of Yunmen Architecture, approached Yang Yiyun. In three or four days, the design drawings of the 108 peak palaces outside Yunmen finally came out and asked him to confirm.

When Yang Yiyun saw Lu Pengbin's design drawings, he was really shocked.

Lu Pengbin is indeed the architect of the Gunners.

Indeed, the resulting drawings are very grand.

In Lu Pengbin's design, there are one hundred and eight peaks, each with a palace complex, and these palace complexes are perfectly integrated with the sword formation set up by the second senior brother, not only without destroying the formation Efficacy, in theory, according to Lu Pengbin, the completion of the palace construction can increase the power of the formation by 30%.

The power of such a large formation has been increased, let alone 30%, even if it is increased by 10%, that is still remarkable.

Lu Pengbin's design and construction are based on the power of formations on the premise of appearance. Every palace is composed of formations, or the formation runes are engraved on the building itself, or the foundation of the construction is formations.

The formation arranged by the second senior brother was an independent formation for each mountain, and finally one hundred and eight peaks were united to form a larger formation.

Lu Pengbin’s design drawings are this basis.

It is very in line with Yang Yiyun's wishes.

The key point is that Yang asked for better palace appearance, but Lu Pengbin achieved this.

One thing to say is that Lu Pengbin managed to build one hundred and eight palaces without duplicates. Each palace has a different architectural style and has its own characteristics.

According to Lu Pengbin, he almost imported the architectural style of the entire fairy world.

Various palace buildings, in the images formed by magic power, are vivid high-end 3g three-dimensional images, immersive.

According to Lu Pengbin, when the palace is built in the future, and when everyone is settled in, the higher the cultivation level of the palace owner, the greater the defense and lethality of the formation will be.

In a word, Yang is very satisfied with the external design.

But after being satisfied, there is a very real problem: budget.

Yang Yiyun asked: "What's the budget?"

When Yang Yiyun asked about the budget, Lu Pengbin suddenly blushed and said coyly: "If the 108 palaces in the periphery are built with high-end materials, the budget is a bit high~"

At this time, Yang had some top-grade immortal stones and so on, which totaled nearly two hundred thousand. They were top-grade, and he could be said to be a real rich man. He didn't care, and waved his hand and said: "Since I said I would build the number one sect in the immortal world, , then you have to use high-end materials, etc., don’t tell me, what’s your budget?”

Lu Pengbin said in a low voice: "To build it based on the top-grade immortal stone, the preliminary budget requires... about... 178,000 top-grade immortal stones, and that does not include the internal furnishings, well, it is the decoration mentioned by the door owner, this is not included. "

"How many?"

Yang screamed and his voice changed.

Lu Pengbin trembled all over and said bravely: "It will cost about 170,000 to 80,000 top-quality immortal stones, not including decoration costs."

After finishing speaking, Lu Pengbin's eyes flickered, for fear of being beaten away by Yang. He also knew that the fee was astronomical in the entire fairy world.

And this is only the construction cost of the outer part of Yunmen. The decoration is not included, and the internal construction has not started yet.

The internal construction must be higher than the external construction. Calculating this, even Lu Pengbin didn't know how many immortal stones it would cost to build the entire Yunmen.

All of his budgets were based on top-quality immortal stones.

It would be better to exchange it for low-grade immortal stones, which cost 170,000 to 800,000 yuan. I am afraid that they will be piled up to form a mountain range.

After Yang Yiyun heard this, he was petrified on the spot.

After a while, he looked at Lu Pengbin and said, "Aren't you kidding me, you old boy? If you dare to lie to me, I will skin you."

Yang almost gritted his teeth.

When Lu Pengbin heard this, he immediately swore and said: "Sir, I swear to heaven, these budgets are still conservative estimates, how dare I lie to you? Besides, if it is built, I can guarantee that it will be like a fairyland." The first sect, and theoretically the palace was built, combined with the original sword formation, the defensive power is 30%, which is more than 30%. In theory, it can defend against the attacks of high-level immortals. On the other hand, the powerful killing formation can also do it. Killing high-level immortals, if you think about it, it is actually a very cost-effective thing~"

In fact, Yang Yiyun naturally knew that Lu Pengbin did not dare to lie to him, he was just heartbroken.

