My Master Is a God

Chapter 2257 Willow Branch Black Lotus

Dongfang Haotian and others, who were watching from a distance, saw Yang Yiyun rushing towards Duan Qian Tiancheng, and their hearts tightened. In the eyes of all of them, even if Yang Yiyun was a genius, he was not Duan Qian. Tiancheng, the opponent of the ancestor of the Duan Qian family, is a strong man at the level of an immortal!

This is the pinnacle of cultivation in the immortal world.

If Yang Yiyun encountered him like this, he would be destroyed in ashes?

Previously, I thought that Yang Yiyun's junior sister could carry it, but I didn't expect that she would also suffer in the hands of Duan Qiantiancheng. The huge Jie Yun Thunder was shattered by Duan Qiantiancheng's two blows.

Yang Yiyun is even less of a match when he goes up.

After Dongfang Haotian and others saw Yang Yiyun rushing towards Duan Qiantiancheng, they all felt very anxious, and they were all thinking two words: "It's over~"

Indeed, everyone thought that Yang Yiyun was choosing to commit suicide by rushing away like this. It seemed that he was dying together, but everyone felt that Yang Yiyun was not qualified to die together.

Because the opponent is an Immortal, not an ordinary Immortal, but the ancestor of the Duan Qian family, who possesses the power of the Divine Tiger, there is no comparability between the two.

In fact, even Ji Zixia had this thought, but unlike others, Ji Zixia sensed an aura of super divine power from Yang Yiyun.

This kind of aura is much more powerful than the power of her bloodline. The Ji family's bloodline power is regarded as a semi-divine power that surpasses the power of the fairy world, and the aura exuding from Yang Yiyun at this time is even more powerful.

Ji Zixia also has some expectations for this junior brother, but deep down she is still not optimistic, because the junior junior brother Yang Yiyun has always been in the realm of the Immortal King, while Duan Qian Tiancheng is in the realm of the Immortal Lord, and he is still a possessor in the middle stage of the Immortal Lord. The existence of the power of the divine tiger is far from an ordinary immortal.

It was too late to stop her at this time. She was seriously injured by Duan Qiantian and there was nothing she could do to stop her. She watched Yang Yiyun collide with Duan Qiantiancheng in an instant.

One detail was discovered by Ji Zixia, and she found that Duan Qiantiancheng's expression also changed in an instant, and even inscriptions appeared all over his body...

The discovery of this detail made Ji Zixia's eyes light up, because she knew that the inscriptions on Duan Qiantiancheng's body were inscriptions inherited from demigods, coming from higher-level Shinto inscriptions. Their Ji family also had such inscriptions, and they were also the core strength. She could Controlling the power of thunder is actually the power of ancient inscriptions.

It is called divine pattern.

Incomparably powerful, there are only a very small number of people or powerful beings in the entire fairy world who can use divine patterns.

Duan Qiantian is the ancestor of an ancient immortal family, so it is normal for him to be able to display such divine patterns.

From this point of view, the junior brother's attack seems to be very strong, so strong that Duan Qiantiancheng used the power of divine patterns. You must know that the power of divine patterns is powerful, but it is not without cost, and he will not use it easily. , once the power of the divine pattern is used, it means that you have encountered an extremely difficult opponent.

This discovery made Ji Zixia feel mixed with joy and sorrow.

What I'm happy about is that the junior brother is truly worthy of being the master's disciple, and he can actually force Duan Qian Tiancheng to use the power of divine patterns to resist.

What worries her is that she doesn't know if the attack from her junior brother will be effective against Duan Qian Tiancheng? If it doesn't work, I'm afraid the consequences will be serious...

In the blink of an eye, the junior brother and Duan Qiantian collided. After a loud roar, a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them flew out upside down.

There is blood spilling across the sky.

The situation is not optimistic in Ji Zixia's eyes.

Junior brother Yang Yiyun fell directly from the air, while Duan Qian flew hundreds of meters upside down and spit out a large mouthful of blood. Then he stabilized his body and watched Yang Yiyun fall away, but he raised his hand again and struck. A ray of white light mana flew towards Yang Yiyun instantly.

When Ji Zixia saw this situation, she knew that although her junior brother's blow was powerful and did injure Duan Qiantiancheng, the Immortal Lord, it was his junior brother who suffered the loss after all.

Duan Qiantiancheng's injury was obviously within the tolerance range. At this moment, Ji Zixia also knew that she had underestimated the powerful person of the Immortal Lord level. Seeing Duan Qiantiancheng taking advantage of the victory and attacking the fallen junior brother again, she wanted to kill him directly. He shouted in panic: "How dare you..."

