My Master Is a God

Chapter 2281 Purple Gold Armor Emperor

"Senior sister...?"

Yang Yiyun called out, his eyes questioning.

Ji Zixia stepped forward and said: "Junior brother, put away the flying sword first. I want to confirm something. I will give you the reason later. Besides, he has been defeated miserably and has been punished by you. He can no longer make trouble."

"Okay senior sister, I will follow your arrangements." Yang Yiyun was not prepared to ask anything, because he knew that what the senior sister did was for his own good. Yang Yiyun trusted a senior sister who could risk her life for herself unconditionally.

Ji Zixia smiled very satisfied when she heard Yang Yiyun's answer.

Then Yang Yiyun put away the dragon-slaying sword and the dragon-coiling sword that were impaled on the pangolin with a wave of his hand, causing the pangolin to scream in agony.

At this time, Yang Yiyun was actually angry. Seeing the miserable state of the pangolin, he felt happy. It didn't matter whether he killed it or not. It wasn't too late to send him on his way after the young senior sister had finished asking her questions.

At this time, the little senior sister kicked the pangolin's huge body and said, "Transformation, my aunt has something to ask you."

As he spoke, he pulled off a scale on the pangolin with a wave of his hand, causing the pangolin to scream in pain.

The next moment, the pangolin's body flashed red and turned into a human form, but its hands were still claws covered with scales.

For the pangolin, he just escaped from the gate of hell. He didn't even finish his begging for mercy when the white-haired human was hit. He felt the substantial murderous intent. At that moment, he believed that he was dead, but he didn't expect the key point. This human race stopped, and another human race woman came over to talk. It seemed that this woman was begging for mercy and not killing him.

Pangolins are now deeply afraid of humans.

In his eyes, this white-haired young man from the human race is simply a freak.

Like the previous monkey, he was at the Demon King level and could fight anywhere.

Especially this white-haired young man from the human race is even more perverted. When the three earth-yellow balls exploded before, even if he activated the blood forbidden technique and paid the price of thousands of years of cultivation, his inscription defense was exploded, and then a The woman in red armor came over and punched him away without using any magic power.

In fact, all of these people are perverts and cannot be offended...

Even if he is still alive now, he is already covered in bruises and is half dead.

But it's not too good to die. As long as you can survive, the lost cultivation can be replenished and the injuries sustained can also be recovered.

The key depends on how the other party treats him.

It sounds like this human woman wants to ask him something, but she doesn't know what to ask. Will she let him go after asking?

Pangolin's heart was filled with anxiety. Hearing the scolding, he turned into a human form and lay on the ground. He looked at the human woman in front of him with some fear.

At this time, I heard this human woman ask: "Did the inscription on your body come from the Zijin Royal Family?"

Hearing this question, Pangolin was shocked all over. He opened his mouth, but a large mouthful of blood spit out. I don't know if it was because of his serious injury or other reasons, but this question was interrupted anyway.

However, Ji Zixia, who was on the side, was playing with the scales plucked from the pangolin and staring at the pangolin that was vomiting blood with a playful face. She looked very patient and raised the corners of her mouth and said: "You vomit blood first, and then answer after you finish vomiting, Auntie, don't you?" hurry."

"Pfft~" Yang Yiyun couldn't help laughing when he heard the senior sister's words. He didn't expect that the young senior sister had such a humorous side.

However, he did not disturb the young senior sister, but asked in a low voice, Daya Bai beside him: "Senior Brother Bai Ya, what does the purple and gold royal family in the young senior sister's mouth mean?"

The name Bai Ya was given by Yang Yiyun casually, and it felt friendly. Daya Bai didn't say anything but was very happy. Regarding Yang Yiyun's question, Daya Bai pondered for a moment and whispered: "What kind of weapon did you use to blow up the pangolin before? Senior Sister Zixia and I saw a kind of inscription appearing on the pangolin, and the only demon clan with that kind of inscription in the entire foreign world, and even the fairy world, was the Zijin Royal Family.

As for the Purple Gold Royal Clan, we are talking about the Purple Gold Pangolin Clan. The Purple Gold Pangolin Clan is famous because there is a strong person in this clan, the Purple Gold Armor Emperor, and the Purple Gold Armor Emperor is one of the five giants in the foreign world, occupying the northern territory of the foreign world. The status is equivalent to that of the three great deities in your human fairy world.

