My Master Is a God

Chapter 2264 News of the Ascension of Divine Beasts in Foreign World

The 30,000 people from Duan Qian Immortal Domain left. It can be said that they were forced into submission by the second senior brother and paid the protection fee.

Yang Yiyun saw how tough the second senior brother was. Anyway, the younger junior sister and the second senior brother were more fierce than the other.

Only then did Duan Qianxianyu help him clean up the mess, saving Dongfang Haotian another trip.

The total protection fees collected this time totaled 50,000 top-grade fairy stones, which was a very objective income, and this kind of protection fees would be paid every hundred years in the future.

Although Yang Yiyun thought about it for a long time, this is the fairy world, and the life span of immortals is theoretically immortal. Of course, unless something unexpected happens, a hundred years will only take a blink of an eye.

Not long at all.

As long as Yunmen exists for one day, forces like Duan Qianxianyu will have to pay protection fees.

Unless these forces disappear one day and are disbanded, in this case, what Yunmen has to do is to protect them. Any fairyland in the immortal world must protect the sect forces under it, because in the long run, this is also its own interests. To protect the forces under one's control is to protect one's own interests.

In addition, the second senior brother Xing Chenzi smiled and took out a storage ring and handed it to Yang Yiyun and said: "This is the treasure house of the Duan Qian family. Senior brother, I moved it for you~"

Yang Yiyun was stunned and said subconsciously: "The rest of the second senior brother Duan Qian's family...?"

Yang Yiyun didn't finish the rest of the question, but he believed that the second senior brother should be able to understand.

Sure enough, Xing Chenzi grinned: "Junior brother, remember the words of the second senior brother. The cruelty of the immortal world is far beyond your imagination. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. The road is ruthless. You have to be careful on this road." A woman's benevolence or kindness to her enemies will be irreversible, and it will be too late to regret it.

So the second senior brother has helped you solve your problem. From now on, there will be no Duan Qian family in the immortal world. Of course, this is what senior brother and I mean, and even more so, Senior Sister Tianji. Speaking of which, we all care about you. Senior Sister Tianji has something to do. I'm busy, otherwise I'm afraid I would have come to see you long ago. When you are free, please remember to go to the Nine Heavens to pay homage to the three master wives~"

The words of the second senior brother were very obvious, and Yang Yiyun naturally understood them.

What this means is that he has wiped out the members of the Duan Qian family.

Although it sounded cruel, Yang Yiyun knew that it was right. It was the second senior brother who helped him clean up the trouble.

It's right to think about it. The lifespan of immortals in the immortal world is unlimited. If there are some enemies left, after thousands of years, who can guarantee that they will not be able to come out with a strong man? When the time comes, they will attack Yunmen and cloud them. Kill all the people at the door?

It's hard to say, so the safest way is to eliminate the root cause.

Yang Yiyun could understand this.

"Thank you, Second Senior Brother. I will remember it. You can say hello to Senior Wife and Senior Senior Brother later. I will go and pay my respects when I have time later." Yang Yiyun said seriously.

"Okay, now that the matter is over, it's time for me to go back and resume my life~" Xingchenzi was about to leave as he spoke.

However, Yang Yiyun quickly said: "Second Senior Brother, please wait a moment. The star array is damaged and needs you to repair it. Also, last time I asked you to help me pay attention to the ascension of everyone in my lower realm, Yunmen. Is there any result? ?”

Xingchenzi nodded and said: "It's not difficult to repair the formation. I'll bring Zixia with me later. She has the power of thunder. This time it just happens to be integrated into the Yunlei formation, and her power will be more stable.

As for the matter of ascension to the lower realm, I have certainly not forgotten it. Last time I had someone investigate it, it seems that no human beings have ascended for more than 4,900 years. This matter is probably related to the heaven. I heard Master mention it. In one sentence, the heaven is also the legendary world of gods. Some people do not want the earth, that is, the creatures in the fairy world to touch the higher avenue. The heaven is deliberately obscured, so the fairy world is affected, and the world of cultivators below the fairy world is even more affected.