He originally thought that he was finally a rich man, but now that he heard Lu Pengbin's budget, he felt like he had become a beggar again.

The astronomical construction costs~

Do you still want to build?

Yang Yiyun became entangled in his heart...

At this moment, Lu Pengbin was extremely uneasy because his lifelong wish was to build a sect building that would be the best in the entire immortal world.

But the cost was so high that no one in the entire fairy world would let him come up with such a crazy design. Only Yang Yiyun came up with the idea of ​​building the number one sect in the fairy world.

If Yang Yiyun doesn't do it, Lu Pengbin knows that his wish will never be realized.

So Lu Pengbin was very afraid that Yang Yiyun would quit.

Thinking of this, Lu Pengbin felt that his road was dark.

Looking at Yang Yiyun, Lu Pengbin knew that he should strive for it. This was his dream.

I finally met Yang Yiyun, so I couldn’t miss it.

"Sir Master, the cost is a bit high, but if it is built, it will be the No. 1 sect building in the immortal world. One hundred and eight palaces have been built, each one is different, each has its own defense, and there is a large spirit gathering formation. , together they will be the number one formation in the immortal world. By then our Yunmen will be the number one cultivation realm in the immortal world. With accumulated fairy spiritual energy, we will definitely be number one in the entire immortal world. One day of cultivation is worth a hundred days or more in the outside world. .

In addition, each palace is designed with a teleportation array, and all supporting facilities are complete. The fire of heaven and earth required for alchemy and weapon refining, etc., are all available. The final point is that of the 108 palaces, the main palace It will be built with ethereal stones. If it is built, each palace will be a small world and a small fairyland.

When the time comes, it will be known as the One Hundred and Eight Immortal Palaces of Yunmen, the One Hundred and Eight Immortal Realms, and I dare say it will be the best in the three realms..." Lu Pengbin worked hard to get Yang Yiyun to support him in developing his talents, or in other words, to complete his construction dream. The last sentence about being number one in the Three Realms was spoken.

Yang Yiyun remained silent and did not speak.

In fact, he is also at war between heaven and man in his heart. He knows that if he builds it according to Lu Pengbin's design, everything he said may be realized, but... he only has a total of barely 200,000 top-grade immortal stones on him, and the entire Yunmen inside and outside After it was built, this wealth fairy stone was far from enough.

These are the best fairy stones~

If it's not enough for him to rob and rob?

I have a headache~

Not building?

In front of the second senior brother and everyone, he boasted that he wanted to build the first sect in the immortal world. If it stalled, he couldn't afford to lose this person~

Moreover, when Lu Pengbin described the blueprint to him, he was indeed moved.

The first sect in the immortal world, the One Hundred and Eight Immortal Realms, the One Hundred and Eight Immortal Palaces and Immortal Realms belonging to Yunmen, are very tempting.

Yang Yiyun's silence for a while made Lu Pengbin feel more and more depressed. Finally, he felt bitter. Forget it, I don't even know if I can build this blueprint. In order to realize my dream, I asked Yang Yiyun to take an unimaginable risk. Fairy stone wealth, this is too crazy. How many people in the fairy world can come up with such a huge fairy stone wealth?

How many people in the immortal world have the courage to build such a magnificent blueprint sect?

Lu Pengbin himself didn't believe it could be realized.

Just when Lu Pengbin was disappointed and thought that Yang Yiyun was about to give up, Yang Yiyun's decisive voice suddenly came to his ears: "Lu Pengbin, listen up, I will do my best to go crazy with you. It's rare in life." Go crazy, let's just go crazy once, and build it according to what you said. The immortal stone is not your concern, I will figure it out.

I have only one request, first, first, first, you old boy, build me the first one in the immortal world, the first in all aspects, it must be higher-end Yunmen than those so-called Immortal Supreme Dojo, maybe Do it? "

Lu Pengbin was shocked, and when he heard Yang Yiyun speak, his face turned red with excitement, and he stammered: "Yes... yes, yes, yes, sect master, don't worry, I will definitely live up to my expectations and build the first Yunmen in the fairy world, even if I won’t hesitate to risk my life, this is my great road, and if I want to achieve nirvana, I must build the best palace building in the immortal world.”

"Then work hard to be number one in the fairy world~" Yang Yiyun said with bright eyes and a grin.

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