The Purple-Gold Armor Emperor is the pinnacle of the Great Perfection of Immortals, and is an ancient and famous emperor. Although the pangolin in front of him is not of the Purple-Gold clan, its scales are red, and it looks like an ordinary pangolin, but the flashing inscriptions on its body are very much like the Purple-Gold Pangolin clan. , so Senior Sister Zixia blocked your exit. She is asking now to confirm whether this pangolin has nothing to do with the Zijin Armor Emperor. If so, Junior Brother, if you kill him... you will still be in big trouble. After all, the Purple Gold Armor Emperor is one of the five giants in the foreign world, which is very terrifying. "

After listening to what Big Yabai said, Yang Yiyun was also shocked. Although he was arrogant and had a powerful master, if this pangolin was someone like the Purple Gold Armor Emperor, once he killed him, he would really be in trouble. And It will be big trouble.

He is arrogant, but not arrogant enough to ignore the giants. With his current cultivation strength, let alone the Purple Gold Armored Emperor, one of the five giants in the foreign world, he is no match even for the Immortal Lord level.

Regardless of whether the senior sister stopped him, he knew that the senior sister had her reasons.

Now let’s see if this pangolin is related to the Purple Gold Armor Emperor.

If there is, even if the pangolin is spared, the Liangzi will still be regarded as taking over, and once it is killed, the consequences will be more serious. As long as it is not killed, there is room for everything.

He nodded to show that he understood, and then Yang Yiyun asked: "Senior Brother Bai Ya, by the way, tell me about the other three giants in the foreign world~"

He talked about this issue with his senior sister last time, and the senior sister only talked about the White Dragon King, and the other four giants hadn't had time to understand it yet.

Now I know from Daya Bai’s mouth that the giant in the north of the foreign world, the Zijin Armor Emperor.

The remaining three giants from the southeast, north, and south are not known yet. It’s just a good idea to get to know them. Now that we are operating in the foreign world, we still need to understand these giants.

Daya Bai nodded and said: "The giant of the East is called the Flame Lion King. His body is a mutated flame lion beast. He is gifted with magical powers and is born with fire. His flames are extraordinary. If a forest is burned by the flames of the Lion King, it will be burned for thousands of years." There will be no grass growing inside...

The giant of the south is called the White Whale King. His true body is a great white whale, and he is entrenched in the Southern Ze Country. It is said that the White Whale King can spit out a mouthful of saliva, and it can flood the land for millions of miles. It can spit out cold air and freeze it for thousands of miles, and the White Whale can swallow the sky in anger. Devouring the ground is extremely terrifying~"

The Western giant is called the Mountain Eagle King. The local is a mutated lightning eagle, as big as a mountain, so he has the title of Mountain Eagle King. He commands the birds in foreign lands and appears and disappears. It is rumored that he is the fastest among the five giants.

There is also the White Dragon King who occupies the central land. He is one of the five giants who keeps a low profile. He is a kind of dragon that never sees its end. There are very few rumors about the White Dragon King in the foreign world. It is just that it is said that the White Dragon King likes women and women. Strange stones and rare treasures, I like to collect sparkling things the most...

The Zijin Armor Emperor is the only giant among the five giants who is known as the emperor. It is rumored that he is the most terrifying one, but no one knows what the Zijin Armor Emperor has. I think this is the real reason why Sister Zixia stopped you from killing the pangolin. , because the entire fairy world may not be fully aware of the strength of the Purple Gold Armor Emperor. "

After Daya Bai finished speaking, Yang Yiyun had an understanding of the five giants in the foreign world. Indeed, according to Daya Bai, the five giants in the foreign world were not easy to mess with. They were all old monsters at the peak of immortality and were unfathomable.

However, I remember that my senior sister said that the old man seemed to have fought with the four giants of the southeast, northwest and northwest of the foreign world and won. I don’t know if it is true.

The White Dragon King in the center heard from his senior sister that the old man was dead and went directly to the White Dragon King's house. Although there was no fight, he offended the White Dragon King and made the White Dragon King very angry.

Calculating it this way, the old man has offended all the five demon giants in the foreign world. If the five giants find out that he and his senior sister are the disciples of the old man, wouldn't they suffer?

Thinking of this, Yang Yiyun slowly became bitter and cursed the old man a hundred times in his heart.

At this moment, I heard the young senior sister say to the pangolin: "After you vomit, answer my question. Does the inscription on your body have anything to do with the Zijin clan? Well... it's best to tell the truth and don't let my aunt touch you. It’s rough~”

The words were full of danger. Yang Yiyun also pricked up his ears at this time and said in his heart: "I hope it has nothing to do with the Purple Gold Armor Emperor..."

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