Under the deception of Heaven, those who can ascend to the Immortal Realm in the world of cultivation are all geniuses. For example, my junior brother, you may only ascend a few in thousands of years.

So there is no news about Yunmen’s ascension yet. In the three thousand worlds of cultivation in the human world, in fact, not only are there very few ascenders in the world of cultivation you are in, but the same is true in other places. You can ascend according to my understanding. As a close disciple of our master, you can ascend within reason.

As for your question about the ascension of the people of Yunmen in the lower realm, there is no need to worry. Our master went to the Obscured Land of the Sky this time. Along with him were the three great Heavenly Lords of the Immortal World and other titled Immortal Lords. They are all the existences of the Immortal World Pyramid, the real super The strong ones, although Master said it vaguely and did not make it clear, but we know that they went to the place where the secret of heaven is deceived to solve the problem of the heaven in the upper world being deceived.

When the way of heaven is no longer blinded, both the fairy world and the Three Thousand Cultivation Realm will enter a new state. At that time, the ascending creatures from the lower world will pop up like bamboo shoots after the rain, and the fairy world will also enter a reorganization of order. Our era is a time of chaos, and it will also be a time of great prosperity...

Don't be anxious. According to Master's instructions before leaving, it will only take three or two years. The problem of the blindness of heaven will be solved. In the world of immortality and cultivation, there will be visions of heaven and earth, or a kind of perception. All Cultivation beings have the opportunity to ascend and reach higher levels. "

Yang Yiyun fell into deep thought after hearing the second brother's story. For more than four thousand years, it happened to be the time when he ascended to the fairy world. According to the second brother, it seemed that no one had ascended after he ascended.

What the second brother means is that those who have ascended to the lower realm in modern times are all geniuses who can break through the blinding power of heaven. In fact, in his understanding, the reason why he can ascend to the immortal realm may be related to the skills he cultivates. The exercises are Shinto exercises.

There is no news about the Yunmen people and they have not ascended, which may be a good thing.

Anyway, what the old man wants to do is to benefit all living beings in the immortal world, including the cultivation world, and to be able to ascend. The second senior brother wants to do it soon, and it will only happen within three to two hundred years.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry about the ascension of Yunmen in the lower realm. Let it take its course. Everyone has their own path and opportunity to pursue and choose. He cannot force it, and he is not prepared to interfere too much.

Now is the time to build the Yunmen in the Immortal Realm. When the time comes, the disciples of the Yunmen in the Lower Realm will be able to have a stable cultivation environment when they ascend. This is also a good thing.

"Thank you, Second Senior Brother, for your trouble. However, Senior Brother, please pay attention to this matter. I have relatives and friends in the lower world." Yang Yiyun asked seriously.

"Don't worry about this. I have mobilized all the members of the Immortal Refining Alliance branch and stationed people at the Three Thousand Ascension Pool. Once there is news, I will deliver it as soon as possible." Xingchenzi nodded.

But after a pause, he suddenly said: "By the way, the ascension I am talking about is only about the ascension of the human race. Demon cultivators and other monks and creatures are not included in it. Do you have any disciples in the lower realm Yunmen besides the human race?"

Yang Yiyun was stunned and said: "Yes, and there are many demon cultivators among the disciples of Yunmen in the lower realm." After speaking, Yang Yiyun thought about it and added: "There are also ghost cultivators. What does the second senior brother mean... Could it be that besides the human race, other races Will Ascension happen in the Ascension Pool in the Immortal Realm?”

Xingchenzi nodded and said: "Yes, there is no longer a special place for the ascension of demon cultivators and creatures of other races. There is a special place for the ascension of demon cultivators and creatures of other races. Outside the territory of the human race in the immortal world, there is a fairyland called Weird. Where is it called? The foreign world is the territory of the demon clan, and it is also the territory most occupied by other races.

Creatures from the lower realms such as demon cultivators and ghost cultivators ascend normally. As long as they are not forced to fly through the void, they will ascend to the alien world. In the past three thousand years, it has been rumored that several mythical beasts have ascended in the alien world, triggering a war in the alien world. Everyone wants to be contaminated by the mythical beasts. , it was very violent..."