Ji Zixia yelled angrily across the distance. She didn't care that she was seriously injured before. She activated her energy and turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Yang Yiyun. She had to block Duan Qiantiancheng's blow for her junior brother, otherwise he would die. That was definitely not what she wanted to see.

The Ji family's bloodline talent is not a vegetarian. Ji Zixia instantly burned the essence in her body and appeared in front of Yang Yiyun.



She directly blocked Duan Qiantiancheng's blow with her own body. Yang Yiyun was fine, but she spit out another mouthful of blood.

He didn't care about anything and just relied on Yang Yiyun.

At this time, she found that her junior brother Yang Yiyun's breath was extremely weak and he had fallen into a coma. His face was covered with blood marks, as if he had suffered the backlash of some powerful force.

It was his own strength that failed to withstand the explosive power within his body, and suffered a backlash.

It was a bad situation anyway, his breath was very weak.

At this moment, she was holding her junior brother in her arms. Both of them were seriously injured, and they fell from mid-air together...

On the other side, Duan Qiantiancheng, who had blood at the corner of his mouth and a face as pale as paper, saw this scene, but his eyes were full of viciousness.

Duan Qiantiancheng's situation is actually not optimistic. He did not expect that the explosive power of Yang Yiyun's attack just now was completely beyond his imagination. If he had not made a decisive decision at the last moment and directly used the power of the divine tiger to resist, I am afraid that just now Yang Yiyun's blow would directly cause him to fall. The power that just erupted in Yang Yiyun's body had already exceeded the power level of the fairy world by a long way, and was even stronger than the power of the divine tiger in his body.

You must know that the power of the survival of the Duan Qian family is the power of the divine tiger. After the death of the guardian tiger of the ancestors, all the power has become a shadow for the children of the Duan Qian family, including himself. If he relied on the power of the divine tiger to achieve anything, Immortal Lord.

It also made the Duan Qian family a big family in the fairy world.

But even so, he blocked Yang Yiyun's power and caused the Dantian in his body to rupture. The situation was already very bad for him.

The foundation that he had cultivated for countless years was directly shaken by Yang Yiyun's blow, which made Duan Qiantian extremely angry. Watching Ji Zixia resist Yang Yiyun's next blow, both of them were seriously injured and fell. Duan Qiantiancheng said to himself viciously. : "Let's see if you are still alive~"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly rushed towards Ji Zixia and Yang Yiyun, raised his hand and hit them with a palm.

Gathered into one palm.

An extremely huge palm fell from the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

If Duan Qiantiancheng's palm hits them all, the unconscious Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia will definitely be wiped out.

Dongfang Haotian and the others looked at them in the distance and all exclaimed. At this moment, Dongfang Haotian rushed over without hesitation. Even if he knew that he might be slapped to death by Duan Qiantiancheng if he rushed forward, he could not wait any longer.

Just as Dongfang Haotian set off, the whole world buzzed twice.

Then Dongfang Haotian discovered that a willow branch exuding green and green stretched out from the old willow tree behind him in an instant, spanning the sky, and directly swept up the two Yang Yiyun who were falling downwards.

At the same time, just when Liu Zhi was sweeping up Yang Yiyun and the two of them, with a buzz, a huge black rock appeared out of thin air in front of Yang Yiyun.

It seemed that he was going to save Yang Yiyun and the two, but when he saw Willow Branch taking the lead, Heilian stopped and did not move, letting Willow Branch sweep Yang Yiyun and Ji Zixia away, and instantly reached the mountain where the old Willow tree was. Top.

As for the black lotus, the black light burst out at this moment, and the next moment there was a bang, and the black lotus petals exploded, rising into the sky in an instant.

The target was Duan Qian Tiancheng's huge palm falling from the sky.

"Boom boom~"

The black lotus petals were like blades, thirty-six of them, directly cut through Duan Qian Tiancheng's huge mana palm and shattered instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Duan Qiantiancheng's horrified scream rang across the sky: "No... no no~"

Dongfang Haotian waited and stood on the horizon to see clearly. The black lotus petals that appeared out of thin air rose into the sky and shattered Duan Qian Tiancheng's huge palm, destroying everything.

In an instant, thirty-six black lotus petals rushed into Duan Qiantiancheng's body with a crushing force. As Duan Qiantiancheng screamed in horror, his body was directly cut into countless pieces, and blood rained all over the sky. Duan Qiantian died and turned into ashes.

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