Yang Yiyun's expression suddenly changed when he heard this, and he hurriedly interrupted Xing Chenzi: "Is what Second Senior Brother said true?"

Xingchenzi said: "Of course it is true. In order to assist Master in fighting the three great gods, our Master Tianji went to a foreign world to find some heavenly materials and earthly treasures. This matter was told by Master Tianji when she came back. I have also heard about it. , but what Master Tianji said should be true."

Yang Yiyun frowned. If this is really the case, then the matter is very serious. Not to mention other things, the divine beast level, Diaoer, Little Phoenix, Calf, Yunlei Beast, and Sister Mei's true dragon body, which one is not Divine beast?

What if they ascend...?

Thinking about Yang Yiyun, he broke into a cold sweat.

Nine times out of ten, it’s them~

They are all divine beasts, such as Diao'er and Yun Lei Beast. They are all very talented and don't need to be inferior to the divine beasts.

Could it be that they really ascended...?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun asked: "Second Senior Brother, how do you get to that foreign world? What's the situation? Can the human race not enter?" Yang Yiyun asked three questions in a row.

Xingchenzi said: "The foreign world is also a part of the fairy world, but it is occupied by demon cultivators and giants of other races. It is not in conflict with the human race. It is also a very big world. The human race is not welcome, but there are also strong human race people. But Very few, hostile to humans.

That place is on the same level as the Nine Heavens. It is similar to the Nine Heavens. Of course, it is also similar to the Demon Realm where the Demons live. If I want to enter the Starry Sky Sea and fly hundreds of thousands of miles in a straight line, there will be a barrier. Then I will be able to sense the three waves. One kind of power is immortal energy, which represents the ninth heaven, and you can enter the ninth heaven. The other kind is the alien energy, which is similar to the demonic energy, but stronger than the demonic power. Entering it is the foreign world. The last one is the demonic energy. Entering it is Where the devil is.

Three places, no matter where you are in the Immortal Realm, you can feel it by flying a hundred thousand miles straight into the Starry Sky Sea. When the time comes, you can break through the barrier and enter it with enough strength. However, my junior brother's cultivation level must at least be that of an Immortal Emperor. Otherwise, the barrier will not be broken, and you will easily lose your life after entering the critical moment.

Regardless of whether it is the alien world or the demon world, they are hostile to the human race, and only the strong can do so. The opposite is the same. Whether they are the alien world or the demon world, creatures will be dealt with as long as they enter the fairy world, but there are agreements between various races. , on the surface, he would not do anything casually.

Junior brother, don’t say you are going to a foreign world? That’s not a joke. Even if the Immortal Emperor goes in, he may not be able to come out safely. If you have disciples in the lower world in the foreign world... oh, it’s really hard to say. Let’s think about it in the long term~”

Yang Yiyun fell into deep thought after hearing this...

Immediately, he made a decision in his heart. When Dao Yuan recovered, he would go to the foreign world. No matter what, Diao'er, Xiao Fenghuang and others were his closest relatives, or demons. If he didn't go and look for it, he would feel like it in his heart. Can't settle down.

If there really were monsters at the level of mythical beasts ascending, he thought it would be Diao'er, Little Phoenix, etc.

must go.

After a great battle, he has finally destroyed the Duan Qian family and made a name for himself. Moreover, with his senior brother and others here, there will be no problems at the Yunmen base.

It is also under construction, and no one in the human race has ascended yet. According to the second senior brother, it will take two to three hundred years to ascend in large areas. He will use this time to go to the foreign world to find out. Mink them.

"Second Senior Brother, please help me repair the Star Formation with Little Senior Sister. I'm going to retreat to recover my Dao Yuan." After Yang Yiyun finished speaking, he walked away directly. After he heard about the ascension of the divine beast, he felt nothing. My brains are full of Diaoer, Little Phoenix and even Sister Mei...

At present, I just want to retreat to recover my Daoyuan, and then go to the foreign world to find Diaoer and the others.

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